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I will not stand idle by,
to watch the nails being put into my coffin!
You look for weapons,
But all I have is a pen.
You look for crack cocaine.
but all I have is a goodname.
You listen for foul-inflammatory language,
but all I show is grace and a smile.
You look for violence and barbarism,
but all I have is honour and integrity.
You imprison me behind bars.
Fashioned from misdirected code.
Applied psychological constraints.
Obliterate me economically,
to place me in a steel bubble.
Shattered my family
and scattered the pieces.
I respond with poetry,logic,
and reasoned rhymes.
You criminalize an innocent man.
To remedy starvation of real evidence.
You discredit me
to infer contradictions.
For comrades who wilfully lied under oath,
in a court of competent jurisdiction.
You send me,
I go.
You call me,
I come.
You instruct me to speak,
I give answer.
My battlefield is small.
My mobility is severely constraint.
My weapons of choice,
are non lethal and meager.
I defend with cast off qualities.
I fight with morality, ethics,
and social justice.
I stand before you a man,
unbowed and unbroken.
I entered the fiery furnace,
reformed and regenerated.
Forged to endure the battle at hand.
I will endure!
I will overcome.
Then I shall conquer.
Leegal Poet
Wayne Ferron:All rights reserved @ copyright 
BOOK: Child Of Hope
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