crybabydemcn · 1 year
I’m always too much
or never enough.
       maybe it’s neither.
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
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Dipper你先把貓耳拿下吧(X) (又是日常)
我還是試著用英文了 _(:з」∠)_ 有奇怪的地方就算了,反正沒有劇情應該看得懂
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
They’ll have to:
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
Answer that question.
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
Send your character's height and I'll compare it to mine.
Using this site
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
                    go on.                         UNDERESTIMATE ME.
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
Tell my muse (on anon or not) in vivid detail how your muse would torture, kill, or punish them.
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
Send “Forgot to Knock” for Your Muse to walk in on Mine stripping out of their clothes..
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
Send ❓  and my muse will answer all questions honestly.    
Does my muse trust yours?   
Does my muse dislike yours?
Would my muse kill someone for yours?
Would my muse kill your muse?
Would my muse save yours? 
Does my muse find your muse attractive? 
Is my muse disgusted by yours? 
would my muse go on a date with your muse?  
would my muse kiss yours?  
would my muse betray yours?   
my muse’s favorite thing about yours is ____
the thing my muse dislikes about yours is_____
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
tumblr text post inbox memes   ♡   a series of sentence prompts taken from random text posts online.  feel free to change anything as needed.  happy writing!
“i am awake but at what cost?”
“am i cute? no. but do i have a nice personality? also no.’
“do people miss me? i can’t imagine myself as a person others think about.’
“i’m so tired but i’ll probably be awake until 3am for no reason.”
“do you ever just go “wow, i have a lot of repressed anger”?”
“i made fun of spirits living in my house and they revenged.”
“my kink is when people admit i was right.”
‘nothing is real and then all of a sudden, everything is very real with no warning.”
“too many songs about love. not enough songs about sword fights.”
‘i am not the same person i was 18 minutes ago.”
“nobody likes me.”
“stop making me laugh, i’m gonna fall in love.”
“british people be like: i’m bri-ish.”
“i miss the old you, the you who cared about me.”
“someone hold my hand and do that little thumb rubby thingy.”
“anyways, good night. i’m gonna go indulge in my unrealistic romantic fantasies until i fall asleep.’
“how do i stop growing up? this isn’t fun anymore.”
“i have nothing to say but will i shut up? no.”
“i, personally, would love to calm down, and yet-”
“you know you can die from that?”
“i hate arguing. i just wanna talk it out..”
‘i’ll get over it. i just gotta be dramatic first.”
“i am painfully aware that i am no one’s favourite person.” 
“i’m not ignoring you, i just don’t know what to say to you.’
“f you’re not amazed by the stars on a clear night then we won’t work.”
“in the mood to delete everything, go missing for a month, get my life together and come back.’
“love is a fucking scam.”
“i’m not looking for a relationship, i’m looking for a bottle of vodka.”
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
Come into my inbox and give my muse a kiss for any reason!
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
Give my character a "character shaming" label
(i.e. ‘I ate all he cookies in the house and lied about it with crumbs over my face’)
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
fantasy / royalty vibes … sentence starters  feel free to change up species names / phrasing to suit your needs
“It’s the work of a curse, your highness.”
“Your highness, we need to get you inside.”
“Shall we haul him/her/them off to the dungeons?”
“I will not have such beasts roaming my kingdom!”
“I shall begin a war with whom I wish, magicks or not!”
“The guards say they’ve seen a dragon to the North…”
“There’s a strange sound coming from the catacombs.”
“Have we no courageous knights left to slay the beast?”
“They betrothed me to a dwarf. But, I refuse to be wed.”
“Perhaps we should beseech the elves. They may help us!”
“As a ruler, you have the choice to be merciful to such beings.”
“You are a merciless tyrant. And I curse you to my final breath.”
“With all due respect, you know nothing of ruling such creatures.”
“Surely we cannot stay there. People whisper that he is a… vampire.”
“I wonder, would you make deals with devils to protect your kingdom?”
“I know these lands better than most. I needn’t an army to defend me.”
“There’s nothing wise in starting a war with the magical, your highness.”
“Must we invite the fae, your majesty? They always cause such trouble.”
“And she claimed she saw mermaids in the moat. I don’t think she’s well.”
“It’s not bandits you need fear out here. There’s creatures more dangerous.”
“A ruler such as yourself should not play with powers you do not understand.”
“They townsfolk, they mutter about you, highness. They say you are not human.”
“The halls of this castle are rumored haunted. Are you sure you wish to stay here?”
“You have already ensured there is no place for beings such as us before your throne.”
“A royal like you shouldn’t be out here. These woods are rumored to be full of nightmarish monsters.”
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
Fluffy sleepy prompts
A long long while ago I made some prompts for muses needing sleep, and now here I am making more sleep prompts but this time with some warm and fluffy vibes!! Feel free to edit how you see fit!
“Come snuggle with me!”
“I bought the biggest blanket I could find so now we don’t have to worry about stealing blankets from each other!”
“Geez you feel so cold. Let me warm you up.”
“Pillow fight!”
“It’s too early to get up. Let’s stay a little longer.”
“And just like that, when I’m all comfortable, my bladder makes its presence known.”
“You need a break from all that work. Come lay down.”
“You know you talk in your sleep?”
“No, stay where you are. I’ll bring you some coffee.”
“Don’t think I don’t notice you yawning. I think it’s time for some rest.”
“Hey, I get it. It takes me a while to fall asleep too.”
“You must have been tired. You fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.”
“Sweet dreams, love.”
“I’m so glad you’re back home. I missed having you next to me at night.”
“Do you think counting sheep together will help us fall asleep?”
“You always have the most peaceful look on your face when you sleep.”
“You fell asleep right on my shoulder. Haha, no, no don’t feel bad. I thought it was rather cute.”
“You looked too comfortable to wake up.”
“I’m so sleepy…”
“Babe… shh.. don’t worry about all of that. You need to rest.”
“Wanna hear about the weird dream I had last night?”
“Did you sleep well?”
[HAIR] - For sender to stroke receiver’s hair until they fall asleep
[SHOULDER] - For receiver to notice sender falling asleep on their shoulder
[WARM] - For sender to share warm milk with receiver before they go to bed
[CUDDLE] - For both muses to cuddle up next to each other in bed
[CARRY] - For sender to carry receiver to bed
[DESK] - For receiver to find sender asleep at their desk after working nonstop
[CONVERSATION] - for both muses to have a late night conversation as they lay next to each other
[HUM] - For sender to hum a calming tune while cuddled up next to receiver
[PILLOW FORT] - For both muses to get comfy in a pillow fort they built
[ACTION] + reverse for the roles to be reversed!
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
Give my muse a nickname. They will tell yours whether they’ll let you call them that or not.
For multi-muse blogs, specify which muse.
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
send 🛑 to clean blood off of my muse after they protected yours.
add + to reverse so receiver is the one cleaning blood off sender.
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
prompts for specific scenarios that make me chef’s kiss 
can be used as starter or plotting prompts! 
1) one muse putting their hand over the other’s mouth while they have sex.
2) our muses with unspoken feelings forced to share a bed and end up cuddling. 
3) our muses have unspoken feelings but one of them is upset so the other holds them.
4) our muses have a very strong bond, but haven’t admitted to romantic feelings and one of them just comes and cuddles up to the other for comfort. 
5) sender is in a vulnerable state and the only person they trust is receiver,  who approaches them to try and help. 
6) receiver is in a vulnerable state and the only person they trust is sender,  who approaches them to try and help. 
7) our muses shower together after something traumatic for comfort and emotional intimacy, bonus points if they aren’t even together romantically yet. 
8) receiver’s muse kills someone to protect sender’s muse.  sender approaches to gently calm them down.
9) sender’s muse kills someone to protect receiver’s muse. receiver approaches to gently calm them down.
10) one muse has been brainwashed and the other one refuses to hurt them,  trying to bring them back with a gentle touch. 
11) muses who aren’t together yet or simply have a gruff/sof dynamic: sender’s muse is upset and receiver’s sits next to them,  leading to sender leaning against them and finally breaking down. 
12) muses who aren’t together yet or simply have a gruff/sof dynamic: receiver’s muse is upset and sender’s sits next to them,  leading to receiver leaning against them and finally breaking down. 
13) one muse is sporting injuries,  the other takes a hold of their face and demands to know who did it so they can take revenge. 
14) our muses aren’t together yet but one of them asks the other to stay the night so they won’t be alone. 
15) our muses aren’t together yet but one of them insists on staying the night so they won’t be alone. bonus points if its to protect them. 
16) gruff muse is being grumpy and the other one just crawls into their lap and kisses them. 
17) softer muse makes the first move for sex and rides or tops the gruffer one who looks at them like they just found god. 
18) one muse has just killed for the first time and the other more experienced muse is there to help them in the aftermath. 
19) one muse is dangerous and has a soft spot for the other one, who approaches them to prevent them from hurting someone. 
20) receivers muse is touch starved and sender gives them affection they aren’t used to. 
21) sender’s muse is touch starved and receiver gives them affection they aren’t used to. 
22) receiver’s muse is the first person sender’s muse turns to and hugs after something traumatic happens. 
23) sender’s muse is first person receiver’s muse turns to and hugs after something traumatic happens. 
24) one muse shows up at the other’s doorstep looking for comfort.
25) one muse shows up at the other’s doorstep because they need help and are in danger. 
26) one muse thinks the other is going to hurt them but instead they protect them. 
27) dangerous or antagonistic muse gently caresses the other’s face who is surprised by their affection. 
28) one muse is in danger and the other, who is usually antagonistic, shows up to help them. 
29) dangerous or antagonistic muse is gently caressed by the other,  surprising them with affection they aren’t accustomed to. 
30) one muse sees the other’s scars for the first time. 
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crybabydemcn · 1 year
memory prompts
Send [ blue ] for a sad memory.
Send [ yellow ] for a happy memory.
Send [ red ] for an angry or aggressive memory.
Send [ green ] for a guilty or jealous memory.
Send [ pink ] for a sweet memory.
Send [ orange ] for a funny or silly memory.
Send [ purple ] for a melancholy memory.
Send [ grey ] for a neutral memory.
Send [ rose ] for a lovesick memory.
Send [ indigo ] for a bittersweet memory.
Send [ charcoal ] for a mysterious memory. 
Send [ mahogany ] for a materialistic memory.
Send [ ginger ] for a nostalgic memory.
Send [ umber ] for a repressed memory.
Send [ obsidian ] for a traumatic memory.
Send [ rainbow ] for a LGBT+ related memory.
Send [ fuchsia ] for a blissful memory.
Send [ ivory ] for a memory from a dream.
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