crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
I currently don’t take any, but knowing this could help someone - imma reblog
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
if i see a single person saying a fan is lesser for sharing a ticket/not buying a ticket for louis’ stream, i am going to personally fucking fist fight you. the classist nonsense that art should only be accessible to those with expendable income needs to END. louis is a MULTI MILLIONAIRE, if he personally feels like enough hasn’t been raised in ticket money, he can fucking donate some more. good experiences in the forms of art and live music shouldn’t only be available to people who have money or the means to purchase. stay in your fucking lane and shut your fucking mouth if you think not being able to/not getting a ticket means that person is a lesser fan
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
“they make each other laugh so much !!!” This makes me wanna punch a wall its my favorite thing in the world
listen…. they are best friends first and foremost and it’s my favourite thing about them. they are both genuinely pretty weird/quirky but their weird lines up and it makes them smile/laugh at/with the other constantly and i…….
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just !!!!!!!!
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get !!!!!!!!!!!
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so !!!!!!!!
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fucking !!!!!!!!
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emo !!!!!!
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about it !!!!!!!!
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
simply thinking about them :-(
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
Toy Box
Part 7
Read on ao3
“I don’t know what to do.”
Billy thunked his head on the table. Heather reached out, absentmindedly scratching the back oh his head before withdrawing, going back to typing away at her laptop.
“Just fuck him.” Billy sat up properly, staring at her, unimpressed.
“But we have to like, live together. And he already gets so, awkward with me, if we fuck and then, that’s it, he’ll get weird.”
“Then date him.” She hadn’t looked at him the whole time, simply tapping away at her homework.
“But, what if things go bad, and we have to live together, or, or he moves out or something?” Heather sighed, giving him a look over her laptop.
“Billy, either you make a move, or you deal. You’ve been whining for days.”
“Because the universe dropped the perfect guy into my lap, and I can do shit all about it.” Heather sighed loudly.
“You could.”
“I can not fuck this up though. He left his medicine bag in the bathroom this morning, he’s on some pretty hardcore anti-anxiety and antidepressants and shit. And, like, we got high together, and he was definitely drunk the other night, so I don’t think he actually takes them, which is, something I don’t feel is my place to bring up to him. I mean, we’re like friends? I think after last night?” Heather was still typing quickly. “So, like, if this goes south, it could go south.”
“Billy, as shitty as it sounds, you can not constantly be worried about everyone around you. And, what if everything goes well? You ever think about that?”
“‘Course not. I’m a pessimist by design.” Heather closed her laptop a little bit, taking him in.
“If you’re really worried about him, maybe you could talk to someone. Didn’t you say he has a friend he talks about a lot?”
“Yeah, Robin.”
“If you’re freaked but you feel like it’s not your place, maybe talk to her?”
“But they were drinking together.”
“Maybe she doesn’t know? Maybe he doesn’t like to tell people. Were they like, right there or did you go snooping?” Billy looked down at the table, tracing the wood grain. “You did not.”
“I noticed him putting the medicine bag in his backpack when he went to Robin’s yesterday, and then it was there and it was open, I didn’t have to unzip it.”
“That’s not better.” Billy shrugged. “You’re a freak.”
“I’m concerned.”
“Steve’s a grownup. And besides, some medications you can drink on. It’s not, like, recommended, but you can.”
“Heather, you know I barely paid attention in psych.”
“Yeah, you napped next to me everyday and then copied all my notes. And somehow scored better than me on the final.” Billy grinned at her.
“Cramming works. If you don’t mind forgetting the material the second you finish the test.”
“Yeah, I prefer learning.”
“Nerd.” She kicked him under the table. He pouted at her.
“I don’t really know what to tell you here, Billy. If you can find a way to bring it up to him, then do so, but if not, trust that he’s managing himself. If he’s on those, he has a psychiatrist, a pharmacist, and probably a therapist that have explained everything to him.” Billy grunted, leaning forward to plant his forehead back on the table.
“I just feel stupid. I’m getting all, all-”
“Boyfriendy.” Billy lifted his head a little bit to let it fall back onto the table. “You know it’s true. You always get like this about the guys you like. All alpha-male overprotective.”
“It’s not my fault I only like guys that are, needy, and reliant.” Heather stared at him.
“A psychoanalyst would have a field day with you.” It was Billy’s turn to kick her under the table. He sat back up.
“He accidentally called me daddy today.” She stared at him.
“How do you accidentally call someone daddy?” Billy shrugged.
“Steve found a way.” He sighed, flicking at his empty mug. “He said it was a joke with his friend. That whenever she gets bossy he’ll say yes, Daddy. Which, I told him to eat, and he said that.”
“Jesus, you both are analyst bait.”
“Stop saying that.” She rolled her eyes, pushing her laptop back open, looking back over her work.
“I had to jerk off after he said it.” She choked, thumping on her chest as she coughed.
“That’s so much.”
“Like, the second he said it? Hard as a fucking rock.”
“Billy, I don’t wanna know that.”
“What? You like dick.”
“But not your dick.” He huffed.
“Just ‘cause my dick doesn’t like you-”
“It’s less your dick, more the you that comes attached to it.”
“You want someone to talk about your dick with, go find Steve. Stick it in him while you’re at it.”
“Jeez, Heather. Do you have to be so graphic?”
She gave him another unimpressed look. Billy checked the clock on his phone.
“Actually, I should go. Steve seemed kinda in a funk when I left. Probably from not taking his fucking meds. I was gonna bring him dinner.”
Heather rolled her eyes.
“Alpha-male protectiveness.”
“Sorry that I’m thoughtful.”
“Yeah, a real daddy.”
Billy winked at her.
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
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social media au
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
the beauty of these two xxx
this is beautiful, is it?
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
I can totally understand why Alex is so nervous around Willie.
I mean..
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The look he‘s giving him?!
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The eyebrow wiggle.
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The lip bite!!!
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And Willie looking Alex deep into the eyes and saying "There‘s a lot to uhm.. like here.“
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He is a snacc and he absolutely knows it. Booboo is doing an amazing job!
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
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He’s quite outspoken. You need someone like that, because he’s great at standing up for us as a band.
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
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Louis Tomlinson via close friends instagram story. 
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
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I'm a little late but here's an animation I made to celebrate 10 years of 1D.
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
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I’m not saying that he said pussy… but, no, yeah, he totally said pussy. (x)
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
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Rip Chadwick Boseman 🌹🕊
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
Think I would be in physical tears for the entirety of the show if this actually happened
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AU: (THEY DON’T) KNOW ABOUT US: The music industry’s best (or worst) kept secret? Famously rumoured and famously denied relationship between Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles. We allow the couple to tell their true story in exclusive Netflix tell all docu-series.
template credit. click for HQ. 
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
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ALWAYS YOU A Netflix Original Series (click to enlarge)
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crazyr3dh3adfan · 4 years
Haha not sure If I’m comfortable with how much this affects me
duffers: hopper’s alive!!! he’s the american in the cell!!! he’s got a shaved head now!!!!
me, holding a picture of billy tightly to my chest: i need you to understand that i Do Not care
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