Confident Final Setup!
Film Stills
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Finally, I feel happy with the set up. What done it is the separation of the singular tall tower into two small ones, of which was easy as it was beginning to topple in an unsecure place. This was because the frame (which is displayed singularly in front of the towers, for shame) had a shiny texture which was rounded, these two factors made it difficult for the glue to adhere the two frames. What I think this separation helped with, was to fill out this empty area, as well as to convey the work that was put into this piece. The development from small to a large circular piece.
I also added the clips here to allow unity between the two plinths to make sure they are obviously connected.
I am so happy with how this worked out, and I cant wait to see how an audience could react!
Final thoughts- I feel have developed strongly during this project. To start with more literal art, using collage to convey meaning I find relevant, to then referencing the conceptual, a style I never would have seen myself in! So for this project, I would say the final is my expression from stepping out of a comfort zone, and exploring something new. To the viewer, it would seem as a deconstruction of the image, from framed, to frame, to piles of parts. But for me, it is a development of my character, and experience as an artist.
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Rearranging Again
Changing my ideas, I am in all honesty not liking the how the towers are placed, they feel random and I dont feel like they are connected to the scene. However, this could be from my perspective, which I am biased. I have been moving them around and will document this to hopefully find a scenario I am happy/confident with,
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Developing walls. The frames are coming along nicely, with their cascading flow towards the glass adorned plinth. I brought the glass down, which I wanted to wait as long as possible to do, due to it being fragile. I loved how they looked together on the plinth, complimented by the scattered metal clips. My lecturer Lorna suggested they looked like petals, which I thought was such a fantastic compliment to my work!
I also used the other plinth to hold the circular tower up. I felt it looked best with only one tower on it, to not add too much visual confusion. The white area, clear of frames, looks great behind it, allowing the light to be cast through the tower and onto the wall. Silhouetting the piece.
Coming together!
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Another lost soldier. I was pressing too hard on the back of this frame to get the velcro to stay secure, ad unfortunately I carelessly broke the glass containing it. I was helped by a lecturer to clear up the glass, ensuring i got it all and the space was safe once again to work in. A reminder to be careful.
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Setting up in my Space
From filling the chips in the wall, sanding and painting, this was one busy day! I found myself head to toe whiter than I have ever been, with extra sore muscles.
After the initial clean up of paint and dust, I began applying the frames to the wall in no particular order or rhyme. I want it to look like a home set up, something relatable, slightly crooked and unlevelled, contrasting the shop-like plinths. I used Velcro command strips and poster strips to hold the picture frames depending on how heavy they were decided which one they got, the Velcro being for the heavier sets.
The plinths will hold the smaller pieces that cannot be displayed on the wall, as well as the glass
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Development Section
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Developing my development space, ensuring it looks good for the final days and helps explain my process over the year. As well as this, I have compiled the things I want to be shown within my final exhibition and these are laid separate from the table items, to keep it clear.
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Final Collages
Final set of collages I will be making for this series. Ranging emotions from the money we shell out for change, the convincing words promising us what we want and more. A few of my favourites; 'Sisters' referring to sisterhood and how the world can turn women against each other. Creating a competitive space where it should instead be about lifting each other up and loving oneself. 'Fast fixes' , referencing make up and how its pushed as a way to temporary 'fix you'. What I also want is that these are not fully described to the viewer, but allow them to take their own opinion way, even if it means they think the opposite.
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This glass pile is a little more fragile than the other ones, I think this is because of how many air bubbles are within the glass. I have no idea how this has happened, however since the other ones do not have this, and are quite strong, I would wager the bubbles are partially to blame for this structure issue. I will use it, however will have to be careful when moving it.
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I kept going with adding the frames and I am happy I did. I made a circular pattern with a stem on top, the circle shape contrasting with the sharp squares of the frames and the glass.
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Video of the process of me using the burned sticks as charcoal.
These images are about the price we put on ourself to look a certain way, the money people can throw into the process of looking different from as we do now. The stitches in this upload is again a reference to the surgery and the trust we put into someone else's hands.
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Close up of the glass. Some showing obvious cracks from the pressure and cool down process after the kiln. This seems to cause no concern with the structural integrity of the pieces, however I will continue to handle them carefully.
I like how so far they are coming out different, the first one with no cracks, and this one with some, as well as the different range in sizes of the glass I think it adds a nice standout factor from the first one I made.
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Developing the branching tower, Im unsure if I want to leave it here or continue to add to it. I like how it looks now and i dont know how this will effect the visual intrigue of it? I will have to just do it as see
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Artist Statement Draft 2 and Final
After speaking with a lecturer about my artist statement we decided it was not hitting the mark it needed to. Instead, I will be tailoring it to be more inclusive of the upcoming degree show, instead of a general statement. This will allow me to use this statement at the show and have it displayed beside the art, helping visitors understand me and my process a little more.
Looking into more documents of information, I will take nots and be able to adjust my statement so far, taking forward what worked and discarding what doesn’t.
I could argue almost everything is a form of collage, Hannah Höch being the seed of this with her philosophy that any item is worthy of inclusion. To quote her; “There are no limits to the materials available for pictorial collages—above all they can be found in photography, but also in writing and printed matter, even in waste products.” Contorting me into a form of magpie picking up discarded materials as 'potential' inspiration. Using sweetie wrappers, price stickers, discarded magazines, charity shops finds and more, I unite them into one story. Reusing the old and forgotten to make new, thought provoking subjects based around the waste we contribute while conforming to trends.
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Artist Statement
I could argue almost everything is a form of collage, Hannah Höch being the seed of this, contorting me into a form of magpie picking up discarded materials as 'potential' inspiration. My work chases the feeling of 'completeness', being able to look at the piece and feel content, as though it was the puzzle piece within my journey as a creator.
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Degree Show Proposal
I have grown a lot personally through this project and have found things I both love and dislike, a true learning roller coaster. So, for the final, I will aim to have a piece of everything on display, in hopes to show a glimpse of this. From my collages in the frames, preferably displayed on a wall, cascading down until it meets 2 plinths of different sizes. On the plinths will be the melted glass, high enough for viewing and out of the way of being stepped on or in danger of falling. Then coming up from the floor will be the towers of frames. I will practice this in my space beforehand, to get a good idea of materials for suspension, space, and configuration. Beginning this project by focusing on beauty and what this means to the holder. Researching who truly defines these standards and what is wrong with our base components? Why was the original form not enough? Stripping down imagery I found within magazines, to then display, leading me to then strip down the display piece itself. How much can we take away from ourselves before we are no longer ‘ourselves’, but a bundle of pieces?
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A narrated sketch to visualize my idea, which helps me curate and build confidence during the planning process. On the wall (around 120x240cm), I have found recently that frames are held up well with command strips, so I have bought many of these in advance. However, I am prepared to use nails and a hammer, if need be, as the frames have built in hanging points. Command strips will also allow me to move them around a little more to play with composition, with little to no damage to the wall.  The glass will be fine sitting down on the two plinths, they are heavy, so they hold themselves down well against any budging/nudging of the table they are on. The towers are also sturdy, being held with strong glue and hold up well with food traffic around it. I have tested this by dancing around and using heavy, bouncing steps to find a breaking point. A slight wobble, so there are no concerns. I want the plinths to be off-centre to the wall, as a hint towards my progression here was not linear, nor what I had in mind for the show at the beginning of the project.  
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