creativeusername6 · 4 years
Okay, I know I haven’t posted in a while, but I just need to get this off my chest: Trump is awful. He’s making it illegal to teach about slavery, because it would make people think America was built on oppression. I can’t believe that he’s denying the truth. If we don’t teach the brutal facts in history, humans will repeat their mistakes over and over again, because history repeats itself.
This is another reason why you should overthink Trump’s position as the president. I am not from America, I don’t live there, but I think that we all know that something has to change. I hope Trump-Supporters recognize that someday.
I’m just shocked by these things that are happening in America and how no one seems to really say anything against it. But again, Trump is president, I just hope you’ll vote for somebody else in November.
Thank you very much for reading this. Now, if you attempt to convince me, that Trump is an overall good president, you can stop right there. Look at the facts, at everything he has done and then we can speak. I made my opinion clear. To everyone else who agrees: stay strong and have a great day!
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creativeusername6 · 4 years
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It‘s not the best, but I like how it turned out. (Even though Naruto‘s face shape is a bit weird...lol)
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creativeusername6 · 4 years
Happy Pride Month! Take care and stay safe!!🏳️‍🌈❤️
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🏳️‍🌈 happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈
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creativeusername6 · 5 years
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I was walking home from school, when all of a sudden I see this car. It really reminds me of our explosive little bakubean.
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...BNHA has completely taken over my life...
(I can‘t wait for the 24th episode of season 4 to start! I‘m so hyped!)
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creativeusername6 · 5 years
Please let my wish come true...
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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creativeusername6 · 5 years
This is so inspiring thank you❤️
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Be A Team
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creativeusername6 · 5 years
This morning, my younger brother took my headphones to walk the dog. I heard him come into my room and he thought I was sleeping, so he didn‘t wake me up just to ask if he was allowed to use my headphones. But after he went downstairs, I got up and saw that the headphones were connected to my phone (I have Bluethooth-Wireless headphones, so when my brother turned them on, they instantly connected to my phone) And because I‘m the best sister in the world, I rickrolled him real gud >;)
Just thought I‘d share this here!
Have a nice day, my fellow memers <3!
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creativeusername6 · 5 years
There is nothing more bittersweet and heartbreaking than a character who is deeply in love with another but entirely convinced that despite their current romantic relationship (established or not) that they won’t get a happily ever after because they aren’t good enough and the person they love will realize that and leave them but they aren’t bitter or angered by this idea but calmly resigned. Like they love that person so much they’re okay with just being a placeholder for someone better, as long as they can stay by that person’s side despite believing one day they’ll be replaced.
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creativeusername6 · 5 years
This. Right here. It‘s my home now. Wanna come too? Come on, I have a big home, there already are a few people in here, but they don‘t mind. Right, guys? Right.
- the laundry room ; dellsey //https://archiveofourown.org/works/11567502 It’s a really cute quick fic about special moments Kirishima and Bakugou are able to share while they wait for their laundry to finishes :) - The Beauty of a Beast ; starofjems // https://archiveofourown.org/works/6563575/chapters/15017230 A Beauty and the Beast AU!!! It’s a longer fic, but 100% worth the read. The author is SO good at portraying the characters personalities.
- Heart Strings ; starofjems //https://archiveofourown.org/works/8232415 This one is also by starofjems!! Although it is a lot shorter, it is still AMAZING. Bakugou is able to see a red string that connects soul mates together and eventually Kirishima stumbles by. - Spooky times & cuddles ; Jartz // https://archiveofourown.org/works/8423458 A VERY cute short fic about Kirishima going over to Bakugou’s house for halloween! It’s good to read any season though. - Who’s Next? ; MyBlackCrimsonRose// https://archiveofourown.org/works/7872574/chapters/17979370 Bakugou gets hella hurt during a fight and Kirishima is a BADASS in getting revenge. This one is also a quick read and I highly suggest it!! - the easy parts ; chonideno // https://archiveofourown.org/works/12794481
Kirishima gets hurt and is informed that there will be a lot of scarring. It’s follows him through his struggle of insecurity regarding the scars and his acceptance. - it’s pouring out here ; shizuumi151 // https://archiveofourown.org/works/11431818 Kirishima is on a basketball team with Bakugou and he is the team captain. Kirishima has a crush on him and they have a little run in after getting caught in the rain. - 2am Knows All Secrets ; Unbreakable_red_riot // https://archiveofourown.org/works/8738770/chapters/20035240 OH MY GOSH THIS FIC!! I really love the concept of Bakugou having nightmares about Kamino and the author does an amazing job at showing his difficulties with them. Kirishima keeps waking up to loud noises from Bakugou’s room and goes to scope it out; resulting in a few sleepovers… -  Shitty Hair and Shitty Nightmares honest_pebble //https://archiveofourown.org/works/17745419 (I have so many nightmare fics oops!) Bakugou is struggling with nightmares and Kirishima is a good friend and helps while Bakugou figures himself and his feelings out.
- a heart swelled to bursting ; eggstasy // https://archiveofourown.org/works/7350946/chapters/16697356 This fic literally stole my heart and has to be one of my favorites. It’s the next summer and they are back at the training camps, but Bakugou has been repressing some worries. It’s a very Bakugou centric story, following him dealing with PTSD with help from other characters. - Let Me Save You ; lovelylittlefruit // https://archiveofourown.org/works/18016766 A short story showing the after effects of a battle where Kirishima saved Bakugou. This is more angst/conflict than fluff but I do still recommend it!! - safe & sound ; Authoress // https://archiveofourown.org/works/6835363 This one made my heart SO happy and soft jeez ahaha. Bakugou has to be kept in a safe house after Kamino because of more threats and Kirishima is his comfort buddy. - not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all ; theroyalsavage // https://archiveofourown.org/works/7612939 AAAA!!! It’s a “10 Things I Hate About You” AU and its REALLY good even if you haven’t seen the movie. Very sweet and the character personalities are done really well. - heart stains on the carpet ; cityboys //https://archiveofourown.org/works/7085671/chapters/16104262 THIS STOLE ALL MY UWU’S AND MORE! Kirishima is Bakugou’s live in body guard who got a little closer to him than he had planned. Very cute and has some of the best dialogue I’ve read in a fic. Definitely goes with my favorites. - how they got detention for a week ; eggstasy //https://archiveofourown.org/works/6961186 Kirishima is determined to go out with Bakugou no matter how intimidating that may seem. Kaminari tries to stop him but it’s no use. I really enjoyed reading this and I loved how the authors incorporated the Bakuquad!! - How To Make Bakugou Katsuki a Decent Human Being ; keptein // https://archiveofourown.org/works/6693406 Kirishima is set on making Bakugou a nicer guy no matter what it takes. (Even if that means pulling a Pavlov on him) but along the way he catches feelings. - ten things i learnt about you ; tamacchannn // https://archiveofourown.org/works/11532900 A very soft fic about Bakugou realizing things that he likes about Kirishima. Made me gush quite a few times. - don’t count on me to tell you when ; newamsterdam // https://archiveofourown.org/works/10948695 GOD I LOVE THIS ONE TOO. It’s set in the future when they are pro-heros. Kirishima come back to see Bakugou and confess his feelings, but they end up just being friends with benefits for awhile. Very well written - do right by you ; kyoutimes // https://archiveofourown.org/users/kyoufushi81/pseuds/kyoutimes Kirishima and Bakugou are working together and Kirishima has a crisis about his sexuality. (There’s more to it than that but I don’t wanna spoil it :P) I loved the emotion in this AAAA - yes, you say you’d like to ; Authoress // https://archiveofourown.org/works/10660773 Kirishima invites a few friends to the beach, which eventually lead to THE WHOLE CLASS joining. He didn’t want to invite Bakugou, strictly because he didn’t want to get turned on at at the beach. - Kiss your knuckles before you punch me ; Claus_Lucas // https://archiveofourown.org/works/11574039/chapters/26006592 Bakugou saves Kirishima who is a boxer by lighting some of his own fireworks. I don’t know how much I can give away without spoiling it, but this is on my top three. While proud of Kirishima, Bakugou needs to remind him of his limits regarding his boxing career. - what he thinks he knows ; lovelylittlefruit // https://archiveofourown.org/works/18060950/chapters/42685514
Mainly Bakugou sided? It follows Bakugou as he realizes that there more to the assumptions he makes about his crush, Kirishima. It’s unfinished but I’m excited to see the rest soon!! - good to you ; Authoress // https://archiveofourown.org/works/6904558 Takes place directly after Kamino. The two boys refuse to stop holding hands which leads to other conclusions. I love this sm, I had very soft moments and there’s a cute little twist that I LOVED at the end. - An obvious patch ; SweetScentences // https://archiveofourown.org/works/11061918 Shinsou steals Bakugou’s eggs and Kirishima gets stabbed all the while. JK, there’s more to it than that,,, this is one of those fics I feel like it’s best enjoyed if you go in blind. I enjoyed every minute of this fic, laughed and teared up. - But for now, I’m with you; eikoexe // https://archiveofourown.org/works/8135834/chapters/18649226 A really goofy and cute texting fic!! Kirishima accidentally texts Bakugou thinking it’s Kaminari demanding a Dorito stealing confession. It’s still being written but I do love it very much so far. Read if you need a laugh!! (Sadly, it’s been over a year since the last update so I’m not expecting it to continue soon :()
-neon season; chonideno // https://archiveofourown.org/works/14716277
I really love this author jeez. It’s a road trip fic and these boys are very frustrated with their feelings toward each other (Mainly Bakugou lolololol) The way emotions are written is amazing and I fell in love with how they portrayed Kirishima and Bakugou.
-the color red; ayadormouse // https://archiveofourown.org/works/7156871/chapters/16249418
G o d … This is like a coffee shop/college AU and it holds a lot of family angst for Bakugou. Bakugou is an artist and Kirishima is persistent in getting know the angry guy that doesn’t know how to order coffee. Heroes and quirks are more of an old myth/history type thing, but there still are mentions of it.
-downhill; eggstasy // https://archiveofourown.org/works/10551482
Kirishima is a mom friend and loves learning small facts about his friends while in the dorms. This has almost every class 1-A character in it which I love because not a lot of authors write about some of the mpre minor roles. They play truth or dare and it gets out of hand.
-Of course I was worried; Ellieb3an // https://archiveofourown.org/works/11778534
Kirishima gets hurt after his big fight in the manga (so there are spoilers) but he gets confused when Bakugou doesn’t visit him in the hospital and avoids him when he returns to the dorms. Bakugou is just a secret softy who was worried about his mans. I love seeing the softish side of Bakugou aaaa.
-The Wild Side; Mishelledor23 // https://archiveofourown.org/works/17973662/chapters/42453836\
Kirishima and Bakugou are married and in Kirishima’s mind, everything is going great. Until, he wakes up one morning to see a letter and Bakugou’s wedding ring. My heart breaks for Kirishima in this one, and I’m so curious as to why Bakugou left. (It’s on going!) Kaminari and Mina are also present and go help Kiri with a mission.
-Roses are red and they taste like shit; Unbreakable_Red_Riot // https://archiveofourown.org/works/11747658/chapters/26475072
A Bakugou hanahaki disease fic, this is also high on my favorites list. I couldn’t put it down for the life of me. Mutual pining eventually, but it focuses in mainly on Bakugou and his families way of dealing with the disease.
-little are the things we learn; newamsterdam //  https://archiveofourown.org/works/11400303
The two boys never outright tell their class they are dating, but 5 of them figure it out and each one of them is stunned by their relationship. Perfect mix of angst and fluff, told from different characters perspectives as they see and analyze the two.
- Detonate; theroyalsvage // https://archiveofourown.org/works/6933307
Bakugou is acting weird and a little insecure almost at a party he was invited to. Kirishima finds him on the roof and tries to figure the explosive boy out.
-Trash Goblin Finds Love; wrunic // https://archiveofourown.org/works/17888012
Another coffee shop AU with a scientist Bakugou. This one made me giggle and the writing is so in character. I love how it ends and Kirishima is a big cutie in this one.
-Radio Silence; doop_doop // https://archiveofourown.org/works/16186643/chapters/37824590
After getting hit with a coma quirk, Kirishima is bedridden and can’t move. Although his body is asleep, he can hear everything that is going on. So naturally, his friends visit him as much as possible to keep the guy entertained. But Bakugou realizes there’s something more to his feelings for Kirishima. (this shit is so cute, Bakugou reads to him)
-one to ten; crunchrapsupreme //https://archiveofourown.org/works/11770692
Kirishima wants to ask Bakugou out, but Kaminari demands that he becomes friends with him first. So Kirishima sets out to become a ‘Level 10’ friend to Bakugou. (This one is also very cute, Bakugou is a cat lover and it makes me melt.)
-out of sight, within reach; Poteto //https://archiveofourown.org/works/11750853 
Gahhhh oblivious mutual pining makes me w e a k… Bakugou realizes he loves Kirishima while dragging his drunk body back to his house. Jealousy and miscommunication from both sides until there is an emergency and Bakugou drops his grudge.
That’s about it! Feel free to add more in the comments :)
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creativeusername6 · 5 years
Imma get my Shiro🎶~
What I initially thought when I saw the facility filled with Shiro clones
“You get a Shiro, and you get a Shiro-”
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creativeusername6 · 5 years
Omfg XD
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mr steal yo prince
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creativeusername6 · 5 years
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It’s high noon somewhere. ????
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creativeusername6 · 5 years
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creativeusername6 · 5 years
I love it
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creativeusername6 · 5 years
So cute❤️❤️
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I refuse not to be a part of Pocky day
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creativeusername6 · 5 years
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creativeusername6 · 5 years
Same Shiro...
Lance: shiro... I have a question
Shiro: no I never kissed a girl
Lance: not that, is it called animal abuse if I hit Keith since he’s part galra and galras are basically large cats
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