creepingmould · 5 years
“Oh... Oh it’s all of it!” Phokas tittered softly and twiddled her fingers together. “I, I could go onnn... Annnd onnn, about flora.” Kirela’s empathy could feel the rush Phokas feels when just thinking about plants, it’s a very strong, excited feeling. “I could start with the trees...”
Phokas looks up at the incoming forest, where there are of course trees filling the horizon and smiles with a gulp. “What can I say, I love the size, the smell, the sap is sticky, the roughnnness of the bark whennn-” She stops suddenly and holds her mouth with a blush.
A Blind Date?
Phokas shuffles close. She’s an unassuming, slim gold blood in a thick and old sweater which falls to her knees, with stockings and sneakers to finish her look.
She gives a small smile and pulls at her shaggy hair. “I-I, my friennnd, uh, told me to meet here for a blinnnd date? Is, are you…”
Phokas not-so-subtly takes full stock of the girl she’s supposed to woo. A hand pulls at the front of her sweater as she does, and she audibly gulps as she accidentally makes eye contact. “Oh gog, you’re… Pretty, and tall.”
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creepingmould · 5 years
“Both... But first... Forest, yes, of course, perfect.” Phokas smiled back and stowed her paper... Somewhere. She looked around and hesitantly reached out to Kirela, then awkwardly held her own hands together.
She smiled, flush faced, and hummed, walking with Kirela and down the road. “The... Forest... I like the forest a lot. I like the flora that fill it!”
A Blind Date?
Phokas shuffles close. She’s an unassuming, slim gold blood in a thick and old sweater which falls to her knees, with stockings and sneakers to finish her look.
She gives a small smile and pulls at her shaggy hair. “I-I, my friennnd, uh, told me to meet here for a blinnnd date? Is, are you…”
Phokas not-so-subtly takes full stock of the girl she’s supposed to woo. A hand pulls at the front of her sweater as she does, and she audibly gulps as she accidentally makes eye contact. “Oh gog, you’re… Pretty, and tall.”
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creepingmould · 5 years
Phokas’ eyes followed the bouncing bust, and as a gold blush formed, she looked down at the paper.
“Nnnature walk, nnnear here, there’s annn unnntamed forest, annnd,” She raised her head to the taller girl’s chest, then up at her face with a flushed smile. “Er, it’s full of my favorite trees.” Phokas’ eyes darted from Kirela’s bust to her face, then back to the paper. “Annnd, if you dislike walking” She quickly mumbles, “(annnd wannnt to miss out onnn the attractive trees...)” Then clears her throat, “We cannn see the beach!”
A Blind Date?
Phokas shuffles close. She’s an unassuming, slim gold blood in a thick and old sweater which falls to her knees, with stockings and sneakers to finish her look.
She gives a small smile and pulls at her shaggy hair. “I-I, my friennnd, uh, told me to meet here for a blinnnd date? Is, are you…”
Phokas not-so-subtly takes full stock of the girl she’s supposed to woo. A hand pulls at the front of her sweater as she does, and she audibly gulps as she accidentally makes eye contact. “Oh gog, you’re… Pretty, and tall.”
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creepingmould · 5 years
“Nnnervous!” Phokas half-shouted, then shrunk. She made a small smile, her gaze falling on Kirela’s exposed belly. “Just a little bit.”
She gulped and reached behind and under her sweater. Phokas pulled out and unfolded a piece of paper. “I-I, uh, how are you? I have some ideas for our date, but, you, uh,” She bit her lip as her eyes drifted down to Kirela’s bust, then back to her eyes, “Uh, we cannn do whatever.”
A Blind Date?
Phokas shuffles close. She’s an unassuming, slim gold blood in a thick and old sweater which falls to her knees, with stockings and sneakers to finish her look.
She gives a small smile and pulls at her shaggy hair. “I-I, my friennnd, uh, told me to meet here for a blinnnd date? Is, are you…”
Phokas not-so-subtly takes full stock of the girl she’s supposed to woo. A hand pulls at the front of her sweater as she does, and she audibly gulps as she accidentally makes eye contact. “Oh gog, you’re… Pretty, and tall.”
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creepingmould · 5 years
A Blind Date?
Phokas shuffles close. She’s an unassuming, slim gold blood in a thick and old sweater which falls to her knees, with stockings and sneakers to finish her look.
She gives a small smile and pulls at her shaggy hair. “I-I, my friennnd, uh, told me to meet here for a blinnnd date? Is, are you...”
Phokas not-so-subtly takes full stock of the girl she’s supposed to woo. A hand pulls at the front of her sweater as she does, and she audibly gulps as she accidentally makes eye contact. “Oh gog, you’re... Pretty, and tall.”
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creepingmould · 5 years
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I adore the bright clash of red versus greennn... Mm, so vibrannnt!
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creepingmould · 5 years
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I’ve beennn thinnnkinnng about... Public... Unnnmonnnitored nnnature trails lately...
They sure do look pretty, huh?
0 notes
creepingmould · 5 years
“Mommy play and chill...?”
A lanky goldblood awkwardly shuffles in her big sweater and sneakers, and she doesn’t hide the bulge in her tights. She’s blushing and smiling
“My friennnd poinnnted me your way... Hello miss Vitrex, I’m Phokas...”
Since you love being pregnant, I'd love to... Introduce you to a friend who would love to knock you up! Are you up for some mommy play and chill?
Oh goodn3ss that could be fun. Why dont you put m3 in contact with this fri3nd and w3’ll s33
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creepingmould · 5 years
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There’s somethinnng so... Powerful, about a... Raw, public nnnature trail, that gives me all kinnnds of feels
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creepingmould · 5 years
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Oh... My... So Pretty!
So so pretty, she’s such a pretty tree, oh my gog
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creepingmould · 5 years
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I really like this tree...
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