creamyteacup · 12 hours
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creamyteacup · 12 hours
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Craigievar Castle Scotland
© E. Fitzpatrick
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creamyteacup · 17 hours
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Prince Andrew of Greece & Denmark assists his daughter Princess Margarita on her bicycle during a family visit to Schloss Wolfsgarten, Germany, 1910
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creamyteacup · 19 hours
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💗 💗 💗
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creamyteacup · 1 day
(Ignore if too personal)
Hi. I wonder if you could share how Catherine's diagnosis effected you? I know all of us were shocked so maybe we could all share some thoughts about it.
Hi anon. Thanks for the question.
Honestly, I still have a hard time believing it. I genuinely thought she would be better by Easter and never considered the worst. But it's her children that absolutely breaks my heart. She is so young and has a young family. The fears, hurt, and shock must be unimaginable for them.
But something I have learned (she is always teaching me things) is to be positive no matter what. The way she delivered that message while continuing to smile and think positively was genuinely inspiring.
I miss her but I hope she takes her time to fully recover and come back healthy.
God, I love our princess.
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creamyteacup · 1 day
Can I just say that with my current medieval obsession, I totally love this dress? It has such a medieval silhouette!
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I need her to wear those fancier sleeves too! They are totally her style.
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creamyteacup · 1 day
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Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis in their home, 1950s.
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creamyteacup · 1 day
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Catherine, Princess of Wales
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creamyteacup · 2 days
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“If Meghan has a job, it's to abandon projects or drive them into the ground. She drove her royal career into the ground. The Spotify deal crashed because she didn't meet "productivity benchmarks". Netflix deal started in 2020, they've made two docuseries about themselves and one about world leaders. (How many do they have "in the works"??) The Archewell charity is half-dead. This jam business isn't long for this world.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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creamyteacup · 2 days
I need to go back to see if I can find it … but I remember there being a tweet from a fashion account defending themselves after posting about Megan in NYC for her baby shower … stating this is as a media event and they had been invited to photograph and report on it. That’s when my tingling spidey senses really turned on Meghan. (I can’t believe I gave her the benefit of the doubt during that engagement interview !)
Might this be it? From another anon:
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(March 3, 2019 is the date that the anon screenshotted the tweet, which was posted February 19, 2019.)
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creamyteacup · 3 days
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“Loving the Kate Middleton doll on “Azalea’s Dress up Dolls” website!” - Submitted by Anonymous
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creamyteacup · 3 days
I have a slightly different opinion to you on the TTC “whole family” comment. Charles may be going with the whole family to:
1) minimize the aged look (agree here) and show the breadth of the line of succession
2) minimize the appearance/nonappearance of any one particular royal.
To this line, I think it will be everybody, even Duke of York who will hopefully get “lost in the crowd.” I don’t think Camilla’s family will be there (I think it will be Windsor-only (again, showcasing the breadth of line of succession.) And Catherine’s no appearance is minimized.
Anon, I get what you’re saying but it’s been 6 months since we last saw Kate in real time (the Christmas walk) and 2 months since we saw her on screen (the Mother’s Day photo and the video message). And we’re *still* talking about her absence.
Her non-appearance cannot be minimized, not when there’s all these rumors and conspiracy theories about “is she even alive” or “soft-launching William’s mistress” still spreading and being pushed by Sussex Squad.
Charles could run naked through the Horses Guard Parade Grounds and people would still talk about Kate’s absence and the conspiracy theories instead.
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creamyteacup · 3 days
Balcony should be for working royals and their children 21< only. The irony is Charles introduced the slimmed down balcony during the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. For all the big talk of Charles' foresight when it came to organic farming, etc.; he sure got the timing for a slimmed down monarchy very wrong, lol
I'm all in for a balcony with all the family. It looks too empty and sad with only the working royals. But I hope the RF is ready for a yearly "will they, wont they" if they bring back the full balcony. But most importantly, that Charles wont cave in to Harry, even if they make him look heartless.
I see your point.
I actually prefer the slimmed balcony of working royals. It emphasizes the line of succession and the future of the monarchy. Too many people pretending they’re relevant to the crown clutters the meaning and significance of what they do.
For one-off special occasions like jubilees, yes, let’s bring everyone out. But every year? No, because then we get clinger-ons using the monarchy for networking and deals and that’s the whole thing we’re trying to prevent anyway, right?
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creamyteacup · 3 days
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creamyteacup · 3 days
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“Queen Mary's engagement ring really received good updates over the years. It looked quite clunky initially even though the sentiment behind it was cute. The first upgrade came after the wedding when she wore it stacked with the diamond wedding band. But the later addition of the diamond baguettes on either side so each stone represented the four children was the real deal. Now it looks so nice when she wears it.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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creamyteacup · 3 days
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Venice, Italy 🇮🇹
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creamyteacup · 3 days
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This is so beautiful 😍
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