crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
starter call
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Give this a like for a modern carbuncle starter
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
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She smiled as she sensed the joking tone in his voice. she was also glad that he hadn’t been offended at her saying how talented he was after all she was just being honest with him 
“Anytime Lanny. Now is there anything you need help with?”
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“That’s cool, being able to change sizes. Still being able to control all those mirags is very impressive after all, not anyone can summon and get them to listen. It’s not easy to give orders and remember which mirage has what ability and which would best help you. Don’t shut your self short Lanny you are much more powerful then you believe ”
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It was nice to hear those words. Reassuring in a way. It was true, he could control them fairly well now. Compared to in his past when he had let his Mirages run rampage all over Grymoire. It was different now and that was a good thing. He didn’t want to make the same mistake again. “I wasn’t selling myself short!” With a joking tone he waves his hand back and forth as a way of dismissing her claim. The joking nature of his tone is soon replaced by a more serious one though a smile still graces his face. “Thanks.”
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
starter call
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Give this a like for a modern carbuncle starter
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
Advice on face claim
Out of Eidolon : So i want to do a modern starter call soon but have no idea which face claim to use. Out of these three which one do you think would be better?
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
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Lack of direction, meaning and something to fight for. Well, maybe he’d like to help her search for answers. She hadn’t even begun to search for why humans had bound their ancestors to there existence to only be summoned and to help. Still, there was something about Vincent that made her feel at peace and he didn’t speak much wich she liked to. He seemed wise and in need of direction which she would like to help him find if she could.
“Vincent, would you like to help me? I have a journey to go on, answers to find and if you need a reason to fight and direction maybe you will find it by helping me. If you want to of course? I will never force anyone to anything they don’t want to. What do you say? You ready to fight beside me.”
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She knew he was older then he looked he had that aura around him of someone who had been through many difficult times to be sitting where he was but it didn’t change the fact that Vincent had been crying and had tried hard to hide that fact. She wondered if he was naturally closed off or was it because of her form. So he thought his pain was a burden and was more than willing to keep it that way. Well, she wouldn’t want to change his mind.
 “It seems we have something in common, I too am older then I appear. If you are willing to house your pain as a burden then that is your right ,it is not my place to tell you how to deal with things. Though I still wonder Vincent what was it that trigered you to brake down?”
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HIS PROBLEMS WERE certainly his own and most definitely, he would keep them largely to himself. They were his burdens, his issues, his sins - and he would deal with them as he should. A deep breath allowed thoughts of such to only briefly alleviate, a hand raising to brush off remaining moisture from his long eyelashes.            “The lack of direction my life had, the lack of meaning, the lack of anything to fight for.” 
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
Carbuncle stood close to him and waited for him to cast the spell, hoping that his magic wasn’t too unstable that it would hurt her. She saw a brown light fill his palms as he began to concentrate on the spell. She knew earth magic was one of the more difficult spells to do but she had put her trust in him and believed he could do what needed to be done
She watched as he placed his palm on the ground then a loud rumble sounded and the earth began to rise with them on it and rising towards the hatch. Carbuncle noticed the rising pillar of earth wasn’t straight and seemed the mage was having to alter it so they wouldn’t miss the hatch.
She was glad to be out of that place, she breathed in the fresh air and felt the sun on her fur. It was a lovely day and she had been right, they were on a beach with the ocean crashing against the sand. She looked around carefully to make sure that no enemies were about. An uneasy feeling came over her, wasn’t that too easy?
“I suggest we get out of here but its rather unsettling how easy that was almost as if they wanted us to escape. Unless of course, all they wanted was are magic and now they have it well they don’t need us. You must be rather powerful for them to want your magic” she said still speaking in his mind
Stolen Magic
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
Out of Royalty :
To those anon haters
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I will not stand by and see hate to my followers
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
" scarlet, it's been a while. have you been well? "
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Carbuncle was just sat there looking rather sad and defeated. She had tried to find awnsers but could find nothing. She had been so loyal to those her summoned her and came to there aid, never questioning those who called on her. Needless to say those who had the power to call jer had been nice and treated them as equals. So why had those humans done what they did? Why were they so full on getting power and using anything to get it and who was the person who had chained them to there existance?
She had been so lost in thought that she hadn't heard the footsteps coming to approach her, she was just lost in what to do. It was only when she heard the sweet voice that she lifted her head a little, he had asked her a question . She placed a smile on her face before turning her head slightly to greet him
"Hello Braska. I've been very well thank-you. What about you?" She asked she hadn't lied she was well health wise just confused .
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
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She knew he was older then he looked he had that aura around him of someone who had been through many difficult times to be sitting where he was but it didn’t change the fact that Vincent had been crying and had tried hard to hide that fact. She wondered if he was naturally closed off or was it because of her form. So he thought his pain was a burden and was more than willing to keep it that way. Well, she wouldn’t want to change his mind.
 “It seems we have something in common, I too am older then I appear. If you are willing to house your pain as a burden then that is your right ,it is not my place to tell you how to deal with things. Though I still wonder Vincent what was it that trigered you to brake down?”
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She was intrigued by his choice of words. Peace was easy to find and not hard to come by in such a desolate place but why use the word regret. Regret, was such a powerful emotion it could consume someone if they let it. Carbuncle had lived many years and it was during times like this when she need to speak of what she had learnt to be wise and allow herself to open apart of herself she often shut away due to the fact she had a duty to do. 
“In history as in human life, regret does not bring back a lost moment and a thousand years will not recover something lost in a single hour. Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. Don’t live your life regretting the past, live your life so tomorrow you won’t regret today. ”
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     [╰ ♔ ╮]       HE HAD HEARD the words of which the creature had spoken time and time again, in similar and different ways. All he knew had attempted such conversation with him previously and it had all gone much the same way; negatively. Vincent did not wish to hear of the things he could be doing if he did not dwell on the past. No - it considered it a burden he was meant to carry; something that cursed him just as his altered body did, just as his elongated life did. He would not die any time soon, it would be Chaos himself that would eventually kick his terrible existence off of the earth… he needn’t worry about what he was missing.           “I’ve experienced more than enough. I’m far older than I appear. I have centuries ahead of me. My pain is my own, and I house it as a burden willingly.” 
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
Send me "🎁" If you want a starter where...
My muse is an Omega gifted to your muse (an Alpha) in an arranged marriage.
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
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"That's cool, being able to change sizes. Still being able to control all those mirags is very impressive after all, not anyone can summon and get them to listen. It's not easy to give orders and remember which mirage has what ability and which would best help you. Don't shut your self short Lanny you are much more powerful then you believe "
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“Yes that too but thats a much new thing I can do. I sometimes forget to say about it. Did I overwelm you with the list? Sorry I didn’t mean to, I guess I didn’t really realize how much I could do. What about you Lann? Do you have any special abilities other then Mirages? ”
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“Err, yeah, you kinda did overwhelm me, but it’s okay! I mean it’s really cool how you know how to do all that stuff!” She had without a doubt lost him halfway listing all the abilities she could do, but he thought it was really impressive nonetheless. 
“Aside from my Mirages? Umm, well I can change sizes from Jiant to Lilikin.” He pauses, giving it some more thought before shrugging his shoulders. “Most my abilities come from my Mirages.” And the occasional Mirajewel. Without them, he couldn’t really do to do much of anything when it came to fighting.
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
It was rather unsettling how easy they had gotten through the tunnels especially seeing how much trouble the people had gone through to drain both of them of their magic. Sloopy magic, her nose wrinkled and her brows lowered not hiding the fact she disliked sloppy magic. She thought for a moment there wasn't much choice and they could be caught at any minute. Her ears picked up a subtle sound not to far, even though she couldn't quite make it out she was sure they had found that they had escaped
"That's a good idea, I can hear them no doubt found out we have escaped might as well get out here well we can. I will put my trust in you"
Stolen Magic
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
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She was intrigued by his choice of words. Peace was easy to find and not hard to come by in such a desolate place but why use the word regret. Regret, was such a powerful emotion it could consume someone if they let it. Carbuncle had lived many years and it was during times like this when she need to speak of what she had learnt to be wise and allow herself to open apart of herself she often shut away due to the fact she had a duty to do. 
"In history as in human life, regret does not bring back a lost moment and a thousand years will not recover something lost in a single hour. Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. Don't live your life regretting the past, live your life so tomorrow you won't regret today. "
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Carbuncle was glad of the calm and subtle breeze. The tranquil forest was full of trees and they we’re the only two in this place. It was a nice quiet though, not one of those awkward quiet moment that crept up on oneself. Vincent, she repeated to herself when he introduced him self. She definitely didn’t know him, it must be one of the worlds that didn’t obtain the power to summon her.
“Vincent it is nice to meet you. What brings you to this quiet tranquil forest? ”
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WHAT BOUGHT HIM to the confines of the forest, indeed. For but a long moment, he allowed fingers to rub through his hair to his scalp and attempt to relax further, stains of tears still clinging to his severely pale features.           “Seeking peace, was all. A quiet spot to think. To regret.” 
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
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               {Howdy! This is a Revival Post for Vivi! Please! Reblog to spread the word! 
                 Ask  }
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
Carbuncle waited for him to join her before making her way through the damp dripping dull tunnels. There was little light but enough to see, it was best not to use her magic to make the tunnels lighter as that would attract unnecessary attention to them.
She made sure the mage was following her along the tunnels, she was still curious as to why they had been captured and had there magic drained. There were many possibility as to why but she pushed though thoughts back.
Her ears perked up she heard the subtle sound of waves against sand. She walked some more before stopping, she looked around but couldn't see an exist but she could hear the waves quite clearly from here, she then looked up to see a hatch of some kind but no ladder
"Hmm that's tricky, it seems there is a hatch above me that leads out but there is no ladder to get to it. Any ideas? " she asked him
Stolen Magic
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
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Carbuncle was glad of the calm and subtle breeze. The tranquil forest was full of trees and they we're the only two in this place. It was a nice quiet though, not one of those awkward quiet moment that crept up on oneself. Vincent, she repeated to herself when he introduced him self. She definitely didn't know him, it must be one of the worlds that didn't obtain the power to summon her.
"Vincent it is nice to meet you. What brings you to this quiet tranquil forest? "
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Se watched his movement closely, she was rather curious about the guy in front of her. She hadn’t met someone so protective of their feelings. Was it the shame he felt? did he think he needed to be strong? If that was the case she knew far too well what it felt like when you needed to seem strong, being who she was meant she should be strong and capable but she had feelings like any other being out there.
“I didn’t expect anyone to be out here. It’s a good place to come when you want to be alone and away from judging eyes. I guess you could say it is an unusual name, it would be unusual for you. what is your name?” 
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WHAT A CURIOUS creature; there was no denying his apparently sublime companion held an aura about that that spoke of clouds and finery. He merely could not place his finger upon why - but he did not need such knowledge. Company and conversation was more than enough. He largely close to ignore his feelings from that point on, bury them as deeply as he could until ultimately, they would break free once more.           “Quiet enough for one to think clearly.” HIS WORDS SPOKE of an agreement, a further moment taken to calm and speak once more;           “Vincent. “   
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crimsonjewl-blog · 7 years
Carbuncle nodded at her a bare attempt to be somewhat sociable at leaving but the thought of what humans had done scared her and hurt her. She wanted to get away quickly and with that she walked quickly off.
The end
Ancient temple
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