crush-suggest · 4 years
that soft kind of love where we melt at just one look at each other
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crush-suggest · 4 years
What if we were both little felt mice...would u wear a matching outfit and collect flowers with me? 🥺👉👈
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crush-suggest · 4 years
oh god i miss you
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crush-suggest · 4 years
The joy you bring to my life is incomparable ♡
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crush-suggest · 4 years
i want to tell the universe that you’re mine
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crush-suggest · 4 years
i dont know how i ever thought i knew what love was before you
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crush-suggest · 4 years
being known is being loved
"i know your pizza order" "you have freckles on your ears" "you make this face when you're tired" "you order green tea on a good day black on a bad day" "you always make that face before you try something" "the tips of your ears turn red when you're angry" "i knew you'd say something" "you must be exhausted to miss the class" "your favorite pie is pumpkin, right?" "i know your phone number, don't worry" "you miss me, i can tell" "you fiddle with your pens when you're bored" "you don't like converse unless they're high tops" "your favorite cereal is cinnamon toast crunch and you first ate it when you were 8"
being known is being loved.
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crush-suggest · 4 years
still hopelessly in love with you
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crush-suggest · 4 years
confide your deepest secrets in me
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crush-suggest · 4 years
I can’t wait to meet you and cuddle and play with your hair
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crush-suggest · 4 years
wish i was kissing you instead of thinking about you
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crush-suggest · 4 years
• “If Moses had seen the way my friend’s face blushes when he’s drunk, and his beautiful curls and wonderful hands, he would not have written in his Torah: do not lie with a man” (rabbi yehuda al-harizi/judah ben solomon harizi, book of taḥkemoni)
• “The number of hours we have together is actually not so large. Please linger near the door uncomfortably instead of just leaving. Please forget your scarf in my life and come back later for it.” ( Mikko Harvey, from “For M,” Foundry)
• I want to stay on the back porch / while the world tilts / toward sleep, until what I love /misses me, and calls me in. (Dorianne Laux, from “On the Back Porch,” Only As the Day Is Long: New and Selected Poems )
• “I am sitting at my kitchen table waiting for my lover to arrive with lettuce and tomatoes and rum and sherry wine and a big floury loaf of bread in the fading sunlight. Coffee is percolating gently, and my mood is mellow. I have been very happy lately, just wallowing in it selfishly, knowing it will not last very long, which is all the more reason to enjoy it now.” (Tennessee Williams, from a letter to Donald Windham)
•I cannot write about Damascus, without the jasmine climbing on my fingers. I cannot say Her name, without my mouth getting overcrowded with apricot juice, blackberries and quince” (Nizar Qabbani, A Green Lantern on Damascus’ Door)
• "Put your heart in it" "My heart's with you. I don't have it anymore” (Dear Ex, 2018)
• "Why did you call me at the office today?" "I had nothing to do. I wanted to hear your voice." (In The Mood For Love, 2000)
• I've dreamt about you nearly every night this week (Arctic Monkeys)
• This tweet
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• Sharing a bubble bath on a rainy day, Santa Cruz, February 2015.
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• Chungking Express (1994)
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crush-suggest · 4 years
my heart is so full of you, I can hardly call it mine
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crush-suggest · 4 years
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crush-suggest · 4 years
i know i call you bro and dude but i’m legitimately very in love with you and i’m trying to call you dear and my love and darling without making it obvious how head over heels i am for you
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crush-suggest · 4 years
i knew i was in love when i said "thank you for putting up with me" and he said "when you say putting up with you it doesnt feel right. i dont know how to explain it. but im not putting up with you. im building with you."
send me the moment you realized you were in love
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crush-suggest · 4 years
im sorry that you had to build a barrier between yourself and the world in order to survive it. but please, learn to let people help you. it may take time to take off your exoskeleton, but when you do you will see how much the people you love, love you too.
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