crossfitvinny-blog · 7 years
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Vincent Lopez Professor Maria Turnmeyer AAS 113B
Helen’s Zia’s points of view against that world
In the book Asian American Dreams Helen Zia finds herself trapped in puzzle in order to find her own identity. There are major conflicts between two specific ethnic groups, Korean, and African American. Moreover, these events from the past share similar connections with events in the 21st century. In the book written by Helen Zia, chapter four of the book of Asian American Dreams,is about the alienation phase of Helen Zia from both her American and Chinese cultures. Helen Zia was born and raised in America.When she was growing up she often had problems assimilating herself to one culture. Even though she was born and raised in America she was discriminated by her own culture because she looked asian . In a similar way, also she could not assimilate with her Asian culture because she was “Americanized” and had an accent speaking Chinese. I experienced similar complications adapting to the American culture. I was seventeen years old when I immigrated to the United States from a small country in Central America ( El salvador). It was a difficult change for me, since at the time I did not know how to speak English. I attended a big charter school in Los Angeles county( Los Angeles High School) , which was diverse and had students from all over the world. Although the majority of the students were born in America, many of them would only socialized with others students that shared similar backgrounds and culture. I did not know who I could friends with, I tried to have friends from all different ethnicities and sometimes I would not be welcome to some groups and the groups that accepted me there were occasions where the people that I started to become friends with would talk in a spanish. In some occasions this made me feel as an outsider. Communicating was a big barrier as a foreign student making me feel isolated from everyone else. I experienced a similar parallel between Zia’s story and my own story in the way we could not identify with any specific group.         In chapter four of Asian American Dreams there are two racial groups that confront discrimination to each other. There was a population growth in the east coast mainly in New York and others surrounding states, in the years of 1980 and 1990, the book Asian American Dreams states “The number of black residents grew by 18 percent, Hispanics by 19 percent, and Asians by 132 percent.” Korean American communities were increasing at a fast rate, having more than 78 percent of the Korean immigrants with colleges degrees, many new businesses started to raise in the city. Many of these business were opening in poor black communities where the Koreans started to move in, this caused a chaos amount this two groups because African Americans believe that Koreans and Koreans American were taking their jobs, had preference among banks to obtain loans to open up business in addition they treated blacks in deferential, this made Africans American to believe that Koreans has special privileges. In the year of 2016-2017 president Donald Trump speech for presidency targeted the Hispanic community, especially when referring to the Mexican and Mexican Americans . In the article presented by The Huffington Post Donald Trump stated “When Mexico sends its people, they are not sending you their best. They are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are sending those problems with us. They are rapist and some, assume, are good people.” This can relate to chapter four, when African Americans were protesting against Korean Americans, because of their false belief of inequality. Another recent event that has occurred is that black lives matter movement, where African American were discriminated and racial profiled. In these events there were similarities between the black community being racially prejudice to the Korean people and in most recent being labeled because of their race. It was conjunction of Africans American being killed by white police officers. An African American black male was shot dead by a white police officer, the officer stated that he was trying to reach for his gun and that was the reason for the officer’s reaction. In addition to chapter four Asians and Asian Americans were being label as Japanese, many Koreans and other Asians started to identify themselves with their own country of nationality, the books states “I am Korean I am not Japanese”. Since at the time the war world 2 had just ended.         Just how many different Asian groups could not be distinguished, ignorance is an important concept to understand in the modern era. In the United States there are many ethnic groups that play an important role in society. It is important to recognize and understanding the similarities that every ethnic group has in the previous eras since these actions leads to greater opportunities that allow people from all part of the world to acknowledge our differences and to understand each other from different points of view. Discrimination, violence and racism are actions that should not express to our peers; just as the Asian community as label as in the book states “All Asian are Chinese” my own ethnic group is often label as if you speak Spanish you must be Mexican. This and other groups are label everyday in life, therefore we should understand that each and one of us hold different values that create the society that we now live on.  
Work Cited Thegurdian.com Black life’s matter Lowery, Wesley. "Black Lives Matter: Birth of a Movement | Wesley Lowery." The Long Read. Guardian News and Media, 17 Jan. 2017. Web. 18 Feb. 2017. Huffingtonpost.com: Donald trump’s speech Moreno, Carolina. "9 Outrageous Things Donald Trump Has Said About Latinos." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 09 Nov. 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2017. Asian American dreams Zia, Helen. Asian American Dreams the Emergence of an American People. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2001. Print.
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crossfitvinny-blog · 7 years
Work cited
"The Importance of Working Out.” Croquest. Ed. Sarkis Adajian. University Times, California State University, 19 Aug. 2015. Web.
Desai, Melissa N.|Miller, William C.|Staples, Betty|Bravender, Terrill. “Risk Factors Associated with Overweight and Obesity in College Students.” Journal of American College Health. Heldref Publications. 1319 Eighteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036-1802. Tel: 800-365-9753; Tel: 202-296-6267; Fax: 202-293-6130; E-mail: [email protected]; Web Site: Http://www.heldref.org, 30 Nov. 2007. Web. 09 Mar. 2017.
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crossfitvinny-blog · 7 years
The Importance of Working Out
The article "The importance of working out" It is mention that living in a busy city such as los angeles there are many steriotypes and form of critisim based on the way people look. People will judge you from what you look like not for that person who you are, If you look like a ballon people will start aking assumtions about you such as , that person is not attractive , that person does not eat healthy I do not want o be seen with a person like that . For men muscularity is related to men hood , what does it take to have a rocking body as the article stated " A greek od body". Jonahan jimezes ,decited to make a change when he started college ,the stuffs that he took to change his over all health he stated were; first diet it very importan ,working out 3-5 days per week, " I still had cheat days where I would eat fast food ,but I was eating healthier. The truth about working out and eating healthier is that people should workout with the mentality of wanting to be healthier , physiques matter but it is not as important as your over all health.
work cited "The Importance of Working Out." Croquest. Ed. Sarkis Adajian. University Times, California State University, 19 Aug. 2015. Web.
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crossfitvinny-blog · 7 years
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Identity box I chose this food box ,since one of the biggest concerts that I have is my diet. I have been working out for about three years, when I started I weight 160 pounds, I was 6 feet, I was thin and with no muscle.I slowly stared to gain muscle mass, I became stringer ,faster and more skill. I am currently 6,2 feet tall and I weight 190 pounds at 13.3% body fat, my journey as a men physique still continues, I have my mind set to go up to 210 pounds at 11% body fat. BEsides being an athlete I also am a full time student at Calstate Northiridege majoring in Bio medical tecnology, I am a science majors and some of my hobbies as a kid were to play video games specially from nintendo,drawing,hicking I liked heavy rock metal when I was a teenager. Some of the jobs that I had growing up led me to become a barber and a tattoo artist , I worked in a baber shop for about 5 months, I decided to stop because at the moment I was in high school and I wanted to concentrate in my studies, on the side I was passionaded about drawing, on my free time I tatttooed some of my friends that allowed me to give them tattoos even though I was just learning.
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crossfitvinny-blog · 7 years
Risk Factors Associated with Overweight and Obesity in College Students
Desai, Melissa N.|Miller, William C.|Staples, Betty|Bravender, Terrill. "Risk Factors Associated with Overweight and Obesity in College Students." Journal of American College Health. Heldref Publications. 1319 Eighteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036-1802. Tel: 800-365-9753; Tel: 202-296-6267; Fax: 202-293-6130; E-mail: [email protected]; Web Site: Http://www.heldref.org, 30 Nov. 2007. Web. 09 Mar. 2017.
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crossfitvinny-blog · 7 years
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crossfitvinny-blog · 7 years
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ID box
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crossfitvinny-blog · 7 years
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crossfitvinny-blog · 7 years
Blink 183 is an American rock band formed in Poway California in 1992. the title of the song "whats my age again" remains me that you are never too old to play like a kid or to follow your dreams even though you have waited for too long. In my own perspective this song remains me where I came from and what I am doing right now and how to never give up. I was seventeen years old when I immigrated to the United States of America from El Salvador, with zero English I did not know how to communicate with others and at the time it was very hard, since mostly elderly people from Hispanic back ground spoke Spanish and the kids from my generations knew how to speak a little English, however that did not mean that they were going to be friendly with me. They saw me as a foreigner that did not belonged to this country and in many occasions I was discriminated for the color of my skin and the way I talked. This motivated me to study hard and improve in every single detailed when learning English. Most teenagers at my age seventeen are juniors or seniors in high school, I was seventeen and I was placed in nine grade, since the credits from my school back in El Salvador did not meet the standards credits that I needed to be place in the eleven grade. At this point of my life that was the biggest challenge and a really important decision that I had to make at the time. I was given the option to attend to adult school or to start from nine grade and work my way up to the twelve grade. I decided to start high school all over, more in deed within the next six months my English improved drasticly that I was exempt from taking remedied English classes and I was able to take high school level English. I did not want to stay in high school for four years so I asked my counselor to allow me to take after school classes, summer school and I even took a class in a community college. As time when by i found myself in the third year of high school, however I had reach senior level credits so I knew that I was going to graduate that year at that time I was twenty years old when I graduated in June 9th of 2016. I knew that I was the oldest amount my classmates but at the end I realized that it did not matter and thats when the song "whats my age again " remainded me that it is never to late to build your on pad.
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crossfitvinny-blog · 7 years
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