croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
She was experienced in these kind of situations and her partners had all been quite interesting in their own ways. This was certainly a little different for her due to what Orion had just done. As soon as she felt his fangs come out she pulled her head back, but kept their bodies close. “You know if you want a small taste, you can just ask,” she smirked before tilting her head to the side. 
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
Once his mouth opened up she easily slid her tongue past her lips to allow for that fun to start. As soon as their tongues danced together Penelope easily felt a surge of pleasure. The way his hands felt against her, even with the clothes being between them and her skin, felt quite good. So she kept on kissing him with her tongue while also pressing her body right up against his. 
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
🐾 — Instinctively his hands moved to rest at her hips, letting her move in closer. Her touch left him feeling warm and giddy at the same time. Orion rarely had the urge to sneak off and cause a little trouble. The rush it gave wasn’t awful at all. His face felt flushed, and he worried that he would end up looking like a beat by the time the kiss ended.
The longer their fun lasted the more joy she got out of the whole situation. Maybe in another world if she had never met Josie or even Hope this could mean more to her than just a fling. But once she felt his hands on her hips she couldn’t help but smirk against his lips. The witch also couldn’t help but begin to try and push her tongue through to increase the passion.
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
🐾 — The hand she held squeezed back. An involuntary reaction, and it startled even himself. There was no way in hell that Penelope Park liked him. If anything, this proved that. She took what she wanted and left with nothing. But Orion was finding it increasingly hard to say no to her. The thought of her lips on his made him weak in the knees. For all the wrong reasons, he wanted it, so he was no better than she was. Like following an order, the hybrid broke the distance between them to press his lips gently against hers – hesitant and lacking the necessary drive.
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She was a selfish person that did just about everything on purpose. Having some fun with the hybrid Orion Ortega could easily get on the nerves of two people she was currently not the biggest fan of, one more than the other in Lizzie Saltzman. However, once he pressed his lips against hers she began to kiss him back. The witch moved her hand from his shoulder to rest on the back of his neck as she continued kissing him as well. 
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
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🐾 — It became more and more apparent that Penelope was coming onto him, and it was making his face feel hot. He didn’t know how to feel about it among all of the sirens going off in his head, so he simply gawked at her. “I don’t understand,” he finally forced out. Why him?  Why here?  Was there a piece of the puzzle that he was missing?  “W-What exactly did you have in mind?”
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She wasn’t going to move too fast, unless he’d allow her to of course. The witch only wanted to make sure it was clear what she wanted from him. “It’s simple really,” she continued to keep her voice soft. Penelope pat his shoulder while also squeezing his hand. Once he asked what she had in mind though she leaned in close to his lips, but made sure to leave a small gap. “I’d like to start here.”
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
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🐾 — Orion was excruciatingly aware of the hand that still held his. He was just trying to ignore it – push it to the back of his head. “Okay,” he offered sheepishly, a nervous laugh threatening to break through his delicate composure. “I.. I’m not sure I know what you mean, Penelope.” Her reputation proceeded her, and the hybrid might have been kind of an airhead but he wasn’t an idiot. 
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Even if he knew about her he had yet to back away which made her want to keep going. His next few words only made her laugh a little, but she kept smirking. After her laugh she moved closer to him before gently placing her hand on his shoulder. “Well, we’re alone in this room,” she whispered, keeping her voice low. “And when two people are alone in a room together they can have a lot of fun together.”
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
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🐾 — He didn’t want to take her silence as being a yes to something being wrong… but it wasn’t like he had much else to go on, or could ask again without making more of an ass of himself. So, he let the silence ring, letting her literally take the lead. Following the witch into the classroom without protest, Orion offered her a sympathetic smile. “Wassup?”
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"You can stop thinking something’s wrong, by the way,” she turned to face him as a smirk spread across her face. No he wasn’t in trouble or anything, at least not yet anyways. That was a future problem to worry over and this was about the now. “I was wondering if you’d like to have a little fun,” her brows rose while she also kept hold of his hand that grabbed before. 
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
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🐾 — The batting of her eyes caught him off guard, which left him completely and utterly vulnerable when she asked to move the conversation elsewhere. “Why, is something wrong?” His voice was quiet, like a whisper, not wanting to raise alarm to any curious listeners. Orion’s habit of getting distracted by his own question before answer another’s was prevalent as always. “Uh, sure, definitely. Lead the way.” 
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Penelope could pull off the innocent look as long as she wanted to and this was the perfect time to try it. Once the hybrid agreed on her question she kept her expression before grabbing his hand. She then turned around and began heading down the hallway. After passing by a few classrooms she saw one of the lounges and brought the two of them inside. 
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
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🐾 — The Hybrid was glad to be back into the rhythm of the school’s year, diligent and always with something to do. He had just returned some of the library’s books to their rightful places when he had been spotted. “Hey, Penelope,” he mirrored the greeting as he shot her a bright grin. “Good morning.”
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The school year being back on only meant that she’d have to scan the crowds more to mess with people. Of course with what she’d found out recently she saw no problem in having fun of her own. There was no use in just sitting in around anyways. Penelope couldn’t help but bat her eyes a little as she looked up at him, playing her part. “Do you mind if we go somewhere a little more private? I’d like to talk.”
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
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If Penelope were to actually admit how much she cared about people other than Josie than she’d probably say she was hurt. However, she normally brushed things off and kept up a thick skin. So as she wandered through the school she came across a familiar sight. The witch couldn’t help but smirk before just smiling as she made her way over to him. “Hey, Orion,” she stopped in front of him. 
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
“Yeah. It’s been interesting but I’ve learned that it’s best to have a few than too many,” Vera explained with a smirk. “I’m Vera Dandridge. Vampire but I think you already figured. Nice to meet you Penelope,”
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“But people still love to mix it up which is the fun part. Kind of like the school’s own personal sitcom or soap opera,” she equaled the other’s smirk with one of her own. “Well, I could definitely sense it, yes. But I’m a witch and nice to meet you too, Vera.”
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
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#that smirk 1/?
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
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That smirk made them feel uneasy, and he did his best to hide it. They’d heard she could smell fear, and the last thing they needed was to have satan in a crop top on their heels. They had enough trouble staying alive as it was.“Yeah, I didn’t think I’d be back either…” And how low they were going to stay? Honestly, they had no idea. “You just got back too, right?”
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Penelope knew all that there was to know about him since she smart and had her own little group of spies helping her. She was friendly to them with only wanting their information and friendliness in return. Those who weren’t her friends or just on her bad side were the ones who could never quite predict her next moves. She reveled in it. However, she nodded at Landon’s question. “Just two days ago, but I’ve been at this school for most of my life though.”
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
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She is seeing it being dismissed and maybe that gives her false hope to blurt it out. ❝I’m dating Josie.❞ It is out in the moment it takes for her to go looking back at her book of spells. She had to admit that there was a gut-wrenching pain at Penelope thinking that it won’t last. She is right, it won’t last but that means nothing in the grand scheme of things because it feels like it might just last forever, maybe she is just a hopeless romantic like her aunt Rebekah and that is all. ❝And it is interesting.❞
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An involuntary giggle escaped her lips when Hope let it slip it was her that was dating Josie. Despite it not being on purpose she certainly wouldn’t take it back as it felt right for her. “I stand by what I said,” she flipped back to old page before closing the book. Penelope slipped the book to sit behind her back as she looked up at the tribrid. “If you’re expecting me to somehow give me blessing and say why don’t the three of be friends then you’re insane, Hope. But I’d like to think you knew how I’d react,” her brows rose. 
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
Vera looked up from her tablet, seeing a girl coming up to her. “For almost three months but people tend to ignore me,” She admitted, knowing she didn’t have many friends.
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“Plus as inclusive as this school tries to be people tend to hang around their own kind quite a bit too. Especially the werewolves,” she shrugged. It was a well known fact about the wolves since they all had their pack mentalities and what not. “Name’s Penelope Park though.”
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
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Landon watched as the witch gave the other girl a hat, curious at the sight. From everything he’d heard about Penelope Park, her showing anyone any kindness was a Christmas miracle in and of itself, but a gift? Now that was unheard of. He was still trying to figure out what to make of the whole thing when she turned around and nearly bumped into him. “Sorry, my bad.”
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Penelope knew she could keep the goth girl as a friend without the gift, but she knew the girl would like the hat more. It certainly wasn’t Penelope’s style since she preferred no accessories that covered the top of her head completely. As she eyed the other guy now though his name suddenly came to mind and she couldn’t help but smirk. “Don’t worry about it, Landon,” she sent him a wink, “but it’s definitely interesting seeing you wander the halls again.”
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croptopxsatan-blog · 5 years
“This is my room, that’s not running into me.” Josie told her, her features already setting into something a bit defensive. It was Penelope after all, she sort of needed to be on her toes. Even if most of the time the other girl left her feeling like she’d just lost somehow. “Thank you.” She added politely flushing as always under a compliment though her eyes remained hard. “What are you doing here?” 
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“Well, people aren’t always found in their rooms and I checked the library and what not already,” she took a couple steps inside but stayed near the doorway. Once she got a reaction out of her for her cute comment, a smirk spread across her lips. It was something she expected even though it was the truth. Josie did look extra cute today. “I was going to give you this, Jojo,” she pulled out a small box with a bow on it from behind her back. “It’s a Christmas present that I wanted to give you in person but couldn’t until now.”
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