croat-ohshit-blog · 7 years
Little one for all whovians out there. this breaks my heart!! 
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
so my boyfriend has worked at the same restaurant for like. 6 years on and off. and we just got a car, so now he runs deliveries occasionally when someone can’t work. like this morning. it was supposed to be his day off. he has wednesdays and sundays off. he has worked every day since sunday, they called him in on wednesday to do deliveries. he got called in this morning to do deliveries. which meant our day off together got a few less hours. 
now he calls and says that the kitchen manager put him on the schedule to work tonight. great. not only does that mean our day off together is cut to only a few hours whilst we may be able to go do anything, being that it IS sunday. but it also means that he wont have had a day off since last sunday and wont have another one until wednesday meaning that he will have worked 9 days in a row.
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
Sexualities/Genders (And Other Terms One Should Know)
Heterosexual: Male-identifying individual sexually attracted to a female-identifying individual, and vice-versa.
Homosexual: Someone attracted to someone of the same gender as themselves.
Bisexual: Sexually attracted to two or more genders.
Polysexual: Sexually attracted to many genders, but not all.
Pansexual: Sexually attracted to all genders. (this and bisexual, and sometimes polysexual, are often considered to be the same thing and different people may simply identify as any one of them due to their own personal reasons)
Demisexual: Sexually attracted to people only after forming a bond with them first.
Asexual: Having no /sexual attraction/ to others; having no desire to have sex.
Heteroromantic: Male-identifying individual romantically attracted to female-identifying individuals, and vice-versa.
Homoromantic: Attracted romantically to the same gender.
Biromantic: Attracted romantically to two or more genders
Polyromantic: Attracted to many genders (but not all)
Panromantic: Attracted romantically to all genders
Demiromantic: Romantically attracted to people only after forming a bond with them first.
Aromantic: Having no /romantic attraction/ to others; having no desire to be in a romantic relationship.
Polyamorous: Someone who is attracted to, and is comfortable with being in a relationship with more than one person at a time.
Transexual/Transgender (Term depending on generation and location): An individual who identifies as a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth to be. Often shortened to trans
Cisgender: Someone who identifies as the gender that they were assigned as at birth. (ex. matches their birth certificate) Often shortened to cis
Intersex: Someone who has ambiguous genitalia that doesn't fit into our strict dichotomy of uterus or testes. Often forced into surgery to correct their genitals at a very young age, causing psychological and physical harm later in life
Nonbinary: Outside of the gender binary of male and female. (Can be used as an umbrella term or as its own identity)
Genderqueer: Outside of the gender binary. (**This is not an umbrella term like the post said before I edited it! Do not use this as an umbrella term for nonbinary individuals, simply use 'nonbinary'. Queer is considered a slur and not everyone likes to be associated with the word)
Agender: Someone who feels gender neutral, or someone who experiences a 'lack' of gender.
Bigender: Someone who identifies as two separate genders.
Trigender: Someone who identifies as three separate genders.
Genderfluid: A gender that changes, or is 'fluid'.
Demigirl: Identifying partially as a woman, but not wholly.
Demiboy/guy: Identifying partially as a man, but not wholly.
Dmab: Designated Male at Birth.
Dfab: Designated Female at Birth.
Amab/Afab: Same as dmab/dmab, except with 'assigned' instead of 'designated'.
Camab/Cafab: Same as previous, except prefixed by 'coercively', to highlight the lack of choice.
Reblog to inform! And if there's any I missed or anything that should be clarified, please message me! Always looking to expand the proper vocab. :)
**I edited this post because it used some archaic and incorrect terms/definitions, and needed more terms added to it. -Vivian Mareepe
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
can you please write a book and bless us with your brilliant writing taylorswift
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
According to the song Seasons of Love from RENT, there are 525,600 minutes a year.
One line later, there are “525,000 Moments so dear”.
So, doing the math, we can glean that there are 600 moments which aren’t so dear.
And I think I just used one of them by walking in on my boss who forgot to lock the bathroom stall.
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
My eyes burn because of fucking smoke from a deep frier. fuck me.
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
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The Unlikely Friendship Of A Dog And An Owl
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
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Graham Norton s17e03
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
the slytherins making a drinking game where they take a shot every time draco malfoy talks about harry potter
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
so i was looking through my old year books in my school and saw this
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croat-ohshit-blog · 9 years
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