crookedcrown · 2 years
A relieved sigh fell from Thea’s lips as soon as she heard the other’s words. She was thankful that attractive person behind the counter was willing to help, it put her at ease a bit. The blonde had done what she’d instinctively thought was best, but she was by no means an expert. So Thea was hoping the other was to any extent beyond her. “Wonderful! Thank you so much.” She responded with a grateful smile, following them to the exam room.
“Behind the White Island Hotel.” She answered, holding the pup out a little so the other had plenty of room to examine the dog. “Now I’m happy I went in on my day off, otherwise who knows when this pup could’ve been found.”
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Harlow carefully pressed the stethoscope to the pup’s chest, listening to her heart and lungs. She seemed anxious, heart racing, though that was to be expected. “It’s almost like you’re her guardian angel,” they replied, doing their best to stay professional and not let any teasing slip into their tone. Next was checking their temperature, ears and then a general visual. There was a few things they noted, consistent with the little dog being a stray. 
“She has some fleas and is a little malnourished, but I think she’ll be alright.” The shelter would be able to make sure she was properly fed if she didn’t want to take the puppy home. “Were you considering taking the puppy home with you?” They asked, not intending to rush her.
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crookedcrown · 2 years
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cosmo has been in nicholas’s life for almost ten years and despite knowing for a fact he’s well taken care of; going to the vet clinic for check ups still managed to put the man on edge. there was really no reason other than being DEADLY scared of bad news, and it’s funny since his dog couldn’t be any calmer about it. “this is cosmo, i had an appointment for an annual vaccine and a check up.” the big dog in question, was sitting by nick’s side, looking around with his tail wagging. a true gentle giant. “he’s going to turn ten soon so i wanted to make sure everything is going well with him.”
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Harlow smiled wide at the wonderfully well-mannered Cosmo. “He’s looking great for ten. Let’s make sure his inside are looking as good as the rest of him.” They stood from desk, leading the pair to the exam room. The checkup part was easy, but they could still see the man was a little on edge. The clinic wasn’t everyone’s favourite place, they understood that. Some visits were not as easy as others. They held their stethoscope to the dog’s chest, listening carefully to his heart and lungs. “And he’s been a good boy for you all year?” they asked, encouraging him to talk about his dog and relax that way. 
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crookedcrown · 2 years
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“GOOD-AFTERNOON,” valentina greeted the veterinarian, “just me and my sweet baby salazar …   i think he’s got a little skin condition developing on the scales on the top of his head, maybe an allergy or … something?   well, that’s the reason we’re here after all,” she popped open her clutch-wallet and procured her appointment card; of course the appointment is in her pets name … salazar ignacio … she thinks it’s rather cute, given that he is the patient after all …  val checks her watch, “i called yesterday to book in; we have an appointment in about ten minutes but i thought it best to get here early, just in case.”
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When they started working in this clinic, they had needed to work on their knowledge, expanding it to accommodate the vast variety of animals the people of the island kept as pets. Salazar was one of the ones that they really enjoyed taking care of, with unique challenges. “Early is perfectly on time today,” they replied, giving her a smile. Guiding the pair to the exam room, Harlow took a closer look at Salazar’s head, using a Q-tip to gently touch the area. “As a fellow bachelor, I can’t let him go out looking like this.” It didn’t appear to be anything worrisome, more likely a piece of stuck shed under his scale that was causing irritation. “Did you notice it earlier than yesterday?”
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crookedcrown · 2 years
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There was no easy way to have the conversations he needed to have with them. Oliver felt at a loss for words which was why he was so glad that they could ignore it for the time being. Jokes were easy, it was the foundation of their friendship and if they could still joke, there was hope for them to be friends again. “So I’ve heard,” he said, shaking his head sadly. “I’m seeing that now. I could have gone to that other ocean without sharks in there,” he joked.
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Even if they hadn’t done this for years, it was familiar. They had done it enough in the past that it felt natural to be undressing beside him, their eyes on the water. “This really isn’t very comforting,” he grumbled. “I’m rather fond of my limbs and you’re about to take me into Jaws,” he grumbled. “I was afraid to swim in the water at night for years. Years! I’m still not to keen on it if I’m honest.”
They laughed, glad he still had his sense of humor. It was easy to joke and laugh and feel light-hearted around Ollie. He was good for that, always looking for something fun instead of dwelling on the gloomier things. It was a sunshine they hadn't realised their life had been missing, but now it was back and they didn't want to lose it again. Turning towards him, Harlow reached out and took his hand, continuing to lead him into the water. "Don't worry, I promise to save you." Not that sand sharks were going to cause them any trouble and they hadn't seen any when they were out before.
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They kept a hold of his hand as they got into the deeper water, pulling their snorkel and mask on. With that hold on his hand, they were able to lead him towards the nicer areas of the bay, the parts they knew he would like.
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crookedcrown · 2 years
Rowan’s fingers scratched between Tilki’s ears, right where she loved. He always wondered how his dog had been trained so easily and always equated her behavior to Aylin. The pair had gotten her together, early in the relationship but now it was just the two of them. Nodding, “yeah, I’m just checking in my dog for her yearly exam and shots,” he looked back at the vet, “Tilki, Moore is the last name.”
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With a name now, they typed it into the computer and brought up Tiki’s profile, seeing the noted dates for the last exam and shot update. “Wonderful timing, they’re barely due today and I have time for Tiki now.” The benefits of a slower day came with easy problems to solve and time to spend petting cute animals. Harlow opened the exam room door for the two of them before going around to get the shots they would need, soon joining them in the exam room. “How has she been this year? Keeping you on your toes?”
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crookedcrown · 2 years
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she  tossed  her  phone  again  and  reached  a  hand  out  for  their  arm.  "harlow,  look  at  me.  look  in  my  eyes  right  now.  it’s  important.“  she  held  a  steady  stare.  "if  you  ever  make  me  soup,  i  will  run  in  the  other  direction  and  cut  you  from  my  life.  it’s  the  worst.  if  there’s  ever  a  situation  where  soup  is  the  only  option,  kill  me.  i  mean  it.  put  a  bullet  right  here.”  dora  tapped  the  space  between  her  eyebrows,  then  smiled.  “i’m  kidding.  but  seriously,  if  i  ever  ask  for  soup,  something  is  truly  wrong.  i  can  order  us  food  instead?  the  local  pizzeria  and  i  have  a  toxic  co-dependent  relationship.”
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Her reaction made them want to laugh, but they held it in, though a grin still pulled their lips wider across their face. Ever the dramatic, Harlow adored her and the way she thought. They made it a note to never bring up soup around her again, ready to remove it from their vocabulary if they had to. “Pizza sounds much better,” they agreed. So long as she got some good in her, it should help her feel better. Dora was already doing much better than when they arrived. “That also explains how your recycling bin is so full already.”
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crookedcrown · 2 years
He tries to hold in his awkward laugh but fails. “Ok, their names are Amour, Vee, and Cherie. Two sparrows and a white hare. And before you ask, yes, I was going with a couple of themes when I named them.” Cherie and Amour were french inspired because of where his parents were from, and Amour and Vee were love themed because, for some reason, the idea of love always seemed to cross his mind when he laid eyes on them. “Ah, then i guess all has to be forgiven if the cuteness factor is there,” he agrees. “Do you have any pets of your own?”
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The names were vaguely familiar, it must have been a while, but they did enjoy the names themselves. ”It sounds like you have a bit of a theme going on in your life.” They personally didn’t have a lot of love going around at the moment, though they knew from experience how warm it can make life, even if it’s just in the affection of a pet. “I do, a dog named Remington and a cat named Ace. I’m sure they’re playing together right now while I’m out.” 
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crookedcrown · 2 years
“Uh, I think it was Walter?” She said, uncertainty seeping in as she patted the dog’s head gently. This afternoon was suppose to be simple and easy, but it had taken a turn for the worst. Aylin was convinced that her luck was constantly running sparse. A favor fulfilled in house sitting shifted into a visit to the vet when a squeak toy had been swallowed.
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“He’s not mine, but a friend’s. He got a little too excited about getting a toy he’s had stuck behind the shed for months, and he ate it whole. It was small, which I think is where the trouble starts, but it’s not exactly what I was told to let him have for a treat.”
Already, they knew this situation required their serious attention. With the name, they pulled up the patient system and looked into Walter’s profile, soon finding all the information they would need. “And this happened how long ago?” they asked, already moving around the desk to check on Walter himself. 
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“We can definitely get the toy out of his system, one way or another. It happens more often then you would think, don’t blame yourself.” They had a couple of options, one a little less drastic than the other. 
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crookedcrown · 2 years
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“it’s actually EMPTY, but i’ll take the compliment, thank’s doc,” they smiled as the door swung shut behind her.     —- during the day, her eastern pygmy possum nynaevia was curled up asleep; a nocturnal marsupial, but calista was holding the carrier that she usually brought her in.  most, if not ALL, the vet staff knew calista and her unique, native marsupial pet —- it wasn’t the easiest to legally own pygmy possum, after all, and being so tiny and heart-melting, nynaevia was HARD to forget.   “i was curious if you, or the shelter, might have use of this —” they gestured to the carrier, “i recently bought a new one for nynaevia, and i figured that i’d bring it by where maybe it can do some use, if there’s someone in need or… you know, just trying to pay it forward.     i would have dropped it off straight to the shelter —-  but i’m ALSO here to see if i can organise a visit for FLISS,” calista’s prized and beloved black arabian horse, “down at the ranch in the next week or so?   there’s no urgency, but i love my baby and i want to make sure she’s doing well as we get into the cooler months.”
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Sure, it was a vet clinic, but when animals didn’t walk through the door, that was just fine. They saw sick animals every day, knowing some aren’t sick was always a nice contrast. It was better to know one as special as Nynaevia was safe at home. The offer of a used carrier was welcome and Harlow gave her a warm smile. “We would definitely find a use for it,” they replied. “We appreciate your generosity, Calista.” Between the shelter and the clinic, there would be a use for it. Not everyone had a carrier, sometimes one was necessary to have on hand. “I can certainly go out and give Fliss a check up. If I remember correctly, we were going out to the ranch on Thursday to see another horse. We can add Fliss to the appointment then, if you’d like.”
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crookedcrown · 2 years
Thea loved animals, always had. Ever since her aunt had insisted that they spend a few weekends volunteering their time at a local animal shelter back in San Francisco. ‘You can give all the money in the world, Thea, but sometimes giving your time can be even more invaluable’ her Aunt would tell her…before downing the rest of her Chardonnay. A queen in her own right, that woman. But nonetheless, those weekends and beyond had instilled a love for animals that led to where the blonde was right now. Carrying a small dog she’d found shakily wandering the alley out behind the hotel. Cue the vet.
She pushed the door open with her hip and made her way up to the front desk, cradling the small Spaniel in her arms. Flashing a soft smile, she nodded to the pup in mention before her gaze shifted back to the figure at the desk. “Thanks. Actually I’m not entirely sure who this little one is, I found her wandering around looking a little dehydrated. So I gave her some water but she didn’t have a collar on her…” Thea stopped herself before she could fall into a full on ramble. “I was hoping you might be able to help? Make sure nothing else is wrong, maybe even see if she has a chip?”
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It wasn’t often that people brought in stray or lost animals, but that didn’t mean they would ever be turned away. Usually people just dropped them off at the shelter. Harlow appreciated that this woman was seeing taking care of the small dog through to the end. They gave her a smile back before standing. “We absolutely can.” They led her to the exam room, stepping through the back door to the vet area to grab some water for the poor dog. 
“Where did you find this little lady?” they asked, grabbing their stethoscope to begin checking out the dog’s vitals and ensure everything else was still stable.
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crookedcrown · 2 years
associations: being overdressed and pulling it off, a really nice glass of red wine after a long day, and greys anatomy: paw edition
ooc: absolutely approve
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crookedcrown · 2 years
WHAT DO YOU ASSOCIATE MY MUSE WITH? (  colors, animals, places, flowers, songs etc literally anything that reminds you of them or their aesthetic  )
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crookedcrown · 2 years
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texts i cant send
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crookedcrown · 2 years
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arielle had no idea where she would find the money to pay for the pet visit, but she still gathered up leo, put him in his carrier and headed to the vet. she greeted the vet politely before setting down the cat carrier on the reception desk. “hi, my name is ari - and this is leo,” she introduced the little bengal cat, happily snoozing in his cat carrier. “he’s seven months old and he’s been completely healthy up until now, but he has developed some kind of cough since last night. it’s not super bad and it doesn’t seem to bother him much, but i’m still worried about him.” arielle was afraid she’d come across as a crazy cat mum, but she loved leo with all her heart. he was her only family now - as sad as that was. “i’m happy to wait if you are busy.”
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There was a certain look of worry in her expression as she came into the clinic, even if she hadn’t been meaning to let it show. It wasn’t uncommon. If something was happening to their precious pet, people generally got upset and they saw it all the time. “We’re not the busy right now,” they replied, giving her a reassuring smile. “Let’s go into this exam room and I can take a look, okay?” Getting up from the desk, they led her over to one of the exam rooms, holding the door open for her. “My name is Harlow and I’m one of the vets here.”
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crookedcrown · 2 years
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ravi  was  worried  they’d  done  something  wrong.  one-eyed  jack  the  name  they  had  given  to  their  rescued  raven;  found  small,  injured  and  alone  in  the  skate  park  one  afternoon  three  months  ago.  they  had  known  winter  was  coming  and  didn’t  want  to  leave  the  little  guy  defenceless  so  had  taken  him  (  or  her.  ravi  didn’t  know.  how  did  one  sex  a  raven?  )  home  and  rehabbed  the  bird  as  best  they  could.  
jack  had  thrived.  he  wasn’t  much  of  a  flier  but  had  shown  he  could.  he  eat  well  and  kept  his  feathers  in  order.  when  he  had  started  pecking  at  the  windows,  ravi  had  taken  this  as  a  sign  he  was  ready  to  be  free.  it  was  sad  for  them  –  they  had  grown  attached  to  the  little  guy  –  but  they  knew  birds  gotta  bird.  so  they  had  released  him  a  few  days  ago  to  much  fanfare,  throwing  a  goodbye  and  good  luck  party  around  the  back  of  the  apartment.  they’d  had  tears  in  their  eyes  as  he  flew  off  and  imagined  him  having  a  birdhouse  with  a  bird  wife  and  a  bird  family,  all  perfect  as  he  came  home  in  a  little  bird  suit.  but  then  yesterday  ravi  had  woken  up  to  pecking  at  his  window.  one-eyed  jack  cocked  his  head  at  them,  lying  in  bed,  and  tapped  at  the  window  again  as  if  to  say  get  up  you  lazy  sod.  
he  had  taken  to  house  life  again  like  he’d  never  even  seen  the  outside.  ravi,  on  the  other  hand,  had  knots  in  their  stomach  that  they’d  doomed  this  wild  bird.  so  here  they  were  at  the  vets  today,  desperate  for  some  reassurance  that  they’d  done  the  right  thing  and  jack  would  be  okay.  ravi  lifted  the  large  cat  carrier  up  (  it  was  the  best  solution  they  could  come  up  with  )  as  the  vet  greeted  the  pair.  “this  is  one-eyed  jack.  don’t  let  the  cat  box  fool  you.  he’s  a  raven.”  ravi  hadn’t  thought  to  phone  and  check  if  they  even  saw  birds  here.  "i  rehabbed  him  but  he  came  back  after  release.  i’ve  broken  him,  haven’t  i,  doc?“
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Today coming through the door was someone looking incredibly distressed. It was almost a reflex for Harlow to relax themselves, ready to keep a calm and composed demeanor no matter what they were about to be told. Somehow, they managed to surprise them with their response. Their expression relaxed naturally with a soft sigh into a reassuring smile. “First, I want you to know you didn’t do anything wrong. If you rehabbed him on your own, you did really good. You just have to be careful because you can’t keep ravens or crows as pets in Australia.” Not that this seemed like that kind of situation, but it was better for them to be informed. “More importantly, ravens remember people who are nice to them. He probably remembers and trusts you. He’ll probably come and go as he pleases, maybe bring you something shiny as a gift.” Harlow was peering through the carrier grate to see the bird, who seemed to be in good health as far as they could tell. “If you want, I can look him over to make sure there aren’t any other injuries.”
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crookedcrown · 2 years
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐰.
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     with someone like harlow, it was pretty fun sometimes for alex to fuck with them. for instance, sometimes, he’ll text them to come over in some suggestive tone, but end up dragging them around town with him to wherever alex wanted to go that day — for however long harlow was willing to call on their patience that day, too. today was one of those days, except this time he had decided to drag them to the hidden falls, on some impulsive whim. he was balancing on some rocks that were popping out of the stream, a cigarette balancing itself in between his lips before he finally stabilized, looking up at harlow with a grin. “ you’re real fun at parties, aren’t you ? ” he teases them, finally putting the cigarette back between his fingers. “ technically, we are alone here. that’s the promise i made. ” he shrugs. 
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They really should have seen this coming. As much as Alex flirted and teased, it didn’t seem like he had it in him to actually do anything to back up his words. Yet, Harlow fell for it whenever the other invited them over. At least it was something manageable most of the time. This time, they had worn nice clothes to what had turned out to be a hike. To say they were annoyed was an understatement but they still went along with it, never one to back down from a challenge. “You wouldn’t know, we never end up at a party together,” they countered, watching them and secretly hoping he fell into the water. “Just keep telling yourself that, kiddo,” they replied, walking a few metres up the path. “They least you could have done is warned me to dress sensibly.”
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crookedcrown · 2 years
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“just  about  how  he’s  the  incumbent  and  the  seat  hasn’t  been  challenged  in  eight  years.  like  that’s  a  good  thing.”  she  rolled  her  eyes  and  took  a  seat  beside  her  friend.  reina  reached  over  to  the  coffee  table  in  front  of  the  couch  and  put  down  her  phone.  now  her  hands  were  free,  she  switched  off  her  politician’s  brain  and  began  pouring  them  each  a  cup  from  the  brewed  cafetiere.  “here  i  am,  talking  all  about  myself.  how  have  you  been  harlow?  how’s  the  practice?”
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“It only hasn’t been challenged because he chases them off with intimidation before they even get the chance.” That and not a lot of people wanted to put in the effort that it took to unseat the councilmembers that weren’t pulling their weight anymore. If anyone was going to do it, it was Reina. They chuckled softly. “That’s okay, I wouldn’t want to dim your fire.” Besides that, they looked up to her and that passion, so it was nice to see it in action up close. “It’s been good. You know how animals are, always needing check ups or little bandaids.” It wasn’t work that was on Harlow’s mind that had led them to come over to her place. “I actually wanted to ask your opinion on something, if that’s okay. Nothing political, I promise.”
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