created2create · 10 months
Business Model Management
What your original goal was for this course.
My goal for this class was to try and gain a deeper understanding of how to properly grow both in management and overall as a business.
2. How the goal was met by the course.
This goal was met as we went over the metrics portion of class! I greatly appreciated this and will continue to dive deeper in metrics and learning all I can in this area!
3. What you learned from this course.
As stated in the previous question, I learned both in the area of metrics as well as leadership traits. Both of these topics are things I will forever be gaining knowledge in as well as be developed in.
4. How you will apply the material learned in the course personally or professionally.
I will be intentional on making sure my study never stops in these areas as well as hold myself accountable to those within the business! If and when I grow, Everyone around me grows!
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created2create · 11 months
Mastery Journal (Innovative work environments)
As always, I went into this course with an open mind! I never want to go into any learning experience with a fixed mindset on what it is I am wanting to learn! However, I was curious at to the direction business culture was headed! I had the great opportunity of learning where business culture was headed in the future and how to effectively navigate through it!
This course broke down what different companies were doing in order to meet the needs of their employees! I was shocked to learn that our company was on track with where things are headed!
I learned that coworing is what is and will be trending in the business realm! I learned the importance of work environment for your employees as well as being attentive too mental health in the work place.
We will be implementing a consistent personal growth program that will help us keep up with our employees and their well being! We will also make sure and have available space for them to go whenever the need to breath or take a break from the weight of life or work!
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created2create · 1 year
Mastery Journal ENF
What your original goal was for this course.
I went in to this class opened minded! I didn't necessarily have any goals but to consume every inch of material that I could.
How the goal was met by the course.
I would say that I have gotten more out of this course than I have since I started my degree! I have a complete understanding of how to function through the financial part of my business in a way that I thought I could never understand. Things that were confusing are now beginning to be more clear. I am thankful for ever week of this course!
How you will apply the material learned in the course personally or professionally.
I intend to Apply every worksheet as well as material I have researched as a part of our business work flow! We have already started implementing many of the topics to our company!
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created2create · 1 year
Mastery Journal Assignment
What your original goal was for this course.
One of the biggest aspects that I desired to take away from this course was being able to differentiate and understand a business model and a business plan. I also wanted to grow in the developmental process within these two areas.
How the goal was met by the course.
This course helped to break down the practicals of identifying the differences and then building out a plan along those lines. I also was challenged in writing and building in these areas. Although there were short assignments, It forced you to dig deep and put though into what you were doing, how you wanted to grow, and what direction you wanted to go.
What you learned from this course.
Some of the main things I learned from this course were being able to Identify who were my customers exactly, and understanding that my answer should not necessarily be "everyone" but I should be able to clearly identify who it is I am targeting! I was also forced to learn how to speak with and obtain clients. I went from feeling like I needed to do this by myself, but within this course I was pushed to find those willing to partner with me! I also learned what was needed in order to distribute my product or services. Learning to create a demand for my product was an interesting venture that I will need to be more intentional on in the future.
How you will apply the material learned in the course personally or professionally.
I am a believer in intentionality! I believe intentionality to practical things is what will help in my future success! Putting things in place in my day to day work that will allow me to evaluate where I am in any given season!
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