creativeenquiry23hons · 4 months
Photos from install day 14/05/24. The installation went well today. The plan turned out the way I wanted it to, however during the transportation of my ‘sign post’ piece, some of the boards fell off. At first this was really stressful as I tired to glue it together with no luck. As a result I used commands strips. After some thought and advice from my lecturers I decided it was best to remove the ‘sign-post’ piece, it was not conveying the same ideas as my other works in the space and stood out too much. I have displayed it along side my other works in the studio space for assessment. When standing amongst my work there is almost a ritualistic atmosphere surrendering my work. This enhances the overall unsettling and scary atmosphere. You can see my work when walking down the main stairs and from the foyer, hopefully enticing viewers to visit the degree show.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 5 months
Studio set up for assessment:
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This week I felt ready for assessment. Therefore I set up my studio and displayed work that will not be in the degree show. Before pinning up my work I painted the walls black as I felt this would enhance the overall sinister atmosphere of my paintings. For the canvases I used nails as my hanging solution and for the canvas boards I tried to use command strips but for some reason this did not work. As a result I used two nails for each piece, one at the top and one at the bottom to hold them in place.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 5 months
Stands and sign post painting display ready for exhibition:
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I have mounted my paintings that have been done on canvas boards onto one wooden stand using black metal hinges. This idea was inspired by sign-posts and suggested by one of my lecturers. I had a solid idea for my degree show which involves draping my other paintings, however it is impossible for my to do this with the boards. Some of the works done on boards are my strongest and most successful, therefore I wanted to include them in the degree show. I found this was the best installation solution. I achieved this idea and it is exactly what I envisioned, I believe this will work well with the other works that I will display due to the contrast. I painted the back of my paintings and the wood black and wanted black hinges to create a clean and cohesive finish.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 5 months
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`Haunted Family Portrait No.1' is a large scale acrylic painting. For this piece I used a mix of black and burnt umber as a base, a soft buffing/blending brush, small paint brush and spray bottle to create this work. I then allowed the paint to dry ever so slightly before going in with a spray bottle and water to lift the paint. I done this in a relaxed, free flowing manner allowing the water and paint to have control over the end result. This technique allows me to be more relaxed, not focusing on a refined and perfect finish. This technique creates a dripping and smoky appearance depicting a variety of ghostly figures, in turn creating a chilling atmosphere. The areas where the water has lifted the paint creates the contrast of light and shadow bringing attention to the indication of a face. However due to the little to no facial features, this piece is ambiguous leaving room for the viewer's imagination and perception. The painting depicts one main figure with an indication of three smaller figures making the painting feel claustrophobic and intimidating, also caused by the size of the canvas. The marks made by water indicate where shadow and light would naturally hit a face, allowing the viewer to see a possible face. All of the faces are emotionless with dark and hollow eyes. This creates a cold and eerie atmosphere. The red used for one of the figures in the background eyes has bled down the face, this paired with the ghostly shapes and ambiguity creates a sinister, haunting, chilling and horror like appearance, evoking similar feelings to when watching a scary movie. I aim for the hairs on the back of my viewers necks to stand up, for them to feel as though they are being watched, in turn making them feel uncomfortable.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 5 months
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`Haunted Family Portrait No.2' is a large scale acrylic painting. For this piece I used a mix of black and burnt umber as a base, a soft buffing/blending brush and spray bottle to create this work. I then allowed the paint to dry ever so slightly before going in with a spray bottle and water to lift the paint, a soft buffing/blending brush and spray bottle to create this work. I done this in a relaxed, free flowing manner allowing the water and paint to have control over the end result. This technique allows me to be more relaxed, not focusing on a refined and perfect finish. This technique creates a dripping and smoky appearance depicting a variety of ghostly figures, in turn creating a chilling atmosphere. The areas where the water has lifted the paint creates the contrast of light and shadow bringing attention to the indication of a face. However due to the little to no facial features, this piece is ambiguous leaving room for the viewer's imagination and perception. The painting depicts two main figures and an indication of two smaller figures making the painting feel claustrophobic and intimidating, also caused by the size of the canvas. The marks made by water indicate where shadow and light would naturally hit a face, allowing the viewer to see a possible face. Three of the faces are emotionless with dark and hollow eyes. This creates a cold and eerie atmosphere. The red used for the eyes has bled down the left figures face, this paired with the depiction of a manic smile creates a sinister, demonic and horror like appearance. I aim for the hairs on the back of my viewers necks to stand up, for them to feel as though they are being watched, in turn making them feel uncomfortable.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 5 months
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'OPEN YOUR EYES!' is a large scale acrylic painting. For this piece I used black as a base with red for the eyes. I used a variety of brushes, spray bottle with water and a sea sponge. I allowed the paint to dry ever so slightly before going in with a spray bottle and water to lift the paint revealing a shape. I done this in a relaxed manner allowing the water and paint to have control over the end result whilst still feeding into the shapes created. This technique allows me to be more relaxed, not focusing on a refined and perfect finish. This technique creates a dripping and smoky appearance depicting a ghostly figure, in turn creating a chilling atmosphere. The areas where the water has lifted the paint creates the contrast of light and shadow bringing attention to the indication of a face. However due to the little to no facial features, this piece is ambiguous leaving room for the viewer's imagination and perception. It appears as though there is a figure residing in the centre of the painting. The marks made by water indicate where shadow and light would naturally hit a face, allowing the viewer to see a possible face. The emotionless face drips and continues to the bottom of the canvas creating an unfinished image. This paired with the shoulders makes the ghostly figure appear as though it is floating. I used a sea sponge to stipple a mix of dark reds around the eyes to create bloodied eye sockets. The red used for the eyes has bled down the figures face creating a sinister, grotesque and horror like appearance. This contrast of dark and light creates a cold and eerie atmosphere within the painting. I aim for the hairs on the back of my viewers necks to stand up, for them to feel as though they are being watched, in turn making them feel uncomfortable.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 5 months
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'Melted Fear' is a large scale acrylic painting. For this piece I used black as a base with hints of burnt umber, red and green. I used a variety of brushes and spray bottle to create this work. I allowed the paint to dry ever so slightly before going in with a spray bottle and water to lift the paint revealing a shape. I done this in a relaxed manner allowing the water and paint to have control over the end result whilst still feeding into the shapes created. This technique allows me to be more relaxed, not focusing on a refined and perfect finish. This technique creates a dripping and smoky appearance depicting a ghostly figure, in turn creating a chilling atmosphere. The skin tones within this painting along with the water technique create the idea that the figure's flesh is melting, in turn creating and unnerving and uncanny atmosphere. The areas where the water has lifted the paint creates the contrast of light and shadow bringing attention to the indication of a face. However due to the little to no facial features, this piece is ambiguous leaving room for the viewer's imagination and perception. It appears as though there is a figure residing in the centre of the painting. The face is emotionless with an unnatural dark, almost gaping mouth shape and dark hollow eye sockets. The red used around the eyes and hints of red and burnt umber has creating a natural but sinister, grotesque and horror like appearance. This contrast of dark and light with the more earthy tones creates a slightly warmer and eerie atmosphere within the painting, unlike some of my other works that are more monochromatic creating a cold atmosphere
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creativeenquiry23hons · 6 months
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'The Devil's Nightmare' is a large scale acrylic painting. For this piece I used black as a base with red for the eyes, a variety of brushes and spray bottle to create this work. I allowed the paint to dry ever so slightly before going in with a spray bottle and water to lift the paint revealing a shape. I done this in a relaxed manner allowing the water and paint to have control over the end result whilst still feeding into the shapes created. This technique allows me to be more relaxed, not focusing on a refined and perfect finish. This technique creates a dripping and smoky appearance depicting a ghostly figure, in turn creating a chilling atmosphere. The areas where the water has lifted the paint creates the contrast of light and shadow bringing attention to the indication of a face. However due to the little to no facial features, this piece is ambiguous leaving room for the viewer's imagination and perception. It appears as though there is a figure residing in the centre of the painting. The marks made by water indicate where shadow and light would naturally hit a face, allowing the viewer to see a possible face. The face is emotionless with an unnatural dark, almost gaping mouth shape and red eyes. The red used for the eyes has bled down the figures face creating a sinister, grotesque and horror like appearance. This contrast of dark and light creates a cold and eerie atmosphere within the painting.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 6 months
Degree Show Proposal:
I aim to create a large number of paintings and experiment with the arrangement of my canvases in preparation for the degree show. I aim to display my paintings in an unconventional way, a way that draws attention to the sinister and ambiguous nature of my work. I aim to unstretch my canvas and arrange my paintings slumped in an arranged manner on top of wooden stands that I will build and paint black. Some paintings that have been created on boards will have hinges attached to them allowing me to screw a number of my paintings onto one stand, almost a street sign post idea. This will be displayed within the exhibition space in a way that allows the audience to walk around and engage with, almost creating an immersive experience for the viewer. I will build up to about 10 stands for my paintings to be displayed on. My stands will hopefully be arranged on the floor amongst everyone else’s work that will be displayed within gallery walls (display within the walk way), therefore I will not need walls to display my work. I aim to do this as it will allow and almost force the audience to walk around or amongst my work to reach other people’s work.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 6 months
My thoughts:
I am continuing to create paintings on a large scale. I have experimented with arrangements of my paintings within my test site exhibition for the promotion module. Before our degree show, I aim to create around 3-4 more paintings as well as construct 10 wooden stands that will support my paintings that will be arranged in a slumped manor. This installation idea is to hopefully convey the chilling feeling we may experience when seeing an item of clothing hung on a door amongst the darkness of your room at night, causing your eyes to play tricks, in turn evoking fear and uncertainty to wether the item is simply a jacket or a sinister figure.
I will continue to produce paintings utilising the painting and in painting technique as well as creating certain imagery from other paintings within my project. During the painting process I will continue to be mindful of the research I have undertaken allowing it to influence my work.
Overall, at this time I am feeling confident and on track with my work. I have a plan for the degree show and know what needs to be completed before then.
To do list until degree show:
-10 wooden stands
-3-4 large scale paintings
-finish critical review
-continue to annotate my work and update tumbler.
-make sure artist statement is to standard.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 6 months
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'Whisper of the Unknown' is a large scale acrylic painting. For this piece I used a mix of black and burnt umber as a base, a variety of brushes and spray bottle to create this work. I then allowed the paint to dry ever so slightly before going in with a spray bottle and water to lift the paint. I done this in a relaxed manner allowing the water and paint to have control over the end result. This technique allows me to be more relaxed, not focusing on a refined and perfect finish. This technique creates a dripping and smoky appearance depicting a ghostly figure, in turn creating a chilling atmosphere. The areas where the water has lifted the paint creates the contrast of light and shadow bringing attention to the indication of a face. However due to the little to no facial features, this piece is ambiguous leaving room for the viewer's imagination and perception. It appears as though there is a figure residing in the centre of the painting. The marks made by water indicate where shadow and light would naturally hit a face, allowing the viewer to see a possible face. The face is emotionless with dark and hollow eyes. This creates a cold and eerie atmosphere. The marks made with the black paint in the background appear to have different tones. This is due to the amount of paint I have used, some areas are more washed out, possibly creating shapes and shadows.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 6 months
Experimenting with arranging un-stretched painting:
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When I first had the idea to drape my paintings, I found a wooden stand and connected a longer piece of wood in order to achieve a large installation idea. This was successful and from there I decided that I would do this with all of my large works and make and paint 10 stands. I aim to remind the viewer of instances where they have seen an item of clothing hanging on the back of the door in the night and wondered if it was something else. Is it moving? Is that a ghost? I feel by displaying my work this way it creates this idea and delivers the overall message of my paintings. I plan to create these stands within the next few weeks.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 6 months
My thoughts at the moment: 15/3/24
This week I have had discussions with my lecturer and 2 minute presentation about my work. I have bought more canvas and pinned them to the studio wall. On Thursday I prepped the canvas with gesso which took my all afternoon due to the size of the canvases. Next week I plan to un-stretch some of my paintings for the test site. I also began writing my critical review this week which I will continue to do each week. I plan to continue making as many paintings as possible as well as experiment with possible displaying arrangements of my paintings.
I have revised my thoughts and processes the past couple of weeks. I began this project aiming to convey uncanny shadow figures, however my project as well as my ideas and thought process have evolved and developed. Upon this, I have realised I am really creating my own sinister monsters with slight ambiguous imagery. I began experimenting with new painting techniques that have went well for myself and I will continue to experiment with this technique whilst incorporating my painterly techniques seen in my other works.
I now also have a clearer idea for want I aim to do for my degree show.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 7 months
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For this piece I began with painting the A3 canvas board with watered down black paint. I continued with the new painting technique of using a spray bottle and water to lift the paint. I was not deliberate when I sprayed the water. The areas where the paint has lifted depict the natural areas where light would hit a face and the black helps to convey the idea of shadow creating a high contrast and indication of a face, feeding into the idea of shadow figure phenomenon. The smoky figure is seen side, hunched over and looking at the viewer. The figure is very bird like due to the pointed and beak like face shape, however the viewer interprets the image is down to perception and opinion. This technique successfully creates an ambiguous, haunting and ghostly image. I gave myself only 2 minutes to create this piece allowing me to become more relaxed with the technique.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 7 months
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For this piece I began with painting the A3 canvas board with watered down black paint. I continued with the new painting technique of using a spray bottle and water to lift the paint. I was not deliberate when I sprayed the water. The areas where the paint has lifted depict the natural areas where light would hit a face and the black helps to convey the idea of shadow creating a high contrast and indication of a face, feeding into the idea of shadow figure phenomenon. The smoky figure is seen face on with its head at a downward angle, possibly sad and therefore not as sinister and intimidating as my other works. However the viewer interprets the image is down to perception and opinion. This technique successfully creates an ambiguous and ghostly image. For this painting I gave myself 2 minutes, allowing me to become more relaxed with the process.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 7 months
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For this piece I began with painting the A3 canvas board with watered down black paint. I continued with the new painting technique of using a spray bottle and water to lift the paint. I was not deliberate when I sprayed the water. The areas where the paint has lifted depict the natural areas where light would hit a face and the black helps to convey the idea of shadow creating a high contrast and indication of a face, feeding into the idea of shadow figure phenomenon. The smoky and skeletal figure is seen side on with an outward protruding neck, however the viewer interprets the image is down to perception and opinion. This technique successfully creates an ambiguous, haunting and ghostly image. I gave myself only 2 minutes to create this piece allowing me to become more relaxed with the technique.
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creativeenquiry23hons · 7 months
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For this piece I began with painting the A3 canvas board with watered down black paint. I continued with the new painting technique of using a spray bottle and water to lift the paint. I was not deliberate when I sprayed the water. The areas where the paint has lifted depict the natural areas where light would hit a face and the black helps to convey the idea of shadow creating a high contrast and indication of a face, feeding into the idea of shadow figure phenomenon. The smoky looking figure is hunched over giving the figure a frail appearance. There is an indication of a face looking down, however It is down to perception. This technique was has taken my concept to a new level of spooky by successful creating an ambiguous, haunting and ghostly image. I gave myself only 2 minutes to create this piece allowing me to become more relaxed with the technique.
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