crowanddragon · 2 hours
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HAPPY PRIDE, my pride blanket is open for preorders! And I have tapestries too for the first time! I would absolutely love to have your support on this!
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crowanddragon · 17 hours
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I love you queer therians
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crowanddragon · 17 hours
The idea that fungus experiences true sentient thought, but in a way that the rest of us cannot understand, is a kind of comfort to the inevitability of death and rot, to know that what consumes our corpse may in someway carry a memory onward with it.
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crowanddragon · 17 hours
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khumjung, nepal
by ahmed raza
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crowanddragon · 18 hours
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Check out this plush artist!
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crowanddragon · 19 hours
Today, I would like to commemorate an event which has laid a very profound impact on the internet.
Ten years ago on this day (06/08/09), a forum website called SomethingAwful held a photoshop contest titled “create paranormal images”.  The contest would require participants to edit ordinary photographs into creepy-looking images, and then try to pass them off as authentic photos on other paranormal forums.
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Two days later, on June 10th, a user by the name Victor Surge would find this thread, and become inspired.  He submitted the two pictures above, featuring a tall, faceless monster which would stalk children, who would then disappear.  He called his monster “the Slender Man”. After this initial post, Surge and others would expand on the character and the story, creating one of the internet’s most famous monsters.  The Slender Man proved to be popular enough to spread to other websites, with 4chan, Deviantart, and TV Tropes all having their own Slender-Mania. On June 20th of that same year, another user on the SomethingAwful forums found the Slender Man, and also wanted to contribute.  Noticing nobody had made any videos yet of the monster, he sat down with some of his friends and planned out a video webseries involving a former college film student discovering and unravelling the mysteries surrounding Slender Man; this would become Marble Hornets, one of the first horror-themed ARG’s of the internet.
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That all happened ten years ago.  Ten years of haunting the darkest corners of the internet, and Slender Man has built up a surprisingly dense resume, for a fictional monster.  Several popular webseries, a couple hit games, at least two movies, even inspiring other characters in seperate series like the Silence in Dr Who and the Enderman in Minecraft.  And all this within a ten-year period.
I think this just attests to how much humans can be inspired by an idea.  From a small handful of edited photographs, we collectively constructed a new monster which lurks in our nightmares, and now it almost seems as natural as the horror mythos he was based on.  For better or worse, the Slender Man seems to be here to stay. Happy Birthday, Slendy!  Here’s to hoping you continue to be both terrifying and terrific!
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crowanddragon · 19 hours
happy pride to every male & masc queer who feels alienated from the community during pride month. many places are taking to create "she+" and "femme & them" type events that conflate non binary identities with womanhood without creating similar spaces and events for mascs & men, leaving many trans men and mascs to feel totally alienated because their is no designated day or space for them to celebrate. while it's great to celebrate femininity & womanhood, we should be celebrating queer manhood and masculinity alongside it. it's important to have groups and events for all members of our community
if you feel alienated because you don't fit into these spaces, happy pride to you. happy pride to the butches and lesboys who don't feel safe going to lesbian events because of this. happy pride to trans mascs & men who don't have a space to go or a day to celebrate themselves. happy pride to non binary queers, genderqueer people and gnc people who are not feminine or female and have nowhere to go. happy pride to masculine and male intersex people who can't exist in the spaces they want to.
happy pride to cis masc and male queers who feel completely estranged from the community. happy pride to trans girls who are also men who cannot express their manhood at the risk of people using it as a weapon to misgender you. happy pride to the bigender and multigender people who are have to prioritize their feminine or female identities in order to make other people "feel safe." happy pride to the genderfluid people who don't get to talk about their masculinity or manhood. happy pride to the masc gays who feel alienated
we deserve to celebrate ourselves as well. take care of yourself this pride month
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crowanddragon · 19 hours
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Heroes walk among us
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crowanddragon · 1 day
planned obsolescence is out of damn control. there was once a time that a bedframe, any simple bedframe, could withstand the weight of two 300-pound men going at it obscene style, as nature intended. it was furniture made by REAL carpenters. now the darn things can barely withstand a sensual threesome between 3 scrawny lesbian twinks. with the march of capitalism driving the profit incentive over efficiency, now we all have shitty overpriced bedframes and everyone has to suffer the effects of homophobia.
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crowanddragon · 1 day
We should put sex and magic on their own pride flag. Represent all the animal girls and wizards on this beautiful website
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crowanddragon · 1 day
Wow I wish I was him
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crowanddragon · 1 day
Silk is so beautiful. Thank you worms
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crowanddragon · 2 days
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Roman bracelets and rings in the shape of snake.
1st-3rd century imperial time
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crowanddragon · 2 days
i think elves should be able to die from intense emotions as a way to compensate for their immortality
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crowanddragon · 2 days
Every day feels like sieging enemy castle with no trebuchet
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crowanddragon · 2 days
let me tell you driving from Ohio to Washington in a SmartCar with everything I owned was funny enough on its own but once I got west of the Rockies, every. single. time. I stopped ar a gas station, random dads would just spawn beside my car. like there was some sort of dad portal following me. and they’d see my ohio plates and go, “did you DRIVE through the mountains in that?” and every. single. time. I’d go, “well, they didn’t airlift me!”
it killed. it absolutely cleared ever time. never failed to make the dads laugh. they were obsessed. i said it the same every time. it was like I was in a groundhog day timeloop on interstate 70 westbound gas stations. and you know what? I was happy.
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crowanddragon · 2 days
Sure you could have human conversations but have you tried having echolalia and a cat that makes weird noises?
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