crimsondrive-blog · 5 years
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like for an argumentative one liner.
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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like for a random one liner.
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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❛ that’s very sweet y’think i don’t have a plan, ❜ aeron wasn’t getting off on TRYING to sound condescending, but this kid didn’t even know him – who was he to be making assumptions? not to mention the underlying note of slight narcissism was gnawing away at each word aeron was on the receiving end for – he hoped he didn’t mirror that. ❛ d’ya think timothy mcveigh just went balls to the walls and killed as many people as he did by a strokea’ luck? no fuckin’ way. a good plan has numbers and precision. making sure a weapon is built right is part of that. ❜ the finer details of aeron’s rampage was still fuzzy in most corners, mod podged by bouts of rage and a desire to kill. but in the end: his target was most likely going to end up being his school. body count? he’s hoping for over a hundred.  but he had to be quick and steal like – part of which he still needed quite a bit of practice on. ❛ i won’t get caught, ❜ aeron assures the other boy, lip twitching a bit as he turns to him with a stoic glare,  ❛ unless someone’s stupid enough to rat me out or somethin’. ❜
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❛ not saying you don’t have a plan. i’m just saying you probably don’t have a good one. ❜ elliot isn’t being harsh -- he prefers to look at it as constructive criticism. ❛ timothy mcveigh had the numbers on his side, sure. the dude killed the masses but his planning was shit in areas. the dude bombed the place and drove off in a getaway car but the piece of shit didn’t even have a license plate. cops are always itching to nail someone for no plates and no insurance. mcveigh spent all of his time planning but it didn’t do him any good if he missed all of the details to not get caught. should’ve just offed himself or something. ❜ he’s unimpressed by both mcveigh and the blonde haired boy putting up a front before him. the kid was interesting though, even with their egos both battling for dominance. ❛ i’m sure mcveigh didn’t think he’d get caught either. ❜ he raises his eyebrows and presses his lips together. ❛ you think i’m going to rat you out? or have you been going around town telling your bombing plans? ❜  either aeron was a loose cannon or he somehow knew elliot could be trusted enough to tell his secret to. ❛ not like you’ve told me enough details to tell anyway. i still think you’re bluffing. ❜ 
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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like for an evil lil ’ one liner. 
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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certainly this is a mirage ; a hazy hallucination in which a seventeen year old boy just confessed to murdering his own father and yet the more aly attempts to blink away the reality she’s been thrown into, the more her senses fill with a present reminder that this is all too real. elliot’s paw is warm against her own as his touch directs her brims to sow tightly together in compliance. this goes to the grave with you. has there ever been a more timely usage of the saying ? suddenly, her lungs forget to coordinate with her brain ; the last inward pull of oxygen being held captive as elliot’s stare turns her to stone. surely, it was just an expression but after such a grim confession, she’s left wondering if the secret ever dared to escape these four walls, would a said grave really be tied to her future ? nonetheless, she’s hardly frightened ( at least, there’s no admittance of such a thing ) . she’s merely enthralled with the possibility of a threat. not that she quite thinks he’s even capable. well, not until she receives further proof. “ that’s it ? ” is she really undermining his murder technique ? “ thought this was going to be some dramatic lizzie borden ordeal with a hatchet or something. whew. ” humor that resides in only the darkest of places continues to lighten the mood as the inquisitive teen begins to shift positions. pulling herself to her feet, she extends a limb downward to offer a paw to elliot. “ will you show me ? ” countenance thrown over her shoulder, she directs her attention toward the staircase. “ it happened here ? ” what a backwards game of show and tell, huh ?
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aly had taught elliot to expect the unexpected for as long as he had the pleasure of knowing her but there was no way for him to expect this reaction. he won’t complain though. in a dream scenario, this is exactly the response he had hoped for given the chance that his secret was ever willingly shared. “ sorry to disappoint you, alyson. the next time i go accidentally killing someone, i’ll be sure there’s a hatchet nearby.” he’s already loosening up, a toothy grin peaking through. “show you the spot?” as lighthearted as aly had just made this seem, elliot still wasn’t sure if she was prepared for the reality of what he had did. however, if there was anyone that could understand his darkness, it would be just her. frankly, he already felt a weight being lifted off of his chest -- holding in a secret of his magnitude for that long, especially hiding it from aly, took a toll on him. he was bound to slip up sooner or later, today just seemed a lot sooner than he had expected. “i --uh-- yeah.” elliot reached for her hand, squeezes her palm as he rose to his feet. walking over towards the stairway, he pulls aly along with him. pushing her frame in front of his, he stands behind her -- looking over her shoulder and nodding his head downward. “he was standing right here, arguing with mom. i saw him elbow her chin and i just ..” he paused for dramatic effect, reliving the horror of the day. “i pushed him!” elliot quickly grabbed at aly’s waist, shoving her forward but still griping her tight enough to where she wouldn’t fall forward -- laughter rumbling from the obvious scare he caused. “he tumbled down and broke his neck. it was pretty gruesome.. we didn’t have money to redo the flooring though.”
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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her top teeth tank into her bottom lip softly, chewing absentmindedly as she processed his request ( that was undoubtedly out of her comfort zone ). her gut was shaking it’s head, trying to convince her that sneaking him out was nothing short of trouble – but her heart was beating softly, skipping every time her emerald hues met his pools of condensed nature. she glanced towards the door of his room before returning to his gaze. the butterflies in her stomach made it very clear what her decision would be. “so, what’s the plan?” she asked, a delicate smile curving her peach petals upwards. besides, spending some more one-on-one time with him wouldn’t be so bad – perhaps even worth the adrenaline rush.
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he watched the girl -- both out of curiosity for what her answer would be and also out of sheer fact that she was easier on the eyes than he had ever let himself believe. she was the only classmate that bothered to check on him in the hospital and now she was offering to help him escape? if he had a good side, she would definitely be on it. “you’re a lot less innocent than you look.” not in a bad way, elliot was all for these types of surprises. “the nurse on shift goes on break in a few minutes. she’s in some weird fling with the security guard so if we’re quick, we could make it out of here before they get done playing tonsil hockey.” elliot began dishing the plan out while simultaneously de-robing himself of the hospital gown. “we have two options really. you can either go ahead and pull our getaway car near the back and i’ll meet you there in 15 minutes ..” chest now bare, he takes his time pulling the wrinkled tshirt over his head -- still stained with dried blood. “or you can walk with me out.. we can pretend we were visiting someone else if we get stopped. what do you think?”
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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        her eyes were fixed on him as if he were a book of poetry and she was a mesmerized linguaphile, her soul entirely captivated by the words that were written upon his skin and within his eyes – eyes that had undoubtedly stolen a handful of stars from the night sky; this being the first time she had been able to thoroughly look into them, her internalized conclusion containing not an ounce of disappointment. she hadn’t even noticed how far her mind had WANDERED until he began speaking once more and it was in that moment she had an epiphany, the sun hitting his cheek just right as his voiced inquiry decorated the otherwise dull hospital room, she would take him to the edge of the world if he asked her to. “of course.” she said quietly, “i drove.”
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music to his ears -- both the mere sound of her voice and the confirmation that a getaway car was parked just a few steps away. if elliot believed in much of a god, he’d have his paws clapped together in a thankful prayer right about now. eyebrows shift before peaking upward. “ that’s awfully good to hear. ” he scans the room for the clothing they had forced off of him in exchange for a hospital gown. “ what do you say ? ” he’s all but itching for her okay at the point. “ i know this is asking a bit more than sharing homework but do you think you could sneak me out ? i’m supposed to stay for a few more days but you’ve got a car and i’ve got the desire to never see these four walls again. ”
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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“All of this fucking shit was for nothing.”
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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the drawbridge of her jaw loosens, brims parting as her lungs beg for the oxygen they’ve suddenly been deprived of. seconds drip, drip, DRIP past like a leaking faucet ; time caught somewhere between reality and the ghastly nightmare that aly’s only ever toyed with during restless evenings. she’ll swear a good half hour has slipped by before she’s managed to wrestle the idea that the enigma in her presence is being truthful ; that the male before her has more than just butter residue on his paws from the popcorn she’s shared – his hands are covered in blood of the past. but how ? how could someone so seemingly normal ( see also: sane ) be capable of something so twisted ? it’s a conundrum she’ll press until the details squeeze out, however reluctant. ❛ oh, no. you definitely should have. ❜ affirmation pats elliot on the back as if murderous confessions are part of model behavior. while any human equipped with a sound mind would’ve booked it for the exit, aly’s feet seem to be drilled into the floorboards. truth be told, she’s no stranger to death – if anything, the idea of vengeance and blood shed are only solidifying her stay. ❛ that’s how this game works.. except my answers are typically better. way to blow me outta the water. ❜ spine curving upward, she morphs into a sitting position, her converse sinking into her thighs as her lower extremities pretzel together. a single manicured digit rests atop elliot’s kneecap, her fingerprints crafting circles against the denim as she keeps her gaze tucked downward. ❛ how’d you do it ? ❜ hook, line, and sinker. c’mon, take the bait. ❛ i always thought about clockin’ my step dad but never had the balls to do it. ❜ she’s only hoping to deduce the conversation into something as casual as the weather. ❛ did you shoot him ? ❜
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the girl sharing her company looks far from evil. the pink in her cheeks and waterfall of brunette waves paints a softer picture of aly and he’s drawn back by her sudden interest. you see, he was sure she’d make a run for the exit, call the police or questionably even worse, call the local high school kids to start some psychotic rumor but here she sits. she’s interested, or so she seems by the way she’s poking the bear and truth be told, elliot’s not as displeased as he thought he would be once someone got a hint of his ghastly secret. ❛ this is starting to feel like some kind of backwards pillow talk. ❜ his much larger palm snakes to grasp at the finger she’s warming circles against his knee with. he pulls her pointer up, directing it to rest against her lips in a shushing manner. ❛ this goes to the grave with you. ❜ his gaze locks onto aly’s as his pupils dilate with the strength of what his words mean. ❛ it was an accident. well, kind of. i pushed him down the stairs when i was a kid.. he was beating my mom up pretty badly and i was tired of seeing it. i guess i was so angry that i didn’t notice the stairs. either way, i definitely didn’t think he’d snap his neck. ❜ he takes a breath, not allowing his mind to swirl around what he just admitted. ❛ i didn’t regret it though. i still don’t. ❜     
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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like for an evil lil ’ one liner. 
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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        she nodded as he questioned her proclamation, his next inquiry taking her a bit by surprise. perhaps she hadn’t realized until NOW that she had no other motive besides an insignificant ( and seemingly hopeless ) crush that she had developed for the male. it wasn’t like they spoke very often, only occasionally – stealing glances, usually on her end. she was absolutely entranced by the school’s most mysterious senior and not even she had noticed it until this very moment. “well,” she started, “i mean – you’ve never actually given me a reason NOT to be nice to you.” she explained, “and one time you let me borrow your pen, which automatically puts you on my nice list.”
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       THE COLOR IN HIS CHEEKS begins to resurface and he was sure that if he was hooked up to a heart monitor, the machine would show of his irregular heart beat. maybe it’s the lack of social interaction that he’s faced over the past week or maybe liv’s got something special about her but either way, she’s pulling unheard of reactions out of him. “if only it was that easy to get everyone to be nice.” brows raise before falling; a large palm carding through his bed-head. “but i’ll tell you something,” he muses and oh no, here it comes. “you can borrow all of my pens, even keep em, if you do me a small favor.” elliot rarely asks anyone for anything so when he does, it’s never small; just extremely needed. “did you drive over here or walk?” 
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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❛ i ain’t no punk ass bitch with some BB gun, ❜ aeron can’t refrain a chuckle, feeling SUPERIOR that he hadn’t succumb to this kids’ stereotypes. Aeron DID remember some kid in middle school who brought his BB to show off during lunch … the dumb prick got tackled right then and there by security. ❛ any gun i shoot is all real, man. but yeah — blowin’ shit up is fun. what, are you too cool for it ?? ❜ he cocks a brow, trying to eye his reaction. aeron was in no mood today to fuck with anyone who couldn’t sit back and enjoy some pyro-fuckery. ❛ i’unno, haven’t decided yet, ❜ aeron shrugs, holding the almost empty orange juice carton in his right hand, ❛ but, i should be able t’make a pretty fuckin’ sturdy molotov’s if this works out. ❜
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the stranger standing next to him reeks of a childlike arrogance; almost like he’s too good for the world around him and yet he still finds the energy to assure his surroundings that he’s, well, the opposite of a punk ass bitch. EYES ROLL.  ❛ wouldn’t say too cool for it. ❜ elliot had his fair share of explosions. the neighbors called his mom about a video that had seen on facebook years prior of him mixing cleaning products in order to make a lower scaled sonic BOOM. he likes to think he’s outgrown that though. his pryo-fuckery requires meaning now.  ❛ just too smart. ❜ he reaches to grab the orange juice carton; the cap screwing off in order to smell the contents before assuring it was still free of poison.  ❛ you should probably decide before you go fucking around. what good is making bombs if you don’t have a plan for them ?? ❜ he takes a swig of the juice, only stealing his ingredients for disaster.  ❛ shit’s way more fun if you have a purpose. plus,  ❜ he shoves the carton into aeron.  ❛ what if you get caught making all of this before you even get the chance to think of ways to use it ?? ❜
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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❛ oh, no. i  have. ❜  looks like they’re both in the business of confessions tonight ; the confirmation of a self-made error painting aly as someone less than a professional. she’ll later kick herself for such a thing. ❛ but luckily enough for me, i look sorta innocent and i’ve learned how to talk my way outta just about anything. ❜ a bit of charm is merely just a trick of the trade. ❛ but when i’ve landed myself in a real shit storm, i take to bookin’ it as fast as my feet will let me. not like any old clerk is gonna chase me down for a candy bar or whatever. ❜ the robbery she dabbled in was often minor ; a pack of skittles here, a rock CD there.  BUT  it’s a tale as old as time. small crimes become routine ; a gateway of sorts to much bigger crimes and it’s snowball effect that aly was only becoming more and more aware of with each passing day. — digits preoccupied with fidgeting suddenly freeze as if they’ve been crafted into ice sculptures ; elliot’s nearly nonchalant answer causing a chill to run the length of her spine.  ❛ wait – what ? ❜ she’s deadpanning, messy tendrils bunching at the back of her cranium as she cranes for eye contact, pupils darting around in order to read his demeanor like a book.  ❛ you’re joking, right ? ❜ RIGHT. what type of macabre humor are kids into these days ?
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he’s listening to the girl; hanging on to each word dripping from her lips and he cannot help but wonder what he’s done to deserve her presence. ❛ what do you do when you run into someone who doesn’t fall for that act of innocence ?? ❜ he knows better; she’s the type of trouble you almost beg to be apart of .. beg to know more about AND he’s already planned another question, not wanting this makeshift party game to end any time soon but before he can inquire about much else, she’s lifted her head from his lap. the absence of warmth causes his eyes to open as he looks back down at aly only to find a stunned expression starring him down.  i shouldn’t of said that. ❜ no shit. MOUTH FALLS OPEN as he searches for an alibi. eyes dart to the side as he’s afraid to make eye contact. it was a forbidden secret; something that could put him behind bars if the public ever found out and here he was confessing it to a girl like she was a safehaven for his confessions. he's only expecting her to get up and leave. best case scenario, aly boils him down to some lying weirdo and doesn't bring this up ever again.  
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
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crimsondrive-blog · 6 years
I just saw a kid yell ‘fuck off’ at the top of his lungs and then his phone started ringing so he picked it up like 2 fucking milliseconds after it started ringing and said “hi mama” in the softest god damn voice I’ve ever heard
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