creidart · 1 day
Living as a Gen Z nowadays is... pretty hard. It's depressing and really depends on luck: or you had a chance to blow up, or you gonna kick a wall until you give up. In most cases. Or at least its feels like it for me. For me, as Gen Z person, who can't get education (wait for it), has an unstable mental state (you'll see!), AND who living for decade now in the war zone, it's kinda difficult find a job, that not going to abuse me with frustrating amount of hours, a lot of work, and underpayment. The last one at least didn't had a lot of work, but they changed my working hours to 24 hours, so my body began to sleep LESS even in my day offs. So, the only choice now for me it's to do what I can do for a living, before I find a job again, and, you know, to find a normal work fo me it's a difficult quest. Not unbearable, but difficult.
So yeah, emergency commissions, once again. Repost is needed and very appreciated.
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You can reach me here in DM, in Telegram (@woundedmind_wm), in Insta (@the.woundedmind) or through email [email protected]
Also, you can check my partner, they are even cooler then me (and they definitely need repost too!) ----->
Слава Україні!
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creidart · 1 day
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Prices for personal use ONLY! If you would like to use my works in other purposes we should discuss it!
Please, reblog or like for support!
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creidart · 6 days
The most powerful part for me -- building we are in was destroyed in 2022 and now it is a museum. We frequently visit it to see art and photo exhibitions, both related to current war and more general
For example, a week ago I photographed this on an exhibition about body and self image
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On a photo exhibition today
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creidart · 6 days
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On a photo exhibition today
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creidart · 8 days
Тю блять, відписався від людини бо подумав що то русня а то просто наші ж киримлу доїбали. Я б теж не схотів з укоаїнцями спілкуватися якби не був одним з них і вони мені щось там воняли.
Чуваки, нам реально треба бути краще в цьому плані. Ми канєшно не росня яка їх окупувала, але і ми не ідеальні. Чекайте внутрішній расизм нормально і пам'ятайте, що від окупації Криму в першу чергу страждають корінні жителі. Це не якась абстрактна думка, це факт. Більшість політичних в'язнів кримські татари, більшість бізнесів та домівок крадуть у них, вбивають їхніх дітей, знищують їхні культурні пам'ятки
Мати емпатію завжди на часі.
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creidart · 8 days
"To save time for Western editors, publishers, and curators, let me clarify what all of us perpetually frustrated Ukrainians want. We would appreciate it if they turned to actual Ukraine specialists when working on Ukraine-related themes. Not those who suddenly pivoted from specializing in Russia, or who feel entitled to speak authoritatively because they discovered a distant Ukrainian ancestor, or those who have only recently shown interest in Ukraine due to business opportunities in the country’s reconstruction. We would be grateful if they took the time to seek out experts who have been studying Ukraine long before it became fashionable, who understand the country in all its complexity, and who care enough to offer Ukrainians the basic dignity of having their names spelt correctly. I like to fantasize about a time when editors of top Western periodicals will choose to review books on Ukraine not simply because the country is at war and they feel obliged to cover it now and again, but because these books offer vital insights into democracy, the fight for freedom, or the importance of maintaining unity and a sense of humor in times of crisis. I hope for a day when galleries will host exhibitions of Ukrainian art, not just because it was rescued from a war zone, but because the artists involved provide fresh perspectives on the world. I also dream that we, the perpetually frustrated Ukraine specialists, will eventually be able to focus on our own scholarship and creativity rather than correcting the mistakes and misleading takes of others. This will happen when cultural institutions, publishing houses, universities, and newspapers acquire in-house experts whose knowledge of Ukraine and the wider region extends beyond Russia."
—Dr. Olesya Khromeychuk
Source: Too many still view Ukraine through the prism of Russian imperialism
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creidart · 8 days
"People are being burned to death!"
Maybe -- hear me out -- they shouldn't have come here burning, bombing, shooting other people to death? Leveling entire settlements to ground? Targeting children hospitals and people's houses? They shot civilians escaping war zones, for fuck's sake. I live here, I fucking know how it is. I fucking know how it feels when
And don't come at me with all this they-did-not-have-a-choice bullshit.
War is a group effort; therefore, it is a group responsibility.
Every Russian soldier is a war criminal until proven otherwise. Every Russian, even non-combatant, is pro-war, until proven otherwise. Being "neutral" is also pro-opressor btw.
(Don't get me wrong though. I'm not for burning civilians to death. Geneva convention exist for a reason -- we do need laws around war. But do I respect them? Do I wish any contact with them? Not until they fucking do something significant to stop the cycle of their country killing, raping, occupying others instead of pretending it did not happen or did but too long ago to care)
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Image was posted by OP btw. They thought they did something lmao
God forbid country that was attacked by imperial power fight back, we're supposed to be ideal victims or some shit so they could write 575756 essays about how wrong it was to kill 40 million of us or some shit 🙄
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creidart · 10 days
...like, i am all for ending wars but you do not do that by disarming the attacked
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creidart · 10 days
...sad truth is, you cannot really remain a pacifist when your country gets attacked. Really puts things into perspective. Really gets you to question a lot of things.
I think it is something only people from countries that is/was an attacker can afford. Easy to say "there is no winners in war!! Stop fightning!!" when you had a choice. We did not. Fight or die, simple as that.
For that reason I DESPISE those who still kick the "buuut giving stronger weapons to Ukraine will escalate the war!!" horse. What an absolute victim blaming bullshit take. Do you think russians will give us pretty flowers if we stop fighting? Do you think that occupation is simply the matter of the borders on maps? Life is not a strategy video game.
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creidart · 10 days
...sad truth is, you cannot really remain a pacifist when your country gets attacked. Really puts things into perspective. Really gets you to question a lot of things.
I think it is something only people from countries that is/was an attacker can afford. Easy to say "there is no winners in war!! Stop fightning!!" when you had a choice. We did not. Fight or die, simple as that.
For that reason I DESPISE those who still kick the "buuut giving stronger weapons to Ukraine will escalate the war!!" horse. What an absolute victim blaming bullshit take. Do you think russians will give us pretty flowers if we stop fighting? Do you think that occupation is simply the matter of the borders on maps? Life is not a strategy video game.
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creidart · 10 days
Someday I'll accept that I am inconsistent. It is, quite literally, how my brain works. It is not my moral failure.
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creidart · 14 days
Bit of advice to anyone who is new to kink or even just sex: assume "no", "stop", "too much", "wait" etc are safewords unless you specifically negotiate otherwise.
You can play with "no no it's too much stop" type stuff being banter or dirty talk or whatever, but you shouldn't assume they are. Yes even if you set a safeword and you or the other person isn't using it.
Also: getting quiet or not very responsive is a reason to check in. Someone not being able to give you a clear "yes I'm having fun let's keep going" or seeming a bit off is a reason to stop when you do check in, especially when they're a new partner.. You can't just assume things are fine bc they haven't said the safeword.
Safewords should be extra measures to ensure ongoing consent, not the only measure.
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creidart · 16 days
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Image was posted by OP btw. They thought they did something lmao
God forbid country that was attacked by imperial power fight back, we're supposed to be ideal victims or some shit so they could write 575756 essays about how wrong it was to kill 40 million of us or some shit 🙄
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creidart · 26 days
woke up from explosions if i die remember me as that weird bitch who made cole dragonage trans
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creidart · 26 days
another mass shelling of all ukraine by r*ssia happening rn, seems to be mostly with different kinds of missiles. what for? russia will die anyway
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creidart · 26 days
It's been a while since the last attack of such scale... I will never get used to it
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Just another Monday morning in Ukraine. Russians are using everything they got: drones, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, you name it. Seems to be hitting mostly our power grid, again.
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creidart · 29 days
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based on this one meme, i saw a version with them here and i had to draw it myself too i love it
girlboss and her malewife
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