creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Now you can manage to create the most appealing business logo designs with these cracking tips
What contributes to a good logo to some may not agree with others.  A logo may not be high tech and well designed, but it must have a unique quality and high visuals that should represent the brand to the consumer better than anything else. There are only a few logo that truly strike with the huge audience.
A good logo must possess a concept and is well- designed and must create a visual call for the organization or service it represents. The business logo design must be adaptable enough that it may fit many situations and venues and is visually appealing. Blended with excellent brand design the logo comes to life and symbolize not only the organization or the service, but also plays as the key player in brand recognition.
The most crucial point to keep in mind is, lack of appropriate branding design even the best business logo designs will not get even noticed. You can take help from the world’s top brand’s business logo designs
While making a business logo design we all go through a typical design process, which is commonly based on some steps or you can say different phases. Foremost, I process all the information of the business I am designing the logo for. Soon after I start working out thumbnail sketches in my sketchbooks or you can use any scrap paper you find. Usually this phase stimulates my mind working out the concepts and the designing process starts. At first nothing much appealing comes out at your sketchbook. If required you can do further research.
While in the sketch phase I manage to decide which kind of style might be suitable for the business logo design. You can use geometric, clean, rustic, hand-tooled or illustrative. Once I am done with all the preparations and I have enough concepts I start working on the computer
How can you choose the right color and font for your business logo design?
The Color choice is certainly an art in itself and it can be one you strengths while designing a business logo. Other factors like demographics, brand image, and mood contribute a lot with the color scheme you choose. Colors speak languages and some colors have peculiar things related to them and so can shape the viewer’s perception and interpretation of the business logo design
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Leading tips for the best banner ad design
Usually the banner ad designs are bright, flashy and influence in a great deal on your internet experience. As a matter of fact web banner ad design is an impressive option for communication with a huge no of audience. But with so many varieties of web banner ads, how can you make yours the most outstanding and really impressive s
These tips and examples of web banner advertisement will inspire you to create your own. The most effective banner ad design is a combination of photography and type face. Every typeface in each banner ad design is a beautiful contrast of the photograph in it,  they build a unique relationship that works well together
Each typeface in every individual banner is a nice reflection of the photograph within it, and they form a relationship that works very well together.
Create Hierarchy
Following a proper hierarchy adds value to the web banner ad design, the photograph can be placed in front or centered while the related content can be adjusted alongside that is enough to drag the attention. The call to action button can be positioned efficiently right above the focus point of the image, that can engage the audience into the message
Add in Unexpected Elements
Sometimes, omitting a typeface and writing out your message is a great option. It makes the idea of the certain message more personified and attainable rather than intimidating
Incorporate Illustrations
Involving illustration to your web banner ad is a potential way to have a factor of fun and playfulness, many different looks and impression can be achieved by illustration, either its edgy or modern or childish or friendly
Illustration involves an element that can’t always be achieved with photography, and can be a better alternative if you cannot get a photo shoot of your banner ad design
Adjust Your Layout
Create your web banner ad design in the measurements you will be working with the most, take factors from the design and contrast it with other sizes. Though some elements might need to be shrunk, others might be removed, and new elements need to be added in your web banner ad design
Use Bright Colors
Bright colors are appealing and always catch a second glance, for instance a vibrant pink paired with the contrasting blue can make a lasting impression. Sometimes, involving bright colors in your web banner ad design makes them the most outstanding as compared to the other monotonous and standard web banner ad designs
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Stunning ideas for your business logo design
Your logo can drive your business or can bring it to an end, because the logo depicts the story of your brand and pass on its unique value proposition The foremost thing the customers view and judge when they make a purchase decision is the logo of the business. Your business is perhaps amazing and you have an expert team, high aims and great products or services, but if  no one recognizes your business, you can never achieve your stated purpose and goals. To achieve the cause of your business, having a valuable business logo is important. Here are some fascinating tips for making a fascinating business logo design by following these tips your company will leave an everlasting impression on the hearts and minds of the customers
Learn Logo Design
It seems that making a business logo design is easy, but once you are in it makes you understand how difficult  it is to design a business logo. The business logo designs can be different, bold, realistic, shocking or undervalued. However, the business logo designs follow the same principles. Above all a logo needs to be simple and it does not need to be overdone. However, the business logo must also be memorable and lasting and must be versatile enough that it can stand out with the changing market trends and need to be relevant for viewers
Establish Your Own Design Process
 You must know the entire design process, initiate with a research, conducting interviews and questionnaires of the viewers along with an in depth research of your industry and market trend. Using the research review business logo designs of the most leading and successful business once you are complete doing the research start making the sketch of the significant business logo designs. Review the sketch until you end up with the most unique piece of design. Each business has a logo designing process that is specifically tailored to its business needs
 Learn from Big Brands
 Learning from the big brands helps you understand the do’s and don’t’s while designing a business logo. To make up your own brand keep in mind what you have to do and what you should avoid and try to learn from the biggest brands operating in the market
Avoid Any Major Clichés
 Instead of over will your business logo design try to be creative with the business logo design, make sure what message you are trying to communicate, the values and your competitive advantage of your company. Keep in mind the tricks and tips on how you may design a business logo that set it apart from the competitors. Try to avoid clichés
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Ideas for the most inspiring, Trifold brochure designs
A Trifold brochure is one of the highly adaptable offline marketing techniques even the simplest form of it can do wonders. A well designed Trifold brochure can depict a brand’s story in a way that a poster can not. A Trifold brochure design can be followed by an appealing cover and a powerful description of products and services and a compelling end that initiates a call to action, with these ideas you can get inspired from a stunning Trifold brochure design
 Make It Bright
You want your Trifold get noticed, why not use a single, but a bright shade, if you are not restricted to use your own brand colors then go with the brightest color choice
Different Color Panels
Breakdown parts of your content and involve a visual impression to your Trifold brochure design by adding distinct tints and shades on each panel
Go Horizontal
Why not try with a horizontal layout rather than experiencing with the same vertical approach. Horizontal layout can be different and exciting
Classic Black & White
A Trifold brochure design with in black and white only can show up an elegant, enduring piece another benefit in designing a black and white is you can easily print it to the office printer in times of need
Use a Funky Texture
If you think you are  not perfect in designing a Trifold brochure, no need to be worried use funny visuals to add joy and excitement to your Trifold brochure design
 Create a Spread
Usually the Trifold brochure designs are ruled by the panels created by the folds, do not need to follow them, create an appealing Trifold Brochure design followed by a bright color palate and visuals that spreads across all the 3 interior panels
Use Fun Shapes
If you are short with the photographs and don’t have one to add, try using a few fun shapes. Make a pattern with them and place them in a deliberate structure in your layout to viewers easily catch the content
Use the Grid
Negotiating with a Trifold brochure design with a heavy content can be challenging, specifically for those who are new to designing, using a grid can make your life easier, you can easily manage with the content as well as the layout
Interesting Photo Treatments
Take a chance and play with the filters and distinct photo treatment, use your brand colors to add up cool filters, filters enhance the overall appearance of the image and give a nostalgic touch
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Create the best flyers for church, events and business on your own
flyers for churches, business or events Flyers are known to be the master of all business and marketing, the flyers either for church, events or business initiates with a canvas and are versatile to whatever is printed on them it can be advertisement, an announcement or promotion of an event or important message
These flyers can be found everywhere, on boards, shops, windows, however, it is also not exceptional that these flyers end up crushed in the streets or in the trash boxes, however, if the flyers are created keeping in mind the consumers it becomes easier to catch their attention and make it memorable
What makes the flyer attractive?
Here are gathered some tips and techniques that are once implemented produces the best outcome
Creating and Designing Your Flyer
Creating a beautiful and significant flyer can be a difficult task, specifically for the beginners, recognizing your design options to shape an appealing and communicative end product needs proper concentration and attentive plan of action
Make the design distinctive
There must be something in the flyer that makes it different from other flyers, it can be an image of the flyer or can be appealing typography, an extraordinary color palette used. Also a fascinating photograph or a charming depiction can make the viewers give it a second look
An uncluttered focal point
Every flyer for church, business or event, demands a point of importance. The point is the most vital part of a flyers and catches the attention of the audience. The focal point can be an image, a unique font or the headline of the flyer either fro church business or a certain occasion, as the focal point catches the attention of the audience make sure your point should be clear enough and distinct that it can easily convey the message you want to deliver
Use imagery
Mostly flyers for churches, business or events are created using the images, pertaining to the nature of the humans. The imagery has a distinct effect. Choosing  the right image is not a difficult task  you can utilize the basic shapes or a fancy custom inscription. The visual component facilitates viewers to understand the message clearly. Why not try to add the images created by your own as it is more finely tailored, different and serves the purpose well. In some cases it becomes very difficult to design your own image, however, the images used must be of high resolution
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Best tips for a business logo design that will stimulate your determination
Planning to create a business logo design it seems like a piece of cake, most of the times you are advised to draw a circle write the name of the company and done, however, these are far less than beginning there are a lot more things to do with
There are several designers in the logo industry, creating hideous and non attractive logos, how can you stand out as a professional business logo designer  by following these tips
Use a visual double image
The most inspiring business logo designs in the world use a method that is called visual double image, basically it is a clever way to wrap two pictures into one concept or idea. The business logo designs using such technique appear to be clever and remembered for a long time
Colors are important
The most important thing to consider while creating a perfect business logo design is the color combination, it is not just subjected to appearance the colors communicate ideas and broadcast messages
In some business logo designs you are bound to choose the colors of your brand,  however, in some other you are free to choose
The colors catch your perspective and attract you, and fill up the business logo designs with life. Make sure that a perfect business logo design is adaptable  and can perform well in even a gray a scale.
If you don’t want to add colors using a black theme with negative white spaces can also serve the purpose well
Avoid the Cliché
With the changing needs of the consumers and business operators new business logo designs are introduced, however, for a business logo design that stands out unique you must analyze the design trends. Using the same design repeatedly kills the charm, why not try a business logo design of your own rather than imitating other designs with slight changes
Keep it Simple Stupid
If you are designing a perfect business logo does not mean you are the best at typography, if you fall under this description don’t worry still you can make the most beautiful business logo designs, in situations like this always keep in mind these motivating words; keep it simple and stupid, simple but logos with the best idea always captures the business world and is always remembered
Constantly keep thinking of how you can make an extra effort to change your uninteresting business logo designs into a perfect brand mark
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Banner ad designs, finest preparations
The banner ad design targets the efficient production of banner ads with some attentive practices and traditional design guidelines. Banner ads are the most productive  sort of advertising in the certain era, they are effectively used by the businesses and yet are easily affordable, qualitative and communicative channel to create brand awareness
Here are gathered some best practices from the professional  banner ad designers
Use the most effective, standard banner sizes
As per the standard size of the banner ad design, make sure yours matches;
728×90px — Leaderboard
300×600px — Half Page
300×250px — Medium Rectangle
336×280px — Large Rectangle
Maintain hierarchy
Banner ad design depends upon the correct exposure of each ad, so ensure the arrangement of your ad must be done with accuracy. The basic purpose of banner ad design is to create brand awareness. The typical arrangement is based on three basic ingredients  
The company logo
The most important part is, the company’s logo as the basic purpose is to create brand awareness, make sure it is visible assertive, but not as prominent as a value proposition or call to action
The value proposition
The value proposition displays your products or services offered by you and drag viewer’s attention by appealing offers and affordable prices. These things must hold a noticeable place in your banner ad design and should catch the first glance of the clients
The call to action
The call to action invites users to take a step, this should be at a focal point of your banner ad design
Keep it simple
Try not to make complicated visuals and use easy content of your banner ad designs as viewers are not going  to take a second look at your banner ad design
Have a clearly defined frame
The best banner ad designs are always followed by a clearly defined layout with graphics spread to the edges of the box, if your banner ad design is on a white background you can try a gray border around
Make your text instantly readable
Avoid using very thin and italicized fonts, upper case fonts or size which is smaller than 10 pt  until unless required
Use animation
Adding animation to your banner ad designs can create the most outstanding piece, but ensure that the it does not conceal the real message of your ad. The animations should be simple and should not be longer than 15 seconds and must not be curved more than 3 times, the last step of your animation should be a call to action
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Quick tips for beautiful power point presentation design
The thing that makes your power point presentation stand out most is the content and design, while the delivery of your debate might be perfect, but the power presentation design you display, can entirely smash down the purpose of your presentation or can accomplish your purpose of presentation. Whether you have any subject of presentation these quick tips can help you to efficiently aim your purpose
Skip the Stock Template
Working with slide themes presented in the default setting of your software is a destruction of your power point presentation design, the default application designs are usually stereotyped, very basic and unattractive. Try to make an aesthetically beautiful and neat PowerPoint presentation design
Don’t Use More than 6 Lines of Text
Adding too much information and content in a single slide might greatly weaken the aim of PowerPoint presentation slide, often the viewers are handling your speech and the slide simultaneously
Rule out the Bullet Points
So many bullet points on a single slide will make it look nonprofessional, as your viewers might not be able to memorize so many bullet points, but few inspiring slides might work wonders, use the slides as an outline and step by step move to the main idea, make sure that you share a single idea using a slide
Use Sans Serif Fonts
With the fonts and text of the certain PowerPoint presentation design go for accuracy and clarity instead of choosing funny illustrations, once you have used a font style for a title try not to repeat the same style for the text. If you choose a darkened aspect, enhance the text so it may become easily readable  
Size Fonts Appropriately
You might be designing your presentation on a small device or  may be your laptop and the font size, the presentation of the text may at  the time of final presentation on a big screen, while giving final touches to your font make sure that the text should be sized adequate enough that it can be recognized by the person sitting at the last bench
Contrast Between Text and Background
With intention to deliver your message with clarity and it should be the best in contrast with the background color palette, if your content displays divergence with the base your message will be undermined, this can be governed by adding a sleek bar of colors behind an image will give the PowerPoint presentation design more appealing demeanor
Final thoughts
Several ingenious templates are being used to make the beautiful PowerPoint presentation design but the most outstanding PowerPoint presentations have nothing to do with  perplexing change, it does not matter what your subject is you should always use the deigns to your full capacity
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Guidelines to design a great Trifold brochure design
A strong, convincing brochure can instruct readers, convey good prospect and control to the enterprise, it also increase, the target markets and convince consumers to take an action,. For the graphic designers it is quite challenging to create the most appealing Trifold brochure designs
Here we have discussed the great tips and tricks with how you can easily create the best Trifold brochure design for your brand
Know your objective like the back of your hand
To make your design most effective, it is essential to understand what is the purpose of the Trifold Brochure. Knowing the purpose of the Trifold brochure design will lead you towards the right destination
Get as much information about the cause for the Trifold brochure design as you can so you will be able to choose the most appropriate design as the Trifold is designed to communicate an activity event or business promotions with your audience, be careful in choosing the communication style
 Know your customers.
As the Trifold brochure is a communicating tool and it is fundamental to understand your target markets in  this way you will be able to gain the attention of your targeted audience
For instance; if your target is to catch the interest for food you will choose a design that is concerned with cooking or enlightening hunger, the more you highlight the requirements and interests of your targeted audience in your Trifold brochure design the more successful it will be
Be creative, be unique
.Artistry is essential to make you stand out from your competitors, specifically in the trending era when the artistry of the designers has been overwhelming uniqueness is the paramount
Target for a Trifold brochure design that is unique and artistic, it is fundamental that the uniqueness and simplicity is identified at first glance, keep in mind that your Trifold brochure design should be the most appealing even if it is submerged with other leaflets in a rack, the brand’s identity can be strengthened by uniqueness
 Avoid big words
The more complex vocabulary you use the lesser prospects you will receive, you targeted audience do not need to be impressed by high vocabulary, Infact the more you involve these fuzzy words in your Trifold brochure content the difficult it becomes to communicate your brand information for brochure simple English is the best for route for your content
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Understanding infographics and designing techniques
What is an infographic?
Infographics are the visual presentation of all the concrete textual information that are converted into an easily readable visuals which is liked by the viewers and help them understand and remember
Additionally the infographics are highly shareable and contains a lot of information that can be reviewed in quick and compatible manner, the infographics are also used to promote your brand
Sometimes making an infographic design seems to be a tough and time taking job along with these factors, it brings lots of expenses, but this is not true, some infographic designs may take an impressive amount of time and effort but it may not be your case of infographic design
Here are some of the best tips from the experts that will help you create a better infographic design
Finding Your Narrative
An infographic design may seem like a bundle of graphs, charts and statistic designs to a non familiar viewer, however a good infographics design narrates its story, keep the infographic design in your thought as an essay that explains and delivers the information bit by bit and topic by topic
While designing an infographic there are certain things you need to consider that might help the consumers glance around the page, the useful technique is to use leading lines. Leading lines help the viewers distinguish and understand the information
Organizing Your Information
Once you have collected all the basic information, now comes the point where you have to decide how to organize and present your information
There are a lot of types and ways to organize information, try to search for different options and find out the most suitable for your website
Timelines are well known among most of the people, so there might be a plus point that everyone will be able to easily go through you infographic design, they are a great tool for creating a continuous narrative to your infographic design, other uses of timelines are
·         Explaining the history of your brand
·         Showing the evolution of something
·         Gathering a lot of information in an easy and manageable way
Expressing information in an alphabetical manner is a tried and tested method in some other fields, but in some infographics it has become a trend to present information in an alphabetical manner, hence this method is applicable according to the topic and information
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Tips and tricks for appealing PowerPoint presentation design
Here we have outlined some collective rules and idea that can be applied to create, a better and professional power point presentation design
After going through this article you will be capable of creating your own beautiful power point presentation designs that will help you achieve competency
 Choose the themes wisely
Creating a design with the default themes is the presentations spoilage, since the designs are so common and they are too dull, boring and usually unattractive, while you make a power point presentation design  make sure what you make should be neat and clean and easily understandable
Don’t Use More than 6 Lines of Text
Stuffing too much information in a single slide will completely weaken the purpose of the organization, keep in mind that the audience usually will have to stimulate what you deliver while viewing the slides
Get rid of the Bullet Points
None of your audience will be able to remember all the bullet points, instead your audience will remember the fascinating slides, create your slides to build up the canvas and additionally narrate your story, try to share a single idea per slide
Use Sans Serif Fonts
With type setting, you should choose clarity, you can use creative fonts for titles and headings, but make sure you should avoid using it for the body, for the content of the slide use sans serif fonts such as Helvetica, and Verdana, if you are going with a dark background, make the text bold enough to be easily readable
Size Fonts Appropriately
While you are designing your presentation you might be using your laptop or PC, on which the fonts appear in a very different size as compared to the final presentation on the screen, while you size your fonts make sure that the text should be large enough that it can be readable by the person sitting at the back of the room
Maintain a Strong Contrast Between Text and Background
If you want your message to blow the minds of the audience you need to introduce an outstanding contrast between your text and the background, if your background image depicts a lot of variation you might not show clarity, in such cases a stylish contrasting color image can bring clarity and add visual interest
Use No More than 5 Colors
A compatible use of color can easily enlighten the appearance of your overall power point presentation design, you don’t need to use complicated gradients and textures, you can have the best results with the right colors
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Want to handle tons of information, here’s how doing it
What is an infographic?
An infographic is a pictorial representation of vast information enclosed in concise images,rather than having blocks of texts that people do not bother to read on, you deliver the same info in a distinguished manner, that is easily understandable and even more helpful
The most used and liked things on social media are images. More and more people are using these techniques and in turn, it has increased the traffic by 12%
In this article we have gathered some good tips from expert infographic designers that are specifically working with the brands who want to use infographics designs as their marketing tool. While providing your designer with the appropriate content is what you have to keep in mind what you want. Your infographic should be informational and amusing, it should not be as pressurizing to buy something, by the best infographics design you can establish yourself as the influential source of information and your customers will remember you and seek for you
Process Your Data
Whenever you have tons of information to deal with, make sure that you do not quickly ignore some of the best pieces of knowledge, it is specifically your duty to, screen out the most important parts of information, this is the fundamental thing that builds up your infographics design
Check Your Sources
While making an official infographic design, make sure that all the information and knowledge delivered is taken from the most rational sources, as displaying any information that is inaccurate will create hurdles for you  
Use wire frames  
The Wireframe has been just a sketch of what you are planning to work. You should always make a wire frame before you start with infographic design. The wire frame will help you ensure that all the elements are going in a proper flow and makes sense
Format with Purpose
Some kind of information need to be delivered in a particular way, keep in mind whatever format you use should not be to use just instead bring creativity while utilizing a certain format, information can be delivered in several different ways, like diagrams, pie charts, maps and the list go on
Have a Story
An infographic design must be a clear representation of the message you want to deliver when using wire frame your story should be clear your thoughts should be patterned so that you can deliver the best infographics design  
Control Color
Commonly the infographics are to be viewed on screen, while choosing colors be careful that the colors you choose shouldn’t be sharp enough to cause discomfort while viewing, moreover if you are designing it for social media choose white background with some contrasting colors
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Easy ways to promote your business and events
A promotion for your business event  can be expensive and time taking, why to lose the resources allocated and let it not give you a fruitful
By following the given tips you can have better promotion for your business event
Develop a promotional filing system
Initially you have to create a folder that comprises of promotional direct mails, next you have to create a folder that have all the advertising campaigns and a successful track record. Thirdly, you need to create a folder for the most creative marketing strategies that stands out your business from other industries.
Evaluate and brain storm
Once you have maintained a compilation of ideas to brainstorm, you can easily review and evaluate each of them, as you evaluate your past promotional ideas pay a noticeable consideration to what made that ideas successful and crowded your business. Also consider the failures in order not to repeat the same steps that caused failure to the certain ideas, in some cases it has been observed that your best promo and event ideas are failing because of choosing the wrong day or inappropriate month, and with a little improvement your idea may work wonders
Develop your strategic plan
To become profitable in a business that is specifically concerned with retail you need build strategies to promote business promotional events. Six business promo events per year is the minimum, average, however this becomes very easy when you have a strategic plan in place. The plan should be followed by reminding your customers to visit you services and products again and again. The basic reason for loosing your customers is you make them forget about your business. By launching different business promotional events and activities it will make your customers more excited
Involve your team
Once you have outlined your business promotional ideas and events for the whole business term, make sure you discuss it with all the employees, let your team know that you are planning for success, expand your ideas, appreciate your team members to share their promotional ideas and event too
Develop promotions based around a theme
If you want to stand unique from your competitors, you must be different, the more you likely to be others, less prosperous you will be. Create promotional events around holidays, promote your business and events when your competitors are not promoting, make your business promotion and events a fun that your customers promote it back
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
How to make an effective and beautiful Power Point Presentation
In designing an effective power point presentation you don’t need to be a professional designer to know the tips and tricks of an outstanding presentation. Here are several simple but effective Power Point design tips for creating a professional Power Point design
Use an appropriate layout
Mostly western languages read from left to right and top to bottom. You should keep in mind this logical reading order, you can manage individuals glance in an intentional way to particular key areas of the slide that you want to give priority to. Using an appropriate layout is an efficient way to manage the flow of information of a power point design
No sentences
Slides should be made easy using visual cue cards that store and strengthens main ideas and not complete sentences, as the speech maker, you will be delivering a large amount of content so you not need to place it on the slides. Your audience needs to listen to your presentation instead of reading to make it more effective. Use keywords in your power point presentation design  instead of jotting down the whole sentence
Less is more
One of the primary mistake of a bad power point design is loading a single slide with too many details. Which makes it complicated for the people to extract information, your slides must be left with lots of negative white spaces so the viewers can focus on key points
You can follow 6x6 approach that is 6 points with 6 words per slide help your power point presentation design look neat and stick it to the point
Keep the colors simple
Use effective color scheme. Simple light fonts with dark backgrounds or dark fonts with light background will work wonders. Make sure that exceptionally bright and sharp colors can cause eye fatigue. Avoid using intensity gradients, that can also cause difficulty in reading  the content. If you are working for a brand then try using the brand colors of your business to facilitate brand identity
Use sans serif fonts
Commonly serif fonts are best for printed pages, while on screen the fonts should be sans serif that are easier to read. Try to stick only on the single font throughout the presentation, keep in mind the fonts also have different emotional impacts make sure you choose the appropriate fonts according to your power point presentation
Try to stick to one font, or choose two at the most. Fonts have very different personalities and emotional impacts, so make sure your font matches the tone, purpose, and content of your presentation.
Always remember that simplicity is the key to best power point presentation design and less is more. By adopting these tips you can create a better and clear, effective visual power point presentation design and a better message for your viewers
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
The most productive banner ad design techniques
The main focus of banner  design is to create an effective banner ad through careful application of basic design ideas
Banner ads have become a more creative way of advertising in the online world. It is highly economical and can be used by almost every company and is an effective medium for increasing brand recognition
Below are the most effective guidelines and tip which will help you designing a banner ad for your website and Facebook
The size
According to the Google the highly demanded and successful banner ad sizes are;
·         Leaderboard; 728x90pixels
·         Half page; 300x600pixels
·         Medium rectangle; 300x250pixels
·         Large rectangle; 336x280pixels
Position  your banner ads wisely
While placing  your banner ad, make sure that you purchase such a place that is close to the content and above the fold
Urge for order
Banner ad designs are based upon the correct equilibrium with each other, so always urge for order. Since banner ads are designed to create brand recognition and brand knowledge and also to attract viewers to your website The three basic principles while urging for order are;
Your company logo  
Your  banner ad design should include your company logo as to make the viewers aware of the brand, but your company logo should not be prominent enough that it conceals other features such as value proposition and call to action
The value proposition
Is something adds value of your banner ad design, make sure you use the appropriate terms because value proposition will attract your viewers to call to action
The call to action
The call to action are the links or buttons that give the viewers clue and allows them to click, learn more or get started or watch now are the best illustrations  
Keep it simple
Keep your content and design simple and attractive. For the viewers will only glance at your  banner ad for a minute
Use buttons accordingly
The type of banner determines the button that increases the click through rate of your ad. If you wish to ad button in your banner ad design place it on the lower right side in contrasting colors
Have a clearly defined frame
Efficient banner ad designs have apparently characterized frames with graphics covering up to the edges of the banner ads. Viewers are usually attracted at the glance with an appealing contrast frame. If your banner ad design is white you can give it a thick gray border, moreover your text and fonts used should be readable and you can also use animations to make your banner ad design more attractive
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Ingredients for good Flyer designs for Churches, Events and Business
A flyer can be taken for any marketing purpose, either its an event, announcement, invitation or launching a new business, fundraiser or a concert. Flyers are blank white canvasses waiting for creative aim. If you are a good designer, then you need to know these ingredients to make your flyer design more effective and you can tackle with every step readily
 Make It Eye-Catching
 Have you ever experienced something that caught your glare and its most likely a visual object a flyer- may the color scheme of the flyer design or the shape or it might be the nicer imagery or illustration. Well flyer is visual advertisement, whether they sell or not, and if you want your flyer to serve its destined purpose it needs to be the most outstanding
Here are some of the features that will make your flyer noticed foremost
 Clear Focal Point
Every flyer design needs a central point that draws the viewers attention into the design. It can be any icon  or geometric design, content, graphics or headline. The central point of the flyer design is the first thing that catches the eye of the viewer. You have to make sure that your focal point should be the most important information that you want to communicate
 Relevant Imagery
Adding imagery and graphics to the flyer can be a great benefit, you can use even the simplest graphics,  shapes or icons or any high quality photograph in the background or a visual element relevant to the theme or objective of the flyer deign rapidly grasps the attention of the viewers  
Appropriate Fonts
Just like choosing images and content appropriate for the flyer design you need to make sure that you choose your font size with care, font size plays a vital role in giving a distinct look to your flyer design while choosing the font size make sure that your font size go in contrast with the other elements of your flyer design
Consider Color
Nothing is so alluring than an impact of colors, colors also influence our sentiments and this can be taken advantage of while choosing a color scheme for your flyer design and make it more alluring. For instance; if you choose a family of warm color like red and orange that are supposed to communicate warmth, energy and excitement and comparatively cools colors like blue green  gives you a calming effect and inspiration. Using the right color scheme will enhance your communication to the viewers
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creativegeeks-blog · 7 years
Five best guidelines for Business Logo Designs
There are numerous designers designing inferior business logo designs in bulk, as professional designer you need to design such a logo that does not create tiredness and it should be most outstanding among the flood of other business logo designs
We have gathered some of the best guidelines from the professionals, by following these guidelines you can make the most outstanding business Logo  
Use double visual effect
Some of the best Business Logo Designs are based on a technique of using double visual effects, the technique basically depicts two pictures merged into one another through a clever judgment of the concept
Use colors wisely
The most important consideration while designing a Business logo keep in mind the color palette. As the colors are associated with communicating the ideas they convey different meanings, sometimes you are restricted to the colors of your brand, but not in all cases, you also have the freedom to choose the color according to your aesthetic sense
One of the most important considerations for Business Logo Design is the color palette. This is not a superficial decision, color carries meanings and communicates ideas.
Colors grab the attention of the viewers and creates lasting impressions it also influence the purchase decision of the individuals
You can also go with the grayscale and sometimes using a single color approach can do wonders to your business logo designs
 Avoid copying
Many designers go for the same trends that exist in the market regarding the business logo design. Professional suggest to design a business logo that is in your mind following and copying what the others are doing is quite uninteresting technique. You can make your logo own able, take a notebook  and try making different rough sketches for your business logo designs
 Keep it Simple Stupid
Being a designer does not mean you excel in typography and illustration not everyone can produce the best designs and beautiful hand drawn sketches. But you do not need to be discouraged, there is nothing that restricts you from designing the best Business Logo
Remember these words keep it simple because simple but strong illustrative Business logo design always creates a unique and lasting impression in the business world and proved to be the best of times
Consider Proportion & Rhythm
While designing a flawless business logo make sure you pay attention to the proportions and rhythm of the design. Sometimes these circles and proportions do not give a proper meaning, however, they prove to be an uphold to bring balance to your business logo designs
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