critical-spirit · 7 days
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Disney Peter Pan Sketchbook
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critical-spirit · 14 days
The many potential storylines from "Wish"
I think I am not the only person who absolutely loved the (early) concept but hated the execution of Disney's Wish.
There are so many dynamics that are or could b explored between Magnifico and Asha in Fanfic. Here are a couple idea's I have seen (combined) so far:
early concept - evil!Amaya x evil!Magnifico VS Starsha. Its already a classic and basically becoming canon among Wish-fans.
Post-Wish - Magnifico gets freed from his Mirror by Asha because she needs his help. Its mostly written by fans who want him redeemed, but I havent seen anyone writing Asha fall for Magnifico the forbidden magic?!
Neither villain or Hero AU - Asha is well-meaning but misguided in her overly idealistic worldview whereas Magnifico is experienced yet too stuck in his ways. it takes a more mature approach to the dilemna surrounding the Wishes, where a middle ground is sought between the youthful idealist and the weary realist.
Twist and classic villain AU - where Magnifico takes after the great disney villains of old, and Amaya takes after twist villains of the most recent era, like King Candy.
twist villainess AU! - Amaya turns out to be the true villain and she is just as powerful as Malificent. Meanwhile Magnifico joins the good guys to defeat her.
Megamind AU - with Asha's villain song from Lydia Bard, I am dying for someone to write an AU where Magnifico's harsh treatment of Asha and his paranoia make Asha turn into an even worse vilain than himself. Magnifico snaps out of his power-rush when he realizes what he (and Asha) are about to become. Now, Magnifico has to redeem himself by saving Asha from the corrupting magic and seeks out the Star
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critical-spirit · 14 days
I have an idea for Aster. I’ve noticed that in a lot of merch for the movie canon Star that their right eye is in the shape of, well, a star.
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(Image for reference)
So I thought it would be neat if Aster had a star shaped mark on his right eye in their star form, but hide it in their human disguise.
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@annymation told me that she personally doesn't see Aster's design with the mark in the eye, but anyway since it's a request I drew it, here you go!
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critical-spirit · 14 days
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I just wanted to thank you for drawing my son so beautifully THE DRAWING IS GORGEUS
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critical-spirit · 14 days
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"Now, straighten your legs out and start walking!"
Yes, it is a Howl's Moving Castle reference, no, I am not ashamed of it. This was a piece I commissioned from the lovely user on Instagram called Lily.b_art, you can her account here: https://www.instagram.com/lily.b_art/
Follow her for content, she also does commissions. Super nice person too. Anyway, Zenith [my and ReignLycan's version of Star] and Asha having a sky jaunt. Zenith gonna eventually appear in my Wish rewrite Star Light, Star Bright if you're interested in seeing his character and relationship with Asha.
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critical-spirit · 14 days
How about drawing a kiss between Aster and Asha?
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I don't usually draw kisses between characters (because damn, it's hard to draw faces in profile) so I used a reference, I hope you like it anyway! (Now that I think about it, this is the first kiss I've drawn between Asha and Aster)
@annymation @emillyverse @kstarsarts @signed-sapphire @spectator-zee @mythartist21 @oh-shtars @your-ne1ghbor @emptyblog7 @gracebethartacc @chillwildwave @tumblingdownthefoxden @rascalentertainments Look! a kiss between Asha and Aster :D
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critical-spirit · 14 days
Some more Wish 2 Concepts!
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Really love the idea of Asha’s magic being able to manifest with more control once she starts channeling her art skills into it. Like she struggles before, but once she starts drawing (pun intended) on her natural she starts bringing all sorts of amazing things to life to help aid her. A living representative of the magic of animators.
For Star I would bring back the shapeshifter idea for him while they’re in the Land of Dreams, he can take the form of different dreams he interacts with, as Wishes and Dreams are so connected.
And of course I had to do a little doodle of the moment Magnifico and Maroula first both realize the other is here in the Dreamlands, and that they’re on opposite sides of the conflict.
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Magnifico in his quest for vengeance has unknowingly aligned himself with his estranged daughter’s greatest enemy, and Maroula’s first site of her father after almost 100 years is seeing him ruthlessly attack her new friends—and aiding the dream eating Lamia.
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It’s not a happy reunion by any means
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critical-spirit · 14 days
I purchased this cute sketch of Asha and Zenith from Lampofblob on Instagram. No real context here, just Zenith catching Asha and being cheeky about it. Be sure to follow Lamp on her account, she draws her own Starboy stuff too that's super cute.
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critical-spirit · 14 days
Wish fandom summed up
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critical-spirit · 14 days
Asha’s new outfit done in the concept art style! I’ll have 3 more clothing designs of her to post after
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critical-spirit · 14 days
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a powerful woman and her twink/jjjjjjj
I've been struggling with the background since yesterday and the funny thing is that it was going to be a quick draw OMGGGGGG
I changed Asha's outfit and went by the concept art because, although I like the purple dress, I feel it doesn't stand out much from the background. Maybe I'll change Starboy's clothes too but uh… maybe not lol
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critical-spirit · 14 days
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"Star, why do you hate to see someone cry?"
... Remember what I told you about stars being born from fulfilled wishes?
"Of course."
When your wish is unfulfilled, cast aside out of hopelessness ... It becomes a tear to mourn what you lost.
"So you don't like that they gave up on their wishes? That a new star can't be born?"
A tear is still a star, just one born from grief. It can't rise to the sky - it'll fall to the ground and disappear, soon to be forgotten. What I hate is the pain that pushes people to lose sight of their dreams. I came from the joy of a granted wish. I want to see that joy live on in others, and what better way to do that than to grant wishes? But if those are cast aside, then I have nothing to grant, and the pain lives on.
"I see. I'm sorry, Star."
No, Asha, don't be sorry. Promise me that you'll never lose hope. That you'll never give up on your dreams.
"I promise."
Anybody who knows me from the Tolkien/Silmarillion fandom will likely know that I love injecting angst into things XDD And after drawing a bit of Asha and Star (from Disney's Wish), I got the idea to try a little bit of worldbuilding - and also get inspired by Klimt's The Kiss once again loll
I imagine the dialogue to be more of a flashback scene, whereas the paintings show a "hero's lowest point" in the story - like, Star is forced to return to the sky because wishing stars don't belong on Earth, which means Asha will have to face the villains alone, etc.
Also, y'all notice their tears merging in the second painting? It's intended to represent how the wish they have to give up is the same: to be with each other :''')
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critical-spirit · 14 days
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I am a simple person.
I see cute Asha & Star Boy art.
I share cute Asha and Star Boy art.
It’s simple.
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critical-spirit · 17 days
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Forgot to show my other old Arti comic from Twitter. Aint sad this time :)
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critical-spirit · 20 days
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critical-spirit · 20 days
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Happy 1st anniversary, Downpour DLC!!
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critical-spirit · 20 days
I imagine arti’s pups were as fluffy as a sea otter pup when they were smaller (sort of like this https://youtu.be/Yl6zZEHBHwE?si=7J1iMqCuy3_B23hW)
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Yes, they were very very fluffy! In these they are supposed to be just a few days old, small and defenseless squeaking cotton balls... Newborn pups would stay in a shelter until strong enough to latch onto their parents, who would guard the surroundings and stay close until then, which is probably a lot easier when you're not a single parent... Below I put a newborn pup in the height chart right next to Arti, the second scug in the line is also one of her pups, but older, and the first scug is an average slugpup of the same age.
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Also that is the cutest video I've seen this year oh my god...
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