crimscnkiss · 5 years
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rory still in a bit of a daze herself, the magic session with cal still had her fingers electric with the feel of the rush. she wasn’t sure what time it was, nova headed home and they were left to their own devices. did cal even head home, or had she left him there alone ? who knows--- not her. she had found herself wandering into the mini mart under the impression she’d be getting a drink and heading out. alas, she forgot all about that and headed straight for her favorite snack.
a soft voice perked behind her and rory craned her neck to glance at the other. “ oh --- pistachios ! it’s a nut party apparently. “ she cracked a joke, not caring if the other was a complete stranger or not. 
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duffy wandered into the minimart at some late-night-early-morning hour with a giant, dazed smile. she’d spent most of today her crow self instead of her person self, and that always made her a little giddy. and sometimes when she was feeling especially birdlike, she liked to go to the minimart and buy a buncha stuff all separate just so she could watch earl count out her change again and again.
earl didn’t like her very much.
but she didn’t care. she grabbed a bag of corn nuts to start with and waited happily behind the next person. “whatcha gettin’?” she asked pleasantly.
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
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a voice from above caught the crimson beauty off guard, crystalline eyes gazing up only to find an unfamiliar face. a mop of curly hair was the only sight to be seen--- that, and the god-like face directly below the mop. 
“ well, that’s kind of an up-front question. but, nothing. why ? “ one burgundy brow quirked at question, arms crossing just a bit. 
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“hey, down there,” manny called from the top of the fence he was perched on. he had his satchel over his back, full of contraband as one does, and he was looking for his usual buyers.
and maybe a few new ones. “yeah, you. what are you doing today?”
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
task #1
FULL NAME: aurora neptune caligo PRONUNCIATION: aw-ROHR-ah , nep - tune , cal - eye - go MEANING: dawn, a natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streamers of reddish or greenish light in the sky, usually near the northern or southern magnetic pole REASONING: it is unclear if aurora’s name was chosen due to the meaning of the name or the meaning of the word and it’s relation to the aurora borealis  NICKNAME(S): rory, rora, roar, red, sis PREFERRED NAME(S): rory BIRTH DATE: june 14th, 1957  AGE: 25 ZODIAC: gemini GENDER: female PRONOUNS: she/her ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual
BIRTH PLACE: harrisville, oklahoma HOMETOWN: letum falls, oklahoma SOCIAL CLASS: her parents were lower middle class but her grandparents were upperclass SPECIES: witch turned siphon FATHER: orion caligo MOTHER: persephone caligo SIBLING(S): nova caligo BIRTH ORDER: unknown PET(S): nyx?? OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: nana and papa PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: bez, dean for a short, short period, others CURRENT RELATIONSHIP: none ARRESTS?: once PRISON TIME?: no
SOURCE OF INCOME: her job at the library and help from her grandparents CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: yes MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: her locket she received from her nana, it matches her sister’s
TALENTS: she is an amazing artist and writer but doesn’t flaunt her talent. she can also sing, but only in front of people she trusts DRIVE?: yes JUMP-STAR A CAR?: yes but it’s a talent she rarely uses CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: yes, thank’s to papa RIDE A BICYCLE?: yes SWIM?: yes PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: piano, guitar, and the violin PLAY CHESS?: yes BRAID HAIR?: yes TIE A TIE?: no PICK A LOCK?: yes, magically
FACE CLAIM: sophie tuner EYE COLOR: blue HAIR COLOR: red, burgundy HAIR TYPE/STYLE: she usually wears her hair long, some braids thrown in, maybe a few flowers poking out here and there GLASSES/CONTACTS?: no DOMINANT HAND: right HEIGHT: 5′9 WEIGHT: 139 lbs BUILD: small but muscular TATTOOS: the gemini symbol on the back of her neck, a small quote and half a flower running down her spine, a small bouquet of flowers on her right inner elbow, a large owl on her left thigh PEIRCINGS: both ears, one cartilage, double lobes on her right ear, and a nose piercing she has since taken out MARKS/SCARS: a scar on the back of her neck from the sacrifice and theft of her powers at a young age, she has since covered the scar with her gemini tattoo NOTABLE FEATURES: the freckles across her cheeks USUAL EXPRESSION: smiling or emotionless, no in between ALLERGIES: none DIETARY RESTRICTIONS: none PHYSICAL AILMENTS: none
MORAL ALIGNMENT: neutral good ELEMENT: air MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: none ADDICTION(S): none DRUG USE: smokes some weed and partakes in some other natural herbs ALCOHOL USE: she drinks some, usually only with friends PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: only when provoked
HOBBIES: she likes to read, draw, play music, anything to keep herself busy while her sister and friends are away NERVOUS TICKS / HABITS: she bites her nails and chews on the tips of pencils FEARS: snakes, spiders, small spaces POSITIVE TRAITS: kind, caring, empathetic, intelligent, strong-willed, charming NEGATIVE TRAITS: stubborn, slightly impulsive, somewhat blunt, isolated CURSING?: yes, but she tries not to
ACTIVITY: sitting at home stuffing her face and reading a good book ANIMAL: owl, cats come second BEVERAGE: strawberry shake BOOK: the great gatsby COLOR: purple FOOD: mac and cheese FLOWER: red roses GEM: emerald HOLIDAY: halloween MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: walking QUOTE/SAYING: it’s all in a day’s exhaustion SCENERY: expansive forests and hidden lakes GENERAL SCENT: rosemary and lavendar PERSONAL SCENT: books, trees, hits of pine and roses SPORT: soccer WEATHER: sunny and windy
GREATEST DREAM: to regain her powers GREATEST FEAR: losing her sister MOST AT EASE WHEN: reading a good book and cuddling with her family LEAST AT EASE WHEN: completely alone and stuck in silence BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: helping her papa regain his health BIGGEST REGRET: lying to her grandparents for years MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: falling down at her high school talent show BIGGEST SECRET: she secretly wants to track down her parents and get some answers, but she also wants to rip their heads off in the process TOP PRIORITIES: her sister and her friends
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
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“ uh… ”  teejay hesitates. he’s not one to hem ‘n haw, but yet… here he is. hemmin’. hawin’. takin’ his sweet ass time tryin’ to explain just what he’s after. ‘cause, hell –– he barely even knows what he’s dealin’ with, let alone how to… read about it.
there’s no way he can play this without soundin’… crazy. like he’s been listenin’ to too much of that witchin’ hour on the radio. so, for once in his life, the young vanetten just leans in to the awkward.
“ well. y’know, the, uh… that show ?   with bez holmes ?  i was… i was listenin’ last night ‘n he… he got to talkin’ about, y’know… ”  no, actually. she doesn’t. teejay shifts his weight and raises an arm to rub at the back of his neck. 
“ er. werethings. wolves. or somethin’. i –– i dunno. ”  he glances around like someone in this place might see him ‘n tattle. “ i guess i just… wanted to… uh. research those ?  find out more. if that… makes sense. ”
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rory senses resistance, the heat of hesitation burning anxious ears. she’s had this conversation once or twice--- customers comin’ in, looking for a new type of book, one a bit on the mysterious side, and they try their hardest not to look crazy.
aurora waits patiently for her friend to muster it out--- this seemed a bit more than just curiosity for the supernatural. it seemed like he’d seen a ghost. ( don’t go into the history section, you might find one or two ). 
“ bez’s show ? didn’t know you were a fan of his stuff. but yeah, i’ve got the idea. “ she chuckled, staring at her friend as he fought with himself. 
“ i’ve got a whole section of werecreatures. whatcha lookin’ for ? werewolves, werehyenas, hybrids.. got a lot of options, here. “ she chuckled, trying to break the ice a bit.
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
the noise that burst escaped at her sister’s comment was a mix between a snort and a burst of laughter which only caused busted nose girl to look even angrier. but there was no way to explain that the reaction was because of a comment from someone the girl couldn’t see. ooooh, now i’m gonna get it, look at that scowl. i’m sure her daddy will be hearing about this and i’m sure she’s going to tell me so.
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teeth poke out to nibble at her bottom lip as rory held in her laughter --- if only to stop her sister’s. she enjoyed their little talks from work, the hours of gossiping and odd mischief kept her going until sundown. as her words float through an open mind, one more laugh fell from her lips. bet her momma’s gonna come in later. then you’ll really get it.
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
“well, not being reported is certainly a plus, i must say. i don’t think cas would be too happy having to deal with a feud over books being dropped. i mean, can you imagine?” quin let himself be guided towards the desk, sitting down on the closest chair. his feet had started to feel a little like he had pins and needles. or the feeling afterwards where it was an awful fuzzy feeling. upon looking at his feet, they seemed to be… pale. surely it was just something in his eye, his vision blurring, because when he blinked and focused? they seemed to look absolutely fine.
“hm? sorry. uh… green, please. there’s some honey in the cupboard too, i find that’s always good when you’re feelin’ a little… off. the sweetness helps.” he huffed out a small laugh, smiling apologetically at her for his lack of attention for the few moments he was out of focus. 
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“ he’d be well on our case, for sure. “ rory let him go on as she gathered her supplies. she found it better to let others talk through their emotions and joke on. feet padded back and forth in the small area, soft wrinkles forming between furrowed brows until finally, she was ready. turning back towards her friend, she noticed him off in a daze, but something... something was off. pursed lips and stopped hands, she stared.
“ honey, yeah, uh, got it. “ she nodded, eyes still flickering between the man and the cabinets. “ so uh... how are you feelin’, exactly ? “
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
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“quite rude, huh? well, if you think that’s rude, you should have seen the way i spoke to some people today. you’d drop down our of shock.” cal responded, taking another few mouthfuls. it was a pleasant burn and definitely one he welcomed. it somehow was coupled nicely with old books and a skating rink floor.
“of course it has letters and vowels.” he scoffed, setting down the bottle with a light clink. “a light spell, huh? lemme look.” he pushed himself up properly, adjusting the book and squinting at the page until it became clear. it took a long few moments but he eventually managed and hummed in acknowledgement. a spell he’d done before.
clearing his throat, he began to speak in slightly slurred latin, “lux lucis via et locus afferri videre…” as the phrase came to a close, a ball of light gathered in his palm, inhaling in slowly to concentrate as it lifted away from his palm, a few spots of light appearing around it. “huh… would’ya look at that.”
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“ oh i’m sure you scared off a few families. luckily, i’m immune to your mighty wrath of rudeness. “ purple-painted nails are quick to retrieve the bottle with thieving hands, taking a few gulps for herself. the liquor singed her throat but it was well worth it. this was her favorite past time; getting drunk with cal and messing around with magic. throw some skates in there and you’ve got a two-person rave. 
“ well then, i’ll probably open the gates of hell instead. “ it was a joke, slurred by drunken lips and accompanied by a dazzling smile. she let cal take the lead, seeing as he proved far more stable under the influence. in all honesty, just seeing someone else perform magic, someone she hasn’t been surrounded by for over two decades, it was a wonder. everyone had their own unique processes, even if they didn’t notice them. a soft breath before each spell, a bite of the tongue before reciting an incantation, the release of a long-held breath when you finally succeed. each reigning moment was documented by observant eyes. 
latin phrased within her mind, recollection of the spell --- one she’d done years ago but since forgot. soon, a gleaming ball of light formed within his hands and rory took the moment to stare in wonder. rising and multiplying, the light held the woman’s gaze for a moment or so, finally words forming. “ well dammit, you beat my gates of hell by the gates of heaven. i quit. “
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
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nyx hesitates. keeps their hands on the wall corner, just in case they’ve got to make a quick exit. the living room’s got more than a healthy coat of fresh paper-white snow, ‘n even though rory ain’t thrilled, they kinda think… well. it’s kinda pretty. ( or, at least, kinda fun to roll around in. )
“ nov said she wanted to test out the… sucky satan. ”  nyx knows the one. the scary robot thing with the hurricane winds and lion’s roar. the devil. 
“ i just… wanted t’make sure the test was… real ? ”  as they speak, a few tissue flecks cascade from their hair. lyin’ through their teeth. you’d think with feline sensibilities, they might do a lil better. 
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ocean eyes narrow into a soft glare, fallen crimson locks blurring rory’s vision a bit. even with a house full up ripped up tissues, the girl still couldn’t really be mad at them. in all honesty, the thought of nyx in cat form rolling around with tissues was absolutely adorable, but coming home to it wasn’t the best. 
“ i really don’t think this is what she meant. “ rory tried. she tried to have a stern tone, to be mad, but only a soft sigh left her lips.  
“ alright, come on. just... help me clean it up, okay ? i stopped by the bakery to say hi to brooks and grabbed us some cupcakes. we can eat them after the house is spotless. “
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
a guy on the train just finished his book and started a new one immediately i think that is the sexiest thing i’ve ever seen
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
quincy often wore his heart on his sleeve. it became a problem sometimes but he supposed he was at least genuine. mostly calm, his stress beneath the surface. but in times of extreme stress, it showed. or if he was upset, you would be able to tell. but this was just.. typical quincy. overwhelmed by more than one thing at once. between trying to concentrate, worrying about rory and stressing about why the book had ended up on the floor.
the soft small he received from the redhead did somewhat help. it relaxed him enough to feel like he could breathe and not like he was going to explode from everything piling up. but.. he wasn’t relieved by the worried expression. “high pain tolerance. noted. still, it’s not very nice to drop things on your coworkers. good workplace rapport and all that.” he took a moment and just nodded, letting her guide him towards the counter where he usually sat to doodle or read. “you don’t need to worry about me. i’m sorry. i guess i’m just.. overwhelmed. frazzled. long day. are you sure you’re okay?”
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she never meant to baby her friends, but it came as instinct. she was pampered by her grandmother, and when she grew old enough to choose her own way, she began pushing herself to care for others and make the world around her better. she wasn’t doing the best, but small changes are worth the while. 
“ just come sit, forget about it. i promise, i’m not going to report you. “ a small laugh and a start to break the ice. awkward conversations were never her style. she leads him over to the desk and soon, she’s on to looking for her mugs. “ so, what’s your choice --- sweet tea, herbal, green... i’ve got ‘em all in my desk. “
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
“careful!” cal called without even looking up when he heard the familiar sound of fumbling behind him. he was laid across the flooring (which had just dried after being mopped, might he add), a book in front of him. it had been passed down from his aunt, the pages almost falling out and most pages bookmarked with herbs or pressed flowers. it added character.
at the botched latin, he began to laugh, pushing himself up with one hand. “i… wow. wow, gotta write that down somewhere. how not to pronounce that spell.” still laughing, he leaned in close to pluck the bottle from her hands. “my turn. what ‘bout this one?” he asked, using his foot as he swallowed a few mouthfuls of liquor to push the book in her direction. “looks easier to say.”
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another burst of laughter from the crimson beauty and she’s managing to catch her step, standing firm as she flips through the pages. she paid no mind to the scattered spots of drying water. she was swirling the bottle in her hand just as he moved to steal it. 
she gave a small gasp, half-open eyes flickering between his frame and the dangling bottle. “ quite rude, sir. “ her botched latin was almost as bad as her botched posh accent, a rated 3 on the caligo scale but she’s never admit her mistake. only another laugh to follow it. 
“ does it have any vowels ? or letters ? i probably can’t read it anyways. “ another joke and she’s moving to nudge his shoulder, peeking over the page to see if her drunken state could handle another spell or two. “ that’s a light spell, you try. “
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
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already tripping over her feet, rory stumbled barefoot onto the empty skating rink. one hand occupied with a grimoire, the other filled by an almost empty bottle. cal would have to steal that one back. 
“ propria manie--- “ laughter burst from plump lips as aurora turns to her friend. by this point, it was safe to say the girl was tipsy. “ i said manie ! like, like meanie. “ it seemed the most hilarious thing in the world, her mind a dazr and her latin rusty from her third... no, fourth ? drink of the night.
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
the whole aftermath of the fair was clearly an issue for everyone. not a day went past that someone didn’t ask about it in the store or he didn’t overhear a conversation there or on the streets about it. you’d turn on the radio and hear it, open the papers and see it still on the headlines. either way, it just seemed to get in the way and make everyone hyperaware of what was going on around them. it was almost as if people were scared things would suddenly go wrong, as they did at the fair. 
quin just sort of looked at rory with a sickeningly guilty expression on his face, trying to convey somehow just how apologetic he was without coming out with a string of apologies. he just set the book down gingerly on the nearest table. “it is, your foot, i-… gosh, i’m sorry. the biggest book in the place and i drop it, what the hell is wrong with me, huh?” he pushed a hand through his hair, using it to ground himself as he felt it drag through.”i’m fine. i think. i just… it was in my hand one second and then falling the next, i don’t even remember losing my grip.”
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rory wasn’t the best at showing what she felt, she had always hidden it deep inside. with the fair, she was left in a blur of regret and complete denial of the incident at all. was it the best solution ? no, not by a long shot, but it was the best way she knew how to deal with all of this shit. 
rory sent her co-worker, her friend, a soft smile, watching as he gingerly placed the book back on a table, returning with a twice as worried look. he was frazzled, to say the least, it wasn’t hard to see, but rory knew never to point out the obvious. “ my foot’s fine, i have a pretty high tolerance for pain... i’m just more worried about you. why don’t we sit down ? you can relax and we can drink some tea. forget all about it. “
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
it seemed like the whole town was on edge, each citizen watching over their shoulder, hearing and seeing things that aren’t there. the fair really fucked this town, and rory was just watching the aftermath from the safety of her work chair. the store was slow, as usual, but the crimson beauty always found entertainment within a barren sea. 
looking for yet another book, having just finished this read, rory was caught completely off guard by the falling book, her reflexes too slow to dodge the incoming object. “ shit --- it’s okay, quin, it’s no biggie. promise. “ the girl tried to assure him through scattered gasps, one final breath and soon, the pain vanished. “ i’m fine, i’m fine... it’s not like you to just go blank... you okay ? “
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the book had been in his hand, he was sure of it. it was a thick book of poems, beautifully bound in a green hardcover with gold writing printed into the front. it had definitely been in his hand. except then it wasn’t. and he wasn’t alone in the bookstore. he watched as the book seemed to just tumble from his hand, right onto the foot of the other person in the aisle.
a gasp caught in his throat as he ducked down to grab it, struggling a moment before he focused and lifted it from the floor. “i’m so sorry! oh my gosh, i’m a total clutz lately. if it’s not books, it’s a glass or keys or pencils and paintbrushes.” he grimaced a little and looked up at the other. “is your foot okay?”
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crimscnkiss · 5 years
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bleary-eyed and lead-footed, teejay shuffles through his lesser-known aisles of letum read. chin tipped up, eyes squinty, he’s scannin’ for something he doesn’t even know how to look for. nervous fingers dance by his sides, enough so he finally shoves ‘em deep into his letterman pockets. outta sight, outta mind. if only these power things worked that way.
“ oh –– ror, hey. ”  he tries his hand at a cordial smile, but his gaze falls on a book with red binding and he’s blinkin’ away last night’s sights, sounds, tastes.  “ o-oh yeah, ” he finally responds with an unconvincing laugh. “ i was in here lookin’ for planes ‘n trains, how’d y’know ? ”
“ actually, i, uh… ”  teejay glances around, makes sure none of the other customers are listenin’. “ y'all got anything like… ”  he blinks a few times, furrows his brow. “ those beasty-things ?  like… a dictionary. for… ”  he rocks back ‘n forth on his heels. “ … things. ”
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stepping into the bookstore can sometimes feel like entering an alternate dimension. the atmosphere shifts, the scent of pine and paper wafting through the air. each isle seems like it stretches for miles, and each book has a world to show you. it always amazed her how different people acted in libraries or bookstores, as if they knew they were surrounded by wisdom that should be respected. 
the man seems caught in a daze, one she wasn’t quite familiar with. her joke seems to break the ice, but this wall and thicker, colder than usual. “ usually you’ve already got a few in your hands by now, a bit stuck finding something ? 
“ beasty-things ? i’ve uh, i’ve got an isle on the supernatural, if that’s what you’re lookin’ for. fiction, non-fiction, resource. which fits the bill ? “
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