crimsonupdates · 6 years
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     ❝  Never underestimate the power of rage.❞
September 1
Hogwarts School begins a new school year, but nobody can deny the tension that hangs in the air. Headmaster Dumbledore is not present for the beginning of the year feast, leaving Minerva McGonagall to welcome the school on her own.
September 5-21
The Daily Prophet begins rebuilding, funded publicly by Rodolphus Lestrange in an attempt to sway the public’s belief he deserves their trust.
Tensions continue to rise by the day between the Order and Aversio, the scales of their union tipping out of balance with every passing moment. Without any idea of who to trust, fights begin to break out in the corridors as instigators wish for more action.
September 30 - October 3
When the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor mysteriously fails to show up to the start of term, Rodolphus Lestrange assigns Corban Yaxley to be his replacement. Here, he begins a Dueling Club, where potential Death Eaters are scouted and groomed.
As the week progresses, Corban enacts the plan of recruiting the Wizarding youth to Voldemort’s forces. Duels are instigated between classmates, and at the end of the week, leave behind dramatic tension in the school corridors.
October 12 - 26
As the school year progresses, fights continue within the castle, tearing students apart. Horrified, Minerva McGonagall and Aurora Sinstra begin meeting in secret, trying to find a solution to salvage Hogwarts.
November 4
In an attempt at returning the wizarding world to a sense of normalcy, the annual Quidditch World Cup is announced to be held in London, between Ireland and the Falmouth Falcons. It is a transparent attempt at giving morale to society, but reluctant excitement arises as the games draw closer.
November 15
The 409th Quidditch World Cup begins.
November 16-20
As festivities commence for the games, the Cup serves its purpose in bringing people together in a show of good faith. Despite the Falcons’ missing Seeker, morale is higher than ever, with several appearing to show support for Emma Vanity even in her absence.
With team colors flooding the stands and raucous laughter celebrating a brief moment of joy, the final game commences. Right as teams are preparing to take flight, a group of Aversio seizes their opportunity. They rise into the sky, taking over the field to shout their own propoganda. Led by Amelia Bones and flanked by Dirk Cresswell and Gideon Prewett, they shout to the stands truth about the government and the Sacred 28 by association. Florence Wilson and Xenophiloius Lovegood have been dispersed to release copies of the Quibbler into the stands with more information.
November 21
The World Cup comes to an end, Ireland winning in the absence of the Falcon’s Seeker. People are stirred by Aversio’s message, causing more confusion and agitation to rise as the matches dispersed.
November 24 - 30
Tensions continue to rise in the castle between the Order and Aversio as the action at the Cup leads to more outbursts in cities.
As all actions come to a halt, both sides refusing to agree by anything, Marlene McKinnon grows frustrated with how little has been done to find Edgar Bones and takes it upon herself to search. Suspicious that the Blacks are responsible, just as they were with her, she approaches Dumbledore who is slow to act and claims there is nothing to be done. Refusing to believe him, she goes to James Potter, and Hestia Jones, pulling together a search party for the missing man. They begin making plans, with only Hestia as a voice of reason. Within days, they have set out.
December 2
Lily Potter discovers that she’s pregnant.
December 9 - 14
Lord Voldemort sends Severus Snape to Hogwarts to gripe for a job, in the process sending Horace Slughorn into hiding under the guise of a threat. With two followers in the school, students continue to be groomed for their future, with little from Dumbledore to stop them.
As names begin making their way to Voldemort and doubt continues to arise toward the Ministry and Black families, Reglus Black is declared missing by his mother.  Little does anyone know, he is locked safely in a room of the Hogs Head, with only Kreacher for company, doing whatever research he can afford into Horcruxes and just how they play into Tom Riddle’s plan.
December 29
Late into the night, the safe castle is awoken by the sounds of shouting as Hestia Jones and Marlene McKinnon push the doors open, just in time for James Potter to lower an unconscious Edgar Bones onto the ground. The rescue mission comes across as a success; Edgar is alive, but has yet to wake up. In the wake of their return, he is transferred to St. Mungo’s in critical condition.
*Please message the main if you have any questions about this plot drop and we’ll attempt to clear everything up for you. Your character can be a lot more involved than they are in this – as it is only a rough outline and we tried to leave a lot of things open to interpretation, or for characters to step in. Please don’t write past December 31st in game time.
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crimsonupdates · 6 years
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  ❝  Only the dead have seen the end of war. ❞
August 10th
Forced to mourn the loss of Antonin Dolohov, it is a grim night when the Death Eaters are called together. Under the instructions of the Dark Lord, Rodolphus Lestrange tortures Augustus Rookwood and Cygnus Black with the Cruciatus Curse for their failure to protect the Daily Prophet Headquarters.
August 16th 
Dressed in black, many members of the pureblood community gather to pay their respects to Antonin Dolohov and his family. The Death Eaters sit among them, most uncharacteristically solemn. 
At the end of the event, Aidan Avery confronts Augustus Rookwood about the night of Antonin’s death. Just when it seems as though they are ready to raise their wands, Cassius Mulciber appears to stop the duel before it can begin. 
August 20th
A meeting is called by the Dark Lord to exchange ideas about how to handle the lingering threat that Cassandra Burke poses. When the Dark Lord discovers through the use of legiilimency that Walden Macnair has been keeping her hostage without telling him, he once again orders Rodolphus Lestrange to torture a fellow comrade. 
As plans to use the woman to their advantage begin formulating, Alecto Carrow and Narcissa Malfoy suggest her release back to the public under the Imperious Curse. They are assigned the task of watching over Cassandra and Walden to ensure that the plan is executed properly. 
August 22nd
The Death Eaters meet to discuss the disappearance of Emma Vanity, with the Dark Lord forbidding the formation of search parties. He urges his followers to allow the public to search for the well-known Quidditch player, insisting that anything done to her will only worsen Aversio’s image and further their own.
After the meeting, Bellatrix Lestrange and Cygnus Black talk briefly about the Dark Lord’s decision, exchanging blasphemous and dangerous remarks. Unbeknownst to them, Rita Skeeter overhears their plans for revenge and intends to use the information to gain the favor of their leader herself. 
August 23rd 
Rita Skeeter discloses the plans of Bellatrix Lestrange and Cygnus Black to the Dark Lord. He allows the two to carry through with their kidnapping, but afterwards instructs that Edgar Bones be temporarily held at Malfoy Manor under the watch of Narcissa Malfoy until they can find a use for him. 
*please message the main if you have any questions about this plot drop and we’ll attempt to clear everything up for you. this is a group specific plot drop, so only characters with this alliance or connections to this alliance were mentioned. 
@lestrangexrod  @avgvstvs  @cygnvsblvck  @cassandraburke  @heis-waldenmacnair  @narcissaxblack  @emmaxvcnity  @toujoursdevoue  @aidan-avery  @mvlciber  @xalectoxcarrowx  @cunningxjournalist  @emmaxvcnity  @buriedunderbones
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crimsonupdates · 6 years
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   ❝ There’s a storm coming, and we’d all best be ready when it does.❞
July 13th
In an attempt to further their image and promote their side of the war, Aidan Avery makes a public donation on the behalf of Tom Riddle in double to St. Mungo’s to help rebuilding immediately. 
July 18th - July 24th
Edgar Bones is the first to discover the disappearance of Cassandra Burke. When Albus Dumbledore and the leaders of the Order fail to acknowledge the possibility of her kidnapping, Edgar forms search parties led by himself, Gilderoy Lockhart, and Hestia Jones. They discover a lead, but it doesn’t lead them to Cassandra. Instead, they find Amelia Bones alive, a year after her disappearance. 
After being taken to the restored hospital and refusing treatment, Amelia seeks out a meeting with Aversio’s leader and their second hands Selina Sapworthy and Florence Wilson, where it is discovered that she has changed. Months of torture and captivity have made her hungry for revenge by any means necessary, and the leader of Aversio begins making plans to use her drive to their advantage.
July 27th
Having been taken to the castle, and seeing the shaky alliance that has been built, Amelia Bones engages in an argument with Albus Dumbledore, Marlene McKinnon, and other members of the Order for their trust of Cassandra Burke and their strategies. She rallies for violence against Death Eaters and those employed by the Ministry for Magic. After calling on her brother for support, Edgar Bones is forced to decide who he wants to fight for. 
July 31st - August 5th
The new opinions of Amelia Bones begin making rounds, and the leader of Aversio urges Florence Wilson and Selina Sapworthy to use her anger to their advantage. With the help of Pandora Lightwood, new protests are orchestrated that only grow more violent as they go forward. In the process, a boycott of the Aurors begins. Aversio and Order members alike grow distrustful of anyone working in the Ministry, and violent outbursts become more public spectacle in the passing day. 
August 7th
Hestia Jones releases an article for the Daily Prophet chronicling the recovery of Amelia Bones, vocalizing the involvement of the Death Eaters in her disappearance and subsequent torture. The article successfully stirs up more speculation and distrust of the Ministry, and the journalist is consequently laid off. 
August 9th
Gilderoy Lockhart meets with Rita Skeeter behind a locked door. He warns of a possible Aversio attack against the Daily Prophet, and the name of Andromeda Tonks as a key member of Aversio is brought to light. She is later brought in by Aurors for questioning, and detained for several days in the hopes of gaining information. Augustus Rookwood is assigned the task of standing watch over the Daily Prophet Headquarters, and later enlists the assistance of Cygnus Black and Antonin Dolohov. 
The night is as dark as the intentions of the Aversio members who take to the streets of Diagon Alley. Some members continue to hide their identities behind a mask while others wear a newfound pride of their allegiance, but all are determined to make a statement against the Death Eater propaganda. The Daily Prophet Headquarters burns bright until sunrise, with Augustus Rookwood and Cygnus Black barely making it out alive. 
August 11th
Hestia Jones is considered the prime suspect in the arson due to her grievances against the Daily Prophet, and is detained by Aurors for questioning. Later that day, as specialized teams return to the Prophet to search the rubble, the disturbing discovery is made of Antonin Dolohov whose dismembered body has been burnt and is only identifiable from his head, atop a spike in the center of the wreckage. 
Without a proper source of information, rumors grow and fear spreads through the city like a contagion.
August 12th - August 15th
From the ashes of losing London’s only news source, Xenophilius Lovegood begins an Aversio propaganda known at The Quibbler with the private funds anonymously given by Marlene McKinnon. Edgar Bones is quick to offer his help in writing, with the intention of staying close to Aversio, hoping to keep a close eye on his sister.
Hestia Jones is released from Auror custody. As she is leaving, she is cornered by Cassius Mulciber, who has heard rumors of a possible Aversio propaganda and threatens Hestia should she choose to take part in it. 
In the wake of the violence subjected by Aversio, a rift begins to form in their alliance with the Order, and the flaws of the two groups’ fragile peace agreement are brought to light. The shared castle is struck with great speculation and rising tensions that threaten to reach a boiling point at any passing moment.
August 16th
A funeral is held for Antonin Dolohov.
Andromeda Tonks is released and allowed to return home, only to be stopped by Rodolphus Lestrange on her way out of the ministry. Harsh words as exchanged between the in-laws as the pair is no stranger to calling each other what they are. Words nearly come to blows before passerby stop the Minister for a quick discussion, giving Andromeda the opportunity to get away.
August 18th - 20th
Against the wishes of Amelia Bones, the search for Cassandra Burke continues, with the public soon getting involved in the mysterious disappearance. In an attempt to deter these attempts to find her, Rodolphus Lestrange releases the stored memories of her past crimes to the public, successfully labeling her as a criminal best left lost. 
August 21st - August 23rd
Hours before a highly publicized Falmouth Falcons match, Emma Vanity’s home is found in a state of disarray, with her nowhere to be found. There is no trace of her, with nothing but a scarlet A for Aversio etched across the floor. She is declared missing within hours. Andromeda Tonks is a prime suspect after her scuttle with the Minister of Magic, and flees her home to avoid being detained by the Aurors again. 
In the abandoned moors surrounding the Order's safe castle, Bellatrix Lestrange lurks with her father Cygnus Black. Thirsty for vengeance and having decided to take actions into their own hands, they stay in wait until Edgar Bones makes himself known. The pair jumps at the opportunity, and just as quick as one of their own was taken, Edgar is declared missing.
August 24th - 31st
After weeks of torture and memory raiding, Cassandra Burke is released, seemingly unharmed, by her capture Walden Macnair under the Imperius Charm in a Death Eater attempt to gain information about the Order. She becomes the personal assistant of Rodolphus Lestrange, convincing Albus Dumbledore that the position will be used to spy on the Death Eaters. Still, many Order and Aversio members remain suspicious of her intentions and mental stability, as they should. 
July 13th: Andromeda Tonks
July 21st: Marlene McKinnon, Marcus McKinnon
August 21st: Pandora Lockwood
August 22nd: Greta Catchlove
The role of Amelia Bones is now open and available for applications. The role of Antonin Dolohov is now permanently closed.
*Please message the main if you have any questions about this plot drop and we’ll attempt to clear everything up for you. Your character can be a lot more involved than they are in this – as it is only a rough outline and we tried to leave a lot of things open to interpretation, or for characters to step in. Please don’t write past August 31st in game time.
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crimsonupdates · 6 years
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   ❝ You can’t spell “fundraiser” without FUN❞
July 8th - 
The party is in full swing. Natalie Dupont and Orion Black are making their rounds and welcoming all their guests to the fundraiser. A paranoid Walburga Black is watching them from afar. In a moment of passion, Walburga throws her drink in Natalie’s face, playing it off as an accident.
Having seen the whole interaction, Narcissa Malfoy wisks Natalie Dupont off to the powder room and helps her get cleaned up, all while speculating what that show was about.
Hurt and wanting to make sure Aurora Sinistra doesn’t divulge any Aversio secrets to her new Death Eater alliance, Florence Wilson takes matters into her own hands. A Polyjuice Florence poisons Aurora’s drink, causing her to start convulsing.
A polyjuice Ted Tonks thinks quickly on his feet and uses his healing skills to help Aurora. While he’s attending to her, Walden Macnair pursues Florence Wilson after discovering she was the most likely culprit. They have a short, heated scuffle but Florence escapes without a scratch with the help of Pandora Lightwood.
Frustrated with the lack of action from Aversio and The Order, Xeno Lovegood decides to get information on his own using the youngest member of the Black family - Regulus Black. Under a polyjuice potion, Xeno pulls Regulus away from the party after giving him vertiserum and interrogates the young boy.
Natalie Dupont rises to the stage along with notable celebrity Gilderoy Lockhart to share how much money they were able to raise for St. Mungo’s. While on stage though, chaos erupts and the entire ballroom goes dark. When the lights return, it’s discovered no one was hurt,  with the exception of a small cut on Gildreoy’s face that sends him into a tizzy, but the galleons collected for the hospital have gone missing - A big, red ‘A’ for Aversio left in the wake.
Orion Black attends to the cut on Gilderoy Lockhart’s face. Not knowing where his loyalties truly lie, Orion talks up the Death Eater cause in an attempt to sway the author’s feelings and endorsements.
In an attempt to create more distrust towards Aversio and a heroic moment for themselves a masked Death Eater makes his way out of the party with over 10,000 Galleons. They are spotted and caught red handed by a polyjuice Lily Evans. She is able to grab the donated money while the Death Eater gets away.
On her way back into the party, Lily Evans is spotted by Rodolphus Lestrange with the money. Not knowing who she is, Rod captures her.
Rodolphus Lestrange takes the stage to reinforce his leadership by showing he caught the culprit and retrieved the money. Recognizing Lily Evans in her polyjuice form, Marlene McKinnon and Benjy Fenwick quickly put together a plan to save Lily and escape from the party unharmed.  
*please message the main if you have any questions about this plot drop and we’ll attempt to clear everything up for you. this is a smaller plot drop, so not all characters were included, but if you would like to be please message the main.
@natalicdupont @orion-blvck @walburgablak @always-pure @auroras-sinistra @florence-wilson @tcdxtonks @heis-waldenmacnair @florence-wilson @pandora-lockwood @xen-lovegood @regulusb @whois-gilderoylockhart @gingerlilyevans @lestrangexrod @marliism @xbenjyfenwick
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crimsonupdates · 6 years
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✗ T H E  N E W  N O R M A L
     ❝ I can't change the direction of the wind             but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination❞
June 26th 
In a surprise gesture of good faith,  Rodolphus Lestrange announces plans to start rebuilding St Mungos in order to win over those people who are still unsure of his rule. Narcissa Malfoy, Aurora Sinistra and Orion and Walburga Black are among the first to publicly support this and reparations soon begin with various fundraisers arranged to help with the funding of it all as well.
June 27th - July 5th 
Taking advantage or how things seem to have settled for the time being, talks begin to be held between Aversio and The Order, led by Ted Tonks, Kingsley Shaklebolt, Alastor Moody and Florence Wilson. Progress is slow but Marlene McKinnon, Alice Prewett, Edgar Bones and Frank Longbottom all work to make things go as smoothly as possible. But other members such as Sirius Black are still frustrated with how slowly things are moving and begin to get disillusioned with the Order.
July 6th 
With the talks having proven reasonably successful if not providing the perfect outcome, Millicent Bagnold feels it important that those in the population who might still support their cause know that there are still those willing to stand against the current government. With the help of Hestia Jones, a letter is put together to send out to all those who might still support The Order and let them know that not all is hopeless.
July 8th 
The first fundraiser for St Mungos is held with Natalie Dupont stepping up to take the lead on it, assisted by Orion Black and Regulus Black. Despite opposing those in power, The Order and Aversio try to do what they can from the sidelines with some members such as Gladys Gudgeon, Ivy Rosmerta and Lucinda Talkalot attending under Polyjuice Potion and others donating what they can despite their own uncertain position.
July 10th 
Posters find their way into Diagon Alley in the middle of the night, written by Hestia Jones and created by Edgar Bones. They speak out against the current Minister and make it clear what kind of man he is and what his rule will result in. In retaliation, Rodolphus Lestrange announces a zero tolerance policy towards anyone who aligns themselves with either The Order or Aversio, declaring them terrorists and enemies to the government and puts his brother Rabastan Lestrange in charge of the operation.
July 11th 
Sensing that public opinion might be shifting against them, Emma Vanity gives a public interview questioned by Rita Skeeter and later takes steps to persuade Gilderoy Lockhart to begin supporting them as well, feeling as though they could use some extra celebrity endorsement.
July 13th 
An uneasy peace has now been established between Aversio and The Order, however temporary it may be. Still, some members remain unhappy with things and a frustrated Sirius Black ends up in a heated discussion with Lily Evans and Remus Lupin about what should be being done and which organisation has more merit to it.
July 15th 
An argument breaks out between Rabastan Lestrange and Orion Black when the former realises that the older man doesn’t fully support his brother. The ensuing fight rocks the Death Eater ranks, leaving some whispering among one another whether the Lestranges are the correct family to be in power and others feeling more confident in their support of them.
July 17th 
Aversio members such as Lucinda Talkalot, Ivy Rosmerta, and Sybill Trelawney are still unsure and unconvinced of The Order and decide to find some way to strike a blow themselves. Their plans never come to fruition however with Cassandra Burke overhearing them and persuading them to delay their plans until there is a better time to strike.
July 20th 
The engagement of Emma Vanity and Rabastan Lestrange is announced to the world in the Daily Prophet. Plans begin to be made behind the scenes for a party to bring those who support the Lestranges closer together and fix any division in the ranks with help from Natalie Dupont, Alecto Carrow and Narcissa Black.
July 22nd 
Having received her invitation, Aurora Sinistra reaches out to both Greta Catchlove and Florence Wilson with an idea to get a few members of both Aversio and The Order into the engagement party. Plans begin to be made with Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shaklebolt and Millicent Bagnold being brought in on the proceedings.
After a confrontation, Kingsley Shaklebolt forces Cassandra Burke to leave the castle, unable to trust her around such critical plans due to her neutrality. Molly Weasley is there to mediate the interaction.
July 25th 
Those members of Aversio who have been staying with the Order such as Marlene McKinnon, Andromeda Tonks and Ted Tonks, along with some Order members like Edgar Bones agree that it would be a good idea to bring both the groups together even more and get them all on the same track once again. Greta Catchlove, Hestia Jones, Alice Prewett and Molly Weasley host a small gathering in the castle, doing the biggest room up and putting up as much of a feast as can be afforded.
July 29th 
A party is held at the Lestrange Manor to celebrate the engagement and everyone in pureblood society, as well as a few choice extras such as Gilderoy Lockhart, has an invitation. The sunny day ends up being perfect for the garden party that had been planned and it is generally enjoyed by all. Unbeknown to all those present, four of the guests are not what they seem. Florence Wilson, Benjy Fenwick, Sirius Black and Lily Evans infiltrate the party and are under strict instructions not to engage in any violence or disrupt the proceedings in any way. They are simple there to watch, listen and report particularly to the speech that is to be given by Rodolphus Lestrange.
July 30th 
Suspicious that Gilderoy Lockhart had an invitation to every party and wary of Sirius Black’s opposition to The Order, Alastor Moody meets with Benjy Fenwick to discuss his suspicions.
Later on that day, Gilderoy Lockhart decides to meet with Rita Skeeter and discusses what he knows about Aversio with her having been won over by what he witnessed at the Lestrange Manor and promises of furthering his career.
July 31st 
Greta Catchlove leaves the castle along with Fabian Prewett in order to find out more information about her brother’s killer. Later that night, an unwitting Cassandra Burke is made an easy target without the protection that the castle had provided for her and Walden Macnair finally succeeds in tracking her down. A scuffle ensues but despite putting up a fight the Death Eater is the one who emerges victorious, taking the ‘traitor’ into his custody.
*please message the main if you have any questions about this plot drop and we’ll attempt to clear everything up for you. your character can be a lot more involved than they are in this – as it is only a rough outline and we tried to leave a lot of things open to interpretation, or for characters to step in. please don’t write past July 31st in game time.
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crimsonupdates · 7 years
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T H E   R E C K O N I N G     ✗  N O   M A N ’ S   L A N D  ( part iii )
❝ but here in this graveyard it is still no man's land       and the countless white crosses in mute witness stand           to man's blind indifference to his fellow man                and a whole generation that was butchered and downed.❞
May 14th
Loss hangs its heavy shrouds over Diagon Alley. The Wizarding world in tumult, mourning the deaths of those lost in the wreckage and its citizens hiding from the Death Eater attacks that have followed in the wake of the overthrowing of St. Mungo’s and the Ministry. What happens next is a mystery. Fear, death – the words are no longer mere feelings, but embody a way of life.
Rodolphus Lestrange has taken his place in the Ministry by force, not an elected Minister, but king nonetheless. 
But if he is a king, he is nothing but an empty one. The power resting firmly in the hands of Voldemort, every movement the Death Eaters take orchestrated by him. They are his puppets, and he is the master of all.
Through him, they have issued a warning, the world as they know it will burn until their goals have been met. None shall be spared, and only those pure of blood will be allowed to survive in this new world.
Not everyone in his army agrees with his actions, and small embers of dissent have started to brew. Narcissa Black and Regulus Black wonder what the final costs of their actions will be, if they can live with destroying their siblings, and if this new world is one they want to help shape.
May 15th - 24th
But all hope has not been lost yet. A trickle of it springing from the vestiges of the Order. Spread far across England, hiding in safe-houses or on the run, they take over the airwaves, or appear in town squares. Affirming that their presence is still with those who need their help the most. 
Millicent Bagnold’s voice is amongst the many, the Death Eater’s mission to exterminate her having failed, and she declares to the wizards of England, with the authority she still holds as the rightful Minister, that all has not been lost. They are still alive, and they will persist. It is a battle cry, reaching out to anyone who will help.
But they cannot do so alone. And this time, they want to stand united. An offer of peace is extended to those members of Aversio wanting to join the Order and willing to atone for their past crimes. Charity Burbage, with the added assistance of Davina Selwyn and Marlene McKinnon who are brought in by Amos Diggory to smooth the transition, and orchestrate the effort. Calling out to their brethern that they can only defeat the enemy through a united front. Ted Tonks also offers up his assistance.
But tensions remain, and only time will tell how many members will betray their cause and seek a new one. And the masked leader of Aversio threatens retribution to those who leave.
May 25th
As a show of rebellion and remembrance, Millicent Bagnold asks the people of England to hold a memorial for fallen soldiers and civilians.
The candles flickering in Wizarding members homes are an ember of hope, a combined light threatening the darkness the Death Eaters have brought on.
It is a show of solidarity and strength, a silent protest against the followers of Lord Voldemort.
May 25th - June 25th
In the Moors of Scotland stands another castle. Not the illustrious one that bears home to hundreds of students, but one abandoned and long forgotten. It is here that the Order seeks refuge. 
Homes abandoned, or burned to the ground by Death Eater attacks, soldiers wounded, hope drained, they need a new plan of action, and time to recover. Greta Catchlove, Hestia Jones, and Molly Weasley set about making it a home, caring for those fallen and in ill health. Cassandra Burke steps in to help advise about potential weaknesses in the Death Eater ranks. Together, they will rebuild, and when the time has come -- they will strike back, stronger than before.
*please message the main if you have any questions about this plot drop and we’ll attempt to clear everything up for you. your character can be a lot more involved than they are in this – as it is only a rough outline and we tried to leave a lot of things open to interpretation, or for characters to step in. please don’t write past june 25th in game time.
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crimsonupdates · 7 years
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T H E   R E C K O N I N G     ✗  D E V I L ’ S    N I G H T   ( part ii )
❝ hell is empty and all the devils are here.❞
May 10th, 19:45
Under the cover of darkness, they step into the institution that has shunned them. No mercy is spared as they slaughter anyone in their path, the stench of death following behind them like an omen. A bitter righteousness flows in their veins, the Wizarding World has belonged to their kind for centuries, and they will not be those who lose it. 
In the depths of the Ministry a frantic plot to get as many people out is afoot. Edgar Bones, Davina Selwyn and Fabian Prewett are in charge of getting Ministry officials out, particularly those of impure blood. Benjy Fenwick and Arthur Weasley are given the order of getting Milicent Bagnold to safety. Amos Diggory, Alice Prewett, and Hestia Jones move forward to face the Death Eaters head-on and give the other two groups the headstart they need to make a successful escape.
But with Evan Rosier and Cassius Mulciber joining the fight, they are hopelessly outnumbered. Injuries grave, it is a wonder that they’re able to escape alive, but their mission has been accomplished, with some Ministry officials and the Minister of Magic allowed to escape into the dark of the night. 
Aversio members, realizing with trickling dread that the masked members taking down the Ministry no longer belong soley to their own, join in the fight against the Death Eaters. But it is too little too late, and the battle has already been won. 
The Ministry stands in the hands of Lord Voldemort and the Order is left to bleed.
May 13th, 5:15
Bloodlust, once tasted, is intoxicating, especially when vengeance is added to the mix. And the Death Eaters crave more.
Augustus Rookwood steps forward, eager to prove his allegiance to the Dark Lord and escape out of the shadows of disgrace. 
St. Mungos, a place of refuge and healing is his target, certain that it’s destruction will deal a blow that will further dismantle the Ministry and the Order. Too long have they been catering to those not pure of blood, saving the lives of those whom the Death Eaters have been attempting to kill. 
With the Ministry overtaken, it lies as another hub of power, a sanctuary for those hurt. A haven in the midst of London for the Ministry to rebuild, and Voldemort urges his followers to purge the city’s streets. Thorfinn Rowle, Emma Vanity and Dolores Umbridge join by Augustus’ side to aid him in his mission.
Dolores Umbridge implores Ted Tonks to help her, while Emma Vanity feigns a charade of hurt for Ophelia Pomfrey, and with the two healers granting them entry -- the rest of the Death Eaters are able to sneak in and wreak havoc. 
The Order, numbers already weakened by those injured or on the run, and Aversio -- members divided with no clear goal, are unable to counter the attack. Not when their efforts are stretched thin between getting as many people to safety and fighting off Death Eaters.
Destruction reigns supreme, blood paints the walls of St. Mungo’s red and flows down the streets of Wizarding London, and in the midst of chaos, one clear victor emerges. 
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crimsonupdates · 7 years
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T H E   R E C K O N I N G      ✗  B E S T   L A I D   P L A N S   ( part i )
❝ the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry ❞
May 10th, 14:30
Rumors spread, as they inevitably do in unrest. The tensions that’d diminished in the initial peace brought about by the election of Milicent Bagnold coming back to the surface. Aurora Sinistra, alongside Dirk Cresswell, have heard the tales of the Minister considering the pardon of Orion Black, but by the time the words reach their ears, the truth has been mangled, distorted until their version of what is transpiring within the Ministry is an effort to go back to the status quo and reinstate the old ways, Death Eater’s given a clean slate – starting with Orion’s pardon.
It is a lie, but they do not know this. Nor do they doubt their truth, fed by an ingrained hatred of the system and a belief in the justice of their actions.
Together, they call upon Aversio to take a stand, starting with an infiltration of the Ministry. No more protests, no more inaction – they want a victory. Dismantle the Ministry, to finally take down the establishment that hadn’t stepped in to stop this war from transpiring.
Hoping to catch the Ministry off guard and reveal the weaknesses still in place, they attack. Xenophillius Lovegood and an unwitting Daisy Hookum join their forces, and they call upon Frank Longbottom to use his Auror status to secure them a safe entrance into the Ministry.
Masks in place, they are a vision of terror in the Ministry. They succeed in surrounding the Auror Office, and with only Junior Aurors Alice Prewett and Benjy Fenwick present, they are able to injure the two and gain access to critical information regarding possible Death Eaters and their plans for attack.
May 10th, 16:50
News of the break-in cannot be contained as the panic within the Ministry grows, Hestia Jones (although officially there as a reporter to the scene) takes charge and together with Davina Selwyn is able to combine forces with an injured Benjy and Alice to remove the threat to the Auror office, securing the premises only to leave Aversio members threatening the rest of the Ministry.
However, the Death Eaters are not unaware of the events transpiring within the Ministry, and chose to take advantage. After all, ambition runs second nature in Rodolphus Lestrange, and loss is not a word in his vocabulary. Wounded pride has festered into vengeance, and together with Walden Macnair and Rabastan Lestrange he knows his next steps: find the weak points in the Ministry’s defense under the cover of Aversio, and take the crown he believes is so rightfully his.
Their first mission? Murder Millicent Bagnold.
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crimsonupdates · 7 years
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F O R T U N E    F A V O R S    T H E    B O L D    ( part i )
❝ Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.❞
May 1st, 9:30
The Ministry of Magic announces that the Death Eaters are attempting to tamper with the election through voter suppression and intimidation – as evidenced by their continued onslaught of Wizarding and Muggle communities. With the support of the Aurors and the Order of the Phoenix, they instrument random checks for Dark Marks (alongside mandatory checks if working for the Ministry) and ask citizens to come forward with any information. The revelations found in Cassandra Burke’s memories help sway skeptical high-ranking opinions and she is granted immunity for any past crimes. Her name is never mentioned outside of to a select few, and instead, the rumor is spread that the secret information was revealed by Augustus Rookwood, who is released thanks to his ‘compliance’ with the Ministry.
May 1st, 16:30
Scandal arrises when Rodolphus Lestrange and Bellatrix Lestrange’s ties to the Dark Lord are revealed and Rodolphus’s position at the Ministry is terminated. Further suspicion falls upon his brother, Rabastan Lestrange and friends of the family – specifically Emma Vanity and Thorfinn Rowle, given their aid to both the campaign and closeness to the family.
It is decreed that the Death Eaters are a terrorist organization and anyone found bearing a Dark Mark is held in contempt of Wizarding Law and considered an enemy of the Ministry and of Wizarding kind.
Further distrust grows in the Wizarding Community of those purebloods unwilling to step forward to prove their innocence, and the Auror Office is placed on high alert.
May 1st, 18:00
The Death Eaters, with Orion Black and Rodolphus Lestrange leading the charge, claim that the Ministry is attempting to rig the election in favor of Millicent Bagnold, but their protests are silenced by the wizarding community’s outrage at their affiliations.
When their actions have no effect and Voldemort fails to come to their aid, they unleash their own attack. Known Order members are targeted. Molly Prewett is cornered on her way home by a terrified Augustus Rookwood, hoping to reaffirm his devotion to the cause. Edgar Bones is attacked by Igor Karkaroff eager to show off his loyalty and another masked assailant. He barely escapes, only doing so by killing the masked person and fleeing.
Aversio feeds off the hatred and terror by unleashing vengeance upon known Death Eaters. Dolores Umbridge and Rosemary Parkinson are captured due to their suspected affiliations to Orion and Rodolphus respectively and tortured for possible information by Lucinda Talkalot when they refuse to offer up anything substantial.
Although Lucinda presents herself as working for the Ministry, her actions are only sanctioned by Aversio. She is aided by Pandora Lightwood, who uses her aptitude with potions to a darker advantage.
Mary Macdonald is suspicious of Lucinda’s activities during the capturing and decides to investigate.
May 2nd, 8:30
After the previous nights’ violence, a magical mural starts to take shape in Diagon Alley in support of Millicent Bagnold and against the oppression of those not pure of blood. Orchestrated by Greta Catchlove, it is a combined effort of Order members and those in support of her message. Over the course of the day it grows as a silent and non-violent message of support, her efforts are aided by a remorseful Edgar Bones.
May 2nd, 12:30
As the powderkeg that is Wizarding London continues to gain fuel, Aurora Sinistra alongside Florence Wilson lead an Aversio protest against the Death Eaters. While not working in support of the Ministry, they want to ensure that Death Eaters and potential sympathizers are revealed before they can elect someone who goes entirely against their ideals. It is an attempt to instill trust for their side in the wizarding community once more.
Aurora, straying off message, voices slight concern about the presence of Death Eaters in the Ministry, and questions their ability to stop the war.
May 3rd, Election Day
Arthur Weasley with the aid of Arabella Figg secretly install Muggle video-cameras at polling stations, Davina Selwyn and Fabian Prewett volunteer to help watch the footage for any suspicious activity and alert the Auror office if people attempt to tamper with votes.
While installing the cameras, Arabella and Arthur are ambushed by Thorfinn Rowle and Evan Rosier, and the two pairs enter into a skirmish that leaves all four injured.
The other riots and attacks that appear are squashed quickly by a presence of both the Ministry and the Order, with Aversio staying in the shadows and only voicing minimal protests to the election.
May 4th, 1:30
Election Results are released, with Millicent Bagnold gaining a sweeping victory and the minimal Death Eater vote spread thin between Orion and Rodolphus. 
Fireworks celebrate her victory -- a new start for Wizarding kind and a historic event in both the Muggle and Wizarding world with female Minister’s elected on both fronts. The sparks of light cover the sky in shimmering gold and silver streaks that serve to diminish the memory of the Dark Mark that had hovered over Diagon Alley a month previously.
May 4th, 11:00
Amos Diggory and Arthur Weasley in accordance with the new Minister of Magic, establish a secret subsection of the Order specifically made for rooting out traitors amongst Order ranks. Members immediately included into the committee are Molly Weasley, Greta Catchlove, and Alice Prewett.
Katrina Parkinson is one of the first put under surveillance thanks to information Amos gained from Orion.
Also under direct suspicion are Septima Vector (due to her appearance in past riots),Caradoc Dearborn (due to his lack of involvement and absence), Edgar Bones (due to traces of the killing curse being found in his wand), and Fabian Prewett (due to rumors of him using unneeded violence to subdue enemies).
May 5th, 12:00
Millicent Bagnold proposes to pardons Orion Black for his crimes in order to provide some sense of fragmented unity within the Wizarding World.
The decision is met with extreme disagreement on all fronts. Hestia Jones and Amos Diggory are particularly angered, leading to a heated debate about government power and personal biases. They believe that this choice will reflect badly upon the Ministry and the Order, especially given the violence last perpetuated by the Death Eaters.
When Sirius Black hears of this proposal through Lucinda Talkalot, he joins forces with her and Aurora Sinistra to plan a protest against the Ministry should Millicent decide to go through with the pardon.
May 6-9th
An uneasy peace lingers, violence placed to a war-time minimum thanks to the new leadership of Millicent Bagnold and the Auror team.
However, danger is brewing, with both Aversio and the Death Eaters unhappy with the progression of the past couple of days and plotting a way to reestablish the power they were hoping to claim for themselves.
*please message the main if you have any questions about this plot drop and we’ll attempt to clear everything up for you. your character can be a lot more involved than they are in this – as it is only a rough outline and we tried to leave a lot of things open to interpretation, or for characters to step in. if your character is not involved (or heavily involved) as of now and you liked the plot drop, they will be featured in part two! please don’t write past may 9th in game time.
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