You slightly look like in your drawings... XD
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Aw yee! The issue with my variant cover is out! It’s my first cover ever and I’ve learned so much since I made it. I hope I get the chance to take another shot at one in the future and do an even better job at it! ♡
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Levur Cheesnut
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i need to be hugged more
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Who dfk cares about negative opinions? As long as you like it (And it's not a piece of junk for real) is ok
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making things is so cool!! 
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Looks like The-Xzina's art
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i haven’t watched bnha but i’ve heard a lot of good things about her
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How comes a skull still has hair?
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Am I doing it right
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Ma god... So cuteeeeee
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New Icon!
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Yep... years and years of drawing... papers, notebooks...
i know beginner artists are annoyed at the word ‘practice’ being thrown at them by every other artist but i honestly think some of you need to understand the harsh truth. practice is really the only way to improve your art. there are no shortcuts, no tips, no nothing that can turn you into that artist you wanna be. i’m still learning but i knew that frustration well a few months ago. but i had to learn the hard way that i wasn’t going anywhere if i didn’t work. you 👏will👏not👏get👏better👏with👏out👏practice👏 !!!! you will not magically turn into a ‘good’ artist overnight. start working. look up references. study anatomy. practice poses and expressions. PRACTISE
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No problem...
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I’m selling a bunch of SU gem ocs over on dA! Go ahead and check it out if you want! 
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Price? Btw it includes the details too?
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I’m selling a bunch of SU gem ocs over on dA! Go ahead and check it out if you want! 
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Thanks for answering :D Your toughts are pretty legit to me... But as you know, from the murals on the moon base, probably the power of diamonds is represented by their planets... Even if PD had only one... as you said she might be the most important for the war. Also there are speculations that PD appeared in the of the war... and this comes back to your answer and what I said there ^
Thanks again for the answer XD
So... at the trial were a few strange things that made the case of PD's murder even more dark and unknown... YD tehnically made both the defense and the offense to ,,shut up"... this is suspicious... but even more suspicious is that the head of the homeworld , White Diamond did not show up... so what if PD didn't agreed with the corruption on earth and by that thing WD and YD made up her assassination?
((Mod Jolleboi: don’t usually post answers like this, and might remove it later, but i wanna get back into the swing of things so here goes, my thoughts on the “YD dun did it”. Whatever the actual truth is, given all the things we’ve seen, it is certainly possible that YD either staged PD’s assassination, or at the very least used it to her advantage. The Perhaps earliest record of WD we have from the show is in season 1 episode 8: “serious Steven”, when Steven and co enter the pyramid “tomb”, were we both get to see the mural of Rose, and supposedly WD, as well as the sarcophagus with presumably WD’s image depicted on it and embedded with a gem of the same size and cut as that of the diamonds we’ve now seen. Was it WD? I dunno, could be, but question then remains, why there? and why is she not mentioned as “dead”. Well, for a long time, i had this here thought, the thought that YD, set the stage to be the sole diamond controlling everything.Yellow Diamond has been loudly spoken of as the most “rational and logical” of the diamonds by Peridot before her final turn to the crystal gems, however whilst she certainly seem to adopt a calm (and condescending) demeanor, we have seen that she is prone to temper tantrums and a desire to rush things and be done with it, rather than letting it run its course. She seem to also have a “leash” on BD, guised under her “desire” to comfort and “help” BD through her mourning of PD. BD infact seems to be so heartbroken by PD’s death that she is not at all in a proper state of being able to, well, rule with a calm and rational state of mind. With PD weighing so heavily on BD’s mind it is no wonder that YD is able to do what she wants, assuming ofc, that WD is not interfering.Ofc, we have never actually heard WD mentioned, we’ve only seen her existence illustrated in the background, and with that, along with history/context provided by the show, we can only theorize and speculate until the show chooses to reveal to us the truth.My speculative thought is thus: YD either assassinate or exploit the death of PD, and being the “rational” one, she stays back from the fighting, letting it escalate, whilst building her “super weapon” (we know peridot and the cluster were both her projects, and if she indeed has been in charge since the end of the war, then it is possible that the rapid advance in technology on homeworld was done under her rule, she just seems like the technology friendly sort of type). BD naturally enters the first stage of mourning, she gets angry, goes to earth personally and makes the conflict bigger. I believe that eventually, WD was brought into the conflict to end it, be it through force or diplomacy, i do not know, but regardless, she went, and that’s when YD fired her weapon, to get rid of WD. I believe that BD was not caught in the blast, but with the war over could go over to the next stages of mourning making her much easier to manipulate, and that WD was caught in the blast, and secretly entombed on earth, a planet believed to be defeated, and later planned to be destroyed. so why is PD’s death spoken so loudly of and WD not spoken of at all if she was actually entombed on earth? well, its simple, you can blame the death of one diamond on an assassin and a rebellion, but using your super weapon to eliminate a second, is simply to suspicious,l and even if you try to state it as a sacrifice, or an accident, people will not believe you, and/or they will be very upset, and much less keen to listen to you, effectively ruining your reputation that you so ill need to maintain. So what if you instead use the weapon, which btw forces everyone on the planet to retreat from battle, and if anyone is to be evacuated first it just has got to be the diamonds “right?”, and then you “silently” off your main political rival, a rival of such importance that no one dare seek them out if someone equally important states that she is “not to be disturbed”. Basically, you pretend like she is still alive, but that she is busy or working, basically staying out of the the public eye, with no one daring to question you on that. This puts YD in the top seat of homeworld governance. Two Diamonds have been offed, and one is in an easily manipulated state, you can basically say and do as you please. But then all of a sudden the past comes back to haunt you, the cluster project fails to remove the final bits of evidence, and the main perpetrator of the crime is caught and put on trial. YD’s calm is tested to its limit, and she rushes things, and sits judge obviously biased, in the one place she does not hold the same level of power, because its a courtroom, during a trial, and the person you’ve so far been manipulating is now adamant about proceeding and letting the trial running its course. Too many things are said, and at the mere mention of a diamond being the culprit finally makes her take action into her own hands before BD gets any further ideas.Now, whether or not PD agreed with what happened on earth, i cannot say. I think she was certainly very interested, curious and amazed by the marvels of earth,l but perhaps that she did so much like a child: not very carefully. She certainly liked humans enough to decide to preserve the human race and make a human zoo, but at the end of the day, she was still a diamond, there was no one with any real authority to tell her what to do, she was the one telling everyone else what to do with no one to tell her “no”. This can lead to her having made stupid decisions that gems such as Rose did not agree with, inciting the rebellion. We already know that before her death, the rebellion had started, at least as far as Rose is concerned, which means people already likely wanted her dead, but furthermore this also sends a message to those who are PD’s equal, the other diamonds, that PD might not be “as capable”. the human zoo alone is proof enough that PD had some rather different thoughts about other species than the other diamonds, and the fact a rebellion erupted under her rule might cause “rational and logical” thinkers such as, say, YD, to consider her a self-centered ruler with weird ideas that does not benefit the gem race in the slightest, and which quite clearly has only served to rile up and upset her own subjects to the point of civil war. Perhaps having other diamonds doing whatever they want is not the best idea. Maybe… just one ruler should hold the cards? a ruler that is rational, logical, and “only think of whats best for gemkind”. Maybe PD would be better off… “shattered”… foods for thought, whether true or not.TLDR; i think its plausible that YD set things up/exploited PD’s death to get rid of WD quietly under the guise she’s alive and well but far to busy with things too important for her to be disturbed, and cease power for herself whilst manipulating the only other diamond left who’s supposed to be her equal.Now, PD, there’s proof to suggest she cared enough about humans at least to preserve their species, but also that her rule upset gems like rose enough to start a rebellion, which can only serve to upset more gems, and also other diamonds who may view her as incapable of rule, setting the stage for her to be targeted by practically everyone and anyone.Ultimately, i do not know what PD was like, I do not know who truly killed her, and I do not know what truly happened to WD, whether she was in on it, whether she’s alive, whether she was also silently killed. All I know is that there’s evidence to suggest several things and speculate, and that the shows creators are awesome for making such an interesting world that allows us to speculate and theorize to such an enormous degree. Whatever the crewniverse has planned for the show, i’m sure it will still blow our minds X’Dhope that answers some of your questions into my thoughts on the matter.))
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Seems legit to me
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Or she just has a normal reaction... but your theory is still legit, so...
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So I just recalled Pearl’s “advice” to Holly Blue Agate in That Will Be All. 
And then I remembered all the scenes where Pearl has her hands over her mouth, as shown above. These are all scenes where Pink Diamond is mentioned. Pearl’s been keeping her mouth shut about something.
Perhaps if she was just honest about what really happened to Pink Diamond, Steven would still be on Earth… 
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Jack wasn't topless in the first image?
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Lmao best descriptions ever!
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i haven’t really watched SU aside from a dozen of first episodes, but i’ve seen a buttload of spoilers on tumblr and such
(i kinda want to liveblog about it again, but idk if it has any point at this point)
so i tried to do that “describing the thing i’ve never watched” meme with some doodles i made 100% by memory, no refs
EDIT: ok everyone loves Greg i’m glad
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