crudelisx-archived · 6 years
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Blog-re-vamp complete! (For now!) Music player isn’t working for some odd reason.
Anyway! Please like or re-blog if you’d like to interact with Dark Link from OoT! Selective, mutuals only, super friendly mun !
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crudelisx-archived · 6 years
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Blog-re-vamp complete! (For now!) Music player isn’t working for some odd reason.
Anyway! Please like or re-blog if you’d like to interact with Dark Link from OoT! Selective, mutuals only, super friendly mun !
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crudelisx-archived · 6 years
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Blog-re-vamp complete! (For now!) Music player isn’t working for some odd reason.
Anyway! Please like or re-blog if you’d like to interact with Dark Link from OoT! Selective, mutuals only, super friendly mun !
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crudelisx-archived · 6 years
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Blog-re-vamp complete! (For now!) Music player isn’t working for some odd reason.
Anyway! Please like or re-blog if you’d like to interact with Dark Link from OoT! Selective, mutuals only, super friendly mun !
32 notes · View notes
crudelisx-archived · 6 years
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Blog-re-vamp complete! (For now!) Music player isn’t working for some odd reason.
Anyway! Please like or re-blog if you’d like to interact with Dark Link from OoT! Selective, mutuals only, super friendly mun !
32 notes · View notes
crudelisx-archived · 6 years
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Blog-re-vamp complete! (For now!) Music player isn’t working for some odd reason.
Anyway! Please like or re-blog if you’d like to interact with Dark Link from OoT! Selective, mutuals only, super friendly mun !
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crudelisx-archived · 6 years
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Blog-re-vamp complete! (For now!) Music player isn’t working for some odd reason.
Anyway! Please like or re-blog if you’d like to interact with Dark Link from OoT! Selective, mutuals only, super friendly mun !
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crudelisx-archived · 6 years
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Blog-re-vamp complete! (For now!) Music player isn’t working for some odd reason.
Anyway! Please like or re-blog if you’d like to interact with Dark Link from OoT! Selective, mutuals only, super friendly mun !
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crudelisx-archived · 6 years
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Blog-re-vamp complete! (For now!) Music player isn’t working for some odd reason.
Anyway! Please like or re-blog if you’d like to interact with Dark Link from OoT! Selective, mutuals only, super friendly mun !
32 notes · View notes
crudelisx-archived · 6 years
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Blog-re-vamp complete! (For now!) Music player isn’t working for some odd reason.
Anyway! Please like or re-blog if you’d like to interact with Dark Link from OoT! Selective, mutuals only, super friendly mun !
32 notes · View notes
crudelisx-archived · 6 years
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Blog-re-vamp complete! (For now!) Music player isn’t working for some odd reason.
Anyway! Please like or re-blog if you’d like to interact with Dark Link from OoT! Selective, mutuals only, super friendly mun !
32 notes · View notes
crudelisx-archived · 6 years
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Blog-re-vamp complete! (For now!) Music player isn’t working for some odd reason.
Anyway! Please like or re-blog if you’d like to interact with Dark Link from OoT! Selective, mutuals only, super friendly mun !
32 notes · View notes
crudelisx-archived · 6 years
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Blog-re-vamp complete! (For now!) Music player isn’t working for some odd reason.
Anyway! Please like or re-blog if you’d like to interact with Dark Link from OoT! Selective, mutuals only, super friendly mun !
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crudelisx-archived · 6 years
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{ So I’m thinking of archiving this blog and moving it to a fresh, new blog… ; v;
Any input on this idea? }
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{ Starting my blog move. This is the most followers I’ve had on a blog, ever. (Plumeria almost passed Darkie Poo up super duper fast but some funky shit happened and eh)
See you all on my new blog ! }
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crudelisx-archived · 6 years
Do you mean: Great Bay Temple?
{ Also yes }
0 notes
crudelisx-archived · 6 years
Oh okay what about whatever unbelievable jackass who designed Stone Tower?
{ Stone Tower did nothing wrong.
Now, OoT Water Temple. . . Did EVERYTHING WRONG }
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crudelisx-archived · 6 years
Figures, the one thing to destroy Darkie would be the three goddesses themselves.
{ Tumblr staff doesn’t even DESERVE to be compared to the three goddesses.
Not. One. Bit. }
0 notes