crochet-and-creatures · 14 hours
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is there another animal in the same category as Tardigrades and Anomalocaris? (little weird things that we all love)
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crochet-and-creatures · 7 months
I'm making my first crochet piece in forever using an actual pattern and not just taking a stitch and running with it and holy hell I forgot how fun this is. There's variety. I don't have to question how and when to do increases. I can do a gauge swatch and trust the size. This is wild.
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crochet-and-creatures · 11 months
the thing about cracking open a long-established popular ship tag on ao3 is that it allows you to be extraordinarily picky, and i think it must be the closest thing i will ever experience to being filthy rich. i scroll along at super speed like no today i am only interested in fics with this precise range of words and one of these three tags. only authors i’ve heard of, please. hmm, i suppose i could consider an unknown quantity given its apparent popularity with the people, but… no, no, this summary doesn’t do it for me. no particular reason, it’s just… eh, i don’t need to explain myself. bring me 50 more like this for me to choose from and we’ll see.
99K notes · View notes
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219K notes · View notes
I'd really appreciate it if you drank some water. nothing will happen if you don't, you can keep on scrolling if you want.
I won't be mad, or disappointed. I won't even be aware that you didn't drink water. you can just not interact with this post. I'll never know what decision you made.
it's up to you honestly.
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At any point a player can roll for Cheating which allows them to do anything depending on if they roll high enough
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I just finished Demon's Choice and I need to rant. honestly I think the outcome of the non-canon ending makes so much more sense for Azizella than the canon ending. Like I get why she would make the choice leading to the canon ending and I appreciate all the thematic stuff and tie-ins to earlier chapters, but even then it just feels wrong somehow
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mulberry appreciation post. like to take a mulberry, rb to give a mulberry to your followers
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170 notes · View notes
I'm a tour guide and I have these trans earrings I wear, a kid walked up to me after the tour and said "excuse me, I saw your earrings, are you trans?" I said "yes, I am!" and they said they were too! life can be so lovely sometimes
3K notes · View notes
is it okay to interact with your blog if i'm a gemini man and also 5'6
Yes but please take note people under 5’4 cannot interact with my blog >:)
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98K notes · View notes
I'm having SUCH a bad day could you please drop an image of that one dude from the Precambrian Era (you know the one)
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Stretching isn't enough I need my spine removed and repeatedly cracked like a whip
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why aren’t marlon & willy fuckable 😒
60 notes · View notes
Been playing Stardew Valley for the first time and I'm pretty sure it is not intended progression to reach year 2 without hitting floor 80 of the mines. This also means I have no sprinklers or machines and thus don't grow crops or make things, so I'm constantly broke but it's a vibe y'know?
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DD, I wanted to thank you for the Hiccup Cure (and re-up the link for anyone who hasn't seen it recently -- https://www.dianeduane.com/outofambit/2017/04/25/the-hiccup-cure/ !) My roommate had been uncomfortably hiccuping for hours and I cured them in 30 seconds once they let me try. It really works every time!
You're so welcome!
When the resident at the NYH emergency room spelled it out for me, I was caught between two immediate reactions: (a) suspicion, because it sounded too easy, and (b) that feeling of inevitability that sometimes accompanies explanations that make immediate perfect sense. There was, of course, nothing to do but test it. So I did, again and again and again... and it just kept working.
Anyway, here's the link again for those who don't feel like cut 'n' pasting.
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