Sorry I haven't posted I have been thinking of new ideas for the next journal entry
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Day 1
My name is leafeonis to those who are reading this.
Me and the brotherhood have traveled far and have stopped at a nearby town it had a great big wooden wall around it and as we entered we saw wanted posters of our leader he wasn't with us he snuck in a different way so as we walked to the inn I saw him jump from a rooftop to a hay cart heading in the same direction as us when we got to the inn we checked out a room and nothing else we all had a long day and dropped dead as doorknobs. Later that night when I was doing my nightly walk I spotted someone outside the wall she was just standing there like she was waiting for something when she say me I ran but I made a sketch of her by memory it's a little much though.
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Who is she? And what's with the sword.
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Hey everyone and good news Iam gowing to start a mini type of story like a journal and it won't be too long but it will be a thing
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Hello all you beautiful people out there it's almost spring break
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Hey guys it's a Friday and you know what that means no school
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Hey guys if you want to ask me something you can and I will answer
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Hey guys happy valentines day
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Hello I am very excited this is my first post and I am happy to be here in tumblr and happy to let people in the brotherhood
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