cripiana · 10 years
TLC Vox Box Review
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A few weeks ago, I received the TLC VoxBox from Influenster, Complimentary for testing purposes. 
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I was surprised at all the awesome products they sent me to try.
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I received a Shell Fuel Rewards card, a full size Anew Reversalist wrinkle smoother, a full sized Puffs plus Lotion to Go tissues sample, A full size bar of Ivory soap, and a Full size Neosporin to Go first aid antiseptic / pain relieving spray.....
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and 1 coupon for a free full size of Breyers Gelato Indulgences.
Of the 6 products I received, I was able to test 3 of them and am going to test out 1 of them this week, and gifted the other 2. 
Products I tested:
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Ivory Bar Soap : First, I love the packaging!!! This isn't the first time using Ivory soap.  I have used it numerous times throughout my life.  I am not able to use it on my face since it tends to dry out my skin.  This wasn't always the case, though.  When I was a teenager, I used it to wash my face and even bathe with and didn't have any issues. 
I have actually been using it as a laundry pre-treater. It works wonders. I just wet the article of clothing where there is a spot and rub the soap over it and then gently (vigorously for more set in stains) rub the fabric together over the area being treated and throw it in the washing machine and wash as usual. 
Puffs Plus Lotion To Go:
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I have been looking for Puffs plus Lotion to Go for so long!! I first saw them being reviewed on YouTube. I am so thrilled that they finally are selling it.  The regular to go Tissues on the market can be drying if you have to blow your nose often, especially since I have allergies. They have just the right amount of lotion.  As soon as I received my sample, I tossed it in my purse so I can have it on hand when I need it. 
Neosporin To Go:
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I am so glad I received this in my TLC VoxBox. I am the person who does the cooking in my home and have managed to accidentally burn my fingers and hand.  Thankfully the burns weren't serious enough to need medical attention but they hurt a lot.  I would normally use Neosporin + Pain Relief ointment which can sometimes be messy and greasy. The NEO to GO! spray was easy to use and not greasy. 
Another great use, is for any cuts or scrapes I or my family members get from gardening or doing repairs, etc around the house.  I have it ready to use and it's not as messy.
Breyers Gelato Indulgences:
I haven't used my coupon for the Breyers Gelato Indulgences yet.  I will be redeeming it this week and will post a review as soon as I do.  I already have my family members begging to try it. 
Items I gifted:
Shell Fuel Rewards Card: 
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Since I only drive locally and don't refill my gas tank more than about once a month, I really don't get much benefit from this rewards card.  There is no Shell station in town.  Since  my brother travels extensively for work as well as pleasure, I thought he would benefit the most.  He travels quite a few miles to work or even out of state so he fills up at least once a week, sometimes more. 
The Shell Fuel rewards Network program at Shell is a free loyalty program that helps you save money on fuel.  For a limited time, new members can save 25 cents a gallon on their second fill up and 3 cents every time thereafter.
Anew Reversalist:
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  I am 40 years old and have no crows feet, laugh lines, or wrinkles on my forehead, or other areas of my face. I don't like using anti aging products when I have no signs of aging since they can sometimes be harsh and cause damage if used before there is a need. I try to take care of my skin naturally. I don't drink or smoke. And, I also stay out of the sun as well as use sunscreen.   
I decided to gift this to my mom since she has visible wrinkles due to aging and sun exposure. 
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I really loved my TLC VoxBox and was happy to be able to share some of the goodies with Family. Thanks, Influenster, for giving me the opportunity to try these awesome products!
UPDATE: 7/30/2014  I Finally found some Breyers Gelato Indulgences!!!!
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7/31/2014:  I finally had the chance to try Breyers Gelato Indulgences (Complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes)
My Mom, Sister, Brother, daughter and I had some after dinner tonight.  I am not a fan.  Since I love milk chocolate best, I didn't enjoy the flavor of this product. It tastes like dark chocolate. But, my family, including my young daughter loved it!  If the price wasn't a bit high ($3.99), I would definitely purchase again. Unfortunately, since we're on a budget, it won't be an option unless it goes on sale.
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cripiana · 10 years
Charity knitting and crochet
I've been working on making blankets to donate for preemies and full term babies.  I will be making them in both knit and crochet.
Here's a pic of the knitted one I am still working on ...
(I used the basic increase and decrease for a traditional diagonal dishcloth and am working until one side is as long as I need it and then will begin decreasing)
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And here's a crocheted on that I finished this morning.
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I used the Colorful Checkers afghan pattern I designed and am selling on Ravelry.com. http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/colorful-checkers-blanket 
The original pattern is made to use mini sock yarn skeins, but you can change the yarn and hook size to any you wish and adapt the size depending on the number of squares you add. And, there is no sewing or carrying yarn as you work. The squares are added and joined as you go. I used Red Heart Sport yarn to complete this one. (1 skein in white and 1 full and 1 partial skein in yellow) It works up fast, too. This one took less than 2 hours.
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cripiana · 10 years
Completed another blanket....Sand and Surf (Hues of Blue)
I finally completed the Sand and Surf blanket for my younger brother's birthday, today.  I had just enough time to weave in ends, add the label and take a few pics before gifting it to him. 
I ended up adding a few granny rows of coordinating colors around the joined squares and then added a single crochet border around it. I love how it turned out. My brother did, too.
Top half....
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Bottom half.....
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cripiana · 10 years
Sand and Surf .....
Here's my next blanket I am working on.  I am trying to finish it in time to gift to my brother for his birthday on Tuesday, May 13th. 
I made 18 granny squares that measure approximately 11 inches. I am planning on adding a granny row in white and connecting them as I go.  Not sure about the border yet. 
18 Squares ......
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cripiana · 10 years
Sampler Twist Blanket finished
I finished another blanket a few weeks ago that I wasn't able to finish for my 13 in 2013 blanket challenge.  It's finally done and I am very happy with how it turned out.  Many of the blocks used were from a pattern I found on Redheart.com.  The name of the pattern is: #LW2336 Sampler Throw Crochet Pattern. You can find it here:  http://www.redheart.com/free-patterns/sampler-throw
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(Picture only shows part of the afghan.)
I originally was going to follow the pattern but didn't like how it would look in the colors I made them in. Instead, I decided to equalize the size of all my squares by adding a granny border around each of them and then joining them together in groups of 6 to form 3 long strips. Then each strip was made wider by adding 6 granny rows (3 colors / 2 rows each) to each side of the strips. I then joined them using a sc granny stripe in the color of the last stripe made on one of the pieces I was joining. As shown in the picture below (pink stripe was joining row/color)
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I then added 4 Rows of granny stripes to the top and bottom of my afghan and added a dark (Navy) border . Border was 2 row as follows: (single crochet, chain 1, skip one) for the sides and (single crochet, chain 2, single crochet) for the corners. 
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I gifted this afghan to my sister for her birthday and decided to add a label that was sewn to the back.  I used a piece of cotton fabric from my quilting fabric stash, a Pigma Micron 08 archival ink pen (available from quilting supply or craft shops) and added my message, leaving a 1/4 inch seam allowance so I could fold it over for a clean looking edge for my label. Then I just hand sewed it to a solid square.
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cripiana · 10 years
I'm Still Here...
It's been a while since I have added any craft related posts to my blog. Life really got in the way in 2013.
My 13 blankets in 2013 was a fail.  I'm not upset about it since I still managed to do a lot of work on them, and that many of my blankets are about twin sized or close to it.  Most of the work I did was working on making all of my crochet motifs for various blankets to the same size, etc.
This year, has been about finishing what I can and not really setting goals. Just finishing is a great accomplishment for me. I have already finished 3 blankets and am currently working on another to be finished in the next few weeks for my younger brother's birthday in May. I also have made some shawls in both knit and crochet as well as other fun things.
I'll be posting all the crafts I have been working on since this year began.  Hopefully, this year will be a better year for me and life won't get in the way as much.
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cripiana · 10 years
Colgate Optic White ToothBrush + Built in Whitening Pen (Influenster March 2014)
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I recently received the New Colgate Optic White Toothbrush with Built-in whitening pen compliments of Influenster for testing purposes, along with a sample size tube of Colgate Optic White toothpaste. 
The product card I received claims that you get whiter teeth in 2 days. Well, I tried it out and have mixed feelings about this product. 
I followed the instructions on the product card as it suggested.  First, I brushed my teeth with the Colgate Optic White toothpaste.  I didn't like the taste of the toothpaste at all and it slightly irritated my gums. ( I think it may contain hydrogen peroxide to aid in whitening.  Some people may experience irritation or an allergic reaction if they are sensitive to this ingredient)
Then, I turned the dial on the bottom of the pen. I had to turn it a few times and had a hard time getting the gel to come out of it. (Yes, I removed the seal before doing so).  When it finally came out, it got all over my hands. (It had a very greasy almost Vaseline like feel to it) I rubbed it on my teeth and didn't rinse as the instructions stated. I HATED the way it felt.  It gave a heavy feel over my teeth.  I repeated this the next day. 
I checked my teeth and found NO DIFFERENCE in whitening. I won't be purchasing this whitening system in the future.  The only thing I liked was the brush itself. The bristles were hard and made me feel like it was doing a great job when I brushed and it also features a tongue cleaner on the back of the brushing head. 
On a scale of 1 to 10, I have to give it a 3.
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cripiana · 11 years
Dr Scholl's Active Series Insoles - (Influenster October 2013)
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About a year ago I began having trouble with my feet due to the fact that I wore sneakers that didn't support my feet or reduce shock.  I really messed up my feet.  I never thought about using insoles.  The thought never even crossed my mind until I received a pair of Dr Scholl's Active Series Insoles from Influenster free to test out.  I admit, I was curious and also a bit doubtful that they would help with the pain in my feet. 
Since I was not about to start doing a workout that could further injure my feet, I decided to give them a try by using them during my day  to day routine since I walk and stand on me feet alot throughout the day.  When I put on my sneakers, I already felt a difference.  My feet were supported much better than they had been without the insoles.  The insoles aren't flat like some of the others I have seen in stores.  These are slightly molded around the arch area and heel to cushion and support your feet. They hug the bottom of the foot comfortably.  I didn't feel the pain I usually did in the arch area of my feet. At the end of the day, even though I still felt tired from the walking and standing, the pain was gone.  I really love how they worked for me.
The only downfall for me was the price.  I have seen it in stores for between $19.99 and $23.00. Unfortunately, that's a bit high for insoles that you have to replace every 6 months or at the first signs of wear.  Since I use them for everyday use, I may have to replace them a lot sooner.
Over all, I was impressed and am using them everyday.
**Note: I received these insoles free for testing purposes.
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cripiana · 11 years
Review: Quaker Real Medleys Oatmeal + (Influenster- Holiday VoxBox 2012)
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Have you seen pieces of fruit as large as this in oatmeal?  It tastes so Yummy!!!!!!
NOTE: I received this product complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster.
Flavor Recieved: Summer Berry Oatmeal
Suggested Retail: $1.79 per cup
Easily enjoy on the go, convenient serving size, Super easy to make
Review: When I saw this oatmeal in my Influenster Holiday VoxBox 2012, I thought it would be like any other oatmeal I have tried.  Boy, was I wrong!  When I removed the inner plastic covering, I was awed by the big pieces  of fruit. They are enormous when you consider the size of the fruit in other oatmeal.  These weren't chips or almost microscopic flakes of fruit. They were large size!  Actual fruit! 
The flavor was awesome!  Not too sweet. The just right portion size was enough to fill me up and keep me satisfied all morning.  I loved it!
The taste made me curious enough to go out and purchase more yummy flavors:
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My absolute favorite is Cherry Pistachio Oatmeal +
I recommend everyone try this oatmeal at least once. I Love it! It has become part of my breakfast routine.
Quaker Real Medleys Oatmeal + : http://www.quakeroats.com/products/hot-cereals/real-medleys/apple-walnut-oatmeal.aspx
Influenster.com: http://www.influenster.com/review/quaker-real-medleys-oatmeal
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cripiana · 11 years
Review: EBOOST Natural Energy
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Please note: I received a sample of this product complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster (www.influenster.com)
Retail: $28 for a box of 20 effervescent powders, $39 for a box of 30 effervescent powders, $39 for a box of 12 shots
Flavors: Orange, Pink Lemonade, Acai Pomegranate, Super Berry
Available as: a shot or easy to mix powder
Features: Natural ingredients, Only 10 calories per serving for the flavor packets and 15 for the shots, Gluten Free, Soy Free, No Sugar
I received a packet of Pink Lemonade as part of my Influenster Holiday VoxBox 2012. After reading the back of the package to see the ingredients and vitamins and minerals listed, I did as the package recommended and was surprised at how easily it blended with water.  The flavor, however, was terrible for me.  It was supposed to be Pink Lemonade, but it was nowhere close to tasting like that.  I had to gulp it down to avoid tasting it too long. 
I really didn't feel a boost of energy,but also didn't feel jittery.  I wish I had received a few more packets so I can test it a bit longer to see if I felt any change in my energy. At least It gave me more vitamins and minerals that I need in my daily diet.
Overall, aside from the flavor, I really can't say for certain if it gives an energy boost or not.
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cripiana · 11 years
My Influenster Holiday VoxBox 2012
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Here's a sneak preview of what I received and posted on my Facebook Wall on December 31st, 2012.  I received these goodies around Christmas time and have already tried them out.  I will be sharing my reviews on each item here on Tumblr and adding a link on my Facebook page.
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cripiana · 11 years
Update- Blanket #2: Assorted Shades of Brown Afghan
I finally completed the first 18 of 36 squares for this blanket.  I would have completed all 36 if there wasn't a family emergency earlier this week.  Thank goodness, everything turned out okay.  
I am a bit behind for this blanket. I am 18 motifs behind. I wanted to spend no more than 8 days or less to complete the 36 motifs.  
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I have added this pattern to my Ravelry store on Ravelry.com. Here's the link:
Progress so far:
Day 1 of 28: (Jan 5) Make sample motifs. If they turn out okay, begin making 18 of each design.
Day 2 of 28: (Jan 6) Began making squares after obtaining gauge and coming up with an adapted version of the original vintage pattern.
Day 3-6 of 28: (Jan 7 - 10) Had a family emergency come up and was only able to work on these squares for about 1 hour before bedtime each night.
Day 7 of 28: (Jan 11) Finally finished the first 18 squares and weaved in the ends.
Motif before: (Vintage pattern)
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Adapted design : After
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cripiana · 11 years
Blanket #2: Assorted Shades of Brown Afghan
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Today I begin working on my Assorted Shades of Brown blanket.  I had started some squares at the end of 2012, but don't really like how they look.  So, I looked through one of my vintage crochet books and found two motifs that I will be adapting into 7 inch squares.
The motifs I will be adapting are:
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These motifs will also be swapped at the end of January. 
Swap requirements :
Must be made to measure 7 inches / approx. 18 cm
Made using 4 ply worsted weight acrylic yarn
Color: shades of brown (all shades welcome)
Day 1 of 28: (Jan 5) Make sample motifs. If they turn out okay, begin making 18 of each design.
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cripiana · 11 years
Update: Hexagon Happiness Day 4
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My Hexagons are ready to swap. I finished weaving in the ends of all 48 motifs. It's taken me 4 days of the 28 set aside for this blanket to complete the last of the motifs, weave in ends and set them aside in plastic food storage bags (to keep them clean and odor free) until the end of this month when they will be sent to their destination for swapping out.  I may have to add one or two more hexagons depending on the final count of people participating in this swap.
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Honestly, when I saw the picture of the finished blanket on the pattern cover, I wasn't so sure I'd love making the motifs.  The colors didn't do the pattern justice. Boy, was I so wrong! I can now say that this is one of my favorite motifs to work on to date.  It looks like it takes a lot of time, but it really works up quickly. 
I began making them in groups of 12, starting all the centers first and then adding each consecutive row to for each of them at the same time rather than working a complete motif at one time. I think that's what helped me work them quicker.
Day 4 of 28: (Jan 5) Weave in ends, set aside for swap at the end of January.
24 days reserved to complete the blanket.
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cripiana · 11 years
Blanket #1: Hexagon Happiness
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(48 Hexagons made using redheart.com pattern Crochet Hexagon Throw # LW1646. Photo shown above is of hexagons before weaving in ends.
This blanket is in progress of being swapped shortly through Friendship Afghans on Facebook. (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Friendship-Afghans/157744857608624?ref=ts&fref=ts)
These motifs measure: 5 1/2 inches / 14 cm
Hook used: H hook
Each round is worked in a different color
Day 1-2 of 28(Jan 2-3)  I completed the last 24 of my hexagon motifs
Day 3 of 28: (Jan 4) Weaving in ends
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cripiana · 11 years
13 Blankets in 2013 Challenge
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(12 of the 13 blankets shown above)
During the last weeks of 2012, while trying to organize my craft supplies and projects, I came across so many Blanket WIPS (works in progress).  I couldn't believe the number of blankets that I either began and didn't complete or committed myself to making.  So, I decided to challenge myself to finish 13 of the blankets this year. (I still have more blanket WIPS!)
After I photographed everything I planned on using, I figured out the exact amount of time I have to work on every blanket.  Since I started my journey on January 2nd, I figure I will be needing to complete each blanket in 28 days.  Hopefully, I can complete some of them earlier to give myself more time in the event one of my projects take longer than I expected or something comes up like illness, etc.
I plan on blogging my progress as well as upload pictures of my blanket making journey throughout the upcoming weeks and months.
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cripiana · 12 years
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My newest creation....Earth dragon scale scarf
For sale in my Etsy shop
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