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Gracias https://www.instagram.com/p/CjWyVTcrw6D/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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La verdad yo te extraño, lo cierto es que es mentira. Animals - Pigs on the wing 📷@boiiiplzz (en Manhunt) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfLD0teL8Ne/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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—Hace un año casi muero pero ya no importa. Creo que me creí lo de "la vida es corta"— Solo por hoy exprimo cada momento. Feliz cumpleaños a mi hermano que justo el mismo día puedo celebrar a su lado. (en Life is for living) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce7kHG5L9y3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Tuve que correr directamente hacia el agua con paz para olvidar lo mucho que le temía
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El call center paga más que la mayoría de trabajos de un recién egresado
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“What are some fun things to do when drunk”?
Oh, I’ve got this! Someone asked me this soooo i started a list of things that I can answer with complete turstfulness with my given experience at this time. The following list has been thoroughly tested and approved by a discerning group of party professionals.
First, a disclaimer from the older me:
**This post is not promoting drinking or drug use or any other activity. Have fun, be safe, never drink and drive, always respect others boundaries, and please, please, don’t be an asshole, just an idiot **
Now, from my wilder days in the not-so-distant past from this month xD:
30 Ways To Enjoy Your liquor shid: A List for the drunk people 
have an air guitar contest with friends when attending a live show
perform a stirring karaoke duet of an Elvis song once the whiskey hits
go single and belt out “enanitos verdes”
stumble to the nearest food truck and spend whatever tha hell you got on your pocket on something greasy and amazing
put $5-$10 in the jukebox and only play “Eye’s without a Face” by Billy Idol over, and over, and over OR
put $5 - $10 in the jukebox and play every eminem and queen song available
make out with a hot stranger in a packed and public place
have deep existential debates with a bitter old bar fly
give your bartender a fat tip, especially on your first drink, ask them their name, then talk about and to them like you’ve been friends for 100 years
do bumps in the bar bathroom*, smoke a cigarrette in a bar bathroom
mud/jello/back yard wrestle
dance in the mosh pit and in ever fucking ska concert you freaking go bruh
stage dive at least once, it hurts but its worth the xp and the story
pee in some bushes
lay under the stars in your front yard and bond with a friend
play rummy or dice
watch High School Musical and sing along to every song
start a playlist that you and your drinking buddies add to every time you get wasted..keep it going for years and years
travel at uber and call the driver like a butler; only refer to them as ‘Jaime”; do remember to be polite, and tip well, like the the cultured maniac that you are doing some jokes around and being idiotic
go to a seedy strip club, and make it rain
take a bus to Sonora, watch la rumorosa and go back to Tijuana
have a living room sing-along to the entire ”Is this it” the strokes album
throw a giant musical event/party and get high and drunk ass fuck*
Gift a tattoo to someone
wear matching mario brothers outfits with a friend, then go for an adventure to the gas station for more cheap beer
Make an unique book and gift it to someone special
openly weep while rehashing every detail of your friendship with your BFF, in a sparsely populated bar, during lunch time
Request Im dancing with myself at a bar, then get on the floor and dance like your life depends on it
take a long nap at a wild party; when you wake up, gloat openly about your self-control when it comes to drinking; resume your drinking, and slur out life advice to anyone too drunk to walk away, they’ll get it for some reason xD
Try every liquour beverage from at least a week only to discover the differences 
Go to a drag show and live your best life
Make a song
Smoke weed with a stranger at a park
Play chess with an official pro
Go to a costume contest
Annoy your best friend with hiccups
Go running through the block and end up in your favourite bar talking with the owner
Discover every single song youtube or soundcloud recommends
Have a nice day, a nice trip, a nice life
Give a hug to someone, it feels nice, it is nice, ask for consent for it to happen c:
*And* next theres a list that leads to activities that participation could lead to citations or arrests, but are  fun as hell at the right time. Use caution, life is for having fun, experiences and get going with the flow, just keep it cool, everything will be just fine at the end, usually it is
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Don’t mess with mother russia, neither with vodka
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Consumidor de venenos ineficaces
ten cuidado con los disfraces
contigo mismo haz de hacer las paces
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Ya no vivo persiguiendo una estrella fugaz
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“Puro y elegante como el tango” - Sharif
Brindo trabajando con un whiskey y armonía
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Ulrimamente siento que mi casa no es mi lugar, pero tambien es una sensacion natural humana de dejar el nido, puedo sobrellevarla y vivir los beneficios de abundancia en mi hogar.
Pero por cuanto tiempo seguire viviendo así
Yo soy muy diferente a mi familia.
Soy desmadroso, soy inquieto, soy emprendedor, soy organizado...
Soy autodestructivo.
Y mas que nada soy ocioso y flojo, la flojera es la principal razón por la cual no me he ido, vivo con comodidad.
Alexis tiene razón
Con Vaca tengo trabajo de mercadotecnia, con chafis estabilidad familiar y  un entorno musical de aprendizaje, con Sam un mentor en producción y ayuda en un camino similar. Todos me aceptan con mis vicios, con mis defectos y virtudes pero no sé que es lo mejor ni lo que sigue para mí, hay tantas posibilidades en cada una que le temo. Mis metas son grandes, difíciles y quedan fuera otras opciones con su enfoque. 
Lo que he decidido es tener la estabilidad, la pregunta es como la quiero vivir, si es que la estabilidad es una definición dentro de lo que cabe, cuando sé que no lo es.
Agradezco mis oportunidades y eventualidades.
Hoy Sharif ha liberado otro disco, gracias por acompañarme en los tiempos difíciles de mi vida hermano, te mando un abrazo, trozos de mi.
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