croesow · 2 years
I kind of want to move blogs tbh. something about the year-old unfinished pages is sapping my motivation to actually get them completed  ://
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croesow · 2 years
vanya’s at a point where he actively discourages people from seeking jobs in law enforcement. for those already trapped in the web, he makes a point to sever all relationships that aren’t strictly professional and strongly advises them to do the same
the police aren’t your friends
interpol aren’t your friends
not only has working under rocco’s constant power abuse taken his already-present cynicism and dialed it up to a thousand, but he’s seen all of these regional catastrophes get dealt with by anyone but law enforcement. the corruption in these organisations runs so deep that villain team infiltration is the least of their problems
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if you want justice, cool. fucking great. but to get anything done you have to lone wolf it and understand that every step will be an uphill battle
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croesow · 2 years
the problem with rocco is that no matter what happens to him, he finds a way to spin it just enough that it validates his belief that everyone and everything is corrupt, and it’s his responsibility to be the Guiding Light that brings them all back on the road to justice
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should he ever lose his position in interpol or his leadership role in the quartet, that just means he’s a victim of an underhanded plot! clearly they’re frightened by his success, intimidated by his charisma and potential to achieve the goals he’s set himself! he’s being attacked! victimised! he’s at the center of a conspiracy, and clearly that just means everyone around him is more corrupt than he imagined. he must be the one to bring them down no matter the cost
if he keeps his positions and responsibilities, then clearly he’s on the right side of history! interpol stands for justice and wellbeing, after all, and they wouldn’t keep him around if he wasn’t contributing to that great cause! everything he has done up until this point: stalking, his constant harassing of adreffe, selling sensitive information to illegal sources, framing people he wants to get rid of, abuse of power, causing harm, plotting murders if not carrying them out, restricting targets’ access to pokecenters and hospitals so they or their team members die... it’s all okay. it’s all fair. interpol clearly understands it’s all a means to a better end!
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croesow · 2 years
zangoose lady (who still doesn't have a name, rip) is the leader of Teamea* and uses her eye-catching appearance and antisocial behaviour to draw the attention of a city's/region's law enforcement and give wanted people a chance to escape amidst the ruckus and travel safely to Adreffe. she's careful never to commit anything serious, but wasting police time is her one purpose and she's very very good at it
she oversees the other Teamea members too, helping them to chase down leads or reach out to those on the run. whenever Adreffe needs to contact the team, she is the one they turn to first, and she in turn passes on the region's messages/news/warnings to the rest of the members
*since I've gotten questions on the name before: Team Evade (as in, helping wanted criminals evade the police) -> Team E -> as it's only used verbally it got colloquialised to Tee-Mee, or Teamea
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croesow · 2 years
thinking about
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croesow · 2 years
Unlike most regions, Adreffe doesn’t split itself up into cities. Instead, to preserve as much of the natural landscape as possible, the region is organised by its biomes and what Gyms can be found there.
THE GRASSLANDS: A large, flat open area of land with no real remarkable features. No exceptional weather or natural effects.
Reception/Check-in Building, with Sion’s Normal Gym on the floor above it.
The Contest Hall.
Staff and student dormitories, and the newly-build hotel for guests, tourists and contestants.
The kitchens and cafeteria. Molly’s self-run bakery sits next door, with her Alcremie and Slurpuff eager to sell whatever treats they helped her make today.
The current school buildings. Used for theory lessons only.
Cadmael’s Fighting Gym, a recycled school building left over from Adreffe’s early days.
The Combination Tactics Gym - co-run by Eira, Wilbur, Dante and Argo. It sits on the edge of the grasslands to prevent Eira’s weather moves from affecting anything outside the Gym.
Evelyn’s Ghost mansion. It only appears at night, and in the day is replaced by a rundown ruin of what used to be the biggest dormitory on Adreffe.
THE FOREST: A thick sea of trees, many of which are hundreds of years old. Tall grass is longer here, making the likelihood of wild encounters much higher.
Connery and Briar’s shared Grass/Bug treetop Gym. A large Xerneas statue sits nearby, overtaken by wildlife and turned into a breeding ground for many pokemon.
Connery’s berry orchard, mostly run by his team of helpful Grass types.
Professor Fontaine’s Poison mushroom Gym and his small medicine/beauty product store. All products are made from a base of Pecha berries to reduce the effects of any poison they might come into contact with.
Molly’s Fairy Gym, sat in the middle of Florge’s flower meadow. Oricorio, Vespiquen and Ribombee love this place.
A tea room, the Night Noctowl, designed to cater towards those staying up through the night. It’s almost entirely staffed by a single Ludicolo and his group of Indeedee friends. One of the most frequent visitors is a wild Kadabra with a liking for green tea.
Mercedes’ Psychic Gym and therapy office. The Munna-maintained Wonder Room guarantees total soundproofing for privacy, and the walls themselves can go from transparent to opaque at her request.
The Lunar Pool. A hidden-away pool that attracts a large population of Lunatone. Its counterpart is Solar Point, up on the mountains.
Part of Daphne’s Living Museum of Fossil pokemon. Cranidos are most common here, often competing to knock down the biggest tree as quick as possible.
THE VOLCANIC FIELD: Dried, unworkable land surrounded on all sides by volcanoes and a difficult-to-climb mountain range. Fire and Rock types are most common here.
Steffan’s Fire Gym. He sits proudly in the center of the volcanic heat, his Gym even carefully carved into the shape of one.
Frankie’s Steel Gym and workshop. The Bouffalant and Tauros are able to spar with each other in peace, and the oppressive heat makes little difference when he spends most of his time dealing with molten metal anyway.
A workout Gym for humans and humanoid pokemon. The punching bags are almost always reserved by Machamp and Lucario, so if you want those you need to be fast!
Part of Daphne’s Living Museum of Fossil pokemon. Tyrantrum love this area and can frequently be seen hunting and socialising within the Museum’s confines.
THE MOUNTAIN RANGE: Stretching across the north edge of the island is a set of mountains, varying in height and how easy they are to climb. In contrast to the volcanic field below, the summits are freezing cold.
Aedynn’s Dragon Gym, tucked away in a low-level cave. His Mega Rayquaza carving hangs from the ceiling, and Regidrago lights up the interior with its constant glow. He’s often helping a wild Garchomp raise her latest clutch of Gible.
Felix’s Gym battleground and lightning rod sit atop the tallest mountain peak. Their computer lab is hidden away underneath it in a maze of tunnels and password-locked doors.
Gwendolyn’s Ground Gym. She’s also made use of the underground, taking every safety precaution possible to make sure that the tunnel will be safe to battle in.
Daphne’s Rock Gym and the rest of her Living Museum. Her Gym itself is tucked away in a natural hole in the mountainside, and there’s no decor that hasn’t been chiseled from the surrounding rock walls.
Violetta’s Flying Gym, an observatory where she can see all of the sky above, and the battlefield itself suspended high up in the clouds. This battlefield is also where she teaches her more advanced Flying students once they’ve gotten used to riding at lower heights.
Solar Point is also up on one of the mountain peaks, Solrock’s favourite gathering place and breeding ground. Its moon counterpart is Lunar Pool, located in the forest.
The remainder of the Living Museum stretches up here, connecting the ocean, the forest, the volcanic fields and whatever species seek the cold and height of the mountains. 
THE OCEAN: Two beaches, to the east and west sides of the region, overlook the sea. Naturally, Water types love these areas and will largely favour one side over the other.
Andrea’s Dark Gym lies on the East side, using whatever driftwood washes up as another resource to build her Gym building with. Her Gym Trainers are in charge of cleaning any litter they find.
Margourette’s Ice Gym and ballet studio is also on the East side. Both are made entirely out of ice and sit a little way out into the ocean. Their foundations are thick enough not to melt, but for safety’s sake they’re re-frozen every couple days.
The Vanilluxe ice cream parlour finishes off the East beach, a place that offers all sorts of cool treats for those feeling a little overwhelmed with the heat. Milkshakes, sundaes, frozen lemonades and everything else a person could want! They also sell sun cream, just in case someone forgot to pack theirs.
There’s a boutique on both beaches, though the colours they offer differ depending on location. Swimsuits are their best seller, but they stock everything from evening gowns to winter coats. A lot of it is pokemon inspired.
Jemima’s Gym is the only one situated on the West beach. She doesn’t mind, though - the lack of other Gyms means she’s able to claim a lot more space for her hobbies and take up more of the ocean with her Mantine surfing and Sharpedo jet-skiing. 
Golduck act as lifeguards on the East beach, and Sealeo on the West. Both pokemon are incredibly strong swimmers and have been trained to recognise the signs of both people and pokemon in danger.
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croesow · 2 years
The Budding Blossoms event, like most things on Adreffe, is focused around the idea of personal growth and self reflection. The newly-built Contest Hall is going to be a place for beginner coordinators to come and learn how to perform, so it’s only fair that the theme is carried over into the grand opening. And so, in honour of all those who’ve worked to inspire and further this art, Champion Siôn has extended exclusive invitations all across the world. No matter your skill level or your familiarity with the coordinating world, he wants you to take this time to shine and help show the lucky first influx of students what they can expect when entering the world of pokemon Contests.
The full title of the theme is Love Letters to My Younger Self. Too often people get caught up in the “cringe” parts of their past, the awkward teenage phases and stupid mistakes we all made when left unattended by our parents, but Adreffe would prefer to shine a nicer light on things. This Contest is an opportunity for muses to reflect on how they’ve become the people they are today, and the lessons they’ve learned while undertaking that journey.
The full Google Doc is here, and the entry sheet is under the cut! Please submit the completed sheet for all muses you intend to enter.
Keep reading
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croesow · 2 years
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Oops, I never uploaded this one to Tumblr (which I only realized when someone else did, but then was kind enough to tag me, thank you)!
This is the comic that kickstarted my obsession with telling stories with as few panels as I could (usually 10-11 haha), so it’s got a soft spot in my heart. 
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croesow · 2 years
if you've ever read my infodumps about these characters just know I love u and I kissie u gently on the forehead
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croesow · 2 years
p sure I lost the other one for this, so!
consider this a starter call for adreffe. specify a muse or I’ll be choosing for you
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croesow · 2 years
also putting out a starter call here
will likely be interpol / rocco focused unless you specify a different muse
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croesow · 2 years
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the Brothers are a package deal! if you want one to move onto your island, you must also invite the other
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croesow · 2 years
Pokemon Type.
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Normal ( 69.23% match).     The Normal type is all about contribution. You are charming, and a natural leader. Perhaps your strength doesn't lie in your proficiency, but your adaptability and well-roundedness. You enjoy helping others, and hearing what they have to say. A particular talent of yours is the ability to retain the techniques of skilled individuals around you, learning from the best. 
However, this skill may land you in trouble, Normal-type. Quit worrying so much about others' abilities, and trust in your own! You tend to ignore your achievements and focus on your perceived mediocrity, which is unhealthy. It would be wise of you to remember that the best skill one can have is to be able to learn.
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croesow · 2 years
Adreffe and its relationship with Interpol.
Huge thank you to Marshii for talking through this with me last night, and thank you to @fallen-exalt for reminding me to write this up!
For the sake of brevity, what I’m going to be referring to as ‘Interpol’ includes all law enforcement, regardless of if they’re region-locked or internationally recognised.
While Adreffe isn’t praised for the skill of its staff (which they have no issue with - obviously a novice League is going to be significantly easier), something that has garnered a lot of attention is its unconditional safe haven policy. Anyone is allowed to seek redemption there, and as long as they make no attempts to harm any other island resident, they will be welcome to stay. This rule applies to petty criminals, those that might have been barred from their own regional Leagues due to disruptive behaviour or attempts to cheat, all the way upwards to prominent (and highly wanted) members of villainous teams.
It’s that latter part that’s caused quite a few clashes with Interpol, and the current relationship between them is tense at best.
Unlike in other regions, Adreffe has no divide between the Champion and government. There is no higher authority than whoever’s got the reigning title at the time, and so their word is law. If Siôn allows someone to remain in the region even after being made aware of their status as a wanted criminal, there’s nothing Interpol can do to forcibly remove the individual in question. That’d be a direct violation of the Champion’s judgement and would be a crime in and of itself.
The most Interpol can do is request that the wanted person is made aware of their presence and asked if they wish to cooperate with the police. If they choose not to cooperate and instead stay in Adreffe, there’s nothing more that can be done unless Siôn chooses to hand them over (something that would only be done if the individual was a serious threat to others’ safety). The more wanted people he shelters, the more Interpol gets frustrated with Adreffe’s policies and their lack of power to overrule them, and as that frustration grows Siôn’s own patience with them starts wearing thin. He’s a busy man, and he doesn’t want to waste time entertaining their inquiries when they all know what the end result is going to be.
There have been a few rare occasions where Galar and Kalos have been contacted in an attempt to overrule Adreffe’s judgement and force a change, with Siôn eventually getting called into meetings with their own governmental bodies, but he has never bent under these pressures. His region is an independent one despite its close geographical proximity to the aforementioned two, and it is under no obligation to heed others’ wants or demands. 
Of course, back on home soil he keeps everything as democratic and transparent as possible. All staff are invited to frequent meet-ups to give everyone a chance to discuss how they think it would be best to address the situation, but it’s rare that anyone has much of an objection. They work on Adreffe fully aware of its welcome policies, and as long as the person is trying to improve then they see no reason to deny them that chance. People can’t be expected to get better if they’re never given a support network to help guide them.
This also ties into the ‘no questions asked’ policy in that while Adreffe is obligated to ask if the individual wishes to cooperate with Interpol and leave with them, there is no further attempt to pry for details or dig up information about the person. They don’t care who you were or what you did, the only thing that matters is who you are now. The only information they’ll keep on file is what the individual themselves tells them and the generic school notes every student gets, nothing more and nothing less.
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croesow · 2 years
@badmusejail asked: What are the police like in Adreffe? Are they diligent, or more lazy? By the book or more likely to let good intentions slide even if technically illegal? Is the force large or small? Does Interpol operate within the borders? Often? For what reasons?
Long story short, there are no traditional police forces in Adreffe. This includes Interpol, as they have been banned from entering and, should they attempt to circumvent this law, will be considered a threat to the region and dealt with accordingly. This has caused many clashes in the past, all of which have only worked to further sour Sion’s opinion of Interpol and the regional police departments.
The reason for this exclusion is simple: In a place heavily populated by wanted people and ex-villains, encouraging an official law enforcement presence would just be asking for conflict further down the line, not to mention such a move would likely drive away many people in need of Adreffe’s redemption services. So, rather than risk creating this conflict of interests, the region chose to enforce its own laws and security measures, rather than rely on traditional structures. Instead, the Champion is ultimately in charge of keeping the region’s residents safe and happy, and any legal conflict with Interpol becomes their responsibility to deal with.
Of course, Adreffe’s not a lawless land. It has security measures in place to protect sensitive information, and there are people the students can turn to if they have any concerns (bullying, lost property/theft, cheating), but for the most part any potential legal problems are judged by the reigning Champion. They alone have the power to forgive transgressions or push for more serious action to be taken, and so all serious cases (for example, violence towards a peer or pokemon) must be brought to their attention as quickly as possible. 
But for the most part, as long as everyone is getting along and focusing on beating those Gyms, Adreffe is willing to forgive any and all past crimes they may have committed in other regions. That is what it means to be a region of unconditional redemption and ‘affiliation blindness’.
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croesow · 2 years
in a bid to encourage communication between myself and my partners, please like this post if you’ve been wanting to interact, but want me to make the first IC move
I’ll come into your dms and work something out <33
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croesow · 2 years
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@15-44​ asked: Are there any myths or legends that citizens still remember?  /  fanregion development (accepting!)
For the most part, the myths and legends told in Adreffe are recycled stories from the students’ or staff’s native regions. Galarian students will often talk about the Darkest Day and the iconic hero of old, and will be met with Johto students recalling the burning of the Brass Tower and the birth of the Legendary Beasts. It’s all a bit of a melting pot at this point, with the region still too young to develop a unique lore of its own.
However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t little superstitions here and there!
One example of this is the Lunar Pool, a popular habitat for Lunatone and Umbreon. It’s surrounded on all sides by a thick forest canopy, often giving the illusion of an eternal night, with the only opening being a hole in the trees just big enough for moonlight to shine through. It’s a popular spot with those who worship Cresselia, and the pokemon has been said to make the occasional appearance.
Its opposite is Solar Point, a sundial carved into the summit of Adreffe’s tallest mountain. As the name might suggest, it’s a good place to find Solrock, Espeon and Volcarona, and Sun Stones are commonly found littering the area.
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