creshireneire · 3 years
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I am not wrong
Someone made a brain expanding meme a couple of days ago,,, so I made my own bc I had more to add
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creshireneire · 3 years
The streams on the 7th between Techno, Niki, Ranboo, and Phil demonstrated what I really love about how stories are told on the DreamSMP. /rp /dsmp
You never get the full story if you just watch one stream, the entire picture and how the players interact with the world around them to create one big picture really shine on days like this!
If you watch Techno’s stream, you see the general Syndicate storyline. You see all the new member’s initiations into the fold, and also some interactions between Techno and Phil.
But if you watch Niki’s stream, you get to see her make the decision to leave the main DreamSMP and all of its organizations behind. You see her heart breaking over the loss of communication between her and Puffy, how she misses her friends so much, and how it leads her to make the decision to talk to Techno in the first place. You see her standing in the mountain valley outside of the commune and have a last minute argument with herself over if she should do this, since Phil was the one who killed Wilbur in the first place, and those wounds are still fresh for her. You see her make the decision that she wants to be a part of something again, to talk with people again, and slowly she starts to smile again over the course of the stream.
But if you watch Ranboo’s stream, you see him sneak out before Niki’s initiation. He sneaks to his husband and child in Snowchester to leave a flower in the mailbox, where he finds the anonymous threatening note telling him not to leave his guard down anymore. Where the other member’s streams are generally easygoing, with plenty of comedy bits sprinkled in with a serious lore tone here and there, Ranboo’s stream is anxious and nerve-wracking. Then he gets initiated into the Syndicate, and the first order of business is to investigate Snowchester, where his family could be in danger. It’s high stakes and a panic to cover up hints that Ranboo could end up betraying this new group without remembering why…again.
But if you watch Philza’s stream, you hear him talk about where Techno has been for the past month, how he hibernates in the winter and Philza had to battle a blizzard to move an entire pack of dogs to shelter. There’s nice moments where he speaks with the new initiates while Techno rings the subscriber bell while deafened in voice chat. You also get an inside look on his conversation with Ranboo directly after the first Syndicate meeting where Ranboo trusts him with the secret of his family in Snowchester. And then you finally get to hear him talk about his relationship with Wilbur before he joined the DreamSMP. He talks about the letters Wilbur would send to him, how they stopped when he was exiled, and how when he finally saw his son for the first time, he was a monster. You hear him talk about how he never saw Ghostbur as his son, but more like a doll, and how he still regrets what he did on that first day.
You can really appreciate the little details, where Ranboo and Niki both avoided eye contact awkwardly when they passed each other in the Nether before getting initiated. How Ranboo and Niki almost ran into each other when Ranboo snuck back from Snowchester, but they coincidentally chose the other side of the mountain from the other on the way back. If Ranboo decided offhandedly to go left instead of right, he would have seen Niki in her panicked state.
It’s how you see Phil panic when Techno goes in Tubbo’s house, and try not to outwardly show it to Techno, because he KNOWS Ranboo’s son is hidden upstairs.
It’s how Ranboo decides to quickly change the topic away from Snowchester at the first meeting to tell the others about Tommy’s death. But after they talk about how Tommy wronged them around the table, Niki becomes more comfortable with Techno and Phil.
It’s a rare occurrence when a lore stream like this happens with so many moving parts and character interactions. But when it does happen like this, it feels so satisfying to finally place all of the pieces together and appreciate how much care the players put into writing plot and their character’s development up to this point. Everyone does what they do for a reason, and if you see it from their point of view, the story can take on a wildly different tone.
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creshireneire · 3 years
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creshireneire · 3 years
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creshireneire · 3 years
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WANDAVISION Episode 6: All-New Halloween Spooktacular!
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creshireneire · 3 years
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creshireneire · 3 years
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The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, but just the memes
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creshireneire · 3 years
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creshireneire · 3 years
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i cannot stop thinking about it
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creshireneire · 3 years
Everyone like “Wow c!Techno and c!Phil, big men, responsible, mature”
My man, c!Techno really said “For you Phil, the world” you know these bitches get sad when they even mildly argue
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creshireneire · 3 years
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creshireneire · 3 years
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in between it all.
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creshireneire · 3 years
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i am slowly getting out of my artblock so have this, I’m kinda proud of this. It’s time for ghosts
oh and bonus:
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Mexican Dream ascended from heaven cause he heard Tommy
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creshireneire · 3 years
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all things dissolve in time.
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creshireneire · 3 years
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THE WITCHER (2019– ) I SHREK (2001)
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creshireneire · 3 years
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Moon (Jan. 16, 2021)
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creshireneire · 3 years
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Thinking about baby Zagweus and his real parental figures a lot.
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