crybaby123 · 1 year
happy to update that after ryan accidentally showed his production laptop password in the latest debrief, we changed it and the password is no longer “watcher” 
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crybaby123 · 1 year
hi! um. who is mae kent?
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Mae Kent aka Matrix was the Supergirl during the late 80s to 90s. When Kara died during the Infinite Crisis, people still wanted Supergirl because she was so popular.
However, after Crisis on Infinite Earths editorial wanted Clark to be the last surviving Kryptonian again because ooohhh angst only survivor he's the only one left blah blah blah. Which means, no other Kryptonians allowed! But. People still wanted Supergirl.
This is how Kon started as well. They want to have Superboy, but he can't be Kryptonian, so they made him a lab engineered clone with tactile telekinesis to perfectly mimic Superman.
And Supergirl? With Supergirl we got Mae.
Mae was a "protoplasmic shapeshifting life form" created by Lex Luthor from an alternative universe. The universe was dying so Lex sent Mae, back then still just Matrix Supergirl, to Clark's universe. Clark brought Mae to his parents and they welcomed her and basically adopted her as their daughter. They were the ones who dub her Mae Kent.
(seems familair lmfao? this is why I LOVE Kon and Mae as a duo like THE PARALLELS the fact that you're a Super and a Kent but not a Kryptonian ough)
A bunch of shit happened after this. Mae impersonates Clark! Mae falls in love with this universe's Lex Luthor! Mae joins the New Titans for a hot minute! You have to read it for yourself for which i recommend this and this as reading guides (I'm in the process of making one myself too ( • ̀ω•́ )✧).
And then - Supergirl 1996 happens. Shit gets even weirder. Mae saves a girl's life - Linda Danvers - by fusing with her. The two become one. Linda and Mae, as one combined Supergirl, become an earthborn angel of fire.
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(this too is yuri)
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(my favourite cover)
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(as the earthborn angel of fire ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚)
I am reading it right now and it is genuinely really good I am having a blast. Huge recommend ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´- !!!
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crybaby123 · 1 year
An Elephant Makes Love To a Pig is a great episode, it's just 20 minutes of Cartman and Kyle being dumbasses together. And it's so funny when Kyle's the one being ridiculous and Cartman argues with him for having such a dumb idea, in most episodes its the reverse
Kyle: . . .what if we crossbreed a elephant with a pot belly pig?
Cartman: that's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard
Kyle: okay but imagine if we could make tiny elephants
Cartman: no this is stupid!!
Kyle:. . . Yeah but, think about it, tiny elephants
Cartman: . . . . .okay fine I'll go get Fluffy
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crybaby123 · 1 year
Dick Grayson and Body Image: A Thread
I’ve heard people call Dick Grayson the sex symbol of DC. Ever since the era of DCYou and Rebirth, along with some selective Pre-52 material, he’s been characterized to know how good he looks. He wins over women, he walks around shirtless, he uses his sex appeal to gain info.
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But what these people don’t know is that this is actually a HUGE mischaracterization. Here’s a thread about how Dick’s personality and views of himself have changed to fit a sexualized agenda, rather than staying true to his character.
Let’s begin with the Pre-Crisis era.
Dick first began to show an aversion to the sexualization of his body in Tales of the Teen Titans, which was his primary book at the time. Here Tara’s ‘compliments’ are met with a brief thanks before he reminds her of his modesty.
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This would continue into the edge of Pre-Crisis and Post-Crisis, with a sense awkwardness for any sort of joke involving his body or appearance. At this point he and Kory have been dating for a number of years, but Dick still seems embarrassed with a comment such as this one.
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In The New Titans, a disguised Dick says to Kory that he’s “pretty conservative” about nudity, and she replies that he must learn how to accept himself.
“Easier said than done.”
This reveals that Dick actually struggles with an insecurity regarding his body.
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When what’s generally known as the Pre-52 era of Post-Crisis rolls around, Dick never overtly admits his struggles like he did with Kory.
But there are several instances where he is clearly uncomfortable with people sexualizing him or pointing out his appearance.
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Both of these instances fall within Nightwing (1996). Similar comments are made, and both times, his response is exasperated and uninterested.
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Unfortunately, Nightwing (1996) is also tainted by the hand of Devin Grayson, who plays a role in the new wave of sexualizing Dick and portraying him as a womanizer. But this just goes to show that even despite that, there were still hints regarding how he could care less.
Dick Grayson being the sex symbol of DC makes no sense when you consider his character history before the work of Devin Grayson and Tim Seeley, among others. Dick is also an incredibly monogamous person to whom love means a lot. But that’s another thread for the future.
The point here is that he should still be appreciated as a character with his insecurities and struggles meaning something. Tossing that away in order to appeal to the people who truly believe Dick thinks himself all that is a complete disrespect to his development.
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crybaby123 · 1 year
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crybaby123 · 1 year
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everyone shut up and look at these pictures of Sparky and Stan
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crybaby123 · 1 year
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A Beautiful Sadness part 1
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A Beautiful Sadness part 2 South Park/South Paws 🐾
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crybaby123 · 1 year
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fxxk emos
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crybaby123 · 1 year
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I think it's so nice to know that my tumblr niche of making art of the goth kids from South Park is being appreciated :)
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crybaby123 · 1 year
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only 8 months til christmas
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crybaby123 · 1 year
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ah. Amour. 
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crybaby123 · 1 year
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kids who smoke
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crybaby123 · 1 year
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Phew, this took me so long, but I'm really happy with how all these came out! There's a couple oddballs in these line ups, so I'll just go ahead and explain some less direct headcanons: So Tara is just the name I gave to that one random background goth girl in season 8 episode 7, cause I thought her design was really cute and I wanted to draw her, and then I thought since Stan's goth name is Raven, I could name her Tara and now I have the dumb little headcanon that Stan and her wrote "My Immortal" (Since that fanfic was written by two girls named Tara and Raven) I also headcanon her as Michael's younger adoptive sister who he doesn't let hang out with his friends cause he thinks she's a poser. and Alexandra Cartman is Cartman's cousin from Season 2 episode 16, I really like the idea of her meeting and being friends with Shelley and Kevin. (I also headcanon her as trans cause I like to think she told Cartman about transgender people before "The Cissy" and that's why he had some accurate information despite clearly not really knowing much more than surface level stuff, and then she pushes him into a snowbank for the stunt he pulls ) I also drew the goth kids (and Ike, Karen and Tricia) WAY before the PC specials came out, so their designs don't really have any influence from their canon adult designs. Which is kind of a shame cause I really liked Firkle's post covid design being a big beefy tatted up punk, but I'm too attached to my little rat version of Firkle to make any changes lol.
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crybaby123 · 1 year
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South park shenanigans (P1???)
Keep reading
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crybaby123 · 1 year
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You are not immune to the TikTok South Park propaganda
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crybaby123 · 1 year
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oops all craig and tweek
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crybaby123 · 1 year
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cryde as bff
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