crushedherbs · 4 days
Once, years ago, I emerged from the woods in the early morning at the end of a walk and—it was the most casual of moments—as I stepped from under the trees into the mild, pouring-down sunlight I experienced a sudden impact, a seizure of happiness. It was not the drowning sort of happiness, rather the floating sort. I made no struggle toward it; it was given. Time seemed to vanish. Urgency vanished. Any important difference between myself and all other things vanished.
Mary Oliver, from "The Perfect Day" in Long Life: Essays & Other Writings
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crushedherbs · 6 days
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swimming in the dark, tomasz jedrowski // normafa, budapest
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crushedherbs · 13 days
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"And then I saw my entrance into Paradise and I had no words of its beauty..."
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crushedherbs · 24 days
feathers and blood on the ground
bright light in many colors
angels singing and writhing
crying with joy and trees and flowers
and the water becomes a flood
and the stage, the kingdom of Heaven
here tonight, under the cafe
here tonight, on concrete
our world is made
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crushedherbs · 26 days
the only son
the cosmic lamb
staring up, seeing spirals
of a dygogram
with myrrh incense
but churning yet, a maelstrom
holy pestilence
his body still
locked in a wave
jaw gnashing, chewing blood and
gnawing in his grave
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crushedherbs · 27 days
storm upon this earth
rain and thunder befall it
i promise you love
or whatever you call it
i promise you safety
at the fairest of price
deny me not prayer
nor sacrifice
my hand reaches out
across the dead sea
you must dedicate
in deliverance to me
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crushedherbs · 1 month
water spirit's lover
plays the fiddle at the throat of the creek
sing together forever
a little tune of peace
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crushedherbs · 1 month
what you hate is a ghost which
posssessses you
and acts on the world
in cruel and secret ways
and you resist it but
avalanches of agony twist you
into betraying yourself
to the end of days
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crushedherbs · 1 month
corn field
ancient beast
seeping up
from the tilled earth.
orange moon
distant hills
closing in
on the valley.
kirk bell
howling dog
echoes around
when the sun sinks.
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crushedherbs · 1 month
a red cross on the moon,
the star shivers and explodes
across the sky.
imagine how far away
the end of it felt
at the beginning.
as white salt rain
evaporates the sea
i find an old love letter.
can you tell me now
what you held back
when we dreamed?
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crushedherbs · 1 month
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Standing there still, at the turn in the path — your blurry eyes, always looking back.
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crushedherbs · 2 months
i am pierced by four stakes
and divided into eight pieces.
the light is blinding,
i am god burning on the hill.
i am the queen's waiting snakes
and the priest of Utu's thesis.
the way back to Akkad is winding.
i am your severed will.
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crushedherbs · 2 months
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The Tiger (from the poem by Nael, age 6)🐅
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crushedherbs · 2 months
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hanif abdurraqib
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crushedherbs · 2 months
“The physiotherapist came to Maman's bed, turned down the sheet and took hold of her left leg: Maman had an open hospital nightdress on and she did not mind that her wrinkled belly, criss-crossed with tiny lines, and her bald pubis showed. 'I no longer have any sort of shame,' she observed in a surprised voice. ‘You are perfectly right not to have any,' I said. But I turned away and gazed fixedly into the garden. The sight of my mother's nakedness had jarred me. No body existed less for me: none existed more. As a child I had loved it dearly; as an adolescent it had filled me with an uneasy repulsion: all this was perfectly in the ordinary course of things and it seemed reasonable to me that her body should retain its dual nature, that it should be both repugnant and holy - a taboo. But for all that, I was astonished at the violence of my distress. My mother's indifferent acquiescence made it worse: she was abandoning the exigencies and prohibitions that had oppressed her all her life long and I approved of her doing so. Only this body, suddenly reduced by her capitulation to being a body and nothing more, hardly differed at all from a corpse - a poor defenceless carcass turned and manipulated by professional hands, one in which life seemed to carry on only because of its own stupid momentum. For me, my mother had always been there, and I had never seriously thought that some day, that soon I should see her go. Her death, like her birth, had its place in some legendary time. When I said to myself 'She is of an age to die’ the words were devoid of meaning, as so many words are. For the first time I saw her as a dead body under suspended sentence.”
—Simone de Beauvoir, A Very Easy Death (1964)
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crushedherbs · 3 months
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crushedherbs · 4 months
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("I exist in two places: here and where you are")
Suzanne Buffam, "Vanishing Interior"
Sufjan Stevens, "The Only Thing"
Rene Ricard, "And Then I Tried"
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