crowsgold · 4 months
thinking about making a dumb dog play dead for me while I fuck him. Giving him little orders and commands (sit, speak, roll over) and using edibles as treats until hes all drippy and pliant.
Casually turning the air conditioner up enough to leave his skin cool to the touch, and telling him to lie down and play dead. Its a new command, so if my mutt needs a little help thats okay. I explain that any movement or noise would be met with a punishment mucn worse than whatever he was reacting to. Hes still.
I smile and pet his hair a second before my hands slide down his body. Nails leaving thin red lines across his torso as I marvel at how obedient he is. How gorgeous a corpse I have laid before me.
It doesnt take long before I'm rubbing lube over my cock and his cunt and slowly, methodically fucking him. I can see his muscles tense as he fights to lay still, and I give him one last reminder with a knife beneath his chin
"hold still. don't make me kill you for real, angel"
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crowsgold · 7 months
my friend, april, bleeding for me. oh the bloodlust
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crowsgold · 8 months
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crowsgold · 8 months
last night the dentist (faggy) was adjusting the cuff on my arm for the blood pressure machine and said "i'm making this tighter, i've been too nice to you" and like oh my god. oh my god. oh my god
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crowsgold · 8 months
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a little comic I did about a demon girl
edit: reuploaded the pictures! hopefully they work now
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crowsgold · 8 months
What if I forced little eggs into your cock, pushing each deeper with the next until they filled your bladder and balls? What if they wouldn't come out once they were in until they'd finished gestation, and your bladder had to fill around them, forcing you to pee frequently to relieve the pressure. What if they were soft and squishy, and moved around inside of you? What if it felt incredible? What if, once they were ready to come out, the ones in your bladder could only be flushed out with the pressure of pissing after holding to bursting, and the ones in your balls were only able to be laid when you cum, so you have to jack off in order to birth them? What if only one or two came out with each orgasm, so you were forced to hold and cum over and over and over again, dozens of times, hundreds, until they'd finally all been lain? What if you felt empty without them, so you sought me out in the darkness and begged me to give you more? What if you wanted them in your ass this time, or your stomach? What if you wanted bigger ones? What if you wanted more than last time? What if you wanted ones with different shapes, different textures, different firmness? What if I told you no?
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crowsgold · 8 months
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Open up, pup, don't keep me waiting
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crowsgold · 8 months
something something, addictive personality, aphrodisiacs, gambling, hypnokink, something something.... theres money here i think
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crowsgold · 8 months
".......with my clothes torn to rags, and her dagger pressed into my throat, she belts a cruel and amused laugh. ive been trapped, bested by my own rival in the game she was playing with me from the start. i spit at the hand that hangs my life in the balance, much to her utter joy. she loves to play with her food, after all. suddenly, she leans down to meet my neck, and in one swift motion, clenches her teeth around it, illiciting a pathetic noise from her prey. i shouldnt be enjoying this so much, and yet... she slides her waist against mine, moving the dagger to cut the scraps off my worn and beaten body. i feel her heat, and her "sword" scraping against my own, both in a dire state of hardness........"
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crowsgold · 8 months
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crowsgold · 8 months
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T e e f
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