crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-20 H.I.I.T. X: HIITX
Warm-up (No Measure)
5 min Jump Rope 400M Run
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds 10 Strict Pullups 50 DU's Skill Work on Pullups
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-20 CrossFit: 5-20-13
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 rounds of: 10 AS 10 Good Mornings W bar 10 HRPU
Metcon (Time)
EMOTM for 10 min HEAVY! 1 P.Clean/1 H. Clean/1 Jerk Then 3 Rounds of: 20 KB Swings 35/55 10 Front Squats 135/95
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-19 CrossFit: 5-19-13
Warm-up (No Measure)
800M Run
RJ (Time)
5 Rounds for time of: 800m Run 5 Rope Climbs, 15' 50 Push-ups
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-18 CrossFit: 5-18-13
Warm-up (No Measure)
500M Row
Jeremy (Time)
21-15-9 Overhead Squats, 95# Burpees
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-17 CrossFit: Oly Day!!
Warm-up (No Measure)
Bergener Warm-up 10 Jerks w Bar 10 AS
Metcon (Time)
Clean & Jerk 1 Set of 2 Reps @ 50% 1 Set of 2 Reps @ 60% 2 Sets of 2 Reps @ 70% Behind the Neck Push Press 1 Set of 3 Reps @ 50% 1 Set of 3 Reps @ 60% 2 Sets of 3 Reps @ 70% Back Squat 1 Set of 3 Reps @ 50% 1 Set of 3 Reps @ 60% 2 Sets of 3 Reps @ 70%
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-16 H.I.I.T. X: HIITX
Warm-up (No Measure)
5min Jump Rope
Metcon (Time)
6 Rounds of 50 DU's 15 Mountain Climbers 100M Row 10 T2B
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-16 CrossFit: 5-16-13
Warm-up (No Measure)
Row 800m 50 Sit ups
Front Squat (Weight)
Metcon (Time)
15min AMRAP: 9 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 (bar does not touch ground back to reposition everytime) 7 Front Squats 5 Hang Power Cleans 3 Front Squats
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-15 CrossFit: 5-15-13
Warm-up (No Measure)
Run 800M 3 rounds of 10 Push Ups 10 AS 10 Jumping Jacks
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds of 125 Double Unders 50 KB Swings 1.5/1POOD
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-14 CrossFit: 5-14-13
Warm-up (No Measure)
Run 400M Line Drills PVC
Conditioning (Time)
4 Rounds 6 Wall Walks/ Try to touch thighs on wall. 12 Thrusters 95/65
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-13 CrossFit: Monday Funday!!
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds of 10 Power cleans w Bar 10 Good Mornings 10 AS
Deadlift (Weight)
Conditioning (Time)
5 rounds for time 12 Deadlifts 135# 20 Pull-Ups 20 K2E 12 Clean and Jerks
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-12 CrossFit: Monday Funday!!!
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 rounds of 5 HSPU 10 AS 10 Good Mornings
Push Press (Weight)
Conditioning (Time)
20 Minute Amrap 10 Push Press 115/75 10 KBS 55/35 10 Box Jumps 24/20
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-11 CrossFit: TEAM WOD!
Warm-up (No Measure)
Burgener warmup Row 800M
Conditioning (Time)
Done in teams of 2: 60 Power Cleans @ 95/65 80 Push Presses @ 95/65 100 Back Squats @ 95/65
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-10 H.I.I.T. X: HIITX
Conditioning (Time)
TABATA Sprints Burpee broad jump Ab Mat Sit up AS Plank Wall Balls Super Mans Box Jump
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-10 CrossFit: OLY DAY!
Warm-up (No Measure)
Burgener Warmup
Conditioning (Time)
Power Snatch 2 Sets of 2 Reps @ 75% 3 Sets of 1 Rep @ 80% Push Press 2 Sets of 3 Reps @ 75% 3 Sets of 2 Reps @ 80% Back Squat 2 Sets of 4 Reps @ 75% 3 Sets of 2 Reps @ 80% 3 Sets of 2 Reps @ 85%
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-09 CrossFit: HIITX
Warm-up (No Measure)
Warm Up: 400M run
Conditioning (Time)
8 Rounds 200M Sprint 5 Pull ups 10 Push ups 15 AS
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crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-08 CrossFit: HIITX
Warm-up (No Measure)
Warm Up: 250M Row
Conditioning (Time)
200M Row 30 Dynamic Push Up 300M Row 25 Dynamic Push Up 400M Row 20 Dynamic Push Up 500M Row 15 Dynamic Push Up 600M Row 10 Dynamic Push Up
0 notes
crossfit213 · 11 years
2013-05-07 H.I.I.T. X: HIITX
Conditioning (Time)
TABATA R Side Crunch L Side Crunch Wall Sit KBS Med ball throws from back 12/8 Trunk Twist AS Push Press w/Bar
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