croa20an · 3 years
We hurt people. None of us are pure and the puritans and purity culture obsessed are making it ten times worse by punishing everyone instead of doing something about it.
Can I watch a great film knowing the actresses in it were terrorized and mistreated the entire time? Can I watch a football game knowing that the players are getting brain injuries right before my eyes? Can I listen to my favorite albums anymore knowing that the singers were all beating their wives in between studio sessions? Can I eat at the new fancy taco place knowing when the building that used to be there got bulldozed eight families got kicked out of their homes so they could be replaced with condos and a chain restaurant? Can I wear the affordable clothes I bought downtown that were probably assembled in a sweatshop with child labor? Can I eat quinoa? Can I eat this burger? Can I drink this bottled water? Can I buy a car and drive to work because I’m sick of taking an hour each way on the subway? Whose bones do I stand on? Whose bones am I standing on right now? 
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croa20an · 3 years
boosting this
You remember how a while ago rich people started paying huge amounts of money to drink dirty water? They're at it again. They're eating dirt now. Black Oxygen Organics, among others. It's fucking bog mud and compost in fancy supplement guise
oh my sweet lord fucking…….
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croa20an · 3 years
YES this is LITERALLY why it's okay to "romanticize" feelings that people find "icky" and are too cowardly to cope with. You need a break from each emotion, even too much happiness will burn you out. Sadness is a good thing when balanced with other emotions and it's GOOD to find away to appreciate and "romanticize" these darker feelings. You take away your fear and coping becomes easier, feelings become more balanced and less extreme and crippling. You get to experience the most joy out of life when your ups and downs are small and pleasant and more easy to sit with and analyze and dissect so you can appreciate every facet of them. People these days are so lazy and reactionary and fearful that most of them completely lose their shit over not being on cloud 9 24/7. Capitalism breeds this to make more desperate consumers but that's no excuse to refuse to learn and self soothe and practice introspection.
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Sometimes when I’m sad, I feel like a whole different self, so I made happy frog and sad frog to represent those states of mind. When I’m sad frog, I not only feel sad about the original problem, but I also feel sad about being sad frog (something I didn’t even realize was happening until I went to therapy!). This comic is a reminder that it really is okay to be sad frog. Sometimes happy frog is on a break, so be kind to your sad frog, okay? ♡
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Webtoon
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croa20an · 3 years
I just tagged them as honey on my blog so they're easy to find
Brew a pot of coffee, pour it into the blender, add honey, cinnamon and nutmeg (and a little bit of clove if you have it), your favorite non-dairy milk, and a couple of tablespoons of canned pumpkin. (US grocery stores have it year-round. It's in with the canned vegetables.) Blend till foam forms on top. Pour into a mug and sip.
500 times better than Starbucks pumpkin spice, plus it has nutrients, plus you don't have to wait for Starbucks to release anything, plus it's vegan,* plus you don't have to go to a coffee shop in a pandemic
*don't @ me about whether honey is vegan. Honeybees are better compensated for their labor than baristas
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croa20an · 3 years
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croa20an · 3 years
Again, AND I ADDED CUTE PICTURES In my other posts, look at them if you please they're easy to find
Brew a pot of coffee, pour it into the blender, add honey, cinnamon and nutmeg (and a little bit of clove if you have it), your favorite non-dairy milk, and a couple of tablespoons of canned pumpkin. (US grocery stores have it year-round. It's in with the canned vegetables.) Blend till foam forms on top. Pour into a mug and sip.
500 times better than Starbucks pumpkin spice, plus it has nutrients, plus you don't have to wait for Starbucks to release anything, plus it's vegan,* plus you don't have to go to a coffee shop in a pandemic
*don't @ me about whether honey is vegan. Honeybees are better compensated for their labor than baristas
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croa20an · 3 years
i made like a whole bunch of posts ***AND I ADDED CUTE PIcTURES about this but bee farming is absolutely terrible for the environment, destroys rare native plants and pollinators, including endangered native bees and the plants that only they can pollinate without destroying and vice versa. I uploaded pics to another bee post.
Bees are not a vegan issue for some people but they're an environmental issue.
I hate seeing bad faith anti vegan satire posts just because someone is feeling defensive about eating honey though. I dont see anything wrong with people who choose not to touch anything that involved harvesting living creatures, whether it's because they're Buddhists or environmentalists who want to make a difference with their lifestyle, no matter how small it seems to some people. I think it's a respectable way to live.
As always all profit companies are bad, and honey companies are monstrous, whether you eat honey or not spread the word about what they do to native flora and fauna. Like I said I detailed this in my other posts or you can do your own research (from a book or peer reviewed studies... not altright we love capitalism dot com run by your anti mask uncle) and if you personally want alternatives to honey they exist and there are lots. The healing properties dont come from the bees they come from fruits flowers herbs and nectar and you can get that anywhere. Minus the botulism
Brew a pot of coffee, pour it into the blender, add honey, cinnamon and nutmeg (and a little bit of clove if you have it), your favorite non-dairy milk, and a couple of tablespoons of canned pumpkin. (US grocery stores have it year-round. It's in with the canned vegetables.) Blend till foam forms on top. Pour into a mug and sip.
500 times better than Starbucks pumpkin spice, plus it has nutrients, plus you don't have to wait for Starbucks to release anything, plus it's vegan,* plus you don't have to go to a coffee shop in a pandemic
*don't @ me about whether honey is vegan. Honeybees are better compensated for their labor than baristas
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croa20an · 3 years
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croa20an · 3 years
how long do i have to romanticise my life for before it actually gets romantic? just curious.
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croa20an · 3 years
Even more adorable and beautiful bees:
(Spread the word to help protect rare native bee species and bee diversity)
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croa20an · 3 years
More adorable bee pics:
(Yes these are the adorable, rare, native, endangered, and extinct bees) (do not be a backyard beekeeper. Bees have to be in a natural healthy habitat to prevent mites and disease)
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croa20an · 3 years
It's the same way with white western lgbtq+ especially the ones who parrot/are radfems. They hate other cultures, bipoc, queer men, and sexual assault victims of every form because that means they have to acknowledge that they too can be an abuser and aren't the only victim or that they aren't 10x more important than every other victim in the room, that they should listen to other people's voices and experiences instead of force their own on others. They attack queer people who are different from their the-protestant-church-accepts-me version of queer. White westernism at its finest. Fascist self obsessed egomaniacs.
very cool how the gender binary in the emerging trad terf synthesis is like, there are two genders, the one that does bad things and the one that bad things are done to. the only thing in the world is immorality and it flows from unexperiencing agents to unacting experiencers.
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croa20an · 3 years
Cute bee pics:
(Yes these are the adorable, rare, native, endangered, and extinct bees)
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croa20an · 3 years
Anyone: change.
Scared weenies: I would rather die
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croa20an · 3 years
You already know this but look at the neoradfems the pick me radfem queer people who are so desperate to paint all lgbtq+ people as innocent victims incapable of harm especially in fandom and on social media and the whole time they are finding new people to abuse and blame, especially marginalized queer people and with any stupid excuse they can think of. They're the white terf feminists of the queer community and the creative community and the fandom community. They play holier than thou so they can use and abuse the people in their own communities who are hurting the most and gain money notoriety and power in their spaces. They repeat terf and other conservative talking points like crazy. They're not here to change things they're here to play One Of The Good Ones and throw all other queer folk under the bus for their own gain and pride
very cool how the gender binary in the emerging trad terf synthesis is like, there are two genders, the one that does bad things and the one that bad things are done to. the only thing in the world is immorality and it flows from unexperiencing agents to unacting experiencers.
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croa20an · 3 years
Regardless of what indoctrination into western society taught you, art and literature are not, and has never been about criticizing, analyzing, or judging. That's the will of the bourgeois, sure, because literature and culture in all forms makes them uncomfortable when it isn't tailored to bring them comfort, and most of all when it inspires the masses to learn to use their own imaginations, to learn to think for themselves be it when creating fiction or pushing back against the status quo. Treating fictional characters as real ones and fiction as a moralizing tool is an extension of this destructive mindset, an excuse to be even more critical and judgemental of self expression. An evolution. It's the cousin of literary analysis as a destructive tool. The only reason you're ever supposed to critique or analyze or judge a piece of human culture and expression is when you're school aged and trying to find out what you like, what you identify with, and how you identify with it, to make sure you're not absorbed into the opinion of the artist rather than forming your own. That's why being negative toward art earns high marks in school. Not because it's correct or a sign of intelligence, but because youre still learning to think for yourself. That's the point. Not to leave some opinion on the work or artist, but an expression and insight into yourself and what it means to you personally, or what you would personally do if you created such a work. It's supposed to prime you to create your own works and find works you like, not judge whether or not someone else did a good job expressing themselves. This isn't math or science, where there's a right answer. The only right answer in the arts is to express your feelings and respect others. The only good that comes out of analysis is to try to understand the artist's voice better through their personal experience, which is an iffy choice, considering many never intend to be considered or consumed alongside their art and often urban legends about artists become more important than their work unfortunately, AND when analysis is done with a loving spirit and an open heart, not to dissect, but to understand and bask in, to explore and find joy in the work over and over again. And that's frankly not what most people are doing these days, especially on tumblr. They want to be angry and miserable and outraged and reactionary like any art critical art blaming conservative, rather than enjoy themselves or use it as a meditative experience, much less do the work to find or create and support things they like instead of demand everything be tailored to them personally for free and to the detriment of creators.
fictional character discourse would be more fun if we all internalized the fact that characters are narrative tools, not people. once we have that basic fact down, we can start talking about what story the author is trying to tell using these characters, whether they’re successful, whether the story itself is successful and by what means we are measuring success—which are all really fun and interesting things to discuss! but we simply cannot get to that point unless we first accept that fictional characters simply do not have thoughts, feelings, opinions, or any agency on their own. a fictional character has more in common with the fictional chair theyre sitting on than with a real person
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croa20an · 3 years
this reads exactly like a post from 4chan on reddit /r/relatable and it all just drives home the fact that everyone who spends a lot of time online is prone to the same things. an "alt righter" could've written this on 4chan for gods sake and tumblr would be pointing and laughing but tumblr is just 4chan with a pg rating now. conservatives are running the place and people are coming here and pretending it's good as a whole, and an escape from the very thing they wish they had. i dont know.
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i want a life
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