crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
"I love the things we do when it's just me and you."
ask memes – pvris lyrics
☁︎ –– she looks over with a smile upon her lips, hues shining in nothing but pure adoration ( though, there is a tinge of lust there too ). sen leans back against the counter, elbows resting atop the smooth tile surface. it wasn’t often she could feel relaxed like she did now, the mercenary always on the edge, as if danger could come at any time. but that was the price to pay for the work she did, the girl choosing to not wear a mask and let enemies know her face. she’d had a reason for that decision years ago, when she’d first joined the underground work, but that reason had fallen away and she’d since forgotten it. 
❝ do you ? ❞ it’s an odd moment where nothing snarky comes to sen’s mind, no stupid comeback or cheesy one liner was there for her to say. and it makes her feel slightly vulnerable, albeit because jokes were her defense mechanism, but it also meant one thing: her walls were slowly crumbling around the other. that was a good thing, right ? ❝ i do too. ❞
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
PVRIS lyrics sentence starters
"Take a good look at what I've become."
"There's a hole in my chest and I don't think it's leaving room for anyone."
"I'm trying my best."
"I'm doing everything to bring this body back to life."
"No matter how hard I try, I don't think I will make it through the night."
"I've been changing, falling, fading."
"There's demons at the door patiently waiting."
"Please watch over me, and be the light to carry me."
"I can feel it, being torn from my, my hands; my innocence."
"This change is all so permanent."
"Can't you see a change in me?"
"This world is a masterpiece."
"Shout out to the artist who took his heart and his soul and lost them both in the process."
"Please be the saint to save me."
"You were spoiled rotten and turned stale." "My tongue's acquired tolerance for tastes I couldn't stand.""You've been stuck in a rut and a wasteland."
"So just trust me, you'll be just fine."
"I need your trust just for tonight."
"Reach out your hands and tell me just what you feel."
"This is not just all in your head."
"Mind over matter makes these things feel so real."
"I can see the doubt in your eyes."
"You say there's no such thing as better things in life."
"I must confess this is all too new for me."
"Keep an open mind, it brings open hearts and open eyes."
"I'm hoping you weren't heaven sent, 'cause only hell knows where you've been."
"Your built composure's wearing thin."
"All your walls are caving in."
"I just wanna lift you up."
"I'll take all this love I found and I hope that it's enough."
"Don't you shut this down, no, don't you give this up."
"If we don't bend then this might break."
"Dream of me to keep you safe."
"Before you came around, I was lost and out of place."
"You're the only love I found and I'm hoping that you'll stay."
"Please stay."
"This isn't violence, this is just a war in my head."
"I give it time but it never seems to end."
"Don't you try to run right now, 'cause baby I could burn you down."
"The second that you walk into a room, I can't help myself from the things that you do."
"You're killing me right now."
"I think it's time you burn me down."
"I love the things we do when it's just me and you."
"You're just a ghost of blissful feelings."
"I'm losing you to the games in my mind."
"I know it's chemicals that make me cling to you."
"I need a miracle to get away from you."
"I think you're a saint and I think you're an angel."
"You give me something to think about that's not the shit in my head."
"You're a miracle."
"You're a glimpse of bliss, a little taste of heaven."
"You give me something to talk about."
"I need a miracle to bring me back to you."
"I know you're gone now, but I still wait for you."
"You walk around like you own the place."
"Guess it was all my fault."
"I think I let you in."
"Never thought that I would feel like this."
"Such a mess when I'm in your presence."
"It's my soul, it isn't yours anymore."
"Darling, you can't stay."
"Haven't you heard? I'm not yours anymore."
"I think it's time to get out."
"You've got it all, but you've got it all wrong."
"You're a poor unfortunate soul."
"You make it seem that you feel whole so they don't know you're a poor unfortunate soul."
"Think you're holy when you're not."
"I hate to break it to you baby, but you're simply lost."
"Simply calling out sins don't bring you closer to God."
"You're just a ghost at most, a set of empty bones."
"Searching for anything and everything to make you feel whole."
"You're all alone, you poor unfortunate soul."
"You just know I'm a poor unfortunate soul."
"There's no way that there's weight in the words that you preach."
"You contradict your speech."
"You're shallow and empty and filled with regret."
"Don't think I didn't notice."
"You've got it all."
"You've got it all wrong."
"It's hard to be what you need."
"All you ever do is turn me down."
"Can you hear me? I'm screaming for you."
"Day by day, I'm slowly replaced in your picture frames."
"Sick of the lack of signal, sick of the lack of touch."
"It's not enough, it's not enough."
"Don't blame your death on the shit in your head that you claimed ate you like a virus for days on end."
"I watched you decay, watched you waste away."
"Who'd you think you'd fool, baby, digging your own grave?"
"So go ahead, you just drop dead."
"You're trying to fool the whole world."
"You can't cheat death when you're digging your own grave."
"You're out of line."
"Your bridges are burning."
"You started a fire and you're burning up."
"What you give is what you get and in your case that's nothing but guilt and regret."
"I swear I couldn't wait to get you off my chest."
"It's hard to find life in something that's already died."
"I can't sleep, that's when you're torn away from me."
"It's hard to say 'good morning' when it's followed with 'goodbye'."
"Just wanted to say 'good night.'"
"I'm not ready to say 'good night.'"
"Yeah, I need to feel you again."
"Here comes the hardest part."
"In what world do I go to sleep after you and wake up before you? I don’t even know how it happens."
"Well I hope you’re having sweet dreams, and you call me when you wake up."
"Darling, don't be so shy."
"I'll see you at midnight."
"You make my world spin."
"I'll wait to see you again."
"I know you're dead inside."
"I don't feel so lonely."
"Darling, don't be so shy, I'll see you at midnight."
"In the morning, I hope I see you by my side."
"I know you're dead inside, but you make me feel alive."
"I'm the one with the ghosts in my bed."
"I swear that I'll be fine in the daylight."
"It's my head not my heart that's strayed."
"I'm sorry I keep pushing you away."
"I don't wanna fight."
"Why can't you stay?"
"I'm up against these things I can't see."
"Make me believe."
"You struck a match and left me to burn."
"I wanna feel something that's not the touch of your breath on my neck."
"I wanna feel something that's not the weight of your world in my head."
"I shouldn't give in, but I let you win."
"I won't let you in."
"I know it's warmer where you are and it's safer by your side."
"I can't be what you want."
"You and I can keep our love alive."
"It's cold when we're apart."
"I hate to feel this die."
"You can't give me what I want."
"I can't keep you in these arms so I keep you in my mind."
"Can we meet in the middle?"
"I've been wondering why you keep feeding me these lines."
"You made a fool of me."
"You charm me, it's not easy."
"You would not believe how the tides have turned."
"If I'm gonna play your games, I know there's a price to pay."
"I've got the tendency to constantly pay for my mistakes."
"I can't pick sides."
"You would not believe all the things I've seen."
"If I'm gonna lose this game, what's the use in trying to play?"
"I shouldn't expect any less but I can't always have my way."
"Your doubts of me are constant reminders of why I should stop hoping."
"Keep your eyes on me."
"I won't let them pull you under."
"You'll find what you're looking for."
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
even monsters have something they want to protect.                     and they’d kill to keep them safe.
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
hi hello friends !!!!! i’d like to get some more plots going so like this and i’ll hop into your dm’s ? 
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
hi friends !! so all of my threads are really long paras right now and my concentration isn’t long enough to handle it so,,, would anyone like to start a shorter thing with me ? 
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
im curious and doing got7 statistics. tag your bias, your first bias and your bias wrecker
starting from me so youngjae, bambam, junior ~
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
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cr: Dooooly
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
"Stay with me. Come on, just a little longer."
ask memes – dying sentence starters
she’s so tired, lids falling with every second that passed. sen hears the distant voice of hyesoo, her most TRUSTED partner on assignments, asking her to stay alive. was it worth it though? staying alive, was it worth it? all she did was hurt and KILL for the benefit of others. hyesoo understood that better than most did and sen was thankful to have someone out there that understood her pain, even if she never expressed her thankfulness.
❝ h–– hey, ❞ she pauses to press a key into the others palm. ❝ my apartment, there’s uh–– my laptop. can you keep my website running, when i’m gone? ❞ she tries to smile but she doesn’t have the energy to, the brunette grimacing instead. god, whatever had hit her HURT so much. she leans onto her side to spit the blood past her lips. 
the other was probably her CLOSEST friend, even if hyesoo didn’t like her very much. at least, that’s what sen thought hyesoo’s feelings towards her were. it was funny, though, how someone who sen thought of as a friend didn’t even LIKE her. the other was probably just trying to keep her alive so she wouldn’t have to deal with sen’s body. it was of no use, though, sen could feel herself growing w e a k e r. ❝ thank you, for having my back during these assignments. i’m––– ❞ and with that, sen’s head falls to the side, body growing limp.
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
"Oh, god. Please be alive. Please still be alive."
ask memes – dying sentence starters
it’s a MYSTERY to her, how she’d ended up on the ground, a dull numbness building on her left side. the night had been going so smoothly; sen had been able to complete the assignment with no problems but now… NOW she was on the ground, her shirt growing damp. slowly moving her head so she could look down at herself, her hues catch on the red stain that seemed to be growing in size on the grey fabric of her shirt. it didn’t hurt, a fact she blamed on the adrenaline pulsing through her veins, but she knew it was too deep a shot to fix by herself. forcing herself to ignore the blood  s p i l l i n g  from her side, sen dragged herself over to the wall, hiding her body behind a barrel. her blurred vision didn’t help her to remember where she was, and it isn’t until the other appears in front of her that she finally remembers her goal of the night: returning to BELLA. 
she felt like she wasn’t there, like she didn’t exist anymore. maybe she had died and somehow found her way to the pearly gates, that’s the only way bella would be crouching in front of her. her lips form around words that don’t have a sound, sen trying desperately to reply to the other’s pleas. she wants to say something, anything to have bella stop looking at her like she was going to.. DIE or something. she’d died already anyways, right? if this was her heaven, she’d want bella to be smiling and happy, not worried and dejected. 
her fingers feel for the wound in her side, pressing into the indent in her skin with a hiss. the stinging sensation brought her back to reality, and it only takes sen a few seconds for her vision to clear. shit, she WAS dying. this wasn’t an ordinary bullet wound that she could stitch up herself and be proud of the scar it left behind, no, this was the w o r s t injury she’d ever faced while on the job and she was DYING. she’d always wanted this, death, so why did it scare her so much? oh, right, she had something to LOSE now. she didn’t want to leave bella, not so soon after bringing the other into her life. but maybe it was for the best, sen didn’t lead a good lifestyle and would have only brought bad things to bella anyways. 
coughing into the back of her hand, she isn’t surprised to see the skin streaked with red when she lets her hand fall back to the ground. but if she was going to die, she didn’t want to concentrate on it, she’d rather concentrate on the person in front of her. the ONLY person who’d ever looked at her this way, like she meant something to someone. her eyes threaten to tear up but sen blinks the tears away; she didn’t want to die crying, that’d be the WORST way out. her vision grows hazy but she keeps her gaze concentrated on the pretty features on bella’s face, wanting the other to be the last thing she saw. it sucks, really, that she can’t speak since sen wants nothing more than to crack a joke–– ANYTHING to make bella smile. 
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
"No. They're wrong. They're wrong, okay? You're not gonna die."
ask memes – dying sentence starters
☁︎ –– sen offers a breathy laugh, immediately wincing at the sharp PAIN that shot through her side at the action. she’d escaped death hundreds, maybe even thousands of times but it seemed she’d run out of luck. right when she found a reason to live, or rather, a person to live FOR, death had come to whisk her away. wasn’t it ironic? how she’d spent years praying for the serenity that came with death, but her wish was only granted once she’d STOPPED asking for it. sitting up further onto the pillows, her brown hues take in the brightness of the hospital room before stopping at her girlfriend, immediately hating the SORROW that had taken over the other’s features. ❝ grace, baby, don’t look so sad. ❞ her voice only reaches a hoarse whisper and it’s at that moment that her own positive aura falters, reaching out to hold the other’s hand. 
people say that when you die, your life flashes before your eyes but the only images painted in her mind were those of grace; grace smiling, grace laughing, grace flushing when sen said something dirty–– and sen’s favorite, grace sleeping in her arms. it was weird, she knew it was, to watch someone sleep but grace always looked so peaceful, something sen often found herself jealous of. shifting herself to the side of her hospital bed, sen pats the space beside her, wanting grace to join her. ❝ wanna hold you. ❞ and when grace finally manages to get into the bed ( bless her tiny-ness, sen would miss that too ), she’s surprised to find herself wrapped in the other’s arms. it wasn’t… a TERRIBLE feeling, like she’d expected it to be, and she could see why grace liked it now. resting her head on the other’s chest, the mercenary ( well, retired mercenary now ) sighs. this was the last time this would happen. EVER. 
judging by how no one had come in asking for her meal choices tomorrow, the doctors didn’t expect her to make it to tomorrow. this was her LAST day, last night had been her LAST supper and this morning had been her LAST breakfast. and as cheesy as it was, sen wished she had appreciated those more, wished she had spent more time at the table with grace this morning or added dessert to their meal last night. but regret was a useless thing, especially when there was no way to change her past. ❝ hey, since i won’t need it anymore–– there’s a black duffle bag under the wood panels in the kitchen, right next to the stove. there’s money and stuff in there and you should use it, you know, to TREAT yourself. i’ve heard retail therapy is good for the soul. ❞ 
her breathing becomes more labored and she knows her time is growing short. ❝ just don’t buy anything boring, like socks. buy something cute, like lingerie––… you’re going to need it with whoever comes NEXT into your heart. ❞ she’d seen enough movies to make sure grace knew that sen WANTED her to move on, so she wouldn’t feel guilty when she fell in love again. even though the thought of someone else with grace fired up her possessiveness, she knew it was inevitable. ❝ i’ll love you always, okay? and i’d tell you that i’ll watch over you but we all know i’m not going to heaven s–––– ❞ her words are cut off with a loud beep that fills the room, the heart monitors jagged edges replaced by a straight, continuous line. and as grace would learn in a few moments, sen was DNR–– do not resuscitate.
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
Dying rp Starters
"Stay with me. Come on, just a little longer."
"You're gonna be fine, okay? You... You'll be fine."
"No. Oh, no. No no no. This can't happen. No. You can't die."
"Shush, just concentrate on staying awake, okay? Don't sleep."
"Oh my god... Don't give up! You can't give up!"
"You can make it through this. I know you can. Y-you have to..."
"Where did they shoot you!? Where did they sh-- Oh... Oh, god... Oh please no..."
"The doctor explained everything to me... I... I can't just let you go like this. I need you."
"Oh, god. Please be alive. Please still be alive."
"There's nothing they can do. I-- I'm so sorry."
"No. They're wrong. They're wrong, okay? You're not gonna die."
"Please, fight this. You have to fight it. You have to live."
"Don't die... Don't die on me. Please..."
"Listen to my voice, okay? I need you to stay with me. I'm bringing you to the hospital."
"I wish I could tell you everything was going to be fine..."
"Come on, now. You've lived through worse than this. Just... Just live through this too."
"I'm so sorry I let this happen to you."
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
ME: "Hey, you wanna RP?"
OTHER MUN: "Sure, what did you have in mind?"
ME: "I don't know, I didn't think this far ahead."
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
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cr: Dooooly
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
There are people who you can sit and quietly watch the night sky with and there are people that you sit with while you both make comments about finding a constellation shaped like a dick and sometimes if you’re really lucky you find someone who is both
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crossedwiire-blog · 8 years
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