crow-aka-gayass · 13 days
toxic codependent familial dynamics this. toxic codependent romances that. what about toxic codependent coworkers. i can’t do my job without this guy here or i’ll kill myself.
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
the most disorienting thing thats ever happened to me was when a linguistics major stopped in the middle of our conversation, looked me in the eye, and said, "you have a very interesting vernacular. were you on tumblr in 2014?" and i had to just stand there and process that one for a good ten seconds
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
Two days ago my husband said "...and he was pissed" and I said "don't say that around the kids!" so he corrected himself to "and he was liquid angry" and I've been laughing since
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
Two days ago my husband said "...and he was pissed" and I said "don't say that around the kids!" so he corrected himself to "and he was liquid angry" and I've been laughing since
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
Bounty on The Mexico Brothers is set to:
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By Order of: The Wizard High Council
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
Bounty on The Mexico Brothers is set to:
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By Order of: The Wizard High Council
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
Bounty on The Mexico Brothers is set to:
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By Order of: The Wizard High Council
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
Bounty on The Mexico Brothers is set to:
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By Order of: The Wizard High Council
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
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Rodent marriage insult! Single power!
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
It’s been four weeks to the day since I’ve been near a computer and I am simultaneously going insane not being able to do anything but also incredibly well rested.
It’s like wow great I have so much energy (I don’t, it’s the ADHD). I’d love to be able to do something with it. Shame looking at any screen other than my phone seems to be inducing debilitating neurological events.
Fuck sake.
PT is going well, though. As is my new pillow. This was the first menstrual cycle* in over ten years where going to bed hasn’t caused a shoulder or neck subluxation that resulted in Symptoms.
So I dare say the old brain stem is enjoying not getting crunched as much. I’m sure that’s good for something 👍
*shifting hormones affect joint laxity. So if you feel like your EDS is worse around your menstrual cycle, it probably is.
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
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Twitter is about to be banned in Brazil, why?
Have you seen the news about Twitter (now X, but I refuse to call it that) being banned in Brazil? Have you been wondering why that is? I’m Brazilian, and here I am to explain things to you.
You’ve likely noticed that since Elon Musk took over the social media network, hate speech on the platform has skyrocketed. White supremacist and Neo-Nazi groups have been using Twitter to disseminate racist propaganda and hate speech. And although the United States might not be doing anything about this, other countries are not so indulgent. Brazil being one of them.
Racism and incitement of hate (including speech) are crimes in Brazil. So is political disinformation, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism. Hate speech of any kind is a CRIME in Brazil.
The Brazilian Supreme Court ordered Elon Musk to do something about the political fake news and hate speech on his platform, and Elon responded by shutting down all offices in Brazil.
The Brazilian Supreme Court (STF) then ordered Elon Musk to appoint a legal representative in Brazil, as NO BUSINESS can operate in the country without a legal representative that can be held responsible to crimes and answer to them in a court of law. The STF gave Elon 24 hours to appoint this legal representative, and now that the deadline has passed and Elon has not complied, it seems that Twitter will be shut down in Brazil.
TL;DR: Elon is salty that he’s not above Brazilian law.
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crow-aka-gayass · 19 days
someone in iran was just sentenced to 12 years in prison for ratioing the supreme leader on twitter
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