crownaccount · 3 years
Coming back from a hiatus... are all of the confessions blogs really dead? Peace at last?
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crownaccount · 4 years
which mod is homophobic? genuinely unaware, pls inform.
Good to know Krisgoat chose someone homophobic to be a mod in the official goatlings server! Anyway Trent is a twink, change my mind.
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crownaccount · 4 years
Krisgoat Summary
There are some people who don’t know what is going on, so I’m going to do my best to summarize all of the drama involving Krisgoat from the past few months. Feel free to add on in the comments if I miss anything.
1. BB was a user on Goatlings who designed many of the most popular items on the site. She wasn’t an official artist, but would frequently post her designs to be used on the site. Many of these designs became official items, with Krisgoat using them quite often in the DD shop to make money. It is safe to say that BB, as popular as she and her designs were, made Krisgoat a lot of money. There was a moderator for Goatlings who we will refer to as Mod C. This mod didn’t like BB for one reason or another, and would gossip about BB publicly and privately to other users. BB was made uncomfortable to this and spoke about it to another moderator, who then brought it up to Krisgoat. Despite having screenshots of everything that Mod C had said about her and the rude messages that Mod C sent to her privately, Krisgoat sided with Mod C and accused BB of photoshopping the screenshots to make Mod C look bad. Mod C sent actually photoshopped screenshots to Krisgoat, and pretended like it was all a lie. BB left the site, and Krisgoat didn’t remove Mod C for weeks after, only then doing so because of so much community outrage.
2. In addition to the situation with BB, Mod C has caused quite a few problems with others as well that Krisgoat has ignored. Many users have reported that Mod C acted in a biased way, did things beyond their mod powers, deleted support tickets about themselves, among numerous other things. Krisgoat never addresses any of this and continued to let Mod C be a corrupt mod with no consequence for years.
3. Goatlings has had many site issues for a very long time, many of them occurring from an attempted site hack that resulted in the site being shut down for a short amount of time. These issues included things like: The broken clock that says the wrong time, unfunctional username colors for crown accounts (advertised as a feature. You have to pay real money for these), extreme lag, etc. These issues have slowly begun to be fixed. To speed up the process, Krisgoat organized a fundraiser. Within the first hour this fundraiser met it’s goal and far surpassed the needed amount of $300 well into the thousands. Krisgoat never stated specifically where this extra funding would be going, not even to members of the patreon. Thousands of dollars of money is supposedly being used to add new features to the site but we have still yet to see an actual cost breakdown other than very vague statements from Krisgoat after much pressing from users. There is a small side controversy to this that involves Krisgoat trading for a $400 adoptable shortly after receiving the fundraiser money. She did not purchase this directly, but it is unclear if she used fundraiser money to purchase the other adoptables to be used in the trade. Krisgoat has stated previously that all money earned from goatlings goes back into the site. Programming updates have only begun very recently so we have no confirmation that this is true.
4. Patreon users have access to a private Discord that they pay to use. A donation of $2 or more would get you access to this Discord each month. A conversation about the current state of the site within this Patreon Discord got slightly heated, causing Krisgoat to disband the Discord and leave many members in the dark wondering what happened. There was a promise that patreon members would have early access to a new Official Goatlings Discord that is currently in the works, but it is too early to know for sure how that will end up playing out.
5. Krisgoat made a change to the Goatlings TOS staying that members can and will be banned for negative behavior that happens offsite. If a member is found to be harassing someone on another website and someone is able to prove this, that user will have their account banned. Many people are unhappy with this, feeling as though Krisgoat doesn’t have the right to police offsite behavior. There are users concerned that things including posting to drama blogs like this one or venting on their personal blogs will be grounds for banning. The rules are unclear, and despite multiple people asking Krisgoat for clarification she has neglected to give any.
6. This rumor has not been confirmed or denied so take it with a grain of salt. Goatlings has two official artists, L and R. These two users put an immense of hardwork and effort into creating the vast majority of content for the site. They are incredibly kind, talented artists who do their absolute best to pump out the new items for the site on a regular schedule. There is a rumor that L and R are not being paid in USD, but rather DD. Neither of them have confirmed or denied this, but either way I have suspicions that whatever it is they are being paid it does not match up with the amount of content they produce on a regular basis. They deserve to be paid equal to the quality of work they put out, which is always outstanding and shows their level of commitment to the site.
7. In regards to offsite harassment, many of Goatlings users have been the target of being harassed due to petty drama. Some of these users have reported the harassment to Krisgoat, and the bullying problem has been a known issue for a long time. Krisgoat’s response to this was to tell users to not talk about drama or bring their problems to the site. Discussion about offsite bullying was not going to be tolerated, and Krisgoat did not want anything to do with it. This led to some users feeling like Krisgoat had left them to defend themselves and chose to ignore a serious issue for the sake of preserving the mask of positive she attempts to put over her website. Recently two users, H and L, approached Krisgoat with proof of harassment. The user that was doing the harassing was banned, and was also told by name who had reported the harassment, resulting in H and L being outed to the person they accused.
8. Goatlings updates are frequently late and pushed back months behind. With promises that these updates will be on time, they never are and consistently fall behind. This is upsetting to many people, as Krisgoat seems to divert more of her attention to her side projects, such as her adoptables. This contributes to an overall feeling that Krisgoat is losing interest in the site, and therefor does not care to put in as much effort as she should.
I did my best to give a thorough summary to things as in order as they could. I started with BB since that seems to be what has sparked others being more vocal about their concerns. As people have become more vocal it appears that Krisgoat has become more and more resentful, making questionable choices and continuing to ignore concerns that people are expressing. I have probably missed a lot, I’m just going into my 3rd year and have not been as active for this past year. I know that the issues everyone is having with Krisgoat are not new, but I’m glad people are being more vocal. I hope this was helpful to someone.
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crownaccount · 4 years
I’m going to add to that person’s summary of the events regarding BB and Mod C:
Mod C’s biggest issue with BB was that BB had made the Spring Friends Lucky Box. Mod C, going by a different username at the time, had made the original Winter Friends Lucky Box, and felt that BB had stolen her idea, despite not ever attempting friend boxes for other seasons herself, and demanded that BB credit her in her design thread and the item itself. At first, BB gave in and did. As BB gained intel that Mod C was talking shit on her in places such as discord and LC, BB removed the credit, causing Mod C to message her directly on discord, aggressively.
BB explained her stance and stood firm. Mod C then took screenshots of the conversation, photoshopped the screenshots to make it look like BB was talking smack on Kris (when, in fact, it was Mod C who did this, as she has done to Kris for years on other platforms) and sent them to Kris. Mod C also deleted all the messages on Discord so BB could not take further screenshots other than what she may have already gotten.
BB approached Kris about the situation and had proof that the screenshots were fake. Kris, instead, as the other post states, sided with Mod C because “she’s a good friend”, and BB made the choice to resign from the site.
Mod C was only removed from staff several weeks after, after more evidence was built against her by another user.
Mod C also demanded credit from L when they made their own seasonal friends box too, btw. 
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crownaccount · 4 years
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Fanart I did for a monster Masquerade in Goatlings
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crownaccount · 4 years
oh boy
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Welcome to a new goatings confession blog. Deal with it.
There are a few at work now. I respect that. But this is born out of a need for there to be a confession blog that isn’t so overly-censored. Think of this as goatlingsconfessions 2.0 for you.
There is only one rule, no derogatory language or slurs. Other than that, go hog wild. Name drop, uncensored screenshots, you name it. Ask box and submissions box are open. All will be posted or queued as long as they follow our one rule.
See you soon.
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crownaccount · 4 years
seriously. psa: do not like/reblog/interact with confessions blogs or other such posts in anyway unless you are on an anonymous account. do not submit unless you log out or are on anon. be safe. it’s not worth it.
just in general i dont want to play any games here because ive had my account since before the hiatus and i dont want to lose it over fighting about goats on tumblr and i suggest everybody else do the same at this point
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crownaccount · 4 years
there are plenty of things to be mad at krisgoat for, there are lots of issues on goatlings.com, but kris is not embezzling the fundraiser money and trying to make that a big deal when it’s not even real is distracting from the actual issues and making it harder to get her to listen to her userbase and take them seriously.
i know im seeming like some sorta krisgoat defense blog here but there are things that are actually wrong with the goatsite that are not fucking conspiracy theories!!!
there are things out in the OPEN on goatlings that are wrong, and by making up stupid bullshit about perceived embezzling youre making actual problems seem fake
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crownaccount · 4 years
i completely agree. what exactly is the point of rules that requires the censoring of names if you still allow it to be 100% clear who the post is about?
to the person in the comments wondering why they randomly got banned for ‘offsite harassment'  p sure i kno what happened
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crownaccount · 4 years
we’re GOATS we’re PISSED OFF we’re gonna YELL where’s the TEA
me and @crownaccount out here starting goatlings blogs in 2019
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crownaccount · 4 years
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based on the witchy magic ad for monster masquerade
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crownaccount · 4 years
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MFW the ‘save outfit’ button is actually added to the HA buddy closet
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crownaccount · 4 years
hey guys, come check out this great pet site i play!
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crownaccount · 4 years
Didn’t Kris trace / steal ALL of the goat emoji things on the site?
Not sure if they were traced or stolen… But Kris definitely didn’t make them, I’ve personally seen them on pixel blogs and emoji resources (just maybe tweaked slightly)
- Mod Tea
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crownaccount · 4 years
agree with all of this info.
krisgoat isnt embezzling fundraiser money just because it “seems like something she would do” or “she got a new adoptable (that she traded for)”
also had she purchased said adoptable (she did not) it could have also been with her own money? people are allowed to make money and not immediately pour all of it back into their website/project
krisgoats nutty and sensitive but shes not some sort of evil sorcerer on a tower lording over you people and trying to trick you. shes just legitimately out of touch. she doesnt understand her members.
as far as i can remember, the issue has been that krisgoat just cant deal with seeing negativity about herself or her project
she cant handle criticism, but she especially cant handle it when it comes to be about something coding or off-site related, because theres nothing she can do about it. the coding hasn’t been fixed for so long almost entirely because its so goddamn expensive to get done. 
the site is made sloppily with every corner possible cut off and left in the dirt somewhere. no clue if shes hired the same coder or a new one but either way shes gunna be paying out the ass to get anyone at all to work with something so broken already
im absolutely sure shes not siphoning the fundraiser money like the conspiracy theorists on the anonymous confessions blogs want to believe because i know for a fact that shits not being fixed cheaply and the fixes are in fact actually being implemented 
not to mention the fact that we’ve had multiple fundraisers in the past for site updates, saving goats, sending her friend to college and whatnot, and we know all of the money donated went immediately to the cause
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we also have information now of the exact cost of the updates which seem  accurate
tl;dr kris is a baby but shes very likely not stealing fundraiser money and never has 
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crownaccount · 4 years
survey results
this is why kris deleted patreon
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crownaccount · 4 years
Agreed. this is the worst I’ve ever seen it.
The site has really gone down hill this year.. It’s probably been happening silently but this year has shown that it has really gone down to bits with all the drama going on. Sad to see a site with potential collapse like this, a lot of the best users have left too. I used to think this site was the best place, but now I’m not sure if I want to stay anymore.
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