cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
remade this account HERE and i’m still adding muses as i make icons and stuff, but if follow please??? i’ll be continuing only one or two threads from here, but other than that i’m SO up for some plotting!
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
indefinite hiatus.
with classes approaching really soon i’m putting this account on hold! for now i’ll be on my single muse account here, as it’ll be easier navigating just one muse rather than a bunch. i do love my muses on here though -- as well as the mumu community, so i will be coming back to it, i just dont know when. 
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
why should i resolve things peacefully when i can fucking punch you in the face
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
replied from here.
as soon as he’d noticed ariadne’s form slinking out of her room and towards the exit that would grant her broad daylight, nicias knew he had to follow. there was a likeness he shared with her that caused a protective impulse to rise from him. as she stood now, facing him with that determined look in her eyes and an expression that pleaded him to understand, nicias could feel his resolve sinking. his shoulders sagged in defeat as he took a quick look around to make sure no one was following them. ❛ fine,❜ he whispered softly, ❛ but only for a couple of hours and i am coming with you. ❜ he moved to make for the door, giving her a wry smile, ❛ don’t believe for one second both of our fathers won’t double our guard if they notice we’ve disappeared. ❜
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
replied from here.
with his arms crossed against his chest, jason eyed the blonde warily,  ❛ glaring at the door, obviously, isn’t working. ❜ he moved towards the door, careful not to brush against her, before crouching to level himself with the lock. he breathed out a resigned breath and trained his gaze on lucy, ❛ any good reasons you’re on a rambo-esque mission to kill these guys? ❜ he jerked his head towards the door, gesturing to the small group of gang militia outside ; the same group that had trapped them inside their current confinement.
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
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❛ it takes grace to be kind in cruel situations. ❜
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
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general mythology: werewolves
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
like as much as i love icons and a good psd, sometimes its just tasking to do. and not everyone has great resources. so if you’re okay with having threads with no icons, please reblog this so that people know you’re okay with it. i feel like roleplayers today are too focused on the aesthetics and won’t follow people who use base icons or even none at all. it’s not about icons, but about the writing !!
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
tag drop for jason!
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
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    had she not been so immersed in the folder of patient records in her hands, carine would’ve noticed the presence of her wife a split second before she entered the office. nevertheless, she preferred the sweet surprise, her lips stretching into a full, unrestrained smile.
                ❛ good afternoon, beautiful. ❜
    she set aside the records, smoothly crouching into a kneel to level herself with esme’s familiar golden eyes. carine’s cold hands reached forward, settling on each of esme’s and she gave a tight little squeeze.  ❛ you arrived just in time. there’s hardly much more to do today and i believe i owe you more than only ten minutes. ❜ it didn’t escape carine’s notice that her wife’s breathing had become less and less human with each passing moment. the hospital and all its temptations was her penance for . . . what she was. she never expected, never intended for anyone else to put themselves within an inch of all the cuts, blood bags and syringes.
    for esme to be here, willingly in this environment for the simple act of being familial and loving, it meant the world to carine. and she didn’t want her lovely wife to be in any more discomfort. whether it be big or small.
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     taking a seat in the well worn leather chair behind the desk in carine’s office , esme idly swung side to side as she waited. even after all these decades , entering the hospital was difficult for her ; the tantalizing scent of human blood only slightly dulled by the antiseptic cleanliness that seemed to permeate the building itself. years made the desire bearable , though esme found she would breathe less when inside the walls of the hospital. 
even still , esme was nothing if not a hopeless romantic , and enjoyed surprising her wife at work from time to time. especially lately , as esme had seldom seen carine , as she had seemed to spend days on end at work. of course , she couldn’t treat her to lunch like normal human couples , but it was the thought that counted. the sound of carine’s familiar gait had esme perched on the edge of her chair , nearly buzzing with anticipation when the door swung open.
     ❛ surprise ! ❜ she called softly , a soft smile alighting her features at the sight of her beloved.
@cruelgrace​ ♥’d
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
HONESTLY, thinking about Carine and Esme gives me life. Like…
After Esme’s newborn period, Carine the “nighttime matron of the arts” CLEARLY never stood a chance against Esme the Architect Extraordinaire
But it’s the 1920s, so Carine struggles with her own internalized homophobia from her father’s teachings and her cognizance of the trauma Esme has experienced
So during a hunt in early 1924, Esme ends up grabbing Carine by her scarf, shoving her up against a tree, and showing her what’s what
(Carine will never be the same. Her scarf won’t also, because Esme ripped it in her haste.)
Ed is intensely relieved that s/he no longer has to listen to the Carine and Esme Angsty Lesbian Mom Radio Show anymore
They pose as “““sisters””” everywhere they go, but the towns usually catch on fairly quickly
The pictures Carine keeps on her desk at work are always a little too obvious, but she’s 300 years too old to worry about being entirely closeted when her coworkers could find out that vampires exist instead
In the 1980s, Carine and Esme move between NYC and San Francisco, working with the LGBT community during the AIDs crisis. Esme coordinates housing & sex education for homeless LGBT youth while Carine works in any clinics she can
Carine steals Esme’s clothes always, because Carine only buys trousers and pencil skirts and stiff button-downs, but Esme has the most glorious collection of leggings and sweatshirts and fuzzy socks
(She buys in duplicates because she knows Carine will steal them)
They both discourage violence, but once they start posing as committed same-sex foster mothers, they turn a blind eye to the first “lesson” Emmett and Rosalie teach to whichever kid inevitably tries to make fun of the Cullen kids’ two moms in each town after a while
They have a commitment ceremony in 1925, but Alice insists they have a vacation to Boston in 2004
(They’re legally married four days after same-sex marriage is legalized in Massachusetts in 2004.)
When Edythe brings home Bella (she’s nervous and unsure about everything but Edythe’s thirst for her blood of course), Esme takes her under her wing and helps Renee bring Charlie (who’s just ignorant, but not malicious) around to the idea of having a lesbian daughter
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
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fixed up my theme + added a handful of new muses! i know i owe a starter or two and some replies + i’ll get to them tomorrow! for now peace out.  😴 😴 😴
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
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Relationship Aesthetic  ➙ requested by anon ;; { vampire prince / princess }
who says drinking blood together has to be something r o m a n t i c
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cruelgraces-blog · 7 years
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Sacristia Mayor by saul1494 on Flickr.
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