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I could just imagine one person coming up to him, looking at the mess in utter confusion, and saying “couldn’t you just melt them together”. Watch as Professor Boxleitner does that one math calculation meme for a solid minute as he tries to comprehend that you can combine things without needing to invent an entire machinery and such and have required near explosions.
when two brains tried to fuse together provolone, havarti, and swiss……….. i can assure u he tried the same thing as prof steven boxleitner…
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You can make a future out of this
Imagine all the Wordgirl kids each had soms nonfood thing they eat, like the way Scoops eats wax. Like Johnson eating paint or Victoria taking "angel hair pasta" too literally after a hair cut.
I think Johnson would do that, but Victoria would only do it on a dare.
I love this idea, it scares me XD
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"I'm not keeping this in the comments, it's too good for that"
I give you something better than the comments
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(This was rushed I didn't want to take another 5 months actually fixing up the mess so you're getting this all raw)
Imagine all the Wordgirl kids each had soms nonfood thing they eat, like the way Scoops eats wax. Like Johnson eating paint or Victoria taking "angel hair pasta" too literally after a hair cut.
I think Johnson would do that, but Victoria would only do it on a dare.
I love this idea, it scares me XD
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Okay weird question but my anxiety wants an answer soooo
Do you guys have any preference on what kind of headcanon you want to hear from me first? Cause I don’t know if I should work my way up from “mundane” to “serious” or if I should start with the angstiest one and then work down
For context I have this weird mixed bag of “tame and sane” and “I will make you cry” headcanons and idk how to start listing them all
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Holy crap okay
I really want to make this quick since I haven’t eaten dinner yet (I might edit this after dinner when my head is more clear) but apparently some of you have caught wind of someone shipping WG and Dr. Two Brains together. Their original comment has 52 notes, 20 of them being reblogs upon reblogs of arguing
Look I might be too late on this. I probably am. But please ignore them from now on. I think they’ve started spite shipping and if I have learned anything from reddit (especially when interacting with subreddits that hold a lot of proshippers), the more attention you give them about their ship the more determined they are to make content about it. And let me tell you, negative attention looks laughable to their eyes especially.
So please just… ignore them. Don’t give them what they want
Also I know there’s going to be a handful of proshippers who want to reblog this with a “I agree with this post” or “[insert disagreement here] but I wanna go into a more nuanced discussion with you guys, and right now I really don’t have the energy to deal with this post while also planning a more nuanced post thereafter. So please do me a favor and refrain from reblogging until I initiate that discussion. I hope you guys are able to respect that. Thank you
I have written what I wanted to send. Any proshippers who want to interact with this post for whatever reason may do so. Thank you for being patient with me
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Pick whichever one you’re most comfortable with :)
(You don’t have to reveal all of it, or even 80% of it. Just choosing the ones that intrigued me the most)
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Looking through my old projects on flipaclip. I have a lot!
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A lot of these are Wips I never posted. Or really old stuff. Haha!
Lemme know if you’re interested in any of them! I can post them here! Might give me the motivation to finish some of these fantastic projects. Can’t believe I gave up on a few of them. Just send me the name you think is interesting! :3
(I also deleted a few of them cause they weren’t anything and I don’t remember what I was gonna do… so if I don’t have it sorry!)
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Reblogging again cause I thought it was too dark to be in the WG community and deleted it but apparently it’s still in the public eye so you know what screw it it’s back on my timeline
scoops putting candle wax in the microwave and eating it with a spoon
I love how we as a collective fandom have decided that scoops has zero culinary knowledge even though nothing in the show gives it away LMAOOO
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Oh my fucking god there’s a fandom for this???
Edit: nvm I seem to be the first post this tag has in a few months
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Speaking of Discord call shenanegains... https://morkee.tumblr.com/post/675051336216313856/inspired-by-my-friend-on-tik-tok
My cousin is here. She probably heard me watching this
Thank you for traumatizing her
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HAIII sorry you were the first reblog I got that I didn’t initiate first ^ ^
Plus it was for a post I took 4 hours on so I be proud of it so thank youuuu
Becky, Scoops, Violet, and Tobey on a discord call
Written by yours truly
(A response to toonycatuwu’s comment on wordgirlconfessionz’s #25 post)
How many drugs do you want this scenario to be induced with?
- Tobey is the first one to join the call… like 30 minutes early. Everyone in the chat gets confused but Tobey refuses to say anything besides “Im in vc 1”, which prompts Becky, Violet, and Scoops to have a text conversation about if their clocks are set up wrong or not for 20 minutes before Becky just gives up and joins the call. Violet asks if it’s actually the right time (since she doesn’t want to join at the wrong time), and Scoops wonders the same. Becky says it’s okay, Violet asks is it really, Becky says “Yes, just join the call already!”, and Violet just agrees and joins the call. Scoops keeps asking if he joins it or not, and no one answers, so he just sits there until it’s the actual time of the call
- While Becky was trying to convince Violet to join the call, Tobey keeps responding to every message in voice, not in message. Becky tries to ignore it, but he keeps going on and on about how Violet and Scoops should just join the call and that they’re wasting time, and finally Becky tells him to shut up. Tobey, now offended, rambles about how no one shuts up a brilliant boy genius like himself. Of course, only Becky can hear him.
- Did I mention no one knows you can mute other people?
Keep reading
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I mean not having a joke like you defeats the whole purpose of April Fools Day
(If you want me to delete this just tell me and I will :))
goodbye wordgirl fandom
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Becky, Scoops, Violet, and Tobey on a discord call
Written by yours truly
(A response to toonycatuwu’s comment on wordgirlconfessionz’s #25 post)
How many drugs do you want this scenario to be induced with?
- Tobey is the first one to join the call… like 30 minutes early. Everyone in the chat gets confused but Tobey refuses to say anything besides “Im in vc 1”, which prompts Becky, Violet, and Scoops to have a text conversation about if their clocks are set up wrong or not for 20 minutes before Becky just gives up and joins the call. Violet asks if it’s actually the right time (since she doesn’t want to join at the wrong time), and Scoops wonders the same. Becky says it’s okay, Violet asks is it really, Becky says “Yes, just join the call already!”, and Violet just agrees and joins the call. Scoops keeps asking if he joins it or not, and no one answers, so he just sits there until it’s the actual time of the call
- While Becky was trying to convince Violet to join the call, Tobey keeps responding to every message in voice, not in message. Becky tries to ignore it, but he keeps going on and on about how Violet and Scoops should just join the call and that they’re wasting time, and finally Becky tells him to shut up. Tobey, now offended, rambles about how no one shuts up a brilliant boy genius like himself. Of course, only Becky can hear him.
- Did I mention no one knows you can mute other people?
Keep reading
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If I start getting talkative it means one of two things:
A) I’m very lonely please send asks
B) I’m very tired please don’t send asks
It’s Russian Roulette when it comes to my mental health B)
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With the talk about character analyses and shipping things differently to the rest of the fandom, I’m very tempted to just unleash very unprompted, very unhinged mini essays I’ve been holding onto for quite a while
But do I have the energy for them? Not really, no.
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Tobey: Mom can we get FNAF?
Claire: We have FNAF at home
FNAF at home:
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it’s literally 3 in the morning.
I love the idea of robot Toby, but a futuristic robot while making sense seemed out of place with the more… grimey? Monsters? ………I just wanted to draw him as a weird automaton :p But for sure let me know if y’all are interested in the futuristic design because I’d be happy to go at that when it’s not 3 am!
(Monster au @daisythecomic :) )
One of my favorite parts of drawing him is his eyes, because the idea the the eyelids and eyebrows move, but his eyes are painted on, so he constantly looking one direction. Also 50% of the time they come out like fnaf OOPs
Also it’s late I forgot what his outfit looked like okay. It’s fine, totally intentional so you can see his robot arms >:/
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Okay how the flippity fuck do you anatomy
Like I master one body type and then remember there’s like 5 more to go ;w;
I mean I can theoretically do this in my own art style but it’s simplified too much to really grasp everything I wanna put in it
I should have just stick to writing genfics
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