crazylittlemissjojo · 8 years
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Adam, who lives in Nigeria, uses her Instagram account Hijarbie to showcase this awesome “mini hijab fashion.”
Follow @this-is-life-actually
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crazylittlemissjojo · 8 years
get rich or die trying to graduate from college
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crazylittlemissjojo · 8 years
The boy behind the “success kid” meme is all grown up — and trying to use his viral fame to save his dad’s life
Remember this little guy? His name’s Sam Griner. 
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On Aug. 26, 2007 his mom took a photo of him at 11-months-old, standing on the beach in a green and white shirt, staring into the camera and making a determined little fist. Soon after, the photo morphed into the “Success Kid” meme, and Sam was Internet famous. 
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He’s now 8 years old:
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And he’s trying to use his Internet fame to find a kidney donor and save his dad’s life. 
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(Visit the family’s GoFundMe page for more).
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crazylittlemissjojo · 8 years
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crazylittlemissjojo · 8 years
Don’t apologize for your dog coming up to me, that is exactly what I wanted
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crazylittlemissjojo · 8 years
The physics of the “hardest move” in ballet - Arleen Sugano (Ted Talks)-   Fouettés
Let’s Begin…In the third act of “Swan Lake”, the Black Swan pulls off a seemingly endless series of turns, bobbing up and down on one pointed foot and spinning around and around and around … thirty-two times. How is this move — which is called a fouetté — even possible? Arleen Sugano unravels the physics of this famous ballet move.
Fouettés are mysterious. When they’re on, they create a practically transcendental relationship between gravity and alignment, making everything feel effortless. But when they’re off, they’re way off. It can feel like you don’t know how to stand up, let alone turn.
There are a million different aspects of your technique to keep in mind, and even more ways to visualize a successful fouetté sequence. But when was the last time you considered the science behind the step?
This TEDx talk gets into the nitty-gritty of force, momentum and torque, explaining how your plié, legs and arms work together to sustain the turn. The clear explanation of angular momentum might be just what you need to pull in for that triple. by Nicole Loeffler-Gladstone
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crazylittlemissjojo · 9 years
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All Three Major News Networks Ignored Bernie Sanders’ Speech Tuesday Night, To Show Empty Trump Podium
As Bernie Sanders took the stage on Tuesday night, the cable networks continued doing what they do best – talking.
Fox News, CNN and MSNBC all declined to carry Sanders’ speech, instead offering jokes about the evening while showing live coverage of Trumps empty podium while promising that we were all, “AWAITING TRUMP” and “STANDING BY FOR TRUMP.“ 
As if these stations couldn’t get any more corrupt, The Huffington Post’s Michael Calderone reported that the media have collectively given Trump some $2 billion worth of free air time.
Don’t be fooled by the media ya’ll. You can watch his incredible speech here & remember You ARE his media
#StayWoke #FeelTheBern
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crazylittlemissjojo · 9 years
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Rape has become endemic in South Africa, so a medical technician named Sonette Ehlers developed a product that immediately gathered national attention there. Ehlers had never forgotten a rape victim telling her forlornly, “If only I had teeth down there.”
Some time afterward, a man came into the hospital where Ehlers works in excruciating pain because his penis was stuck in his pants zipper.
Ehlers merged those images and came up with a product she called Rapex. It resembles a tube, with barbs inside. The woman inserts it like a tampon, with an applicator, and any man who tries to rape the woman impales himself on the barbs and must go to an emergency room to have the Rapex removed.
When critics complained that it was a medieval punishment, Ehlers replied tersely, “A medieval device for a medieval deed.” 
- Half the Sky, Nicholas Kristof
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crazylittlemissjojo · 9 years
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crazylittlemissjojo · 9 years
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(Fact Source) for more facts, follow Ultrafacts 
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crazylittlemissjojo · 9 years
So ya know how anti-choice trashcans say "what if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of a fetus that gets aborted?"
But since fetuses already knowing advanced medical sciences aren’t a thing, I figured I’d provide some more valid alternatives:
What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of someone who has a “black sounding” name and gets their school application thrown out?
What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of someone who accidentally becomes pregnant where abortion is illegal or very difficult to access and they are forced to quit the sciences to raise the child?
What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of a fat person whose credibility in the medical field is destroyed because they are assumed to be “unhealthy” and a hypocrite?
What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of a person who starves to death?
What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of someone who is murdered by drones or police?
What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of someone who is raped and cannot continue their research due to trauma?
What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of someone who is killed in a shooting because some below average teen boy couldn’t get laid?
I mean if you wanna talk about real life actual things that prevent scientific advancement look no further than capitalism, misogyny, ableism, racism, violence, oppression. But I guess that doesn’t allow you to control people’s bodies and push your gross agenda.
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crazylittlemissjojo · 9 years
I found a pun that works in both English and Spanish
Where do cats go when they die? Purrgatory.
¿De dónde van los gatos cuando mueren? Purgatorio.
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crazylittlemissjojo · 9 years
I just got back from shopping and I saw the nerf gun lying behind the sofa
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and I was so confused, but then I heard someone laughing 
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and it was my nan, she’s 80 for christ sake
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just look at the concentration on her face
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and how proud she was when she shot my sister on the side of the head, she’s so amazed by nerf guns it’s so funny, just look at her face
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crazylittlemissjojo · 9 years
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crazylittlemissjojo · 9 years
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From Spiderman speech to I love you: Sheldon’s feelings for Amy.
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crazylittlemissjojo · 9 years
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crazylittlemissjojo · 9 years
I’m pretty proud of myself
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