crestrella-blog · 6 years
“no offense but it really smells.”
 five senses starters :: accepting!
with her fingers pinching her nose, she rolled her eyes as her free hand continued stirring the mixture meant to produce the polyjuice potion. “its not offensive. haven’t you smell polyjuice potion before? smells like goblin piss, and i heard it tastes like goblin piss.” the potion was meant as a potions assignment for homework a few months back and as the deadline drew nearer, estrella felt more anxious. she would have abandoned the project and go have fun but extra credits will be given to those who finished it before the deadline. “of all the potions, i got selected to do a shapeshifting potion.”
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crestrella-blog · 6 years
Hey boy, I been thinking about us, Got me singing in the rain.
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crestrella-blog · 6 years
“that tasted pretty good actually.”
five senses starter :: accepting! 
she smiled proudly at his comment. that was the first time estrella tried her hands on baking cauldron cakes and from previous experiences in the kitchen, most dishes turned out weird both taste and appearance wise. even though her cakes turned out weird, with mismatching colors of baby pink and maroon, it was quite relieving to hear someone compliment about her cooking for the first time. “you’re the first time that said that! i didn’t expect to do so well for this pastry.”
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crestrella-blog · 6 years
“i know that smell, it’s the smell of lies.”
five senses starter :: accepting!
"ugh! i give up!” throwing her arms back and let herself drop onto the soft blankets on her bed. she knew she will never master the arts of lying and even if she did lie, her conscience would haunt her throughout the night, causing her to lose her sleep. “you win. what do you want to know then?” she grumbled as she pulled to sit up and crossed legs. 
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crestrella-blog · 6 years
“i missed the sound of your voice.”
five senses starter :: accepting!
her facial expression immediately lit up upon hearing the familiar voice of the male. “alec! its been forever!” the blonde squealed, tossing away the herbology book that had been sucking her soul away for the past hour and jumping up and onto his back. if it was not for the upcoming tests, she would have been somewhere in a certain corner of the school catching up with her sleep in between classes. “i swear! where have you been all these time? did you forgot to take off your invisibility cloak this whole time?”
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crestrella-blog · 6 years
some may be slightly nsfw or/and triggering. we hope this will facilitate threads for people who have yet to interact, new people and old!
“your touch is unlike any other.” ​“have you ever felt anything more comfortable?” “ feel this. what does it feel like to you? “ “i wanted to see what it felt like.” “touch it. i dare you.” ​“you felt ice cold when i touched you.” “you feel warm.” “ i love the feel of your hair between each of my fingers.” “ don’t you dare touch me.” “i want to hug you forever.” ​“i can feel your pulse. it jumped.” ​“let me give you a massage.” “you feel like home to me.”
“ i can never forget that taste.” “ fair warning, it does have a bitter taste.” “no offense, you just aren’t my taste.” “can i have a taste of that?” “i have yearned for the taste of your lips.” “that tasted pretty good actually.” ​“it just left a really bad taste in my mouth so no thanks.”  “i’ve got something you might want to taste.” ​“my taste buds are mad at me after eating that.” ​“how’s it feel to get a taste of your own medicine?” ​“you didn’t even taste it.” “trust me, you’ll want to taste this.” “so you tasted it, did you like it?”
“i see you.” “ it’s too dark, i can’t see anything.” “ i’ve looked close enough and i see you for what you are.��� “please, just look at me.” “stop staring at me like that.”  “it’s so bright outside today.” “what’s wrong? what did you see?” “what i saw, you’ll never believe me.” “have we seen one another before?” ​“you see me for what i truly am.”  “i didn’t see anything.” ​“did you see that?” “i can’t believe my eyes.”
“shhh, i just heard something.” “did you hear that?” “i missed the sound of your voice.” “do you hear me? stay away from me.” “i hear you, loud and clear.” “ i’m sorry, what was that? i didn’t hear you.” ​“i’ve heard that sound before.” “can you hear what they’re saying?” “ i never said i could hear them.” “wait, hear that? something is coming.” “ i heard you all the way down the hall.” “trust me, you’re going to want to hear this.” “please, just hear me out.”
“what is that smell?” “i have missed your smell.” “you smell nice.” “it’s unlike anything i’ve smelled before.” “i smell the food cooking from here.” “no offense but it really smells.” “it’s starting to smell.” “tell me, you’ve smelled this before.“ “i know that smell, it’s the smell of lies.” “ i missed the smell of your hair.” “ i need to step away, get some fresh air.” “do you smell that? that’s the smell of freedom.“ “i can smell the fear on you from here.”
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crestrella-blog · 6 years
“Looks like a night for alcohol.”
holiday open starters! :: closed!
The cold breeze blew strongly against the glass window panes. The Gryffindor common room, however, was warm and cozy from the fireplace. After a game of Exploding Snap with fellow Gryffindor students, Estrella was left alone as the night dragged on. Usually she would be having a blanket wrapped around her but for that day, she did not feel all fuzzy and cuddle-ish. Its been a long time since she had alcohol, or at least since the party thrown by her squad members. 
Not even caring whether the coast was clear, she pulled out a bottle of firewhiskey from her enchanted bag. The alcohol was perfect as it would warm her body like a bowl of hot soup. “And looks like I won’t be having the bottle all to myself tonight.” Her eyes moved over to the owner of the voice, a tall figure that she had not noticed since before, ironically. 
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crestrella-blog · 6 years
“Here’s hoping the new year is better than the last.”
holiday open starters :: accepting!
To her, 2017 was the year of change. She had became a better person, more open-minded and more fun-loving. Used to being a much quieter and less social girl, her years in Hogwarts got better as she met different people and eventually learnt that life was not about just studying and getting a stable job in the Ministry of Magic. No. It was to take up challenges and experience the thrill. 
She was at the Great Hall. The students were making their leave towards their next classes and hence, the area was almost empty. Thankful to whoever did it, someone hexed the Herbology professor and he ended up having the day off to rest in the hospital wing. Rumors spread around that he had gotten the dragon pox that wouldn’t go away and the school Matron had to tend to the disaster. Due to the rumor, Estrella scored herself a free period and what’s better to spend the afternoon alone with a secret bottle of firewhiskey stashed in her enchanted bag?
Happened to notice someone near her, she decided to interrupt his alone time. ‘Accio goblet,’ she muttered under her breath as a bronze goblet whisked into her hand. The blonde poured the bottle of alcohol into her goblet before pouring into the other and offered it to the male. “Here’s hoping that there will be more happenings in this school.”
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crestrella-blog · 6 years
“I love the long nights.”
holiday open starters :: accepting!
Estrella considered herself as a night person. When its the weekends, she would wake up as late as past noon and stayed up really late to do her own things. Hence, she always loved the night as the sounds of night beasts hiding in the forbidden forest came to life, waking up from their daytime sleep. Sounds creepy but with the walls of Hogwarts protecting the students, she was not afraid and would try figuring which animal was it.
Another favorite thing that the blonde will do was stargazing. She would sit near the edge of the window and lean against the cold wall while observing the twinkling stars shining above her. ‘The stars form patterns in the sky, a constellation,” her mother’s voice would echo in her mind. Stargazing was their favorite past time too and just by looking at the stars, Estrella would remember those good times whereby she would sit outside with her mother, both wrapped in blankets and holding on to cups of hot chocolate. It was unfortunate that she could only visit her family during the holiday season. 
Though she heard someone approaching, she remained still, her gaze fixed on the stars. “Me too,” she replied, not moving or turning her head to see who the owner of the voice was. The stars had completely got her attention.
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crestrella-blog · 6 years
sapphic kpop moodboards: gf jinsoul
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crestrella-blog · 6 years
“Here, take my jacket.”
holiday open starters :: accepting!
That was the third time that week. Estrella had been waking up late for the entire week and she had to get ready in a rush. While she mentally scolded herself for not sleeping early the previous night (which she never will), she basically shoved whatever that was within her sight and into her bag. Everything but her favorite comfortable hoodie.
Fortunately she was not late for her first class of the day. The weather was not that cold and she has her heat pack with her. The temperature slowly dropped as the sky was tinted a combination of orange and pink. The chilly northern wind blew past her as she made her way out of the classroom. Sensing an incoming cold if she decided not to get her hoodie out anytime soon, she pulled her hand into her bag, her fingers brushing past items and hoping to feel a soft fabric. When she was sure she could not feel it, she glanced into the bag and realized that her hoodie was left in the wardrobe. It was a long way back to the Gryffindor tower and dinner will be served shortly. There was currently one option and that was to hurry back to the common room. 
The sky began to darken as Estrella pushed pass students and trying to fight against time. She felt a fever hitting her and the heat pack turned cold. Stopping to catch her breath, she looked at the time. Fifteen minutes before six. Will she make it? Her bare skin started trembling from the cold and before she knew it, she let out a sneeze, her hand covering her mouth instinctively. "Are you sure?” She asked the person who offered his jacket. Something told her to just accept it but what about the other person? Does he have a spare?
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crestrella-blog · 6 years
“Layers of blankets are needed here.”
holiday open starters :: accepting!
The cold weather of winter was the perfect temperature for snuggling. Whilst most of the students were either in their rooms fast asleep or out and about, the Gryffindor common room was empty, giving the blonde the chance to do what she wanted to do for a long time. From her room, she gathered all her roommates’ blankets, carrying them down the stairs two at a time. They’ll mind but they had been using her makeup without her permission too so there’s that. 
The sound of crackling fire from the fireplace and distant laughter of passing students outside the common room can be heard. Estrella had began wrapping the blankets around entire torso as she sat on the couch, watching the fire while reading a book. Pumpkin accompanied her that day as he was found curling on another blanket beside her.
She was so engrossed in the book, entering a world that was entirely her own. The night was peaceful until someone spoke up. Estrella paused as she listened to what the person said before she continued reading, wanting to finish up the paragraph before she gets distracted or lost. 
Upon finish reading the last sentence, she closed her book and looked up to see the face of her fellow squad member. “I would offer you some but they are all my roommates’,” she answered him, clear that she have not ignored him earlier. “Maybe you should get from yours too?”
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crestrella-blog · 6 years
holiday sentence starters
“That’s the dumbest looking snowman I’ve ever seen.” “It’s SO COLD!” “Here, take my jacket.” “This weather is depressing.” “I’m not sure we’re going to be able to go anywhere today.” “Would you like to build a snowman?” “Whatever happened to global warming?” “It’s a winter wonderland!” “I love the long nights.” “I hate winter.” “You need a pair of sunglasses today.” “Do we have any eggnog?” “Let’s exchange presents!” “Looks like a night for alcohol.” “Are you drunk?” “I need some soup.” “I made you some hot chocolate.” “Layers of blankets are needed here.” “I’m not getting out of bed today.” “Look at all the snow!” “What’s the temperature outside?” “Tea is what’s needed here.” “The holidays are overrated.” “Light the candles!” “Is all this really necessary?” “You’re drunk already, obviously.” “I’m not going to the party. I’d rather stay home and sleep.” “Hey, 2017 didn’t kill me. I call that an accomplishment.” “I don’t care about the new year. I’m going to bed.” “That’s a little too much glitter.” “Here’s hoping the new year is better than the last.” “New year, new me.” “The stars are prettier than the fireworks.” “Just you, me, and a couple of silly hats. What do you say?” “I just want to go to bed early tonight. Does that make me old?” “Does anyone know the words to Auld Lang Syne?” “This was a shitty year. 2018 will be a shitty year. This is nothing new to me.” “You didn’t bring date to the party, did you? Because I need someone to kiss at midnight.”
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crestrella-blog · 6 years
.*:: Red and Gold ::*.
Word about the party in the Gryffindor tower spread like wildfire after a certain someone posted the big invitation on the hooter app last night. Excited voice about the party filled down the hallway as students were chatting happily about what to wear and what to do later that night. It’ll be an enjoyable night for all, especially when the event was thrown by two members of the Gryffindor Rebel Squad. 
For Estrella, it’ll be a long busy day ahead. Even though her friends will be the one hosting the event, she still volunteered to decorate the area so the burden will be lessen off their shoulders. The sound of her heels clicking became more audible as she made a turn down to a much quieter part of the school. Slowly, the view of the exact location where the party will be revealed itself - the sixth floor east wing. A bold choice but the mastermind behind it was after all Dane and Eunice. Putting down her enchanted bag, she pulled out her wand. “Muffliato. Cave inimicum.” Estrella mumbled under her breath while focusing on every single crack and nook in the area to make sure no sound will escape from the place.
After making sure that the area is secured, the blonde stretched her hand into her bag and pulled out multiple streamers of red and gold, a dj mixer that she had shrunk, a long buffet table, a speaker, a box of fairy lights and packets of red balloons. The beauty of an enchanted bag. Estrella used to stash her snacks in there and the amount could allow her to open a mini Honeydukes in the school. Looking around, she began her job with the streamers first. Red and gold. The colors of Gryffindor. She used to dislike the combination, thinking that gold can only match rose pink (rosegold yes) or silver. But the more she look at it, the more the colors pleased her eyes. Red signifies boldness and fiery and gold matches the colors of the lion, or at least that was what she thought. She began humming to a tune that some student played on their phone earlier, the melody was catchy and got stuck in her head as she sent the streamers fly high up and dangle themselves around the windows with her wand.
[ @creunxce​ ]
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crestrella-blog · 6 years
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it’s finally the opening!! if you have read her intro back in the plot blog, i’ve added a few more (just seven) details for this little flower. make sure to check it out!
hi all! i’m vee and over here with me is estrella! she’s a first upper year gryffindor. can i say that i’m stoked to be here and i can’t wait for the opening? i’ve been in several hp roleplays but they are all western ones so joining a hp krp is rare! anyway, below the cut will be a short summary of my girl. more info will be up here and here. do note that her personality isn’t up yet but i have a few hints there so you can at least get the gist. c: feel free to drop a message if you’re looking to plot with this sweetheart or just have a chat with yours truly!
born as estrella, her korean name’s yeonhwa
family is korean but stayed in london
her father’s a pureblood wizard that works in the ministry as the head of the department of law enforcement whereas her mother’s a veela and a quidditch player . oh yas, this girl’s a half-veela so you can see she’s the popular kid that every boy wants to get close to and though she love the attention, it just feels wrong like they want to befriend her because her veela charm is working on them and not by their own willingness.
actually dark haired but she changed to blonde using the color changing spell so she’ll look more ‘veela-ish’ as most veelas are blonde
think neville but after the battle of hogwarts! she once doubted herself as a gryffindor and wanted to be in hufflepuff. the thought of standing up for the good and being fearless pressurized her and she thought she was never that heroic
but some ancestor up high showed her the light and who she truly was after giving her the chance to actually stand up for a hufflepuff in the female bathroom (potential plot here!!)
now that she gained confidence, she started to take up on many challenges and believed in herself
the only thing she probably hasn’t conquered yet was her fear of flying
she was a huge quidditch fan just like her mother. she fell in love with the sport after witnessing her first match. never did she knew that her dream could crush her forever
it was afternoon and she had a mini quidditch competition with her cousins. the wind got stronger and  took over her broom, causing her to fall off. she was just a hundred fifty foot off ground
she broke her leg and sprained her wrist. it was a terrible experience, especially for someone that young, the pain was unbearable sometimes that she cried for consecutive days 
feels that she does not have a lot of close friends despite her huge friend circle, three quarter of them were potentially fake because of her veela beauty or they just make use of her popularity to gain advantages for themselves
has a pet goldfish at home named oggy. since she can’t bring him to school, she got another ginger kitten named pumpkin and he loves cuddles and every flavor beans (including those nasty ones. weird animal tastebuds)
literally walks around while chewing on droobles. has snacks stashed away in her enchanted pockets including every flavor beans, peppermint toads, licorice wands, pumpkin pasties, acid pops and choco balls
her bedside is filled with scented candles. they help with her sleep.
currently learning how to play the violin and it sounds like someone scratching a chalkboard. if you ever got woken up by a screechy sound, its not the house ghosts but estrella
fricking book smart af but she doesn’t study until one week before the exams. she feel that its easier to absorb although the stress increased
1/4 of the gryff rebel squad and the youngest. think of her as the remus lupin in the marauders
will support you unless its out of her morals. so yeah, you can say she actually rebels when she feels that certain things are just wrong and she’s not afraid to go against it
likes to give her uniform a little bit more ‘shimmer’ by clipping a little glitter star hair clip in her front pocket
pretty good in dueling and one of the better ones from the dueling club back in her hogwarts days
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crestrella-blog · 7 years
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crestrella-blog · 7 years
singing in the rain + purple for anon
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