crimsonrafflesia · 8 years
I understand that you must be flooded with questions like mine but i just cant help asking that if you can give an update on how much work has been done and/or how much is
Hi Anon! This project is on a short hiatus right now as I am working on Mica: Apoptosis - which is a similar sort of game as Crimson Rafflesia that you can check out here: http://mica-project.tumblr.com - so progress has been slow, but I'll definitely revisit it again! Thanks for your support!
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crimsonrafflesia · 8 years
is sho or kaison the protagonist?
I considered Sho the protagonist at first, since the game starts with her pov, but it’s started to shift towards Kaison. Guess it’s a bit of a battle for the protagonist spot! 
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crimsonrafflesia · 8 years
What would Sho do if she played Undertale? Who would her favorite character be?
Chara, duh. :P
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crimsonrafflesia · 8 years
Just out of curiosity, are any of your projects still active? I haven't seen any updates on Crimson Rafflesia or Mica: Apoptosis (or even Cash vs Yandere) in a while.... It's alright if you're busy, I just really enjoyed the demos and I'd love to see finished versions of the games someday! :)
Heyyy anon! Sorry for the late response, but yeah they’re still in progress, and will eventually be finished - just that it’s been incredibly busy recently! Thanks for following!
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crimsonrafflesia · 9 years
Sho Reilen= Shoreilen= Shoreline. Is this intentional?
Nope, haven’t even noticed this! Though I guess it’s room for bad puns haha >D
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crimsonrafflesia · 9 years
Youtubers, huh? You could try TheAnimeMan, he's been playing horror visual novels lately. He's super popular though, so you might have trouble getting him to play it. You could also try Chisaleya, a personal favorite youtuber of mine. She plays all sorts of stuff. My last recommendation is Dirili, a new youtuber who I really like! She's been playing lots of visual novels with a darker undertone. She would probably be the easiest to contact, too! I'll try to find some other youtubers, too!
Thank you so much for the very, very kind support anon! I’m not very sure how to contact Youtubers directly (or if it would be appropriate to do so if I don’t really know them), so if you could recommend to them any of the games I have made that you like, I would really appreciate it! :)
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crimsonrafflesia · 9 years
I came up with a great idea!! Maybe you could ask some youtuber if they would try out your game!! Than perhaps more people would help with the game and patreon because there wowed by the awesomeness??
Hi anon! Thanks for the idea, and I’d love it if you could recommend it to any of your favourite youtube let’s players! :) As of now, I’m not really aware of any LP’ers who might like to play a game like Crimson Rafflesia, however. 
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crimsonrafflesia · 9 years
how would you name the fan couple of sho and kaison?
I would call it... Kaishon.
(Gets shot repeatedly)
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crimsonrafflesia · 9 years
Just popping to say that yes, I’m still alive, and this was what I was working on for the past few months! :)
CR is still in production. Please consider giving a small donation to our Patreon so that we can make the completed game a reality faster! 
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You have the power to split the world into half. You can destroy buildings, overturn mountains… But you are still powerless against a human. Even a human who wants to kill you. Hey, isn’t that ironic? Isn’t that funny? … Why aren’t you laughing, Mika-chan? 
Lenine lives in a huge palace as the most trusted servant of Princess Micaiah, the only place of beauty remaining in a desolate, destroyed ghost city. Everything is perfect – the food is good, the job is good, life is good. As long as nobody leaves this palace of salvation, there is no need to dwell on the horrors that lie beyond these walls.
Until one day, a mysterious stranger arrives… to teach these content souls the true price of perfection.
Mica: Apoptosis is an RPG-style horror game about a web of delusions, a life of blissful ignorance, and the monstrous depravity that human beings can fall to in the name of love and admiration. The gruesome, revolting truth hidden behind the guise of a pretty, charming little lifestyle. Explore the game through three very different main characters with three very different perspectives, and tell your story as you believe it to be.
So powerful, yet so fragile… your life is like a candle, ready to be snuffed between my fingers. I can slowly strangle you to death, and you can’t even flail to defend yourself. You’re so funny, Mika-chan.
- 3-4 hours of gameplay - 4 chapters - Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 - Original music - Original artwork - I ran all the scenes through a word counter and it’s over the length of a novel already. (50,000 words) - Several cutscene illustrations - Plenty of changes to the previous chapters - and many more!
Warning: This game may contain violent and disturbing content and is not recommended for players under the age of 16. CLICK HERE for the full list of trigger warnings. 
You may use your old savefiles from the demo, but they may lead to bugs. If you find any bugs, contact me at [email protected], or just pop me a message/ask!
Let’s plays are allowed and very welcome!
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crimsonrafflesia · 9 years
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Micaiah leads a cult with herself at the center. Pretending to be the Goddess, when no human should bear that name. An imposter. 
As for me? All I’m doing is the Goddess’s work. 
To save those who rejected the Goddess’s love, and rejected me as their Messiah. 
Two views of the Scripture. Two interpretations of the same text. Only force will determine the side that wins. Dance with me, Micaiah. 
(Follow mica-project for more updates on Mica: Apoptosis, an RPG horror game!)
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crimsonrafflesia · 9 years
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“That girl isn’t me.”
In the middle of the cold, dark, dead street in winter, a college girl tried to take her own life.
She was stopped only by the arrival of her strange, long-lost childhood friend, who promised to show her a magical new world full of hope, with no pocket knives or coils of rope. Only freedom, frozen within a pretty shell, created by a wizard.
Crystallised Latitude is a story about one girl’s life, her pure dreams and ugly thoughts, and the reason why she made the decisions that she did. Shielding and protecting her is her mysterious childhood friend Mamoru, who made a bet with her a long time ago that she can’t quite remember. 
Genre: Subtle Horror, Psychological, Supernatural Warnings: Suicide, death and murder - Discretion Strongly Advised. 
Thanks everyone for the responses to the previous post, and on Facebook! I would most likely stick to the visual novel format, as it will be a lot easier to put a short story in such a format rather than an RPG one, and I don’t want this project to eat into the time I can spend working on Mica: Apoptosis. I do prefer the idea of walking around and collecting clues though, so I’m still considering whether I should go back to the RPG format (if I can get volunteers for mapping and pixel art, which are my main banes). Stay tuned!
There are 4 endings planned. The art style will be sketchy throughout, like in the image shown above - if anyone would like to help out with sketches, that will be very greatly appreciated!
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crimsonrafflesia · 9 years
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Within the past month, out of a pure fit of sudden inspiration, I’ve written a short story of about 5,000 words long. It’s almost done, and I’ve just had the idea of turning it into a game or visual novel. 
Now, I know that I have several projects on my backlog already - Mica: Apoptosis, Crimson Rafflesia, and Cash vs Yandere. But short stories are always an inspiration, and I think it may spark up my creativity once more if I do work on this. 
I won’t reveal the storyline of Crystallised Latitude just yet, apart from the fact that it’s set in the modern day and really, really dark and depressing (and has some vague links with Dear Mariko, plot-wise), but I was just wondering - would you all rather play an RPG horror game in the style of Dear Mariko, or a visual novel in the style of Six Rules? 
I was also pondering over two different titles for this story - either Crystallised Latitude or Lullaby of a Glass Fairy. I’m leaning towards Crystallised Latitude at this moment, but just to ask - which title do you think fascinates you more as a player?
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crimsonrafflesia · 9 years
No idea if you've already heard of it, but apparently in 1999 there was this guy named Ricky McCormick who disappeared for 72 hours and appeared much more badly decomposed than he would have in that time period later. Just sayin', reminds me a little of Sho-chan.
That is really creepy! I’ve never heard of that, but woah, that sounds like something. 
@ all questions asking if I’m alive: Yeah I’m still alive, haven’t been murdered brutally yet, no worries. Just overwhelmed by university work at the moment!
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crimsonrafflesia · 9 years
Why so inactive?
Sorry, uni’s been a pain in the behind. I’ll try to catch up with the rest of the questions as soon as I can. I haven’t even drawn anything in ages, just been so busy trying to get a job... 
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crimsonrafflesia · 9 years
Maybe you could get a Patreon or something to help you make these games. Then maybe part-time job wouldn't be as much as a problem.
Hi Anon! :) It’s a very good idea, though it didn’t really work for me: https://www.patreon.com/soyasushi?ty=h&u=211030
If I can treat it as some kind of part-time job I can probably work more on CR, but for the time being it doesn’t seem as likely. Thanks though Anon!
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crimsonrafflesia · 9 years
Why did Sho cut her hair that way?
Good question! :) This is a minor spoiler, however. Let’s just say that it’s the remnants of a fun haircut she experimented with another girl when she was smaller. 
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crimsonrafflesia · 9 years
Hahaha, I’ve seen a lot of support for this ship!
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