criticalalexandrite · 6 years
i HATE when a woman character is oversexualized and people are like “it’s her CHOICE as a woman to wear makeup and a push-up bra as body armor!!” like ????
do y’all realize that characters aren’t real? that someone like wonder woman did not “decide” to wear a miniskirt and heels? someone else, a creator, a designer, chose that?
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
“ Sounds boring and fetishistic “ LMFAO including gay characters isn’t inherently fetishistic. it only is if you only use gay characters to cater to yaoi tropes or negative LGBT stereotypes. Which so far this show hasn’t done. Calm down.
You know I went into She-ra thinking it’d just be kinda fun but goddamn Noelle Stevenson you fucking legend you did it again
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
Hey Rebecca? Crewniverse? Can you please not call these Diamond Tyrants Steven’s family? It makes me uncomfortable that he would even want to be associated with them despite knowing the atrocities they’ve committed.
Oh, and FYI, children who get abused by their parents actually exist. So….yeah. Stop this “Forgive your family no matter how abusive they are” message.
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
Like I will never be over the fact that Sugar redeem both Blue and Yellow Diamond, like how are you that bad of a writer and just overall dense
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
The “showdown” between Steven and White  Diamond is just gonna be Steven crying at White Diamond to not be evil anymore cuz they’re family.
How did Steven get that outfit if gems technically don’t have clothing
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
I’d LOVE to see how SU stans say it’s not racist for Steven to be a in a dictator’s outfit.
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Steven and the Crystal Gems head to space for Steven Universe: Diamond Days. New episodes weekly, starting December 17 at 7:30p ET! 
(ALREADY AIRED) - Legs from Here to Homeworld - December 17th, 2018 - Steven travels to visit family.
Familiar - December 24th, 2018 - With many changes going on in his life, Steven tries to find his place in the world.
Together Alone - December 31st, 2018 - Steven throws a party to bring his family together.
Escapism - January 7th, 2019 - Steven uses his psychic powers to find help.
Battle of Heart and Mind - January 21st, 2019 - Steven faces his biggest challenge yet.
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
She was an SJW stereotype because her community that she forced everyone to join had communism coding to it. The reason I say that is that there was no  imperial government involved in her community. She was the only leader. The belief structures on how to fix today’s society involves toppling imperialism. The only reason the US government sees that as a threat is because its pro imperialism. Starlight was still a dictator yes but she was a dictator who insisted her dictatorship was done out of equality and inclusivity towards blank flanks Blank flanks are definitely a minority class of ponies in MLP. FiM  There are many anti SJW writers who literally think communism works this way uncritically. Every person I talk to who views communism this way proves they have a biased willfully ignorant stance on communism. Cuz whenever I show them evidence that communism is not inherently authoritrarian they’re like “But that’s not what MY exposure to communism was like!” Also before you point it out, yes I know there’s a history of communist communities being taken over by dictators. No pro communist person like me on this site is a communist because we’re unaware of that unfortunate history in communism. In fact, you are toeing a very dangerous line by saying ALL communist communities are secretly pro fascist. There were lots of indigenous and Jewish communities that thrived off of communist system structures and turned out perfectly ok. In those cases their communities only struggled with genocide and inhumane conditions AFTER white colonialists came in and gentrified their communities forcefully. My problem with how Starlight’s community was written was it came across like it was written from a place of willful ignorance. By claiming that wanting a pro equality community was inherently evil cuz it ignores the fact that people ARE different. It even feels like something an anti SJW redditor would write while tipping his fedora. It is literally entry level understanding of how communism works. Now of course I’m aware that there’s a strong possibility that the writers gave off that impression unintentionally. But I have to disagree with that notion. We know that the FiM writers are interacting with the brony community. They proved that in season five by making tons of references to popular brony community fanon takes. There is absolutely NO WAY that they ignored the anti SJW propahanda that’s all over brony content Anti SJW rhetoric is a STAPLE of the brony community. You cannot simply browse a brony blog without seeing some hint of it in some way. That’s why I say Starlight is most definitely an SJW stereotype. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we get a “feminazi” trope character right as the writing staff starts interacting with the brony community more. That’s not a coincidence. That’s a pattern. A really concerning one too since this same brony community is responsible for the old Nazi Celestia meme back in the day.
Bronies ruined FiM and it sucks
I don’t talk about it much but I’m super mad about how bronies ruined FIM. FiM is taking a very painfully slow nose dive into the same problems that SU has. Except in FiM’s case it was supposed to have a specific demographic audience: young feminine girls. But then t eh creators of FIM saw that it gathered an audience of anti SJW anime obsessed men. For awhile listening to the anti SJW anime obsessed men sort of helped the show. Sadly though the FIM creators didn’t use enough critical thinking when taking advice from bronies. They soon began to think that everything bronies wanted was good for the show. Including…making a villain character that looked like an exaggeration of a design you’d see from old MLP cartoons. (And no I’m not talking about Cozy Glow, I’m talking about Starlight who was the catalyst for the show’s downfall.) The problem with this is that while the old MLP cartoons were often superficially girly they were supposed to be that way. They were basically the Western media industry’s version of the magical girl genre. But the FiM writers quickly lost their understanding of MLP’s original purpose as they got dollar signs in their eyes over the brony craze. The original MLP cartoons were more strongly pro feminist leaning. At least originally, until that garbage that was MLP FIM G 3.5 (the half with the toddlers) came out. Anyways the point is that FIM was supposed to be as proudly pro feminist as the other MLP cartoons. But the brony community started on 4chan which was and is a very pro anti SJW site. You should be able to see where the problems with that would arise. The show after making Starlight Glimmer be this evil pro feminist stereotype that was meant to bash feminism comes in and the show gets more and more pro anti SJW. Now the show has the same problem as SU. It’s lost its original purpose in a bad way and the FiM creators don’t know how to take criticism. Just like SU. The FiM creators have gotten so bad at taking criticism that they legit made a whole episode portraying their critics as irredeemable bullies. I won’t lie I still love some aspects of FiM but the bronies ruined the core purpose of the show and I won’t stop being mad about that. Like bronies literally looked at a pro feminist show made for PRE SCHOOLERS and went “How can I make this about me.” And the FiM writers only listened to these anti SJW bronies because of money. Then to hammer in the nail in the coffin they make Cozy Glow, a character who is the epitome of a young girly girl and have her literally sent to hell for being manipulated by a male villain worse than her.  Like wow, way to miss the message you guys were originally sending before Starlight came in. And before anyone tries to cry “It’s just Twlight having character development!” I don’t care. It’s bad character development lmao. if you went to me when I was new to the FiM told me that Twilight in season one would eventually become an incompetent God who can only stop a corrupted toddler by banishing her to hell I would’ve said “0/10 bad shitpost.”
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
Yeah I would like to see sources for this too because the execution of the fic’s plot sure didn’t come across that way.
jsyk, Lily's "fanfic" isnt actually what it seems. She wrote it originally as an anti-pedophilia fic, but a bunch of idiot trolls hacked her account and rewrote it to fill it with pedophilia.
thank you for the info, Anon. is there any possible way you can provide sources for this? 
i’m 100% not calling you a liar in any way- i just have more than one person saying the opposite.
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
It’s true though!
*green & purple side by side*
Amedot shippers:
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
Stans of any series LOVE to excuse the ableism in them.
About Yuki Yuna, while it appears that there they “cured” of there disabilities, Hero Chapter reveals they are not really truly cured, they simply had divine constructs from the Shinju to replace them.
Excuses, excuses. It’s still ableist as all fuck.
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
if rose quartz loved humanity so much then what did she do to prevent the transatlantic slave trade
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
I really hope the recent St*n L** discourse hasn't gotten you a ton of harassment or death threats from a bunch of rude anons. You deserve better than that kind of situation
(Tw: Death threats mention)Nah it hasn’t gotten me too Much harassment except for some rando going “Fuck you unfollowing” lol. But thanks for the kind words!
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
Have you seen the new She-Ra series? I just watched it and while I have some problems with it, over all it was good and I now have a new wife who I love very much. So I'm gonna obsess over her for a bit before doing any actual critic of the show.
I have seen posts about it and it does look like something I’d like. I’m just waiting until someone posts any possible trigger warnings for the series.
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
Bronies ruined FiM and it sucks
I don’t talk about it much but I’m super mad about how bronies ruined FIM. FiM is taking a very painfully slow nose dive into the same problems that SU has. Except in FiM’s case it was supposed to have a specific demographic audience: young feminine girls. But then t eh creators of FIM saw that it gathered an audience of anti SJW anime obsessed men. For awhile listening to the anti SJW anime obsessed men sort of helped the show. Sadly though the FIM creators didn’t use enough critical thinking when taking advice from bronies. They soon began to think that everything bronies wanted was good for the show. Including...making a villain character that looked like an exaggeration of a design you’d see from old MLP cartoons. (And no I’m not talking about Cozy Glow, I’m talking about Starlight who was the catalyst for the show’s downfall.) The problem with this is that while the old MLP cartoons were often superficially girly they were supposed to be that way. They were basically the Western media industry’s version of the magical girl genre. But the FiM writers quickly lost their understanding of MLP’s original purpose as they got dollar signs in their eyes over the brony craze. The original MLP cartoons were more strongly pro feminist leaning. At least originally, until that garbage that was MLP FIM G 3.5 (the half with the toddlers) came out. Anyways the point is that FIM was supposed to be as proudly pro feminist as the other MLP cartoons. But the brony community started on 4chan which was and is a very pro anti SJW site. You should be able to see where the problems with that would arise. The show after making Starlight Glimmer be this evil pro feminist stereotype that was meant to bash feminism comes in and the show gets more and more pro anti SJW. Now the show has the same problem as SU. It’s lost its original purpose in a bad way and the FiM creators don’t know how to take criticism. Just like SU. The FiM creators have gotten so bad at taking criticism that they legit made a whole episode portraying their critics as irredeemable bullies. I won’t lie I still love some aspects of FiM but the bronies ruined the core purpose of the show and I won’t stop being mad about that. Like bronies literally looked at a pro feminist show made for PRE SCHOOLERS and went “How can I make this about me.” And the FiM writers only listened to these anti SJW bronies because of money. Then to hammer in the nail in the coffin they make Cozy Glow, a character who is the epitome of a young girly girl and have her literally sent to hell for being manipulated by a male villain worse than her.  Like wow, way to miss the message you guys were originally sending before Starlight came in. And before anyone tries to cry “It’s just Twlight having character development!” I don’t care. It’s bad character development lmao. if you went to me when I was new to the FiM told me that Twilight in season one would eventually become an incompetent God who can only stop a corrupted toddler by banishing her to hell I would’ve said “0/10 bad shitpost.”
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
Steven Universe is a kids’ show. As such, it contains morals that make sense for children: Getting along with people you disagree with; Talking out your problems out when you can; Being kind even when it’s hard. It’s also made by fallible people. And here’s the important part, it’s also watched by fallible people.
The issue is that so much of its fan base are adults who’re convinced it’s a show for adults talking to them. If you’re in your teens, 20s, or later, Steven Universe isn’t going to help you navigate the world (that goes for Harry Potter, too). It’s not a blue print to a Marxist revolution. It’s really not a show about toppling dictators. Tuning into Cartoon Network should have been your first hint.
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
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criticalalexandrite · 6 years
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If your horror hinges on demonizing the mentally ill, odds are you’re a shitty writer.
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