creamew · 2 years
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Wasn’t sure if I still had it in me…
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creamew · 2 years
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creamew · 4 years
The weak breeze whispers nothing
The water screams sublime
His feet shift, teeter-totter
Deep breath, stand back, it’s time
Toes untouch the overpass
Soon he’s water bound
Eyes locked shut but peek to see
The view from halfway down
A little wind, a summer sun
A river rich and regal
A flood of fond endorphins
Brings a calm that knows no equal
You’re flying now
You see things much more clear than from the ground
It’s all okay, it would be
Were you not now halfway down
Thrash to break from gravity
What now could slow the drop
All I’d give for toes to touch
The safety back at top
But this is it, the deed is done
Silence drowns the sound
Before I leaped I should’ve seen
The view from halfway down
I really should’ve thought about
The view from halfway down
I wish I could’ve known about
The view from halfway down
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creamew · 4 years
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“Draw me like one of your french girls”
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creamew · 4 years
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Jeiko - Mei x Junkrat
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creamew · 5 years
If I fall will you catch me before I hit the ground
I can feel myself falling in love with you but I'm terrified you could never feel that way about me. I'm scared I'm not good enough, scared someone else will always be better, scared that maybe that's just not even what you want. I can feel my heart pulling back, getting more and more terrified as my feelings grow. I want to feel safe with you but I also want you to feel safe with me- because I can't help but think maybe you've been hurting too. Maybe you've been scared too. I keep fighting these thoughts alone each day, with a smile on my face for you, waiting for something to change, hoping these walls between us will break before I do..
Because I'd really like a chance for this to grow; maybe to let more of our feelings show;
A real chance to say, "I love you."
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creamew · 5 years
You felt like fragile feathers
Lighting softly on the floor-
Your sighs were somehow delicate,
Your tears were even more.
Ethereal and elegant,
You wished to be a stone,
To take your form and frailty
And face the world alone.
But you were never granite,
Not an island in the sea-
The wind and waves could break apart
Your body easily.
So should you come to trouble
When you're torn into a storm,
Remember there are those who love
Your feather-graceful form-
Who watch you gliding lithely
As you dance throughout the day-
Your company, your continent,
You've met along the way.
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creamew · 5 years
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creamew · 5 years
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Things I should commit to finishing
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creamew · 5 years
Quotes etc 1
Show me a man with no hope and I'll show you a man who knows how to dream.
Show me a man without a dream and I'll show you a man who's dead..
Those who wander are not always lost.
When you loved someone it feels like you cant make it a day without them, until one day you wakeup and realize you're doing just fine.
Often by living in fantasy we avoid living.
Walking a fine line
An angel satan left behind
There are things I want to tell you but I dont know how. I want to show you who I am but I dont even know that myself..
I dont want you to ever feel like you have to lie to me. I accept all of you, whether its good or bad, and I truly want you to be happy, so please dont ever fake anything with me. Please be yourself so you can be your happiest self, because I love all of you and I need you to know that.
You are still my sun moon and stars, and life will stand still without you in it..
When I was a river dried up
You came to rain a flood
And said drink from me, drink from me
When I was so thirsty
Put your wings on me, wings on me
When I was so heavy
"I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked..and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting under this fig tree, starving to death, because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet."
Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
My learning curve isn't a bell, it's a steep.
Sometimes putting a question into words is the only thing we need to find the answer for ourselves.
"Twice the pride, double the fall"
"I miss what I wish he was and I miss what he should've been but I dont miss him."
Some wounds cut much deeper than flesh
"You can't open the book of my life and start in the middle"
"If you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done."
"Im done chasing butterflies, I'll be the one who soars now."
Beautiful or rotten, memories can be forgotten.
But they can still change who we are, as we live each day with scars.
No one will know the truths that Ive shed
No one will know this path down which ive been led
No one will know the thoughts in my head
Tik tok
On the clock
How much time
Do you think you have
Before your life
Turns awfully bad.
There is always an end
Not if, but when
Tell me, when it comes
Will you be there, my friend?
Ive locked my heart away
No one will ever get close
Never another day
For the one i miss the most
Love isn't a cage, it's what sets you free.
Ive completely lost my mind,
And no I dont wanna be fine.
"It's all just for show. A commercial of how normal we are, when we're anything but."
"She was't given a choice,
His desperation stole her voice.
She never had a chance,
Sacrificed without a fight, victim of circumstance. "
I don't want to see your name,
I don't want to hear your words,
you're gone and for my sake,
I just want to see you purged.
No such thing as a good ending, only beautiful beginnings.
I was always told
that time would heal the pain
But even though it's been so long,
it still hurts just the same
"Wondering around lost in the moment can be fun for a bit. But it is just that...lost."
I love him, but He has a full life, I only fit in it because he makes time tor me. It makes me feel pathetic, like I'm leeching someone else's happiness..
Love is worth fighting for, but you can't be the only one fighting.
Sometimes just knowing that you reached their heart, is enough to find peace.
Its said that time's a healer
Im not sure this is true
There's not a day goes by
That I dont cry for you
"Sometimes it takes surrender to finally be happy"
It's hard to see the road ahead when you can't stop looking down for fear that cracks will open up beneath you.
"Begging to be loved is suicide. It's like skydiving naked, and expecting gravity to overturn."
I looked into the water and saw fish so bright they hurt my eyes
Like gems, they shimmered, beneath vast clear skies
And there I stared upon another world
An eden of green and blue
My whole life I've only ever wanted one thing, and it is the one thing I cannot find.
I need a reason to breathe
I need a reason to believe
"Most shadows in life are caused by standing in your own sunshine" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
It's even harder trusting someone, after knowing what it's like to be someone else's secret life.
Straight from Shakespeare "I wish we could become better strangers"
No one knows the real me, only the shell that they created.
They call it 'breaking up' because it is broken.
There's the person we think we are, and there's the person we actually are, and I assure you there is a difference.
Everyone has moments that only they can ever witness, and a perspective which only they can wholly know.
I don't want to hang but I'm reaching the end of my rope.
"You never know how somebody's going to destroy you"
The most important step in failure is taking ownership of your own mistakes and shortcomings, lest you repeat them forever.
"I wanted to write down exactly what I felt but somehow the paper stayed empty,
and I could not have described it any better."
Eyes only see what the mind is ready to comprehend, and mine have been playing tricks on me.
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creamew · 5 years
Quotes 2
It's not my job to protect your feelings, when you disregard mine.
My love for him blossomed like a seed
And before i knew it there was beauty in my life again, flowering with great nourishment.
"I daydream of your smile. And your hugs."
Isn't it amazing yet terrifying, that the human mind can get so lost in its own perspective it becomes blind to the world around it.
Hate is just a broken and hurt form of love. I'd rather feel nothing at all.
We live in a world so full of broken people, where everyone's trying so hard not to feel anything that they miss the best of everything.
When the final brick is laid, when the last glint of light abandons the traces of my face, then I will close my eyes and let this world grow distant. No one will reach me in the walls that I build.
Bit by bit they chipped away the pieces, until not even the dust was left to settle.
There are too many monsters under my bed, and I fell in love with one. I want to escape, but the ropes bind to my heart, and I'm tearing myself apart to break free.
You wiped me off the face of the earth.
That feeling... It was like my body was trying to turn itself inside out.
You cannot take me and expect to have me. You have to work to know me, if you truly want me. If you truly want anyone.
Everything is temporary - some things just last longer than others.
Some things can't be replaced, you can only hope for the day you forget enough to stop missing it.
Solving too many puzzles can wreck a person, you see pieces come together even when you're not looking for them.
"Wish on your lucky stars, 'cause it's all that you got.
Won't get you very far when the music stops.
You think I don't see who you really are-
I've got news coming, I've seen it all from the start. "
Sometimes we are more similar to the people we hate than we care to admit, but those are the most important lessons to learn.
I never listen close enough when they warn me. I only hear it once it's too late.
Everybody's watching her, but she's looking at you.
In a sea of extraordinary people, I feel so incredibly ordinary..
"When you treat nothing as coincidence, you can find anything you're looking for."
Waiting for the right time to say it, but it never seems right. I'm starting to think it's the words that are wrong.
Everything has fallen into my lap when I least expected it, and out of my hands when I most wanted it.
Poison is funny that way, the things that are the worst for you are the hardest to get out of your system.
When something scares you you can either run from it and let that fear weigh you down forever, or you can face it and remove those burdens in an instant.
I've been afraid my whole life but I always willed to be stronger than those fears. But lately, I'm getting too tired to keep being strong. And maybe it's important to realize that being weak sometimes is okay too.
When you just want one person, but you can't find one person who just wants you.
"Everyone we have ever loved with our eyes will die the moment we lose sight."
Why is it that the questions we already know the answers to, are the ones we desperately need to hear the most?
I think the thing I hate more than falling apart are the small moments between where everything feels fine, when I know I really don't.
It's an ache I can't describe.
It isn't the thoughts that haunt you when you're at your lowest that are most dangerous, it is the thoughts that remain when everything should be okay.
It is intoxicating to let yourself feel.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
And maybe sometimes it hurts a little.
Maybe sometimes it hurts alot.
But once you feel it, you can't live without.
And maybe people wont understand
How you cared so much about someone who didn't
But if everything in life is temporary
Atleast you made it your fullest.
Atleast you let your heart breathe, instead of being the one to suffocate it.
I can't even say im sinking anymore, my head is under water and I've stopped fighting it
I fall in love with the broken parts of people, the way I wish someone would fall in love with mine.
There will always be something
Bigger or better
You only find value
When you learn how to treasure
"Shouting as she ran, every bullet was a word."
"The depth of your love is the depth of your wound."
Don't worry when people are screaming. If people are screaming they're still trying.
Worry when they stop.
" A gift can often be a curse. Give someone wings, and they may fly too close to the sun. Give them the power of prophecy, and they may live in fear of the future. "
"All it takes is a beautiful smile to hide an injured soul, and they will never notice how broken you are" - Robin Williams
Every day is like a small dose of poison.
I never once thought you were cheating, but I was jealous of the notion that there were people you cared to know everything about, while caring nothing to know about me. I just want to be a real person in your eyes, not another face in the crowd.
I wish I could know that some day I'll find my way, because it really just doesn't feel like it anymore. Too old to be this lost.
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creamew · 5 years
Quotes 3
“Lovers never meet, they are in eachother always.”
“And when the darkness comes for me
To take me where I'm meant to be -
To guide me out beyond the black,
Forever on,
and never back -
To lead me through the final door
Till all that is and was before
Is nothing more than dreams at night -
I will not fret.
I will not fight.”
"The scariest moment is always just before you start" - stephen king
I held on so tightly to that last bit of light in my heart, but i just cant anymore
I wish that I had anything left in me, but i just dont anymore
You can either be yourself unappologetically, or suffocate in the crowd. The crowd might still burry you eventually, but atleast you tasted happiness for your final meal.
I don't know how to make the right choices, when every option is the wrong one.
"In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again."
Maybe I'm the one imagining this
Maybe I've finally lost my mind
But I cannot look you in the face
When I tell you that I'm fine
In an instant, and without a word, he saw the screams no one else heard.
In hurting others, the person we hurt most is ourself
Sometimes you need to invent a reason to hate them, because loving them is just too painful.
Weird how it takes losing yourself, to find yourself.
If you bury something, you carry it with you forever. If you let yourself feel, you are free.
Im already dead
I just need the bullet
I looked the devil in the eyes
And I kissed his scars
Because all wounds hurt
Not just ours
But I wish someone would save me
Before I let him take me
This devil holds my heart
And soon Ill fall apart
If adversity is supposed to make us stronger, why do I find myself growing more fragile instead.
"I can laugh about it I guess because if not I'll cry."
Stars burn brightest before they die out
"The truest darkness is not the absence of light, but the conviction that the light will never return"
Some people have heroin, I prefer to fall apart in strangers arms.
Happily ever after is a dream, and I've stopped sleeping.
I can't remember anymore, how many people have touched me
But I remember the ones who touched my heart.
We come into this world screaming
And we leave without a sound
darlin are you done dreaming
To lose that fight that you had found
"So tell me, which way should I go?
To the left, where nothing is right
Or to the right, where nothing is left"
It's a different kind of beauty, when for a moment the world is so quiet you can hear the snow falling around you.
No matter how far foreward we move, some wounds will ache for the rest of our lives.
I wish I could forget the things I don't have a reason to remember.
"The more you love the more you suffer "
- vincent vangogh
I looked into the water and saw fish so bright they hurt my eyes
Like gems, they shimmered, beneath vast clear skies
And there I stared upon another world
An eden of green and blue
There will always be something
Bigger or better
You only find value
When you learn how to treasure
Don't worry when people are screaming. If people are screaming they're still trying.
Worry when they stop.
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creamew · 5 years
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Another unfinished sketch for the graveyard. Props if you recognize the characters..
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creamew · 7 years
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creamew · 7 years
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creamew · 7 years
Honestly I have the biggest heart so if you’ve driven me to the point of not caring, then you really fucked up.
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creamew · 7 years
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Sleeping with the devil
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