crownxmi ¡ 4 years
❝ sentence starters edition, accepting
“all i do is drink coffee and say bad words.” and kill people, but jaehyun leaves that specific statement out. people he met on the fly didn’t need to know about his special little hobbies. sure, if anyone ever saw him with a splash of red on himself, he always blamed it on the wine he drinks. he liked his wine, there was no hiding that, but whiskey? god, he loved whiskey. however, today was different. he had opted for a hot drink, a caffeinated hot drink.
however, jaehyun moves his eyes from the cup to the girl that had just asked what he does for a living. a rather personal question, and personal isn’t the best thing to be in myeongcho. yet, he flashes her a sly smile and shrugs “what about you, pretty? got any fun hobbies on the weekends?” he asks, brow raised. he doesn’t expect a serious answer, he doesn’t expect the girl to even answer him. it’s what people did when they were polite right? jaehyun can’t help but mentally scoff, him and polite were never hand in hand. if anything, he was straight to the point and rather cunning. however, nowadays, it was different. he couldn’t give to flying fucks if his whole personally changed from day to day. ”come on, it’s only polite to answer, i answered you as well.”
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
❝ sentence starters edition, accepting
“okay, so maybe i didn’t see that coming.”
is all jaehyun can actually say in the situation in which he blames wonwoo got them in. if the dude had taken the hint of i dont wanna talk to you right now and left the other hitman alone, they wouldn’t be stuck together in a public restroom. sure, you could blame crown for the fact that he got a tad annoyed and pushed the other into the door, but he didn’t.. expect that the stupid lock would break. and it wasn’t like it was a bathroom that seemed to be bustling with life at a random café on its underground floor.
so instead of actually panicking jaehyun sighs loudly and rubs the bridge of his nose. he isn’t bothered by it either way, he just hopes wonwoo doesn’t fucking stab him all of a sudden. he had a meeting later on in the day, he wasn’t planning on cancelling it because of health issues. “you really are stubborn and stubborn gets.” he sighs dramatically and walks onto the the sinks, sitting onto the counter. crown spares a glance at the other, brow raised before sighing again “well, we’re locked here. what the fuck did you wanna know?”
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
“are you always a smart-ass?”
❝ sentence starters edition, accepting
“for your surprise? yeah, i have.“ crown replies with a raised brow at the girl. they had only met once before, and it wasn’t with the prettiest circumstances. after treating her to some hot chocolate, in hopes he would manage to get her to chill out, they hadn’t seen each other. it was like she fell off the face of the earth and jaehyun couldn’t have cared less.
well, until today. where she approached him, out of the blue. it really made him think, wasn’t he really intimidating? didn’t people know to stay away from people who ran towards gun shots? apparently not. jaehyun was just chilling at cafe, for once, it wasn’t his bar and he was planning on actually reading a book with his coffee, however, that went downhill as he had someone literally take the empty seat across from him.
“shouldn’t you be at school or something? you better be going back home while the sun is still out.“ he comments, eyes moving from the girl back to his book, reaching for his coffee mug and taking a sip from it “had anything exciting happen to you since last time?“ jaehyun asks, not really bothered by the answer she gives him, as long as she wasn’t sassy with him.
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
❝ starters
❝ REPLY with a SONG and you shall receive a STARTER thank you.
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
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This is a randomly generated sentence starter meme for everyone! You’ll be able to reblog this meme until June 6th starting today, but feel free to continue answering memes after that if need be. Go wild with them and have a good time! Also feel free to use this for sentence starters or drabbles; the most important thing is to get everyone writing. Hopefully, it’ll spark some new plot ideas and interactions too!
Remember to reblog this if you’re interested in receiving a meme, and to send some to everyone that reblogs it, too! You’re welcome to skip over this if you’d like to; it’s by no means mandatory to reblog and participate. Most importantly, though, have fun!!
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
jaehyun had gotten more than used to her regular drop in sessions. he doesn’t mind it, however the bouncers sure do mind her presence. even if he told them multiple times to just let her in, qian did everything in her power to piss them off as much as she could. jaehyun just ended up not caring after a while, hopefully his staff would do the same as well. it doesn’t take long for him to be notified of her at the front door. so like usual, the owner gets his own glass of whiskey he had been staring into for the past hour and makes his way to said entrance to greet his lovely friend.
“one day, they won’t let you in if you keep that up.” jaehyun said, brow raised as he appeared into hearing range for qian. he smiles at the guard and wraps an arm around his guest’s waist, somewhat dragging her away from his staff. “should i even ask what brings you here? a deal or a free drink?“ he jokes, heading straight to his office at the back of the bar, where they spend most of their encounters together. he doesn’t even get questioned by the staff, it’s become too much of a common occurrence.
— work & play.
Her black sapphire matte BMW Gran Coupe sat parked while the sun visor’s mirror is down to apply her red lipstick. A car far too wealthy for a place like Myeongcho, but it was a gift from her late husband. She wasn’t going to be rude and toss it away. Not when it’s this nice.
Her lips smacked, checking over her makeup one last time before the visor is pushed up and lipstick dropped into her clutch. She always needs to look good for business partners, but specifically this one. The driver door shut behind her and a beep signalling it’s locked; she heads to Moonwalker’s front entrance. A smile plastered on her face. “Nice to see you again, Sleepy.” Passing the first security guard is easy, but the one that follows is a stickler for rules. Moonwalker is a heavily guarded club. Just to get into the building she needs to get through two guards. One before the doors, and one after, in case someone manages to sneak past the first one. It’s impressive, really. It adds a sense of worth. By now, all the guards are familiar with Qian. The seven dwarfs she likes to call them. She’s a regular and a.. friend of the owner.
“Hello, Grumpy.” A hand gets placed on one of the guard’s crossed arms. A canny grin while closing the distance. Her stilettos allowed their heights to match. “Is your boss ( @crownxmi ) in tonight?”
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
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a look i didn’t know i needed until today
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
  jisu was at the club, again, just a few days after her first visit. this time, though, she wasn’t there for someone’s birthday, but by her own choice, which was motivated by her will to get a hot chocolate from the bar. she couldn’t get one the night before, having been interrupted. now, she went to the club much earlier, hoping that there won’t be as many people and, when she stepped into the club and saw that she was right, a small smile appeared on her lips, knowing she won’t have to deal with animals that didn’t know how to mind their own business.
 she quickly made her way towards the bar, then, hopping onto the high chair that was close to it. she even waited patiently for the employee to take notice of her and she pretended she didn’t see the confused look on the others face when she told him her choice of drink. when the employee had suddenly disappeared right after, she was feeling a little bit disappointed, thinking that he’ll come back and tell her he can’t do that. but, instead, another man came forward and threw her a smile, and she couldn’t help but throw a bigger one back, leaning on the counter so she could see better what he was doing. 
  at his words, she let out a low chuckle, not really minding the way that he was doing it since she was expecting something like this or more like, she was expeting to get nothing at all. it was a bar in a nightclub, after all, she was pretty sure that they didn’t actually have hot chocolate. 
   ❛❛ yeah, i could tell. ❜❜
  as soon as the cup was placed in front of her, jisu clapped her hands a few times, wanting to make it known to the other that his try was very much appreciated before she brought it up to her lips, sipping the liquid a bit just to try it out. sweet, she thought, continuing to sip on the drink contently until she noticed that the man was still in front of her. oh, he was waiting for her reaction? she put the cup down then, extending her hand and giving him a thumbs up, her lips curling up in a grin once she started talking. 
    ❛❛ you might be at best a functional moron considering the way you made it, but you did get it done. although, a real hot chocolate would’ve been better. do you think the manager would listen to my idea of getting some? ❜❜
you might be at best a functional moron.
the words ring in jaehyun’s ears louder than the music he usually had to endure at the club, but to some extend, he can’t really argue with her statement. he was, at times, at best, a functional moron. maybe he really shouldn’t have given her the any hot chocolate.. yeah, maybe he should just get the bouncers to escort her out.
“well.“ he starts, leaning one elbow on the counter and placing his chin to rest in the palm of his hand, brow raised at the girl. “hate to break it to you, but i’m the manager here, honey.“ jaehyun says with a smile, a wide relaxed smile. in reality, his clothes usually gave it away. he was either wearing a full suit when he was lurking in moonwalkers, or right now, ripped jeans and a white t-shirt. neither were uniforms worn in the club, so he was impressed people didn’t pay that much attention.
“i mean, we could get some chocolate, however, this is a club, and i literally just gave you one that was part of my headache stash.“ he says, shoulders dramatically falling as he sighs. maybe, if jaehyun liked her enough and she became a regular, he would consider the possibility of actually getting some high class hot chocolate mix. but the girlie had to work on that quite a bit “glad you like it tho, haven’t made one in years. the staff usually just says they don’t do it, unless i’m around so, i guess it was your lucky day.“ he adds, leaning back off the counter and folding his arms over his chest.
“functional moron is better than non-functional so, i’ll take it as a win.“
❝ hot chocolate
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
“nothing says ‘welcome to manhood’ as perfectly as a skillful lapdance.“
❝ sentence starters edition, accepting
jaehyun stays still for a few long seconds as he lets the words sink, only then does he lift his head from the armrest of his livingroom couch. “you what when?” he asks, brows furrowed as he tries to figure out if he heard correctly. he is, about 99% sure that what he thought seungwoo said is exactly what he said, but it doesn’t hurt to make sure. “has the alcohol gotten to you? damn, you’re a lightweight.” the hitman says with a sigh and rests his head back on the armrest.
it was just the two of them in jaehyun’s fancy flat, the one her barely let people in, but after that many years, he was really sure seungwoo meant no harm. this had been an interesting turn of conversation, considering they were just drinking and chatting. “are you saying that’s how you walked into manhood or-” he pauses, eyes looking at the other hitman for a short second a teasing grin pulling on his lips. 
“or are you suggesting i need a skillful lapdance?“ jaehyun finishes his question, shifting on the couch so he was sitting up. maybe he should also stop drinking, but the conversation just had a very lovely turn and he planned on enjoying it as much as seungwoo allowed him to.
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
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This is a sentence starter meme for everyone! You’ll be able to reblog this meme until May 1st starting today, but feel free to continue answering memes after that if need be. Go wild with them and have a good time! Also feel free to use this for sentence starters or drabbles; the most important thing is to get everyone writing. Hopefully, it’ll spark some new plot ideas and interactions too!
Remember to reblog this if you’re interested in receiving a meme, and to send some to everyone that reblogs it, too! You’re welcome to skip over this if you’d like to; it’s by no means mandatory to reblog and participate. Most importantly, though, have fun!!
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
❝ hot chocolate
“hot.. chocolate?“ jaehyun asks the staff member that approached him while he was chilling behind the bar on his phone. it was still pretty early in the night, there weren’t many people in, and he allowed himself to be as little interested in working as he could. however, hot chocolate.. was not on the menu. it sparked his interest as he slipped his phone into the back pocket of his black suit pants. 
the owner gives a nod to his employee, raising his hand to tell him he will be taking this order. if it was coffee or something, he was more than sure he would be able to pull it off. they had a coffee machine. however, this was a tad more fun. jaehyun throws the girl a smile before turning to the said coffee machine, pouring milk into a large mug and steaming it. he was pretty sure she wouldn’t be impressed with their improvised method but it was better than nothing. while the milk was being heated, he reaches into one of the bottom shelves, pulling out a whole bar of chocolate. the mug is placed on the side, on a matching plate and jaehyun just.. breaks the chocolate bar and drops pieces of it into the steamed liquid. 
“you’re gonna excuse us, we don’t really do this.“ he says as he places the cup in front of the lady, whipped cream on top and cinnamon drizzled over. there was also a piece of said chocolate he had used on the side of the mug and a spoon. “i am pretty sure i mixed it well, but i could be wrong.“ jaehyun shrugs a bit, running a hand through his hair as he slides the drink to her. he is more than aware she just watched him make it, and he really.. actually wants to know if its any good.
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
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August 19, 2019 was a good day 👌🏼
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
❝ starters
❝ REPLY with a SONG and you shall receive a STARTER thank you. if your would like ACTUAL PLOTS or SENTENCE STARTERS, go HERE
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
— @crownxmi​​
jin dislikes kim jaehyun with a passion. if he wasn’t a criminal, they’d probably get along quite well - but he came close to his archenemy by now. he entered the bar without hesitation, passing the security guards with his badge, going straight towards jaehyun.
“we’re going to have a talk, now. i don’t care if you like it or not. and i also don’t care if you’re busy. now.” he nearly spits while talking, or rather shouting. he talks unnecessarily loud, just to piss the other off. “and there’s also no chance on me going in a room with you without checking if you have a gun on you. and if you refuse, i’m coming back in 15 minutes, but with a patrol car and a search warrant.”
to say that he’s annoyed is an understatement, he’s been playing this game for way too long now, way too long for his liking. it’s probably fun for jaehyun, knowing the detective has nothing against him except suspects.
“am i speaking spanish or why aren’t you reacting? you really want me to come back with my colleagues, huh?”
it hadn’t been long since moonwalkers opened, jaehyun was sure no more than a few years had passed since that amazing day. the club had pretty spotless reputations, apart from jaehyun and the bouncers kicking people out sometimes without a reason. however, it wasn’t his club that someone went missing not so long ago. he couldn’t wrap his head around why this annoying ass police officer was standing in front of him on a weekly basis.
he is a patient man, seokjin had gotten a lot less patient with him over the course of these usless search parties. if jaehyun cared enough, his feelings would have been hurt with how the other was acting, considering the fact that he has called the police on numerous occasions involving drug use and guns in his bar. however, he waits until the detective was finished with his little tantrum, rolling his eyes at his last question.
jaehyun raises his at the man, gently swirling the liquid in his glass before nodding his head ever so slightly, shoulder shrugging. “okay, we can go to my office.” he says, pointing over the counter to the door behind the bar. it almost makes him pout when the detective says he doesn’t trust him going in there. “i am upset, mr police officer. to think that i will be carrying a gun.“ he says with a click of his tongue as he stands up from the stool. 
the owner is wearing a pair of black ripped jeans and a white shirt, neatly tucked into said jeans. jaehyun thinks it was obvious there was no way he would be able to stick anything down those pants. however, he still takes out his phone and car keys from his back pockets, showing them to seokjin “you can still search me, but please do not make a scene. we may be closed still, but i have employees here.” he says, not worried about a thing in the world. he was more than used to these annoying situations.
❝ the demon’s head
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crownxmi ¡ 4 years
태연 (TAEYEON) - 사계 (Four Seasons)
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