crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
"disability only exists because the world isnt accessible" idk how to tell you this but chronic pain still hurts
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
IF YOU HAVE STRUGGLED TO GET YOUR ADHD MEDICATION, YOU HAVE 60 DAYS TO TELL THE FTC YOUR STORY FOR CONSIDERATION IN THIS INQUIRY AT THE LINK BELOW! The FTC must read all responses. So tell them about having to call multiple pharmacies, being unable to get generics, your struggles with insurance coverage, everything!
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
In the olden days they did things so sensibly. Page 8 of The Liverpool Daily Post, 29 March 1937
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
what a beautiful thing, to be queer. how lovely it is to be strange, to have edges that spill out over the lines, to be undefinable. the oddity of our hearts is something to be treasured. never change for anyone.
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
I love when people integrate my disabilities into kink. Like yes please make me ride you until I physically start giving out then take over thrusting into me while still underneath me. Swat me with my own cane. Lay my braces out for me with the lingerie you pick. Look up ways to tie me up that aren't putting pressure on my bad joints. Plan out multiple positions so we can keep me from getting sore. Take over jerking yourself off for me and make me watch when my wrists are giving out. Somno on days I'm too in pain to do anything but sleep. Intox kink when I'm self medicating for the pain. Sensory deprivation when I'm too overstimulated to enjoy myself. Disabled people can still be kinky and it makes me so much hornier when you take my disabilities into account!!!
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
re: that last post, ive said it before and ill say it again: no one deserves to die (deserving is fake and death is bad) but some people need to be stopped and choose to make death the only way to stop them
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
The Queer History of Self Care
While the term self-care started with the medical community, specifically discussing how it can improve the lives of people with mental illness, Michael Foucault has traced the ideology back further to Socrates.
The roots of the current understanding of the term can be found with The Black Panthers. Black women, in particular, have been recognized as the people pushing forward the idea that self-care was necessary for activist communities to continue their work and energize their minds.
Black feminist lesbian activist Audre Lorde is often credited as the woman behind how self-care is viewed today with the iconic quote:
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”
In current discussions, queer women of colour continue to be the leaders. Though there has been an attempt to depoliticize self-care, the origins and history of the term don't allow for a non-political interpretation. Self-care as it exists today was built by and for the marginalized. It is a tool not only to care for the self but also for the dismantling of systems of oppression.
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
me when the disability disables me: oh what the fuck? this sucks. what the hell man!
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
oh i don't know what young adult needs to hear this but you should google what day your 10,000th day will be & set a reminder in your calendar. it happens somewhere in your 27th year. i was really bummed when i googled my own and found out i had missed it by like 2 months.
(if you missed yours too, no worries, we both get another chance to celebrate 15,000 at 41. Unfortunately you will be 54 years old before you are 20,000 days old, at which point we will have overthrown the concept of linear time anyway)
life is very cute, and you have struggled a very long time to be here, and i love you. sometimes i think we need to invent our reasons for celebration. maybe today you are 10,345 days old. or 12,345. or 8,435. maybe u should just celebrate because it is a weekday, and those are hard days. i love u , light a candle and blow it out. i'm proud of you for staying.
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
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here's a link! you'll have to make an account in order to pre-order (for free) and access the course. 🤟
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
mental illness hasn’t been destigmatised but commercialised
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
i just rbed a post about something similar but. i need my white disabled to folks to be more aware of the privileges they have when navigating the healthcare system. every bit of medical ableism one can experience can be made even worse by being a poc. some of us can't threaten to report a doctor to the ethics board, or refuse care from healthcare workers who aren't masking, without jeopardizing our access to care in general or even our physical safety. we are more likely to be seen as drug seeking, or marked as noncompliant, or experience medical abuse and neglect. that's not to say these things don't happen to white disabled people, but i just think it's important to recognize how dangerous receiving medical care can be for disabled poc specifically. please keep this in mind when giving advice on navigating healthcare.
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
reminder that what is undignified for disabled people is entirely dependent on the individual and the context.
When I do not have access to my regular AAC methods or my AAC is not being respected, I may sometimes communicate using vocalisations like grunts or whines, and this is often uncomfortable and feels undignified. However, I frequently choose to communicate this way around friends to be playful, or to communicate general displeasure or fatigue.
For some wheelchair users, the idea of crawling or otherwise mobilising on the floor may be strongly undignified. But for others, or in safe, comfortable environments like their own homes, it may be easier or preferred, or an important part of recreation and physical therapy.
Always most important to respect and acknowledge the wants, needs and opinions of the disabled people involved.
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
shoutout to southern queers fr, holy christ y'all deserve recognition and celebration
show some appreciation and support for queers in the american south pls
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
I think it's actually cool and great not to have any especially specific descriptors for your gender and/or orientation. just do whatever you want. yeehaw.
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crazycrippledqueer · 4 months
Btw, if you have not had tragedy dropped on you before, grief does fuck you up in unexpected and physical ways. If you can’t sleep or sleep more than expected or have more or reduced appetite, or energy goes weird— your brain just had a bunch of emotions dropped on it and sometimes it reacts by hitting every button in your brain. It will pass. Just try to not get too frustrated with yourself.
It’s also fine if you feel normal. Grief literally hits everybody differently, and some people are made to be able to to keep the farm going the day after a death, and some of us turn into sleepless gargoyles and get really into trying to help, and some of us are just unspeakably sad. Grief is weird. Be kind to yourself.
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