Things my boss says
"Recycle the paper clips."
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I was talking to my co-worker and my boss came over and said very rudely and in my face loud that she knew me and my coworker were friends but we were not allowed to talk because we don't work and it wasn't okay and I told her that I had been talking to my coworker about a receiving question and she said but every time I've seen you guys today you've been talking and I looked at her and I said this is the first time that we've talked all day and she just huffed and stormed away
That doesn't probably make very much sense but trying to write it down so I don't forget later
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My boss is jealous my coworker and I are getting close. We work really well together, and we're becoming friends. Boss is jealous cuz the company policy is no making friends with employees, but as far as I know it's fine for coworkers to mingle. But she told my coworker she wasnt allowed to be friends with me haha never said a word to me. I'm afraid she's gonna make my coworker end up leaving because of her BS. The assistant manager already told me she's putting in her two weeks after Black Friday. Boss totally pushes her out. I'm heartbroken, she's the glue of the store and our advocate. She's the only thing keeping the conditions bearable at the store. I'm going to miss her miserably but I have hope that the store will fall apart and be brought to corporates attention and things will change for the better.
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My boss moved me from clothing to receiving full time. Instead of asking me how I was doing and seeing how she could help me with my paralyzing stress when she found out I was having problems, she pulled my coworker aside and said she was gossiping. Never said a word to me.
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Why do bosses have to be such jerks. I love my job, it's a good, fun, job, but my boss is psychotic. I'm gonna try to post the good and the bad from now on, like a diary of sorts. I've been meaning to from the beginning, but life.
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Apparently scraping price tags of sticker chips is less wasteful then cutting them in half for what we need them for.
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My coworker caught me staring at a costumers ass. Whoops
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Job #1
So I only have the one job now (previously job #2 I think?) I'm full time (after some avoidable drama caused by my boss) and over the clothing department. I like my job, being over clothing, and almost all my coworkers. But my boss... She really doesn't care if she's liked. At least her attitude dictates that. The assistant manager? I adore her. She's the only reason the store is still running.
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Job #1 (was Job #2)
Finally got full-time. Put over the clothing department since the original lady was hurt and pretty much fired. I'm excited to see how I do. Hopefully I'll be able to do more and not have to cashier. I hate cashiering. I got pretty good (or mediocre?) marks on my employee review. (Can't believe I've been there almost a year now) The only bad mark o got was something to do with doing things without asking the managers first. In my defense I only "do things without asking" when I know it's ok, and have done them before, with permission. The boss just gets irritated that I don't appeal to her authority. She admitted as much, about the things I would do being ok, but just double checking first. It's hard when the managers (main manager mostly) won't answer my radio and PA calls. So I'm supposed to make the costumer wait half an hour till someone MIGHT answer me when I know my job, what I'm doing, and what's ok or not? Nah son.
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Job #1
I put my two weeks notice in at my one job. So did my coworker. He stayed a few days after me. We've hung out a few times since then. I'm now working longer hours at job #2, he got a full time job in the oil field. I miss him. I didn't realize how spending so much time with someone I didn't know would effect me so much. I really, really miss him.
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Job #1
Put my two weeks notice in
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Job #1 present
My day started off crap and when I got to work I could tell my coworker was having a crap day too. He had that look about him. The I'm-gonna-leave-early look. I don't know how but I think we made each other's day a little better. He ended up staying till about an hour before close instead of sooner like I figured he'd leave. It was just an all over crappy day but it was pretty good for a little bit. I hope his day was a little better too.
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Job #1 present
I was early to job #1 from job #2 and had to change my shirt so I pulled off onto a scenic lookout next to the highway. I normally check to see if anyone was coming from either direction but I realized I hadn't that time when I looked over and there's a male passenger in a semi driving by craning his neck to see me half clothed. Oh well. At least he didn't stop at the gas station.
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Working jobs #2 and #1 tomorrow so about a 14 hour shift. It's 3:30 am I can't sleep and I have to get up in 2 hours. I hope I can make/fake it till tonight.
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Job #2 present
"Has anyone told you you are beautitiful today?"
"Aren't I beautiful everyday?" (I said, cuz I'm an awkward thing)
"Well you're beautiful."
"Thanks, I guess?"
"Cuz I don't really care what I look like."
"Yea, it's all about personality for me. You are beautiful, you could be a model... Or a porn star, and I'd still think you are beautiful."
"Thaaanks, have a good day."
"I will!" Turns back around, "Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Uh, yes..."
"Aw man."
"Yea sorry."
"Well it doesn't hurt to ask."
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The next day we played go fish
It got intense
Job #1 present
It was so boring and slow today my coworker and I played Slap Jack all day
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"Mountain dew is the mature version of going out every night and getting drunk!"
A customer at Job #1
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