crutiatus · 5 years
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crutiatus · 5 years
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Bats 😍🦇
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crutiatus · 5 years
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Credit: IG @ aycarter
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crutiatus · 5 years
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crutiatus · 5 years
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crutiatus · 5 years
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Cellulose nitrate was used to make dice from the late 1860s until the middle of the twentieth century, and the material remains stable for decades. Then, in a flash, they can dramatically decompose. Nitric acid is released in a process called outgassing. The dice cleave, crumble, and then implode.
From Dice: Deception, Fate & Rotten Luck by Ricky Jay and Rosamond Purcell, 2002.
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crutiatus · 5 years
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It makes it all the better cuz I’m reading HGG now :D
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crutiatus · 5 years
“Ford… you’re turning into a penguin. Stop it.”
— Douglas Adams
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crutiatus · 5 years
My love of Douglas Adams drove me to discover h2g2.com twenty years ago this fall. I spent many active years on the site before drifting off, and made dozens of friends there that I still chat with regularly. One of those friends also shares my love of Star Trek, and since she lives in England, wasn’t able to get the Star Trek 50th anniversary edition of Entertainment Weekly when it came out a couple years ago. So I sent her one. But I wanted to make a little surprise package for her, so I included a few small cross stitches. This is one of them, and when I finished it I immediately wanted to make a second one for myself, but I’ve never gotten around to doing it. I still love this piece. Earth pattern from Cross Stitch Crazy magazine, alphabet by me.
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crutiatus · 5 years
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crutiatus · 5 years
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Inktober Day 12: Whale
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy  
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crutiatus · 5 years
In the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the supercomputer “Deep Thought” is built by a race of hyper-intelligent alien beings to determine the answer to “life, the universe, and everything.” Deep Thought determines that the answer is, somewhat anticlimatically, “42”.
This sounds like a joke, but is there more to this answer?
Douglas Adams was an unabashed computer nerd and knew a heck of a lot about programming language and coding. In programming, an asterisk is commonly used to translate as “whatever you want to be”. In ASCII language, the most basic computer software, “42” is the designation for an asterisk. A computer, Deep Thought, was asked what the true meaning of life was. It answered as a computer would: 42 = “anything you want to be.” Genius.
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crutiatus · 5 years
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crutiatus · 5 years
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Wallpapers from Monstress #13
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crutiatus · 5 years
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She bashfully turns away from your glance but all the while her eyes still manage to burn into you
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crutiatus · 5 years
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Sleeping Beauty Woken by Snow White’s Kiss
Neil Gaiman’s children’s book, The Sleeper and the Spindle, is a richly illustrated collaboration with artist Chris Riddell that retells the story of Sleeping Beauty. But this time the princess is rescued not by a prince’s kiss, but by a queen’s.
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crutiatus · 5 years
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Chunae (blog)
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