crimsonweresloth · 3 years
This is just so you all can know about the fates of each of the Primarchs.
Lion El’Jonson would be alive and would be sleeping deep within the Rock after his fight with Luther.
Fulgrim would ascend to Daemonhood after betraying Ferrus Manus and the Iron Hands legion.
Perturabo would sacrifice himself and a large number of his legion to allow both the Night Lords and Word Bearers to escape.
Jaghatai Khan would ascend to a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch after turning his Chogoris.
Leman Russ would ascend to the Daemon Prince of Fenris during the Burning of Prospero.
Rogal Dorn would disappear during the 1st Black Crusade.
Konrad Cruze would travel to Commorragh after seeing a vision of an Eldar from Commorragh revived the Arch Traitor Roboute Guilliman.
Sanguinius would be slain by Gulliman after refusing to join him in the Macragge’s Honour.
Ferrus Manus after being betrayed by Fulgrim, traveled back to Medusa where he would make contact with the Silent King who would make an offer causing Ferrus to become his regent.
Tenebrae Arc would head to the Eye of Terror to kill his Daemonic brothers.
Angron would die fighting Gulliman in the Macragge’s Honour.
Roboute Gulliman would be slain by the Emperor after mortally wounding him.
Mortarion would ascend to Daemonhood.
Magnus the Red would be slain by Leman Russ during the Burning of Prospero.
Horus Lupercal would disappear after the War of the Beast.
Lorgar Aurelian would be put into stasis after being mortally wounded byFulgrim.
Vulkan would be slain by Tenebrae during the Great Scouring.
Corvus Corax would ascend to the Daemon Prince of Khorne during the Sacking of Atlas.
Alpharius would be slain by Dorn in the Battle of Pluto, while Omegon would be slain by Tenebrae during the Scouring.
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crimsonweresloth · 3 years
A little insight for Tenebrae Arc.
Tenebrae’s capsule would crash upon the world of Remnant in the far Eastern Fringes. He would be found by the huntsman Geoffrey Arc, who took the young Primarch in. Tenebrae would get along with his seven sisters and brother, however their settlement would be attacked by bandits a year later resulting in the young boy being killed by a surprise attack by the bandit leader. However, the surrendering populaces the boy regrow his injury and brutally kill the leader, causing the bandits to break ranks and retreat back in the woods. Hours later a stranger came to the settlement and offered the people a safer place to live, with the only payment being to serve his queen.
After swearing fealty to Salem in the “Grimmlands” Tenebrae begins to study the art of war, including every able body in the new settlement. Years later Tenebrae would have gained allies from the abhuman strain known as the Faunus, members of the noble house of Schnee and several individuals who infiltrated one of the fortress of the four kingdoms, Beacon. 
After the fall of Beacon, Tenebrae’s allies, at this point known as the Grimm for their use of the creatures of Grimm into battle. Vacuo would join in after a small force destroyed the Crown who tried to enslave the kingdom, Mistral would fall one year later after the Battle of Haven. Atlas being held back by rebel forces Mantle who were tired of the abuse they felt from the elite of their kingdom.
The Emperor would arrive as the Grimm forces were being ready to leave Mistral to aid their allies. Tenebrae requested the Emperor to let him retrieve something in Atlas, this item being the Staff of Creation. The events after words have been lost only to the Emperor, Tenebrae and Salem though what was known is that the Creatures of Grimm vanished. After finishing his request Tenebrae followed his father leaving command of the Grimm with his adoptive brother, Jaune Arc.
Once on Terra, Tenebrae tried to get to know both his father and brothers. He got along the most with Magnus the Red who was aiding his legion until his discovery. The two would talk about their views of the energy of the warp and how it should be used. Tenebrae unlocked the Crimson King’s aura which acted as a shield to the warp. Tenebrae and Mortarion almost clashed with one another with Mortarion calling Tenebrae a daemon thanks to his looks while Tenebrae would remark back that Mortarion is nothing more than a corpse. This led to the two primarchs to desipes one another before they were ordered by the Emperor to stop fighting.
When Tenebrae was given his legion he would rename them the Angels of Remnant and return to Remnant to unified it once and for all. Once the fall of Atlas has ended, the beginning of the Great Crusade through the Reliquiae Victorum. Which lead to the thousands words of Remnant. After such a feat, the Emperor allowed Tenebrae to work on a project that would aid the other Primarchs.
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crimsonweresloth · 3 years
So, for anyone who is wondering this heresy is an alternate one from the Horus Heresy from the main timeline. A major change is the XIth Primarch Tenebrae Arc of the Angels of Remnant legion exists in this alternate timeline. The Great Betrayer being Roboute Guilliman with Fulgrim, Jaghatai Khan, Leman Russ, Ferrus Manus, Mortarion, Vulkan, Corvus Corax,  Alpharius & Omegon. With the Warmaster fighting in the Imperiums defensives with Lion El’Jonson, Perturabo, Rogal Dorn, Konrad Curze, Sanguinius, Tenebrae Arc, Angron, the Thousand Sons and Logar Aurelian.
Please feel free to asks questions about the Heresy to learn what may or may not have happened to your favorite Primarchs.
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